scholarly journals Counseling on the Importance of Electrical Installation Safety in Tegalpanjang Village

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-57
Ilman Himawan Kusumah ◽  
Muhamad Shobirin ◽  
Eka Muhammad Haryadi ◽  
Adi Mulyadi ◽  
Ranti Nurdiansari

Electricity has a very vital role in everyday life, therefore the electricity network must be properly maintained and protected, otherwise, not only disrupt the need for electricity  but it can also endanger human safety. One type of electrical hazard that often arises is fire that caused by the electrical equipment used was not under the PUIL Standard (General Requirements for Electrical Installation in Indonesia) and COE (Certificate of Operation Eligibility). Beside carelessly installation that not comply with regulations that often cause electrical short circuit.. The purpose of this community service is to provide knowledge about the safe and correct household electrical installations to residence of Tegalpanjang especially school student so they can also provide information to other community members about dangers and utilization of electricity as well as correct electrical installation. The result of this service activity is the participants has knowledge upgrading and understanding about the dangers and use of electrical installations to avoid fires caused by electrical short circuits.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 120
I.B.A. Swamardika ◽  
A.A.N. Amrita ◽  
I.G.D. Arjana ◽  
C.G.I. Partha

Electricity is a very vital need for the life of the community it is today. Electricity became the primary needsof the relatively inexpensive price because in addition is also very helpful in everyday life. In addition toelectricity has huge advantages, electricity also has a hazard that can lead to accidents such as fire, electricalcurrent was stung and damage electrical equipment. Electrical hazards can be eliminated by following allelectrical installation requirements. Danger of electric shock and fires can be corrected with electricalinstallation safety contained in the 2011 electrical installation General requirements (Amendment 2011sertayear 2014 PUIL, who hinted to secure the environment in this securing human safety, mandatory use ofelectrical installation in accordance with the National Standard safety Indonesia (SNI). In this devotion, itwill be given an explanation and electric installation training in accordance with the General requirements ofthe electrical installation for the community in the village of Sinduwati, district Sidemen KarangasemRegency.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-59
Rika - Sepriani

Health is a healthy state, both physically, mentally, spiritually and socially that allows everyone to live productively socially and economically. Health development as one of the national developments designed for the achievement of awareness, willingness and ability to live healthy for every population to realize an optimal degree of public health. Self-medication is an attempt by someone to overcome a problem of illness or disease without prior agreement with a doctor or health worker. More than 60% of members of the public swarmed the legal basis Permenkes No.919 / MENKES / PER / X / 1993. Swamedication was more focused on handling quickly and effectively without prior intervention by medical consultants, pharmacists, to reduce the workload on the limited resources and labor. The target audience for this community service activity is 30 health cadres obtained through collaboration with the state visited by the health cadres to provide information and understanding to other community members in their neighborhoods. From this dedication activity obtained 1) Increased knowledge and understanding of health cadres about self-medication 2) Increased knowledge and understanding of health cadres about managing drugs in the household.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 754
Aprilia Dwi Handayani ◽  
Irwan Setyowidodo

Bulusari village, Tarokan sub-district is a fertile village with the majority of its residents making a living as farmers. Most of the residents' houses in Bulusari Village still have empty yards on the side of the yard and the side of the houses. So it is necessary to use the vacant grounds to become a TOGA Park which is beneficial for improving public health and increasing family income. One form of service that is done is by empowering community members to make TOGA Parks in their respective yards. In this service activity, there are several stages, starting with giving information to the community about the importance of TOGA plants, how to cultivate TOGA plants, how to utilize TOGA plants and the efficacy of various TOGA plants. This community service activity consists of two stages, namely extension activities, and mentoring activities. In this activity, community members actively participated in providing vacant yards in their homes to be used as TOGA, providing TOGA seeds that could be obtained from the surrounding environment, and actively exchanging knowledge about the use and efficacy of various TOGA.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-80
Endah Prawesti Ningrum ◽  
Matdio Siahaan ◽  
Ridwan Anwar

