scholarly journals MODUS TINDAK TUTUR EKPRESIF DALAM TRANSAKSI JUAL-BELI DI PASAR TRADISIONAL KOTA BAUBAU: TINJAUAN PRAGMATIK [Modus Speech Act in The Interaction of Selling-Buying in Traditional Market of Baubau City: A Pragmatic Study]

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Harziko Harziko

This research aims to describe the uses of speech modus of the vendor and buyers. The research was descriptive and qualitative. The samples were chosen using the purposive sampling technique. The linguistic phenomena was analyzed using the pragmatic approach. The data camprised the oral data obtained from the conversation between the vendors and the buyers in the selling-buying interaction. The data were collected using the method of observation through the techniques of recording and noting. The classified data were then analyzed descriptively and qualitatively. The results showed that (1) the use of the seller speech mode consists of modes declarative, interrogative mode, and the imperative mood. Interrogative mode is used to ask the seller as well invite shoppers to browse and select items they need. Seller declarative mode is used to maintain prices (reject) the buyer's bid by way of mentioning the source and price of goods. Seller imperative mood used to persuade buyers to try every item offered by a seller. Furthermore, the use of speech mode consists of modes buyer declarative, interrogative mode, and the imperative mood. Declarative mode is used buyers in an attempt to bargain the price of goods in a way to convey that he is a subscription often buy goods sold sellers. Modus interrogative used buyers to ask at once aimed at bargain prices, while the imperative mood used buyers who aimed ask the seller to reduce the price of goods according to buyer demand.              Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan modus tindak tutur penjual dan pembeli di pasar tradisional Kota Baubau. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara purposive sampling. Fenomena kebahasaan dikaji dengan pendekatan pragmatik. Data penelitian berupa data lisan yang bersumber dari percakapan penjual dan pembeli dalam transaksi jual-beli. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode simak melalui teknik rekam dan catat. Data yang telah diklasifikasi, dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan modus tuturan penjual terdiri atas modus deklaratif, modus interogatif, dan modus imperatif. Modus interogatif penjual digunakan untuk menanyakan sekaligus mempersilakan pembeli untuk mencari dan memilih barang yang dibutuhkannya. Modus deklaratif penjual digunakan untuk mempertahankan harga (menolak) tawaran pembeli dengan cara menyebutkan sumber dan harga barang. Modus imperatif penjual digunakan untuk membujuk pembeli agar mencoba tiap-tiap barang yang ditawarkan oleh penjual. Selanjutnya, penggunaan modus tuturan pembeli terdiri atas modus deklaratif, modus interogatif, dan modus imperatif. Modus deklaratif digunakan pembeli sebagai upaya menawar harga barang dengan cara menyampaikan bahwa dirinya merupakan langganan yang sering membeli barang yang dijajakan penjual. Modus interogatif digunakan pembeli untuk bertanya sekaligus bertujuan menawar harga, sedangkan modus imperatif digunakan pembeli yang bertujuan meminta penjual agar mengurangi harga barang sesuai permintaan pembeli.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 215-224 ◽  
Hendra Hendra ◽  
Thomas Stefanus Kaihatu

This study aims to determine the effect of store (mall) environment and money availability on consumer impulse buying in the City of Tomorrow (Cito) Surabaya. This study uses a quantitative approach whose data is obtained from the results of questionnaires. The sample in this study were 389 respondents taken based on purposive sampling technique which was included in non-probability sampling techniques. The results of this study indicate that the store (mall) environment has no effect on impulse buying. Meanwhile, money availability has a positive and significant effect on consumer impulse buying in the City of Tomorrow (Cito) Surabaya.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Indra Bayu Baskara

The purpose of this research was to analyze the response of impulse buying, response to discount on Matahari Department store and  the effect of  discount on impulse buying on visitors. The population in were the visitors at Matahari Department Store, the number of samples 100 visitors who were collected by using purposive sampling technique. The analysis technique was descriptive analysis and the simple linear regression. The result of descriptive analysis shows that the response of impulse buying was positive and the response of discount was also positive. The result of simple linear regression show that impulse buying was influenced by discounted price (discount) on Matahari Department Store. The positive results  tend to be weak indicated by the results of adjusted R-square. This mean that  the impulse buying in Matahari Department Store was also  influenced by other variables outside of this research

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Nelly Novita Sari ◽  
Sasi Utami ◽  
Rinto Nur Bambang

