scholarly journals Inwektywa jest kobietą. Socjolingwistyczne determinanty inwektywizacji języka na przykładzie haseł protestowych ze Strajku Kobiet 2020

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 259-269
Julia Klyus ◽  

Invective is a woman. Sociolinguistic determinants of verbal aggressiveness on protest signs from the 2020 Women’s Strike protests in Poland. The article provides an outline of the sociolinguistic, cultural and linguistic determinants of the use of colloquialisms in the modern Polish language. 37 protest signs from the 2020 Women’s Strike in Poland with an invective meaning semantically related to specific people and organizations were analyzed. In order to analyze the similarities and differences between the presented examples, the semantic field method was used. Based on the specific characteristics of the analyzed expressions, 13 semantic microfields were distinguished. The innovativeness of the study consists in looking at the invective not only as an example of using verbal aggressiveness, but also as a peculiar wordplay which, paradoxically, may facilitate communication and relieve tension. Keywords: invectives, protest signs, Women’s Strike, linguistic picture of the world, semantic fields

Stefan Zdravković ◽  
Ivan Jovanović

In this article are analysed French and Serbian phrasemes with names of birds by using the contrastive approach in order to show all the similarities and differences that appear on semantic and linguocultural plan. The subject of our research consists of French and Serbian phrasemes that have names of domestic and wild birds (caille, canard, cane, coq, dindon, épervier, grive, linotte, merle, merlette, oiseau, pie, pinson, poule, poulet d'Inde, poussin, vrabac, vrana, gavran, golub, guska, ždral, živina, kokoš(ka), kukavica, patka, pile, prepelica, ptica, ševa). The reason for choosing these zoonymic components is based on the fact that many birds live in close human neighbourhood and they are present for centuries in his everyday life, so the birds' names have become the part of phrasemes in French and in Serbian language. The study provides a better view of the reconstruction of the linguistic image of the world in the minds of French and Serbian speakers, as well as the nature of their relationship to the concepts presented by the phrasemes with the names of birds belonging to the semantic field HUMAN STATES AND EMOTIONS. By relying on linguocultural method of A. Wierzbicka and Kleiber's theory of semantic fields we classified the analysed corpus among 15 semantic subfields depending on the concept that they represent: SADNESS, HAPPINESS, UNHAPPINESS, INDIFFERENCE, LOVE, FREEDOM, DISCOURAGEMENT, CONFUSION, DISPUTE, LOSS OF MIND, FEAR, DRUNKENNESS, STATE OF DEATH, MAN'S FINANCIAL SITUATION, MAN'S MARITAL STATUS.

2021 ◽  
pp. e021057
Liliya Radikovna Sakaeva ◽  
Yahin Marat Ajdarovich ◽  
Liliya Vyazirovna Bazarova

The concepts of diplomacy and foreign policy are directly connected. Continuing events on the world stage and the interaction of political figures (heads of state and diplomatic workers) lead to the formation of a common international situation. The current general international situation has a significant effect on the foreign policy of countries. Diplomacy is a key tool for the successful conduct of the foreign policy of each active participating state. Foreign policy significantly affects the independent system of law governing interstate relations, while diplomacy helps to formulate general international rules for this system. In this respect, the relationship of the concepts under consideration is clearly expressed. In the course of the study there are lexical units of the semantic field “diplomacy” and “foreign policy” were selected from Russian and English dictionaries with political and diplomatic designations; there was studied and verified the material in the form of diplomatic documents, protocols and international agreements.

Ирина Николаевна Мартынова

В настоящее время средства массовой информации, включая электронные ресурсы, играют значительную роль в формировании общественного мнения по различным вопросам. Это в равной степени можно отнести и к вопросам политики, например, к предоставлению информации о различных странах. Анализ лексических единиц и их подбора для описания образа того или иного государства может быть выполнен с использованием концептуального подхода и теории лексико-семантического поля. Автор статьи анализирует, каким образом Китай представлен в американских газетах и журналах, изданных во втором десятилетии XXI века. Взаимоотношения между двумя крупнейшими экономиками мира представляют огромный интерес для всех остальных стран. Кроме того, Китай выступает в качестве особого политического и торгового партнера России, и это придает всему, что связано с этой страной, особую значимость. Данное исследование является второй частью работы по данной теме; в нем представлен анализ периферических единиц лексико-семантического поля «Китай XXI века». Это такие микрополя, как «Китай - механизм», «Китай - проблема», «Природа», «Здоровье», «Китай - родственник». В статье освещаются лексемы, составляющие данные микрополя, а также приводится анализ возможных причин их употребления в том или ином контексте. Nowadays mass media including electronic resources play a significant role in creating popular opinion on various issues. It stands true for political questions such as proving information about countries. Analysis of lexical units and their choice to describe an image of a country can be done through the use of the conceptual scientific approach and the theory of lexico-semantic fields. The author of the article analyzes how China was represented in American newspapers and magazines in the second decade of the 21st century. Relations between two largest economies in the world are of a great importance to all other countries. Besides, China is a special political and trade partner of Russia, and it makes everything connected with this country particularly significant. This study is the second part of the research on this topic that focuses on the periphery elements of the lexico-semantic field “21st century China”. The analysis showed that these are the following microfields: “China is a mechanism”, “China is a problem”, “Nature”, “Health” and “China is a relative”. The article highlights the lexemes comprising these microfields and discusses the possible meanings and ideas expressed by them.