Teluk Pucung is a sub-district located in North Bekasi sub-district, Bekasi City, West Java, Indonesia which has a high population density, especially for housing, public facilities and infrastructure, and only a small amount a little gardening. Because of this, this community service activity aims to build community independence so that it can develop the potential of the surrounding environment, especially entrepreneurial programs to increase family income. So, it is hoped that the growth of entrepreneurial independence through the application of hydroponic agriculture can be maximally applied, besides that they can independently provide for foodstuffs from agriculture and economically can be used as a productive economic business on a household scale considering the strategic position of Bekasi City which is directly adjacent to the Jakarta city. This is of course so that the existence of a prosperous community life in a city that functions as a residential city is a residential city which is the existence of green open space. This method of community service activities uses lectures or outreach, discussion and learning methods that are practiced by participants and resource persons. The lecture method is used to convey general knowledge about hydroponic cultivation and entrepreneurial development. The learning method is used to transfer the knowledge and skills possessed by the resource person to community members. This training involves lecturers at the Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya Bekasi University in collaboration with the community members of Kel. Teluk Pucung.   Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Family Income and Hydroponic Socialization   Abstrak   Teluk Pucung adalah kelurahan yang berada di kecamatan Bekasi Utara, Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia yang memiliki kepadatan penduduk yang tinggi, digunakan untuk membangun perumahan, toko-toko, dan sedikit lahan untuk berkebun. Oleh karena hal tersebut, kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk membangun kemandirian masyarakat agar dapat mengembangkan potensi lingkungan sekitarnya terutama program kewirausahaan untuk menambah pendapatan keluarga. Maka, diharapakan penumbuhan kemandirian berwirausaha melalui penerapan pertanian hidroponik dapat diterapkan secara maksimal, selain itu mereka dapat secara mandiri menyediakan kebutuhan bahan pangan asal pertanian dan secara ekonomi dapat dijadikan usaha ekonomi produktif pada skala rumah tangga mengingat posisi strategis Kota Bekasi ini yang berdekatan langsung dengan wilayah kota Jakarta. Hal ini tentunya agar berajlannya suatu kehidupan masyarakat yang sejahtera di dalam kota yang berfungsi sebagai kota hunian yang merupakan kota hunian yang merupakan keberadaan dari ruang terbuka hijau. Metode kegiatan abdimas ini menggunakan metode penyuluhan, diskusi dan pembelajaran yang dipraktekkan oleh peserta dan narasumber. Metode ceramah digunakan untuk menyampaikan pengetahuan secara umum tentang penanaman hidroponik dan pengembangan kewirausahaan. Metode pembelajaran digunakan untuk alih pengetahuan dan ketrampilan yang dimiliki oleh narasumber kepada anggota masyarakat. Pelatihan ini melibatkan dosen-dosen fakultas ekonomi dan bisnis Universitas Bhayangkara Bekasi yang bekerjasama dengan warga masyarakat Kel. Teluk Pucung.   Kata kunci: Kewirausahaan, Penghasilan Keluarga dan Sosialisasi Hidroponik

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 876
Widya Hartati ◽  
Ratna Yuniarti ◽  
Alpiana Alpiana

ABSTRAKVirus covid 19 merupakan kumpulan virus yang menyebabkan infeksi sistem saluran pernapasan. penyebaran virus covid 19 ini semakin meningkat setiap harinya, Melihat penomena yang terjadi di masyarakat  maka dirasa sangat perlu dilakukannya kegiatan Sosialisasi dan pembagian masker gratis untuk memutus rantai penyebaran virus covid 19. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan, pemahaman dan kesadaran kepada warga masyarakat tentang perlunya sosialisasi physical distancing dan penggunaan masker untuk mencegah penyebarab virus covid-19 yang sudah meresahkan. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah dengan cara sosialisasi dari rumah ke rumah kemudian membagikan masker gratis kepada warga yang ada di RT 02/RW.04. dengan dilaksanakannya pengabdian tersebut maka warga masyarakat di RT.02/RW.04 merasa lebih paham setelah dilakukannya sosialisasi dan merasa terbantu dengan pembagian masker gratis. Selain itu, hasil yang Diharapkan masyarakat lebih sadar akan pentingnya kesehatan dengan selau menerapkan phsicial distancing dan selalu menggunakan masker ketika berpergian serta menggunakan handsanitaizer ketika sudah melaksanakan kontak dengan warga masyarakat lainnya, sebagai salah satu proteksi atau perlindungan diri dari virus covid 19. Kata kunci: sosialisasi; Virus covid 19; preventif; masker. ABSTRACTThe COVID-19 virus is a group of viruses that cause infections of the respiratory system. the spread of the covid 19 virus is increasing every day, Seeing the phenomena that occur in the community, it is felt that it is very necessary to carry out socialization activities and the distribution of free masks to break the chain of spread of the covid 19 virus. The purpose of this community service activity is to provide knowledge, understanding and awareness to the community. community members about the need for social distancing and the use of masks to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus which is already troubling. The method used in this activity is by socializing from house to house and then distributing free masks to residents in RT 02/RW.04. With the implementation of this service, the community members in RT.02/RW.04 feel more understanding after the socialization and feel helped by the distribution of free masks. In addition, the expected result is that the public is more aware of the importance of health by always implementing physical distancing and always using a mask when traveling and using a hand sanitizer when in contact with other members of the community, as one of the protections or self-protection from the covid 19 virus. Keywords: socialization; covid 19 virus; prevention; masks. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 97
Anisa Nurpita

