Aksara ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-214
Intan Zuhrotun Nafi'ah ◽  
Candra Rahma Wijaya Putra

 AbstrakTema lokalitas yang dikemas dengan sangat apik mengantarkan Felix K. Nesi menyabet pemenang sayembara tahunan DKJ 2018. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengkaji dinamika lokalitas masyarakat NTT yang dinarasikan pengarang dalam novelnya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan sosiologi sastra. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah novel Orang-Orang Oetimukarya Felix K. Nesi. Data penelitian berupa kata, frasa, atau kalimat yang menunjukkan unsur-unsur lokalitas. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pertama terdapat enam unsur lokalitas yang dinarasikan dalam novel. Enam unsur tersebut diantaranya ialah lokalitas bahasa, lokalitas religi, lokalitas sistem pengetahuan, lokalitas sistem perekonomian, lokalitas kesenian, serta lokalitas sistem teknologi. Kedua, sebagian besar unsur lokalitas tersebut mengalami perkembangan. Perkembangan ini bagaikan dua sisi mata pisau, dimana satu sisi memberikan pengaruh positif dan sisi yang lain memberikan pengaruh yang negatif. Ketiga, adanya perkembangan kebudayaan ini tidak terlepas dari munculnya arus globalisasi yang terbangun atas 4 dimensi kebudayaan global yakni ideoscape, ethnoscape, mediascape, dan technoscape.  Kata kunci:lokalitas, kebudayaan, sosiologi sastra AbstractTheme of locality was packaged very nicely led Felix K. Nesi to win in the 2018 DKJ annual contest. The purpose of this study was to examine the dynamics of locality of the NTT. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with a sociological approach to literature. The data source of this research is the novel Orang-Orang Oetimu by Felix K. Nesi. Research data form of words, phrases, or sentences that indicate of locality. The results of this study are first there are six elements of locality narrated in the novel. These six elements include language locality, religious locality, knowledge system locality, economic system locality, artistic locality, and technological system locality. Second,) most of these elements locality is developing. Development are two sides of the blade, where one side impact positive and the other negative impact. Third, development of these cultures can’t be separated from the globalization developed 4 dimension global culture as ideoscape, ethnoscape, mediascape, and technoscape.Keywords: locality, culture, sociology of literature  

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 123
Nunung Radliyah ◽  
Dewi Nurul Musjtari ◽  
Ro'fah Setyowati

Sharia Council is an institution that plays a role in securing the standard of Sharia in every Islamic Financial institution in the world. In Indonesia, the role is conducted by the National Sharia Council (DSN) established by the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) in 1998, strengthened by the Decree of the MUI Leadership Board. Kep-754/MUI/II/1999 dated February 10, 1999. The existence of MUI DSN in managing the settlement of sharia banking disputes has not been fully recognized by the people of Indonesia. It can be seen in the implementation of sharia contracting in sharia banking has not yet decided dispute resolution option through National Syariah Arbitration Board (BASYARNAS). The purpose of writing a paper is to know the legal basis of the binding force of the Fatwa DSN in arranging the settlement of dispute Sharia Economy in Indonesia through BASYARNAS and its consequences for the Islamic financial institutions (LKS) who disobey the fatwa DSN. This research is a normative research with the philosophical, juridical and sociological approach. Data analysis with qualitative descriptive. The results of this study indicate that the legal basis of the power of the DSN Fatwa in regulating the settlement of Sharia Banking disputes is Article 26 of Law No. 21 Th. 2008 and Article 31 of Decree of the Board of Managing Directors of Bank Indonesia Number 32/34/1999. There will a negative impact for LKS do not comply with the content of the DSN Fatwa, such as the difficulty in carry out its activities, aside of negatively influencing the performance and level of credibility of DPS in LKS.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 213
Sabrina Nuraisyah ◽  
Risma Delima Harahap ◽  
Dahrul Aman Harahap

