scholarly journals Refleksi Guru Terhadap Problem Keragaman Media Daring dalam Pembelajaran Sejarah

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 171-182
Yeni Kurniawati ◽  
Wawan Darmawan ◽  
Ayi Budi Santosa ◽  
Labibatussolihah Labibatussolihah

This article aims to explain the problem of the variety of online media used by teachers during online history learning. This problem arises because there is no standard provision for online media that must be used by teachers. So that teachers can freely take advantage of various free and paid online media or even develop media independently. The research method used is a survey using a questionnaire distributed by random sampling technique for one month to 41 respondents spread over nine provinces in Indonesia. The results of the descriptive statistical analysis show that teachers mix and match the use of online media in accordance with the learning objectives. Another finding is that it is understood that each media has its own advantages and disadvantages. A relatively similar impression in sorting and selecting various online media is described in this article. The most popular online media for planning are Google Classroom and WhatsApp Group. As for the implementation of learning, namely Zoom Meeting and Google Meeting. Online media for learning evaluation using Quizizz. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan persoalan ragam media daring yang digunakan oleh guru selama pembelajaran sejarah daring. Persoalan ini muncul karena tidak adanya ketentuan baku akan media daring yang wajib digunakan oleh guru. Sehingga guru dapat leluasa memanfaatkan berbagai media daring yang gratis maupun berbayar atau bahkan menggembangkan media secara mandiri. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu survei dengan menggunakan angket yang disebarkan dengan teknik random sampling selama satu bulan kepada 41 responden yang tersebar di sembilan provinsi di Indonesia. Hasil dari analisis statistis deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa guru memadupadankan penggunaan media daring yang sesuai dengan tujuan pembelajaran. Temuan lainnya yaitu telah dipahami bahwa setiap media memiliki kelebihan dan kekuranganya masing-masing. Kesan yang relatif sama dalam memilah dan memilih berbagai media daring diuraikan dalam artikel ini. Media daring yang paling diminati untuk perencanaan yaitu Google Classroom dan WhatsApp Group. Sedangkan untuk pelaksanaan pembelajaran yaitu Zoom Meeting dan Google Meeting. Media daring untuk evaluasi pembelajaran menggunakan  Quizizz.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-28
Nadya Savira Chaerani ◽  
Dedeh Fardiah

Abstract. In February 2019 KPID West Java issued a circular containing restrictions on the hours of broadcast of some English-language songs that were vulgar in content, both in the form of songs or video clips. There are 17 English songs contained in circular attachments issued by KPID West of Java. Dozens of songs can only be aired starting at 22:00 WIB until 03.00 WIB. The broadcast limitation starts from public complaints and KPID supervision of the broadcast content. A number of online media rollicking to preach this event, one of which is online media which is a news site that is widely accessed by various groups. This study uses a quantitative method with a correlational approach that aims to find out the relationship of truth, relevance, balance and neutrality between the coverage of 17 western songs by KPID West of Java towards the interests of listeners of western songs on Radio as aspects of cognitive, evaluative and the interests of listeners of western songs on the radio The students of Faculty of Communication Sciences Unisba as the dependent variable, this study uses the objectivity theory of Westerstahl. From this study using the stratified random sampling technique, it was concluded that there was a significant and very strong relationship between Factuality, Impartiality and Western Song Listeners' Interests on Radio at the Faculty of Communication Sciences Unisba. Abstrak. Pada bulan Februari 2019 KPID Jawa Barat mengeluarkan surat edaran yang berisi tentang pembatasan jam penyiaran beberapa lagu berbahasa Inggris yang berkonten vulgar, baik dalam bentuk lagu atau pun video klip. Terdapat 17 lagu berbahasa Inggris yang terdapat dalam lampiran surat edaran yang dikeluarkan KPID Jawa Barat. Belasan lagu itu hanya boleh tayang mulai pukul 22.00 WIB hingga 03.00 WIB. Pembatasan penyiaran berawal dari aduan masyarakat dan pengawasan KPID terhadap isi siaran. Sejumlah media online beramai-ramai memberitakan peristiwa ini salah satunya media online yang merupakan situs berita yang banyak diakses oleh berbagai kalangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan korelasional yang bertujuan mengetahui adanya hubungan kebenaran, relevansi, keberimbangan dan netralitas antara pemberitaan pembatasan 17 lagu barat oleh KPID Jawa Barat terhadap minat pendengar lagu barat di Radio sebagai aspek dalam kognitif, evaluatif dengan minat pendengar lagu barat di radio pada Mahasiswa Fikom Unisba sebagai variabel terikat, penelitian ini menggunakan teori Objektivitas dari Westerstahl. Dari penelitian ini yang menggunakan teknik penarikan sampel stratified random sampling ini ditemukan kesimpulan, bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan dan sangat kuat antara Faktualitas, Imparsialitas dengan Minat Pendengar Lagu Barat di Radio pada Mahasiswa Fikom Unisba.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 187
Aisyah Ratna Dewi ◽  
Heri Soeprayogi ◽  
Sri Wiratma