The development of international business is growing very rapidly followed by the development of more sophisticated technologies. Where the development between businesses is supported by the development of sophisticated technology so that it can create a very high quality business. One of the changes that is taking place at this time is a change in the mindset of the people towards their desired needs. Changes in mindset in the community become a reference for the business world to create a variety of products and brands. In the era of globalization that occurs in the business world, the number of competing brands and products is increasing faster. One sampling technique uses Purposive Sampling. Purposive Sampling is a technique of determining samples with certain considerations. Respondents in this study were Ngronggo Kota Kediri traditional market customers, amounting to 40 respondents. The characteristics of each respondent are: age, gender, and frequency of visits. This data aims to describe the conditions or conditions of respondents so that researchers are easy to get information and understand the results of research. The Multiple Linear Regression Test shows that the regression results obtained coefficient for the Service Quality variable (X1) of 0.215, and the Customer Satisfaction variable (X2) of 0.442 with a constant of -1.985. Perkembangan bisnis internasional berkembang sangat pesat diikuti pula dengan berkembangnya teknologi yang lebih canggih. Dimana perkembangan antara bisnis didukung oleh perkembangan teknologi yang canggih sehingga dapat tercipta kualitas bisnis yang sangat maksimal. Salah satu perubahan yang terjadi saat ini adalah perubahan pola pikir masyarakat terhadap kebutuhan yang diinginkan. Perubahan pola pikir pada masyarakat menjadi referensi dunia bisnis untuk menciptakan berbagai macam produk dan merek. Dalam era globalisasi yang tejadi dalam dunia bisnis, jumlah merek dan produk yang bersaing meningkat lebih cepat. Salah satu teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan jenis Purposive Sampling. Purposive Sampling adalah teknik penentuan sampel dengan pertimbangan tertentu. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah pelanggan pasar tradisional Ngronggo Kota Kediri yang berjumlah 40 orang responden. Adapun beberapa karakteristik masing-masing responden yaitu : usia, jenis kelamin, dan frekuensi berkunjung. Data ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan keadaan atau kondisi responden sehingga peneliti mudah dalam mendapatkan informasi dan memahami hail-hasil penelitian. Uji Regresi Linier Berganda diketahui hasil regresi diperoleh koefesien untuk variabel Kualitas Pelayanan (X1) sebesar 0,215, dan variabel Kepuasan Pelanggan (X2) sebesar 0,442 dengan konstanta sebesar -1,985.

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (28) ◽  
pp. 127
Dedi Sanjaya

<p>Learning a foreign language is not just focused on learning the language grammatically, but also pragmatically that is spoken in accordance with the proper context. Mistakes in particular speech act speech act can have an impact on the problem of refusing to face up to conflict. This paper wants to see how the strategy of rejecting speech acts committed by Indonesian students who study French. Strategies analyzed by the selection vocabulary, effectiveness of sentences, sentence structure and politeness. Respondents are 30 students majoring in French at the University of Medan were selected based on purposive sampling technique. Data were collected using Discourse Completion Test (DCT). The results show that in the choice of vocabulary, many respondents use the verb is not appropriate to express rejection. Respondents were also frequent repetition of words in a sentence that makes the sentence to be long and rambling. In refusing, respondents are very polite, especially in the interaction between faculty and students. However, politeness is only indicated with concomitant use of words such as <em>madame (madame),</em> <em>monsieur (sir)</em> and <em>excuse the expression (z) -moi (pardon me), je suis désolé (e)</em> (I regret). Whereas for the polite form sentences in French can be used with <em>conditionel </em>mode, and other strategies such as the use of the phrase <em>impersonnel</em>, neutral pronoun use on, or the passive sentence. These strategies do not look at the answers of the respondents.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Muhammad Dayyan ◽  
Rifyal Dahlawy Chalil

