scholarly journals Diseminasi Teknologi Budidaya Tanaman Wortel Ramah Lingkungan Di Dataran Rendah

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Aluh Nikmatullah ◽  
Karwati Zanawi ◽  
Khaerul Muslim ◽  
Herman Suheru ◽  
Nurrachman ◽  

The increasing demand for a good quality of carrot tubers has yet been achieved, partly due to limitation in cultivation area. Extension of cultivation to low land has been attempted and suitable cultivation technology with yields 17.5 – 25 ton/ha has been developed. However, cultivation of carrot in lowlands is very limited as farmers assume that carrots cannot be cultivated in the lowlands. To promote this, a community service (PKM) aimed to disseminate environmentally-friendly carrot cultivation technology in the lowlands has been undertaken in Bagik Polak Village, Labuapi District, West Lombok Regency from June to October 2020. The PKM was carried out in collaboration with the Gapoktan Bersatu and UPTD Agriculture of Labuapi District, through demonstration plots and extension. The activity began with socialization by discussion with the officials of Labuapi UPTD Agriculture and management of the Bersatu Gapoktan, followed by demplot for carrot cultivation at an altitude of ± 41 m above sea level. At harvest time, the demplot results were exposed to the community via extension at the house of the Gapoktan leader. By directly observing the demplot results, participants were motivated to cultivate environmentally-friendly carrots, and stated that they will undertake trials in theirs fields. The Labuapi UPTD will set a demplot in the UPTD yard and promote carrot plants in the program for yard optimality. In addition, the farmers agreed that this activity has bring a new inspiration to diversify vegetable crops with a higher economic crops

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (23) ◽  
pp. 8493
Fabio Sciubba ◽  
Alberta Tomassini ◽  
Giorgio Giorgi ◽  
Elisa Brasili ◽  
Gabriella Pasqua ◽  

The carrot (Daucus carota L.), one of the most important vegetable crops in the world, is recognized as a source of different compounds with healthy properties. Due to their high content of anthocyanins, purple carrots have been used as a natural colorant source to face the increasing demand of consumers for non-synthetic products. However, the root developmental stage can greatly affect the phytochemical composition and, in this regard, the identification of chemical biomarkers for the optimal harvest time would be of paramount interest both from a nutritional point of view and for the agri-food industry. In the present work, the metabolic profiling of purple carrots was monitored over four months using high-resolution 1H NMR spectroscopy. Several metabolites were identified, and their quantitative variations allowed for the investigation of the carrot development processes. The metabolic profile analysis showed an increase in amino acid, NAD, and caffeic acid levels during carrot development. A more tardive harvest in December entailed an increase in levels of luteolin-7-O-glucoside, chlorogenic acid, falcarinol, and γ-aminobutyrate, and a decrease in carotenoids and ω-6 fatty acid. The results showed how the harvest time affects the composition in terms of flavonoids, phenols, and polyacetylenes, therefore, improving the bioactive compound content.

Indriya Radiyanto ◽  
Siswanto Siswanto ◽  
Indra Tjahaya Amir

Magetan Regency is one of the leading fruit production centers (Pamelo Oranges) and vegetables in East Java.   Production of Pamelo orange as a superior product of Magetan regency, during the last 10 years tends to decrease both in terms of quantity and quality.   This is as a result of fruit fly pest attack is quite massive and viral; as well as vegetable crops that still depends on pesticide and chemical fertilizers. Quantity and quality of fruit and vegetable products are still not optimal because: 1). There are still pests and diseases that can not be controlled in an environmentally friendly manner, 2) The cultivation of pamelo and vegetable plants in Magetan regency has not been fully applied organic fertilizer intake, 3). Gardening irrigation technology still relies on rain water and semi-technical irrigation. The objective of the action research through Community Partnership Program (CPP) is to provide a touch of science and technology that is expected to accelerate the creative economic activities of the community by providing skills training based on organic materials including: 1. The utilization of yard land by planting vegetables;  2. The production soil enhancer;  3. Production of urine-based biopesticide ;  4.  Simple book keeping practice  in small-medium scale agriculture, and 5.  Production of Pamelo orange-based food. The methods used in facilitating the improvement of skills of farmers and dairy farmers joined in micro small and medium enterprises including lecture, field practice and mentoring. The result of  activities is expected to be able to: a). improve farmers skills in good plant care through integrated pest and disease control and organic based fertilization through fertigation. b). Make environmentally friendly fertilizers and pesticides independently. c). Increasing the production and quality of agricultural products. d). Innovative organic biofertilizers products.