The title of this Community Service activity is: "Packing Training for Coconut Oil Products and Coconut Shell Charcoal to Improve Productive Economic Empowerment in Purwoharjo Village, Samigaluh District, Kulon Progo Regency. This activity was carried out by conducting training using a plastic press machine. Training on packing coconut oil and coconut charcoal products took place on Saturday, August 19, 2017 in the Purwoharjo Village Hall, Samigaluh District, Kulon Progo Regency, attended by 40 people, consisting of resource persons, lecturers and students. The results that can be achieved from this activity are 1.) Providing product packing expertise to community members who have the ability to produce coconut oil and coconut shell charcoal products in Purwoharjo Village, 2.) Applying product packaging expertise to community members who have the ability to produce coconut oil and coconut shell charcoal products in Purwoharjo Village.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-128
Budi Arifitama ◽  
Ade Syahputra

Abstract. The partners of this community service activity are members of the augmented reality community located in the Pancoran area South of Jakarta. The augmented reality community has been running for almost 3 years, initiated by 2013 by the informatics students at the trilogi university with a total of 12 community members. However, unfortunately the activities that have been carried out is not optimal, the meeting schedule are carried out incidentally and has not been scheduled properly. A good community is measured by how active and disciplined the members and administrators of the community. A solution is needed in terms of good organizational management from the community committee as well as good technical capabilities of each member. The solutions given to overcome these problems are (a) Conducting a good organizational management training in managing an organization starting from planning, scheduling, implementing and organizing (b) Conducting basic augmented reality training for  members of the community  . The results of this training activity resulted in a 100 percent improvement in the abilities and management skills of mixed reality organizations from members of the augmented reality community.Abstrak. Mitra dari kegiatan pegabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah angggota dari komunitas augmented reality yang berlokasi di daerah Pancoran Jakarta Selatan. Komunitas Augmented reality telah berjalan kurang lebih hampir 3 tahun lamanya diprakarsai oleh mahasiswa teknik informatika angkata 2013 universitas trilogi dengan total sebanyak 12 anggota komunitas. Namun , sayangnya kegiatan yang selama ini dilakukan belum optimal, jadwal pertemuan dilaksanakan secara insidentil dan belum terjadwal dengan baik yang mengakibatkan pengelolaan dari komunitas menjadi vakum. Sebuah komunitas yang baik diukur dari seberapa aktif dan disiplin dari pelaksana dan pengurus dari komunitas tersebut. Dibutuhkan sebuah solusi dalam hal manajemen organisasi yang baik dari panitia komunitas serta kemampuan teknis yang baik dari setiap member agar dapat mempersiapkan diri untuk  ekspansi komunitas ke luar dari universitas. Solusi yang diberikan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut adalah (a)Melakukan pelatihan manajemen organisasi yang baik dalam mengelola sebuah organisasi mulai dari perencanaan, penjadwalan, pelaksanaan dan tata kelola organisasi (b)Melakukan pelatihan dasar augmented reality bagi anggota tetap maupun anggota baru yang belum memiliki keterampilan. Hasil dari kegiatan pelatihan ini menghasilkan 100 persen peningkatan kemampuan dan keterampilan manajemen organisasi mixed reality dari anggota Komunitas Augmented Reality.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 44-51
Krisdiana Wijayanti ◽  
Murti Ani ◽  
Novita Ika Wardani ◽  
Aulia Fatmayanti