The purpose of this study is to find out the influence of internet media on students' learning interests in State Senior High School 2 South Rantau during Covid-19. Internet media has a very important role to foster students' learning interest during COVID-19. This research is qualitative descriptive research where the data source of this research is students. The tools used in collecting data are questionnaires and documentation. The sampling techniques used in this research are purposive. Samples from this study were students of grade XII Science-1 and XII Science-2, each class of 32 students. The results of the poll for learning interests showed that the utilization of internet media is in a high category of 52.3%. Interest in utilizing internet media to learn is in a very less supportive category of 32.5%. Students' desire to learn was in the less good category of 8.7%. Student involvement in learning is in a very supportive category of 6.5%. The results of this study show that there is a positive and negative impact of internet media on students' learning interests

Laili Nurwakhidah ◽  
Mateus Rudi Supsiadji

This study is about the influence of the environments toward Jean LaBarge's in Sitka. The novel analyzed with qualitative descriptive research method and sociological approach. The analysis shows that character of Jean LaBarge gets influences from nature and other characters in his development. Jean is influenced by the great swamp and Alaska which makes him brave, independent, and ambitious. In addition, there is some social environment influencing him. His father, Captain Hutchins, Peter Hovey, Rob J. Walker, and Princess Helena Gagarin. Jean's characteristics were formed by both nature and social environment.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Primasari Wahyuni

Abstrak: Penelitian ini berujudul Hegemoni Kekuasaan Dalam Novel Hujan Karya Tere Liye dan Relevansinya Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMA. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mndeskripsikan formasi ideologi, bentuk hegemoni kekuasaan, dan relevansi penelitian dengan pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMA. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah novel Hujan karya Tere Liye. Data penelitian berupa kata, frasa, atau kalimat yang memuat formasi ideologi dan bentuk hegemoni dalam novel Hujan karya Tere Liye, serta relevansinya dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMA. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan baca dan catat. Teknik analisis data menggunakan content analysis. Validitas dan reliabilitas menggunakan validitas semantik dan intrarater. Hasil penelitian ini antara lain: 1) Pertama, Formasi ideologi dalam novel Hujan karya Tere Liye. Formasi ideologi yang ditemukan dalam novel Hujan karya Tere Liye yaitu otoritarisme, feodalisme, kapitalisme, liberalisme, sosialisme, serta vandalisme. Otoritarisme merupakan formasi ideologi yang paling banyak muncul dalam novel. 2) Kedua, bentuk hegemoni kekuasaan terjadi dalam masyarakat sipil dan masyarakat politik. 3) Ketiga, Relevansi penelitian dengan pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMA. Penelitian ini relevan dengan KD. 3.8 Mengidentifikasi nilai-nilai kehidupan yang terkandung dalam kumpulan cerpen yang dibaca. Melalui novel Hujan karya Tere Liye, siswa dapat mengapresiasi karya sastra sehingga menambah pengalaman, pengetahuan, dan wawasan yang dapat digunakan sebagai media untuk membentuk kepribadian diri. Kata kunci: formasi ideologi, hegemoni, relevansi pembelajaran, novel Abstract: This research entitle “The Hegemony of Power in Novel Hujan by Tere Liye and Its Relevance in Indonesia learning at High School” has aims to describe the ideology formation, term of hegemony power, and the research relevance with Indonesia learning at high school. This research is a qualitative descriptive with data source is Npvel Hujan by Tere Liye. Research data are words, phrases pr sentences which has ideology formation and hegemony term and also the relevance with Indonesia learning at high school. Read and write were used to collect the data. Content analysis was used to analyze the data. Semantics and intrarater were used to test the validity and reliability. The reserach findings were : 1) the ideology formations were authoritarian, feudalism, capitalism, liberalism, socialism, and vandalism. Authoritarian was dominant in the novel, 2) the term of hegemony happened both in civil society and political society, 3) the relevance of this research with Indonesia learning at high school. This research was relevant with basic competence 3.8 (identify the life values in a short story. Novel hujan brught student to appreciate the literatures to enrich their experience, knowledge and insight to create the personality.  Keywords : Ideology formation, hegemony, learning relevance, novel.