2018 ◽  
pp. 54-56
M. G. Ibragimbekov ◽  
O. R. Davletbaeva ◽  
А. N. Khovrin

In terms of occupied areas, onion is on the third place in the world among vegetable crops, second only to tomato and watermelon. In Russia, onion is grown on an area of 88 to 96 thousand hectares of onions, and ranks third, yielding to cabbage and tomato.The increase in the production of onions is not only due to the increase in the areas occupied by the crop, but also due to increased yields. This is achieved by introducing new highly productive varieties and hybrids into production, increasing the overall cropping culture and the level of cultivation technology. Along with the creation of heterotic hybrids at the present time, the Russian Federation also continues to select varieties that show high rates when grown in a oneyear crop. The results of production tests of a new onion variety of Forward Selected Breeding VNIIO a branch of the FGBNU FNCO has shown that it is promising because it has a high yield potential, high quality of bulbs and excellent preservation in conditions of repositories with controlled conditions. Characterized by mid-maturity maturation. The period from full shoots to mass lodging of leaves is 110 days. In relation to the longitude of the day, the forward sort refers to a group of long-day bows. The bulb is bilobate, rounded and rounded – flat, with an average mass of 90-120 g. The color of the dry covering scales is yellow-brown, the succulent scales are greenish. The taste is semi-sharp. The dry matter content in the bulb during the test years was 11.0-12.0%.

2021 ◽  
pp. 23-25
В.И. Терехова ◽  
Д.В. Кириченко ◽  
М.С. Земяхин

Цель работы – обоснование элементов технологии выращивания баклажана в пленочных необогреваемых грунтовых теплицах. Исследования по тематике актуальны, поскольку способствуют увеличению площадей возделывания культуры, а также повышению урожайности и товарности продукции, что определяет экономическую эффективность производства. Научные исследования проводили в 2020–2021 годах на территории Учебно-научного производственного центра садоводства и овощеводства имени В. И. Эдельштейна ФГБОУ ВО РГАУ – МСХА имени К.А. Тимирязева. Опыт по изучению влияния нормирования числа цветков в рудиментарных соцветиях на раннюю и общую урожайность и качество плодов баклажана был заложен при формировании гибридов в три стебля. Опыт двухфакторный: фактор А – нормирование (вариант I – без нормирования (контроль), вариант II – нормирование на один цветок, вариант III – нормирование на два цветка). Фактор В – генотип гибридов (F1 Боровичок, F1Багира, F1 Нежнейший, F1 Патио Трио, F1Пеликан). Опыт закладывали в четырехкратной повторности, площадь учетной делянки – 7,6 м2. Исследования проводили в условиях летне-осеннего оборота в пленочной необогреваемой грунтовой теплице в соответствии с общепринятыми методиками для овощных культур в защищенном грунте. Рассаду выращивали в рассадном отделении многорядной теплицы серии Ришель 9.6 SR. Семена высевали 14–15 марта в кассеты с размером ячейки 5×5×5 см и объемом 125 см3. В качестве субстрата использовали верховой торф. Подкормки проводили комплексным удобрением Yara Kristalon 18.18.18+3 с интервалом в 5 суток: первую подкормку провели через 10 суток после высадки рассады. При выявлении единичных очагов заражения проводили обработку против грибных заболеваний препаратами Ридомил МЦ Голд, ВДГ и Квадрис, КС. По итогам изучения влияния нормирования числа цветков в рудиментарных соцветиях на раннюю и общую урожайность и качество плодов у исследуемых гибридов баклажана выявлено, что в вариантах опыта с нормированием на 1 цветок сформировалось наибольшее количество товарных плодов (87,6%). Выявленная зависимость носила сортоспецифический характер. The purpose of the research is to substantiate the elements of eggplant growing technology in film unheated ground greenhouses. Research on the subject is relevant because it contributes to an increase in the area of cultivation of crops, as well as an increase in yield and marketability of products, which determines the economic efficiency of production. Scientific research was carried out in 2020–2021 on the territory of the V.I. Edelstein Educational and Scientific Production Center for Horticulture and Vegetable Growing of the Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy. The experience of studying the effect of rationing the number of flowers in rudimentary inflorescences on the early and overall yield and quality of eggplant fruits was laid during the formation of hybrids in three stems. The experience is two-factor: factor A – rationing (option I – without rationing (control), option II – rationing for one flower, option III – rationing for two flowers). Factor B is the genotype of hybrids (F1Borovichok, F1 Bagira, F1 Nezhneishii, F1Patio Trio, F1 Pelikan). The experiment was laid in fourfold repetition, the area of the accounting plot was 7.6 m2. The studies were carried out in the conditions of summer-autumn turnover in a film unheated ground greenhouse in accordance with generally accepted methods for vegetable crops in protected soil. Seedlings were grown in the seedling compartment of a multi-row greenhouse of the Richel 9.6 SR series. The seeds were sown on March 14–15 in cassettes with a cell size of 5×5×5 cm and a volume of 125 cm3. Riding peat was used as a substrate. Top dressing was carried out with a complex fertilizer Yara Kristalon 18.18.18+3 with an interval of 5 days: the first top dressing was carried out – 10 days after planting seedlings. When single foci of infection were detected, treatment against fungal diseases was carried out with Ridomil MC Gold, VDG and Quadris, CS. Based on the results of studying the effect of rationing the number of flowers in rudimentary inflorescences on the early and overall yield and quality of eggplant fruits in the studied eggplant hybrids, it was revealed that in the variants of the experiment with rationing for 1 flower, the largest number of commercial fruits was formed (87.6%). The revealed dependence was of a variety-specific nature.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 78-82
Ika Okhtora Angelia