This research aims to analyze and examine the level of knowledge possessed by the merchants in the traditional market of Langsa on the concept of riba, the reasons (factors) the merchants transact with the conventional bank, and the attitude of merchants on fatwa given by the National Sharia Board of the Indonesian Ulema Council (DSN-MUI). The research population is an unknown population that consists of all market traders in Langsa City and the sample selected is 117 respondents. This research implements a non-probability sampling technique with purposive sampling as the method. The result shows that majority of the respondents has a profound understanding on the haram concept of interest (riba) and the role of DSN-MUI as the obligated council in setting the fatwa, which needs to be followed, yet the respondents do not mind interacting with the conventional banks in terms of getting business financing. They believe that riba (usury) is forbidden, yet they do not mind borrowing some amount of funds or saving their money in conventional banks, which implemented the interest-based system. More than 31 respondents (26,5%) perceive that interest is not the same as riba, and 50 respondents (42.7%) say that conventional bank is very helpful in promoting business. A more aggressive role is needed from the Sharia banks to reach all layers of society and educate as well as promote sharia-based banking products, especially financing products========================================================================================================Perilaku Pedagang terhadap Riba dan Fatwa tentang Bunga Bank Konvensional di Langsa Aceh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan menguji tingkat pengetahuan yang dimiliki oleh para pedagang di pasar tradisional Langsa terhadap konsep riba, alasan (faktor) mereka melakukan transaksi dengan bank konvensional, dan sikap para pedagang terhadap fatwa yang dikeluarkan oleh Dewan Syariah Nasional Majelis Ulama Indonesia (DSN-MUI). Sebanyak 117 responden telah dipilih sebagai sampel dari seluruh pedagang di Kota Langsa sebagai populasi yang tidak diketahui jumlahnya. Pengambilan sampel menerapkan teknik non probability sampling dengan metode purposive sampling. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas responden memiliki pemahaman yang mendalam tentang konsep riba dan peran DSN-MUI sebagai dewan yang wajib menetapkan dan mengeluarkan fatwa dan perlu diikuti oleh masyarakat. Meskipun demikian responden tidak keberatan berinteraksi dengan bank konvensional dalam hal mendapatkan pembiayaan bisnis. Mereka percaya bahwa riba dilarang, namun mereka tidak keberatan meminjam sejumlah dana atau menyimpan uang mereka di bank konvensional, yang menerapkan sistem berbasis bunga. Lebih dari 31 responden (26,5%) merasa bahwa bunga tidak sama dengan riba, dan 50 responden (42,7%) mengatakan bahwa bank konvensional sangat membantu dalam mempromosikan bisnis. Peran yang lebih agresif diperlukan dari bank-bank Syariah untuk menjangkau semua lapisan masyarakat dan mengedukasi serta mempromosikan produk-produk perbankan berbasis syariah, terutama produk-produk pembiayaan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-129
Pramelani Pramelani

Today's coffee drinks are rife among young people. Competition between the beverage business shops is evident from the emergence of a variety of unique coffee shops. For this reason, the authors are interested in examining factors of current coffee beverage interest in young consumers' buying interest. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. With a purposive sampling technique, respondents are drawn from young people in Jakarta who like coffee drinks. Based on the results of interviews and observations obtained in the field found that there are several factors of interest so that there is an interest in buying among young people namely the factors of a comfortable place, friendly service, good taste factor where many variants, factors of restaurant names and unique menu names make there an interest to be interested in buying. In addition, the price factor is quite affordable, packaging with creative and attractive design. In addition, personal, social and psychological factors were found to be one of the factors of interest in buying contemporary coffee drinks among young people.Keyword: interest factors, buying interest, young consumer

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 277-284
Vitrianingsih Vitrianingsih ◽  
Sitti Khadijah