Van Na ◽  
Jaroslaw Kobylko

The article is devoted to identifying the explanatory potential of the text semantic field method as a system method in understanding the nature of connections between different levels of a literary text. It allows us to reach the super-category of the author's image, which acts as the organizing beginning of a literary text. Thus, the text semantic field is both the object and the method of the research. The method of comparative analysis revealed that the overcoming of natural language oppositions, inherent in the artistic text, can be manifested to a greater or lesser extent: from the weakening of semantic oppositions of natural language due to the enhanced semantic convergence of implicitly related semantic units, which can be observed, as shown by the study, in the novel by I.S. Turgenev Home of the Gentry, to the complete destruction of natural language oppositions, originally inherent, as it was proved in the works of O.I. Valentinova, in the aesthetics of polyphony. The comparison made possible to clarify that the principles of the organization of text semantic fields in artistic texts can perform opposite functions: to increase the semiotic significance of the image category, as it happens in the novel analyzed by I.S. Turgenev, or, on the contrary, as proved in the research of O.I. Valentinova, to indicate a decrease in the semiotic significance of the image category, which is a constitutive property of polyphonic texts. The use of the comparative method also allowed us to show that overcoming the oppositions of natural language, as a mechanism for the formation of text semantic fields not only of a literary text, but also semiotically complex texts of a different etiology, performs different functions. A comparison of character education text semantic fields of literary texts with the study of E.Yu. Medvedev the principle of formation of the text fields in the Orthodox liturgical sermons have clarified that if the destruction of the oppositions of natural language in a literary text generates occasional oppositions, will appear on the me of the artist, overcoming the oppositions of natural language in liturgical preaching brings to the ontological meanings that exist outside of the will and consciousness of the preacher.

2009 ◽  
Vol 5 (1-2 (6)) ◽  
pp. 159-166
Hasmik Ghazaryan

The present article analyses and compares the semantic fields of the phraseological units expressing kindness and malice in Armenian, Russian and English. Phraseological units containing body parts have also undergone extensive research.The examination of these linguistic units helps discover the similarities and differences of the language thinking of the speakers of this or that language.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. 91-107
Jolanta Chomko ◽  

The subject of this article are the linguistic exponents of the semantic field of blue, the analysis of which provides valuable information about the models of perception, association and interpretation of the world presented in the works of Alexander Grin. The novels Scarlet Sails, She Who Runs on the Waves, The Road to Nowhere, The Golden Chain and The Treasure of the African Mountains form the material basis of the research conducted. In the analyzed novels of Alexander Grin the semantic field of blue is represented by both basic names used to describe this color – синий (54 uses) and голубой (47 uses). The writer uses the blue colour most often in a conventional way and uses it to create the world presented. Blue is primarily associated with semantic fields such as “human” (33 uses), “artifacts” (26 uses), “water” (13 uses), and “air and weather phenomena” (10 uses). The excerpted material shows that it is relatively rare for the colour blue to characterize objects associated with light phenomena (5 uses), landforms (4 uses), flora (3 uses), fauna (3 uses), sky and stars (3 uses) and food (1 use).