ABSTRAK Stunting merupakan ancaman utama terhadap kualitas manusia Indonesia, juga ancaman terhadap kemampuan daya saing bangsa. Hal ini dikarenakan anak stunted, bukan hanya terganggu pertumbuhan fisiknya (bertubuh pendek/kerdil) saja, melainkan juga terganggu perkembangan otaknya, yang mana tentu akan sangat mempengaruhi kemampuan dan prestasi di sekolah, produktivitas dan kreativitas di usia-usia produktif. Perbaikan pola makan dengan mulai merintis menanam tanaman tinggi zat besi dan asam folat di pekarangan rumah (Daun kelor, daun bayam hijau dan daun ubi) juga diperlukan khususnya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ibu hamil dan MPASI balita. Pemanfaatan budidaya secara vertikultur mampu mempermudah ibu rumah tangga untuk menyediakan sayuran untuk keluarganya. Dengan semakin mudahnya akses terhadap sayuran pencegah stunting maka ancaman terhadap stunting terhadap balita dapat dikurangi angka prevalensinya. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah sosialisasi penggalakan kegiatan penghijauan dan penanaman bibit khususnya tanaman sayuran menggunakan sistem budidaya vertikultur sebagai alternatif upaya peningkatan asupan gizi yang optimal untuk mencegah stunting di wilayah tersebut. Hasil kegiatan ini adalah masyarakat menguasai materi stunting dan teknik vertikultu dengan baik dan mampu mempraktikkan cara pembuatan media tanam dengan teknik vertikultur dan mampu melakukan penyemaian bibit sayuran dengan baik.     ABSTRACT Stunting is a major threat to the quality of Indonesian people, as well as a threat to the nation's competitiveness. This is because stunted children, not only impaired physical growth (short / dwarf), but also disturbed brain development, which of course will greatly affect the ability and achievement at school, productivity and creativity in productive ages. Improving diet by starting to plant plants high in iron and folic acid in home yards (Moringa leaves, green spinach leaves and yam leaves) are also needed specifically to meet the needs of pregnant women and MPASI toddlers. Utilization of verticultural cultivation can facilitate housewives to provide vegetables for their families. With more easy access to vegetables that prevent stunting, the threat to stunting against infants can be reduced in prevalence. The purpose of this community service activity is promoting the promotion of greening and planting of seeds, especially vegetable crops using verticultural cultivation systems as an alternative effort to increase optimal nutritional intake to prevent stunting in the region. The results of this activity are the community mastered the material of stunting and verticultural techniques well and is able to practice how to make planting media with verticulture techniques and be able to seed vegetable seeds with the aim of this service is the socialization of promoting greening activities and planting of seeds, especially vegetable plants using a verticultural cultivation system as an alternative effort to increase the optimal nutritional intake to prevent stunting in the region. The result of this activity is that the community mastered the material of stunting and verticulture techniques well and was able to practice how to make planting media with verticulture techniques and be able to do good seedling of vegetable seeds.