The scope of exclusive breastfeeding has not met the set targets. One of the benefits of papaya leaves is ASI Booster (ASI booster), because it can increase milk production and protein levels. The purpose of this community service activity is to improve knowledge and skills about ASI and the technique of instant papaya leaves. The design is the pre test and post test level of knowledge and skills. The material is delivered by lecture and demonstration methods. The evaluation was carried out after the practice of instant making of papaya leaves by carrying out a post test and evaluating the establishment of a banner on the description of instant papaya leaf products and their benefits as ASI smoothers and meeting forums in the village to check information desemination. Community service activities were conducted in 3 meetings. The first meeting was the delivery of material about ASI, ASI smoothing, the benefits of papaya leaves, the technique of instant papaya leaves. The second meeting was the training of instant papaya leaves in the Semarang Department of Health's Health Polytechnic Department, which was attended by 3 cadres of Karangjati Village. The third meeting was carried out to socialize and practice the instant making of papaya leaves in Karangjati Village to the people of Karangjati village. The participants who participated in the community service activities were 30 residents of Karangjati Village, Blora Based on the paired t-test, the Sig. (2-tailed) knowledge of 0,000 (<0,05) and skills of 0,000 (<0,05), then there is the effect of training on instant making of papaya leaves as breast milk booster to the level of knowledge and skills.This community service provides many benefits for participants, namely for cadres and community members. The real form is the increasing knowledge of breast milk and ASI smoothers with the instant making of papaya leaves.

2021 ◽  
pp. 883
Risma Rusniati ◽  
Firzatulloh Irhab Kautsar ◽  
Ramadhina Nurdianti ◽  
Kusumaningdyah Nurul Handayani

The increasing number of people who are not accompanied by the expansion of the area in Delanggu Village has resulted in reduced land for farming to meet food needs independently. The majority of the yards owned by residents in this village have an average area of 3 m2 which is relatively narrow. Vegetable cultivation with vertical farming techniques is one solution to overcome these problems. This cultivation can be done on vertical media so it does not require a large area. The purpose of this activity is so that the community can meet their food needs in the form of vegetables independently so as to create household food security. The service activity was carried out in Tegalsari Hamlet, Delanggu Village which was attended by 17 PKK members, 9 cloud community members and 6 teenagers. The community service method is carried out in stages, namely: preparation of tools and materials, socialization of efforts to create food security through vegetable cultivation with verticulture farming techniques and the correct way of vegetable cultivation starting from seeding, care and harvesting, and finally monitoring participants viaWhatsApp and offline. From the series of activities, the participation and enthusiasm of the participants was quite good. PKK members apply it more, because they have more time at home compared to the general public and youth groups.Meningkatnya jumlah penduduk yang tidak dibarengi dengan perluasan wilayah di Desa Delanggu mengakibatkan berkurangnya lahan untuk bercocok tanam guna memenuhi kebutuhan pangan secara mandiri. Mayoritas lahan perkarangan yang dimiliki oleh warga di desa ini memiliki rata-rata luasan 3 m 2 yang tergolong sempit. Budidaya sayuran dengan teknik pertanian vertikultur merupakan salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Budidaya ini dapat dilakukan pada media vertikal sehingga tidak membutuhkan lahan yang luas. Tujuan darikegiatan ini agar masyarakat dapat mencukupi kebutuhan pangan berupa sayuran secara mandiri sehingga tercipta ketahanan pangan rumah tangga. Kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan di Dukuh Tegalsari, Desa Delanggu yang diikuti oleh 17 anggota PKK, 9 orang masyarakat awam dan 6 orang remaja. Metode pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan secara bertahap, yaitu: persiapan alat dan bahan, sosialisasi mengenai upaya terciptanya ketahanan pangan melalui budidaya sayuran dengan teknik pertanian vertikultur dan cara budidaya sayuran yang benar mulai daripembibitan, perawatan dan panen, serta yang terakhir yaitu monitoring peserta melalui WhatsApp dan luring. Dari rangkaian pelaksanaan kegiatan, partisipasi dan antusiame peserta cukup baik. Anggota PKK lebih banyak mengaplikasikannya, dikarenakan mempunyai lebih banyak waktu di rumah dibandingkan dengan kelompok masyarakat umum dan remaja.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 155
Adi Pratama Putra

Problems found in related to electrical installations in buildings/houses are not arranged perfectly or the installation is not following to the procedure because there have been improvements to the electrical installations of the building or house beforehand. Electrical installations that will be installed should also consider the concept of savings and costs Installation and addition of electrical installations with equipment that is not based on knowledge of electrical installations can be dangerous if not carried out by save maintenance and security of existing electrical equipment. Based on the situation analysis of MSME traditional tempe producers that have a separator machine using an electric motor, there is a need for a good and correct electrical installation to prevent the user avoid from electrical shock that could be potentially dangerous, because the separator from the soybean skin is a direct contact with water. The method of implementation in community service activities at Tempe producers MSMEs include; Field Observation, Tool Design, Tool Assembly, Tool Testing, Tool Installation, Electricity Installation, Electricity and Operation Training, and MONEV. The results of a series of community service activities that have been carried out are being able to increase the knowledge of all who are on the business purposes to understand how electricity and good installation are save from an unwanted thing about electricity.

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