Omurbaeva Gulzat

Abstarct: The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept of "justice" in the novel “Arhat” by K. Akmatov which was later translated into English by Elizabeth Adams. The verbal representation of this concept is presented in terms of nucleus and periphery level. A comparison of these means makes it possible to identify similarities and differences in the consciousness of the collective and the individual. The examples for the analysis were selected from both original and translated texts. Along with study of the language picture of the world , the concept “justice” will be studied from linguacultural point of view and lexical semantic field will be revealed . Key words: concept, language picture of the world ,cognitive linguistics, lexical se- mantic field, nucleus and periphery. Аннотация: Бул макала Елизабет Адамс англис тилине которгон К. Акматовдун "Архат" романындагы "адилеттүүлүк" түшүнүгүн талдоого багытталган. Бул концепттин түпкү жана тектеш сөздөр менен сүрөттөлүп берилүү өзгөчөлүгү каралды. Аларды салыштыруунун негизинде жамааттык жана жеке аң-сезимдин окшоштуктары менен айырмачылыктары аныкталды.Талдоо жүргүзүү үчүн мисалдар чыгарманын кыргыз тилиндеги жана англис тилине которулган басылмаларынан тандалып алынды. Дүйнөнүн тилдик бейнесин чагылдыруу менен бирге лингва-маданий изилдөөнүн алкагында"адилеттуулук"концептинин лексикалык-семантикалык талаасы аныкталды. Түйүндүү сөздөр: концепт, дүйнөнүн тилдик бейнеси, когнитивдик лингвистика, лексикалык семантикалыкталаа, түпкү жана тектеш сөздөр. Аннотация: Статья посвящена анализу концепта "справедливость" в произведении К. Акматова “Архат”, переведенная на английский язык Елизабетом Адамс. Вербальная репрезентация данных концептов представлена на уровне ядерно-периферийного описания. Сравнение этих средств позволяет выявить сходство и различие в сознании коллектива и индивидуума. Примеры для анализа были выбраны из исходного и переведенного текстов. Наряду с изучением языковой картины мира, концепт "справедливость" будет рассмотрен в рамках лингвокультурного аспекта и будет выявлено его лексико-семантическое поле. Ключевые слова: концепт, языковая картина мира, когнитивная лингвистика, лексико-семантическое поле, ядро и периферия.

2020 ◽  
Vol 48 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-30
Sali A. Tagliamonte ◽  
Katharina Pabst

This paper examines variation and change in the adjectives used to express “highly positive evaluation” in the varieties of English spoken in Toronto, Canada, and York, England. Building on earlier work on another semantic field, “strangeness,” we analyze over 4800 tokens and thirty-four different types, as in “That’s great” and “She’s awesome.” Our results show both similarities and differences between these two semantic fields. While individual forms in both fields tend to be popular for a long time, many forms fall in and out of favor. In the case of adjectives of highly positive evaluation, the adjectival set is particularly rich. Distributional analysis and statistical modeling of constraints on the major forms and their underlying social and linguistic correlates reveals that these changes are not progressing in parallel across varieties of English. There are robust linguistic patterns that suggest a systemic underlying explanation. New additions to this field arise in predicative position and as stand-alones, and in a later stage extend to attributive position. Finally, consistent with earlier findings on adjectives and (intensifying) adverbs, there are notable links to social trends and popular culture, affirming the link between open class categories and their sociolinguistic embedding.

2019 ◽  
Vol 80 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-66
E. Yu. Gejmbuh

The article is devoted to one of the aspects of the compositional speech structure of the miniature «Happiness» – the ratio of two semantic fields – happiness and unhappiness – and their role in creating an image of the world. The author comes to the conclusion that the center and periphery of the field are formed around the core (happiness – sleep). Joy, beauty, and intimacy (the center) have been exclusively in the field of «happiness»; however light, breath, love and music appear ambivalent, since they can belong to both opposing worlds (the periphery).

2014 ◽  
Vol 25 (30) ◽  
pp. 31-52
Marina Gutovskaya

This paper presents a contrastive linguo-cognitive study of the phraseological semantic field, here viewed as a means of manifesting the corresponding fragment of the phraseological picture of the world built in consciousness and defined as a semantic unity of phraseological units which are connected with some pheno­menon of thereal or imagined world and reveal the phraseological concept of this phenomenon.The paper focuses upon three main aspects of a contrastive linguo-cognitive study of the same phraseological semantic fields in different languages, highlighting their cognitive value: 1)  a semantic inventory of the phraseological semantic field; 2) a phraseological representation of individual phraseological semantic groups as components of the phraseological semantic field and manifestants of separate features of the phraseological concept; and 3) a configuration of the component structure of the phraseological semantic field.  The paper presents a method of contrastive linguo-cognitive study which is carried out in the three mentioned directions and allows explication on the basis of language data, as well as comparison and characterization of the contents of the different languages’ concepts and accents available in these contents. The method emphasizes the need to process language data and the importance of employing statistical procedures, both to estimate the relevance of possible interlanguage differences and to assess the possibility of their interpretation in terms of cognitive and cultural specificity. Use of the method is demonstrated through the example of a contrastive linguo-cognitive study of the Russian and English phraseological semantic field of arguing.

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