Dharma LPPM ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Bambang Sugiarto ◽  
Heru Sigit Purwanto ◽  
Fauzan Irfandi

Household waste, especially plastic, styrofoam and used tires, is a problem for the community because it reduces the quality of the environment. In addition, another problem faced by the community is the increase in household expenditure from consuming fuel for cooking. The community service team tries to overcome both of these problems by implementing waste-to-fuel processing technology. Community service activities include training, mentoring, and providing facilities for processing waste into environmentally friendly fuel. The activity was carried out at the Surolaras Waste Bank, Yogyakarta City. The benefits that are felt are reduced waste, fuel products that can be used for household needs, reduced household expenses, and a well-preserved natural environment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-127
Jasmani Jasmani ◽  
Noryani Noryani ◽  
Yossy Wahyu Indrawan ◽  
Reni Hindriari ◽  
Lia Asmalah

Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk memenuhi kewajiban dosen untuk melakukan tridharma perguruan tinggi. Untuk itu sudah menjadi kewajiban bagi dosen berbagi pengetahuan dan wawasan melalui penyuluhan pengembangan manajemen sumber daya manusia agar senantiasa berupaya mencapai tujuan organisasi dengan efektif dan efisien. Dan juga bertujuan Karang Taruna Kampung serua poncol dapat menjalankan fungsi dan perannya secara optimal sehingga mendatangkan manfaat bagi Kampung serua poncol. Pengembangan juga dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia dalam melaksanakan tugasnya sehingga lebih positif dalam berkontribusi tenaga dan pikiran untuk memajukan Kampung serua poncol.Kata Kunci : Manajemen Sumber Daya ManusiaABSTRACTThe purpose of this community service activity is to fulfill the obligations of lecturers to do tridharma of higher education. For that reason, it has become an obligation for lecturers to share their knowledge and insights through counseling the development of human resource management so that they always strive to achieve organizational goals effectively and efficiently. And also aims at Karang Taruna Kampung Serua Poncol can carry out its functions and roles optimally so that it brings benefits to Kampung Seronc Poncol. The development is also intended to improve the quality of human resources in carrying out their duties so that it is more positive in contributing energy and thoughts to advance the village of all poncol.Keywords: Human Resource Management 

2009 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 135-144 ◽  
Marek Gajewski ◽  
Zenon Węglarz ◽  
Anna Sereda ◽  
Marta Bajer ◽  
Agnieszka Kuczkowska ◽  

Quality of Carrots Grown for Processing as Affected by Nitrogen Fertilization and Harvest TermIn 2007-2008 the effect of nitrogen fertilization and harvest term on quality of two carrot cultivars was investigated. The field experiment was carried out in Żelazna Experimental Station of Warsaw University of Life Sciences. Karotan F1and Trafford F1cultivars, commonly grown for juice industry, were the objects of the experiment. Carrot seeds were sown at the beginning of May. Nitrogen fertilization was applied in five rates, ranged from 0 to 120 kg·ha-1and in two terms — before sowing and in the middle of growing season. Roots were harvested in three terms: mid-September, mid-October and the first decade of November. After harvest there were determined: nitrates (NO3) content in carrot roots and juice, soluble solids, colour parameters of juice in CIE L*a*b*system. The dose and the term of nitrogen fertilization influenced nitrates content in carrots, and the highest NO3concentration was found in carrots fertilized with 120 kg·ha-1of N before sowing. Karotan showed higher nitrates accumulation than Trafford. The content of nitrates in the roots was markedly higher than in carrot juice. Nitrates content in carrots decreased with delaying of harvest time, in opposite to soluble solids content. Soluble solids content and colour parameters of carrot juice were not affected by nitrogen fertilization, but the lowest L*, a*and b*values were observed at the last term of harvest.