Feyzar Azhari

This research was aimed at seeing the protagonist's characters portrayed in the novel Paper Towns by John Green. The research applied the theory of Flat and Round Character proposed by E. M. Forster (1993). This research follows qualitative descriptive method proposed by Creswell (2003), an effective model that occurs in a natural setting that enables the researcher to develop a level of detail from being highly involved in the actual experiences. The result of the analysis shows that the significant protagonist's characters in the novel are distinctive self-disclosure, great ambition and affection. All the distinctive characters drive the protagonist to break the string with the people around her and bring a conflict with her parents.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-62
Journal Journal ◽  

Abstract: This study aims to describe and explain: (1) the struggle forgender equality of female characters in Ratih Kumala's novel KretekGirl, and (2) educational values in Ratih Kumala's novel Kretek Girl.This type of research is qualitative research. This study used descriptivequalitative method. Qualitative descriptive method is a researchprocedure that produces description data in the form of words. Theresearch data is a novel by Kretek Girl by Ratih Kumala.This study usesa feminism approach to describe the profile of female characters, thestruggle for gender equality, and the sociological approach of literatureto find out about the social conditions of the community in RatihKumala's novel Kretek Girl. The data collection technique used in thisstudy was to read the entire contents of the novel and document analysis.The results of this study are as follows: (1) The struggle for genderequality of female leaders in Ratih Kumala's novel Kretek Gadis isagainst forms of gender injustice in the form of (a) stereotypes, (b)marginalization of women, (c) subordination of work, and (d) internalviolence household. (2) Ratih Kumala's novel Kretek Girls educationalvalues include: (a) the value of religious education that emphasizesbetween humans and God, (b) the value of social education refers to therelationship of individuals to other individuals in a society (c) the valueof education morals that relate to the good or bad of human behavior,and (d) the value of cultural / customary education that is related totradition, people's habits.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-48
Nita Kartika Sari ◽  
Sumartini Sumartini ◽  
U’um Qomariyah

Karya sastra memang tidak bisa dilepaskan begitu saja dari pengarang dan keadaan sosial yang melatarbelakangi penciptaanya serta segala gejolak kemasyarakatan yang ada seperti kekuasaan dan dominasi yang dirasa merugikan.  Dari tiga rumusan masalah penulis hanya akan memfokuskan pembahasan pada bentuk hegemoni yang dilakukan pemangku adat di Minangkabau. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode deskriptif kualitatif.  Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi sastra dan teori hegemoni Antonio Gramsci. Sumber data adalah novel Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck karya Hamka. Data diperoleh dengan teknik membaca dan mencatat. Hasil penelitian berupa jenis hegemoni yang disadari dan tidak disadari. Terdapat empat bentuk dari hegemoni yang disadari yaitu kekeraan, penindasan, paksaan dan perampasan, sedangkan bentuk dari hegemoni yang tidak disadari berupa provokasi. There is an inseparable bond between a literary work with the background experience of its writer, and the underlying socio-cultural circumstances behind its creation, as well as all the existing disadvantageous problems in society such as hegemony and dominance. Of the three research problems, the discussion in this article will focus solely on the form of hegemony practices done by the Elders in Minangkabau culture. In conducting this research, descriptive qualitative approach is used. Literary sociological approach using the theory of Hegemony by Antonio Gramsci is used as the research approach. The data are obtained by using reading and noting technique. The data source is the novel Tenggelamnya Kapal Van der Wijck by Hamka. As the result of the research, there are two type of hegemony practices found, the conscious and unconscious hegemony. The conscious hegemony take four forms, there are: violence, oppression, coercion and deprivation. Meanwhile the unconscious hegemony realized only in form of provocation.