Studi memperkirakan emesis gravidarum terjadi pada 50-90% kehamilan. Mual muntah pada kehamilan memberikan dampak yang signifikan bagi tubuh dimana ibu menjadi lemah, pucat dan cairan tubuh berkurang sehingga darah menjadi kental (hemokonsentrasi). Keadaan ini dapat memperlambat peredaran darah dan berakibat pada kurangnya suplay oksigen serta makanan ke jaringan sehingga dapat membahayakan kesehatan ibu dan janin. Salah satu terapi yang aman dan dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi keluahan mual muntah pada ibu hamil adalah pemberian aromaterapi lemon. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas aroma terapi lemon untuk menangani emesis gravidarum. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan Quasi experiment  dengan  one group pre-post test design. Populasi penelitian adalah ibu hamil yang mengalami emesis gravidarum di Kecamatan Berbah, Sleman. Jumlah sampel 20 ibu hamil trimester pertama yang diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling. Pengukuran mual muntah dilakukan debelum dan setelah  pemberian aromaterapi lemon menggunakan Indeks Rhodes. Analisa data menggunakan uji Paired t-test. Hasil penelitian didapatkan rata-rata skor mual muntah sebelum pemberian aromaterapi lemon berdasarkan Indeks Rhodes pada Ibu Hamil dengan emesis gravidarum yaitu 22,1 dan terjadi penurunan skor setelah pemberian aromaterapi lemon menjadi 19,8. Ada pengaruh pemberian aromaterapi lemon dengan pengurangan mual muntah pada ibu hamil (p-value = 0.017). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan pemberian aromaterapi lemon efektif untuk mengurangi emesis gravidarum pada ibu hamil trimester pertama.  Kata kunci: aromaterapi lemon, emesis gravidarum THE EFFECTIVENESS OF LEMON AROMATHERAPY FOR HANDLING EMESIS GRAVIDARUM   ABSTRACT Studies estimate that nausea and vomiting (emesis gravidarum) occur in 50 – 90% of pregnancies. Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy have a significant impact on the body in which it makes a mother becomes weak, pale, and decreasing body fluid so that the blood becomes thick (hemoconcentration). This situation can slow down blood circulation and inflict the lack of oxygen and food supplies to the body tissues so that it can endanger the health of the mother and fetus. One of the therapies that is safe and can be conducted to reduce nausea and vomiting of pregnancy is by giving the lemon aromatherapy treatment. The research aims to determine the effectiveness of the aroma of lemon therapy to deal with emesis gravidarum. This study applied quasi-experimental research with one group pretest-posttest design. The population of this study was pregnant women who experienced emesis gravidarum. Furthermore, samples were 20 mothers from Berbah, Sleman taken by using a purposive sampling technique. Nausea and vomiting were assessed between before and after giving lemon aromatherapy using the Rhodes Index. The data were analyzed using the paired t-test. The mean score of nausea and vomiting before giving lemon aromatherapy on mother with emesis gravidarum based on the Rhodes Index was 22.1. However, it decreased after given lemon aromatherapy treatment to 19.8. Therefore, there was an effect on giving lemon aromatherapy treatment toward the decrease of nausea and vomiting for pregnant women (p-value = 0.017). Lemon aromatherapy is effective to reduce emesis gravidarum.  Keywords: lemon aromatherapy, emesis gravidarum

1970 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 20-28
Sabeen Khan ◽  
Ruhi Khalid

The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship among Narcissism, personality traits and conspicuous consumption of brands in youth. This used quantitative research design with a sample consisting of 50 Men and 50 Women. The age ranged between 18 – 22 years. A purposive sampling technique was used to select participants. The findings revealed that there was a relationship among conspicuous consumption and traits of personality. It was also uncovered that there are gender differences in conspicuous consumption of brands, narcissism and personality traits. Further it was concluded that narcissism is positively associated with conspicuous consumption of brands. Narcissism was likely to be a positive predictor of conspicuous consumption of brands and personality traits are likely to be a predictor of conspicuous consumption of brands.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-55
Larassanti Eka Putri ◽  
K. Bagus Wardianto ◽  
Ghia Subagia

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kesadaran logo halal dan iklan media sosial Instagram terhadap keputusan pembelian produk kosmetik.  Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah explanatory research dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah konsumen wanita yang menggunakan kosmetik Wardah di Bandar Lampung, dengan sampel sebanyak 100 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuisioner, dan dianalisis menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kesadaran logo halal, dan iklan media sosial Instagram berpengaruh signifikan secara parsial maupun silmultan terhadap keputusan pembelian kosmetik. Kehalalan dapat menjadi branding yang semakin kuat, jika didukung dengan promosi melalui media sosial, yang mampu menjangkau segmentasi pasar yang lebih luas terhadap produk lokal.   ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the effect of Awareness of the Halal Logo and Instagram Social Media Ads on Wardah Cosmetics Purchasing Decisions. This type of research used in this research is explanatory research with a quantitative approach. The population in this study is female consumers who use Wardah cosmetics in Bandar Lampung. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling with a sample of 100 respondents. The data was obtained from a questionnaire using a Likert scale. The results of this study explain that Awareness of the Halal Logo, and Instagram Social Media Ads significantly influence Wardah Cosmetics Purchasing Decisions. Simultaneous testing results showed that Halal Logo Awareness and Instagram Social Media Ads had a significant effect on Wardah Cosmetics Purchasing Decisions.

2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
Ismaniar Ismaniar Ismaniar

The present study is aimed at developing effective guidance program for increasing student’s learning motivation. The present study applies quantitative research approach with nonequivalent pre-posttest control group quasi-experimental design, and nonrandom-purposive sampling technique. The data were collected using inventory, interview, and documentary study. The study comes up with the main finding that the tested guidance program is proven to be effective for increasing learning motivation students of 11th grade at SMA Kartika XIX-2 Bandung.

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