2020 ◽  
pp. 18-20
Т.Э. Остонакулов ◽  
А.А. Шамсиев

В 2017–2019 годах изучены сортообразцы сладкого картофеля на староорошаемых лугово-сероземных почвах Зарафшанской долины. Цель исследований – комплексная оценка сортообразцов батата в условиях Зарафшанской долины по скороспелости, росту, развитию, интенсивному размножению, формированию урожая, компактности клубней в гнезде, продуктивности, урожайности и лежкости клубней и выделение из них перспективных, а также разработка приемов агротехнологии получения высоких урожаев для данных условий. Почвы опытного участка характеризуются благоприятными агрофизическими и водными свойствами и низким содержанием гумуса, нитратного азота, подвижного фосфора и содержанием обменного калия от низкого до среднего. Сравнивали 18 сортообразцов батата. Выделенные сортообразцы изучали при ширине междурядий 70 и 90 см со схемой 70×25 и 90×20 см по 1, 2 и 3 растения в гнезде. Для получения рассады сортообразцов батата брали по 40 клубней и высаживали 20–22 февраля в пленочной теплице при температуре 15–18 °C, заделывая их на глубину 3–5 см. Влажность почвы поддерживали на уровне 65–70%. Через 7–10 дней после высадки почки начинают прорастать, а через 43–48 дней формируется рассада высотой 12–15 см, готовая для высадки в поле. Высадка рассады, как и других рассадных культур (томата, перца, баклажана) – по схеме 70×20–25 см во второй-третьей декаде апреля. Уход включал в себя междурядную обработку (культивация), прополку, борьбу с сорняками, подкормку, поливы. Уборка урожая – в конце сентября-начале октября с помощью картофелекопателя. В результате исследований выделились сорта по скороспелости, дружности формирования ростков, ускоренному размножению, продуктивности, компактности клубней в гнезде и с высоким товарным урожаем – Сочакинур, Хар-Бей и Япон. Возделывание этих сортообразцов по схеме 70×25 и 90×20 см способствует получению товарного урожая высокого качества не менее 43–48 т/га. In 2017–2019, studies were conducted on the study of varieties of sweet potatoes on old-irrigated meadow-gray-earth soils of the Zarafshan valley. The purpose of the research is a comprehensive assessment of sweet potato varieties in the conditions of the Zarafshan valley in terms of early maturity, growth, development, intensive reproduction, yield formation, compactness of tubers in the nest, productivity, yield and keeping quality of tubers and the selection of promising ones, as well as the development of methods of agricultural technology for obtaining high yields for given conditions. The soil is characterized by favorable agrophysical and water properties and low content of humus, nitrate nitrogen, mobile phosphorus and a low-average content of exchange potassium. Eighteen sweet potato varieties were compared. The selected variety samples were studied with a row spacing of 70 and 90 cm with a scheme of 70×25 and 90×20 cm for 1, 2 and 3 seedlings in the nest. To obtain seedlings of sweet potato varieties, 40 tubers were taken and planted on February 20–22 in a film greenhouse at a temperature of 15–18 °C, seeding to a depth of 3–5 cm, the soil moisture was maintained at 65–70%. 7–10 days after planting, the buds began to germinate, and after 43–48 days, seedlings were formed with a height of 12–15 cm, which is ready for planting in the field. Planting seedlings in the field is carried out, as well as other seedlings (tomato, pepper, eggplant) according to the scheme 70x20–25 cm in the second or third decade of April. Growing includes inter-row processing (cultivation), weeding, weed control, top dressing, watering. Harvesting in late September, early October with a potato digger. As a result of the research, varieties were identified in terms of early maturity, sprout formation, accelerated reproduction, productivity, compactness of tubers in the nest and ensuring a high marketable yield – Sochakinur, Xar-Bey, and Japon. The cultivation of these varieties according to the scheme 70×25 and 90×20 cm contributes to the production of a commodity crop at 43–48 t/ha with good qualities.

Ajeng Embri Legawati ◽  
Nur Azizah ◽  
Achmad Ramadhan

Green beans cultivation technology using mice pets control has been implemented in the Gluranploso village, Benjeng Gresik. The implementation of the technology performed for 2.5 months from August to October 2017. The purpose of the implementation is aimed to reduce the dependence of farmers on the use of chemical pesticides so that the farmers are aware of the negative impact of chemical pesticides. Assessing the impact of the utilization of Bintaro fruit and fruit extracts to explore ways of making Bintaro as a natural biopesticide to overcome rat attack on green bean plants in the Gluranploso village. Pest control mice can reduce the rate of loss of the crops more effectively and efficiently. Finally, with the use of those natural resources as a biopesticide material can also maintain the environmental balance

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