Isaac Mhute ◽  
Hugh Mangeya ◽  
Ernest Jakaza

The human species is in great danger of extinction due to the novel coronavirus that was first detected in China around December 2019. By March 2021, the world had witnessed over 116million cases, of which 36,223 are Zimbabwean. The disease that the coronavirus stimulates is quite fatal and has seen 2.57million lives succumbing to it, of which 1483 are Zimbabwean, by the same date. No cure has been discovered for it yet, though scientific researchers have already discovered several vaccines with varying efficacies. Employing a socio-pragmatic approach, the chapter explores the impact of fake covid-19 social media communications on efforts to minimize infections and fatalities in Zimbabwe, an already endangered country. It accomplishes this by qualitatively analyzing purposively sampled fake communications in circulation on social media as well as some of the utterances and behaviors people make in response to them. The chapter demonstrates the negative impact of the communications on international mitigating efforts and emphasizes the need for the government, media practitioners and social workers to always be watchful for such misleading communications and in every case to quickly counter their impact by availing correct information to the people.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 214-218
Desy Nur Indrasari ◽  
Fathu Rahman ◽  
Herawaty Abbas

The aim of this research is to describe middle class women role in the 19th century in Bronte’s novel, Wuthering Heights, and induce a deeper understanding of effect each role on two characters in society. This research is a qualitative descriptive method using sociological approach. By using sociology of literature, a literary work is seen as a document of social. The data of this research collected from the descriptions and utterances of the characters and narrator in the novel. The result in this research shows that the role of women from the middle class were represented by the characters of the novel known as Catherine Earnshaw Linton, the main female protagonist and the motherless child and also Catherine (Cathy) Linton, daughter of Catherine Earnshaw Linton.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 485
Nindra Nindra ◽  
Arfa Agustina Rezekiah ◽  
Daniel Itta

The socioeconomic aspects of the community around the ecotourism site will have an impact on the existence of community-based ecotourism, as well as the existence of Tanjung Puting National Park. This research aims to analyze the impact of Tanjung Puting National Park on the socio-economic condition of the people of Kumai Hulu Village. The location of the research was chosen the location of the village closest to TNTP. A sample of 98 respondents was taken purposively sampling on the grounds of the location of the village closest to ecotourism. Research methods by conducting interviews, observations and documentation. The data analysis used in this study is qualitative descriptive analysis. The impact of TNTP on social conditions in Kumai Hulu Village is high and for economic conditions is being seen with increasing economic opportunities such as trade, lodging and klotok transportation business. Tourism development will certainly have an impact on the conditions around tourism, both in the form of positive impacts such as improving people's living standards by creating new jobs and increasing people's incomes. The negative impact with this TNTP such as the price of basic and local goods increased and the cost of building facilities and infrastructure also increased.Aspek sosial ekonomi masyarakat yang ada disekitar lokasi ekowisata akan berdampak terhadap keberadaan ekowisata berbasis masyarakat, begitu pun dengan adanya Taman Nasional Tanjung Puting. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisisis dampak Taman Nasional Tanjung Puting terhadap kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat Kelurahan Kumai Hulu. Penetapan lokasi penelitian dipilih lokasi kelurahan yang paling dekat dengan TNTP. Sampel responden untuk dilakukan wawancara berjumlah 98 orang yang diambil secara purposive sampling dengan alasan lokasi kelurahan yang paling dekat dengan ekowisata. Metode penelitian dengan melakukan wawancara, observasi serta dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Dampak adanya TNTP terhadap kondisi sosial di Kelurahan Kumai Hulu adalah tinggi dan untuk kondisi ekonomi adalah sedang hal ini terlihat dengan meningkatnya peluang ekonomi seperti perdagangan, penginapan serta usaha transportasi klotok. Pengembangan pariwisata tentu saja akan memberikan dampak terhadap kondisi sekitar pariwisata, baik berupa dampak positif seperti meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat dengan menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan baru serta meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat. Dampak negative dengan adanya TNTP ini seperti harga barang-barang pokok dan lokal meningkat dan biaya pembangunan sarana dan prasarana juga meningkat.

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