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ketepatan siswa dalam memilih warna dan komposisi yang sesuai pada karya sulam teknik sulam bebas dengan motif flora dan fauna. Adapun populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII-7 SMP Negeri 16 Medan dengan sampel 3 karya siswa dengan teknik Cluster Random Sampling. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan mendeskripsikan karya sulam yang diteliti dan dinilai berdasarkan unsur seni rupa yang telah ditentukan yaitu warna dan komposisi. Secara keseluruhan kemampuan siswa SMP Negeri 16 medan dalam praktik menyulam dikatakan Cukup Baik. Siswa sudah memiliki kemampuan dalam menyatukan  motif-motif  yang  akan disulam  dan   hasil sulamnya pun rata-rata sudah  mendekati kategori cukup.Kata Kunci: sulam, warna, komposisi.AbstractThis study aims to determine the accuracy of students in choosing the right color and composition in the embroidery work of free embroidery work of free embroidery techniques with flora and fauna motifs. As for the population used in this study were all students of class VIII-7 junior high school 16 terrain with a sample of 3 students’ work using a random sampling technique. The research method used is descriptive qualitative by describing the work of embroidery that is examined and assessed based on predetermined fine art elements, namely color and composition. As a whole the ability of 16 field students in the field of embroidery is said to be quite good. Students already have the ability to unify the motif to be embroidered and results of embroidery are on average already close to the sufficient category. Keywords: embroidery, color, composition. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 80-83
Elis Silmi ◽  
Rudy Susanto ◽  
Ismail Dwi Cahyo

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of compensation on employee performance. The method used is a quantitative research method with the number of samples used is 54 respondents. The sampling technique was done by random sampling. The results of the study: The correlation coefficient (rxy) was 0.46. This shows that there is a moderate relationship between the variables of Compensation and Employee Performance at Kreasindo Jaya Abadi; Compensation variable contributes to Employee Performance variable by 21.16% and the remaining 78.84% is contributed by other variables; We get a simple linear regression equation Y = 18.30 + 0.5082X. The results of the hypothesis analysis show the value of t count > t table (3.7353 > 1.6747), so H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. So, it can be concluded that there is a significant influence between the Compensation variable and the Employee Performance variable.

2015 ◽  
Vol 77 (4) ◽  
Mohamad Ghozali Hassan ◽  
Norani Nordin ◽  
Hasbullah Ashari

Implementation of sustainable manufacturing practices brings lot of gains and benefits not alone to the manufacturing industries but also to their immediate environment. Such benefits includes increase the manufacturing capacity, good industry image, environmental friendly product, enhance business profile, consumer perceptions and corporate reputation. Nevertheless, many manufacturing industries are still unable to properly implements sustainable manufacturing practices. Hence, this paper identifies the sustainable manufacturing practices among manufacturing industries. Data were collected based on quantitative research method using self-administered questionnaires. A total of 104 manufacturing industries were selected based on stratified random sampling technique and SPSS was used to analyze the data. The result identified some applicable and non-applicable factors that affect proper implementation of sustainable manufacturing practices among manufacturing industries. Thus, the study will assist manufacturing industries to strengthen their implementation strategies on sustainable practices.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-66
Agung Prasetyo

ABSTRACT   This study aims to reveal the influence of the Commitment of Corporate Leadership (X1) and organizational culture (X2) to the effectiveness of employee work (Y). The research method used was a survey method. The sampling technique uses stratified random sampling. The research sample amounted to 48 respondents. The trial results of the research instruments show that the reliability of the Likert scale instrument of organizational culture is 0.917, work motivation is 0.792, and work effectiveness is 0.854. Analysis of the data used is regression analysis. The conclusion of the research results revealed: (1) There is an influence of the Commitment of the Leadership of the Company to the effectiveness of the work of employees. From the analysis results obtained a regression coefficient of 3,336 means that the influence of the Commitment of the Leadership of the Company amounted to 33.36%. (2) There is a positive influence of organizational culture on work effectiveness. From the analysis results obtained a correlation coefficient of 3742 means that there is a positive influence of organizational culture on work effectiveness by 37.42%. (3) There is a positive influence of the Commitment of the Company's Leadership Tasks and organizational culture together on work effectiveness. From the results of the analysis obtained a regression value of 14.58 means that there is a positive influence on the Commitment of the Leadership of the Company and organizational culture together on work effectiveness is 14.58%. Keywords: leadership commitment, organizational culture, work effectiveness, employees

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-22
Anton Adhy Pujianto ◽  
I Nyoman Sudana Degeng ◽  
Sugito Sugito

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: 1.) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan aplikasi PlantNet terhadap hasil belajar; 2.) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh gaya belajar terhadap hasil belajar; dan 3.) Untuk mengetahui interaksi antara peng-gunaan aplikasi PlantNet dan gaya belajar terhadap hasil belajar IPA siswa kelas VII. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian eksperimen. Penelitian dilak-sanakan pada tanggal 20 Januari 2020 sampai dengan 14 Maret 2020. Populasi dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 32 kelas dengan jumlah sebanyak 1.088 siswa kelas VII ditiga sekolah yaitu SMP Negeri 2 Gedangan, SMP Negeri 3 Sidoarjo, dan SMP Negeri 4 Sidoarjo. Teknik pengambilan sampel penelitian menggunakan simple random sampling, pengambilan sampel secara acak sederhana melalui nomor undian. Dalam pengambilan sampel didapat 3 kelas eksperimen penggunaan aplikasi PlantNet dan 3 kelas kontrol tanpa aplikasi PlantNet menggunakan diskusi kelas. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Anava dua jalur dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar α = 0,05. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1.) Ada-nya  pengaruh penggunaan aplikasi PlantNet terhadap hasil belajar IPA siswa kelas 7; 2.) Adanya pengaruh gaya belajar terhadap hasil belajar IPA siswa kelas 7; dan 3.) Adanya interaksi antara penggunaan aplikasi PlantNet dan gaya belajar terhadap hasil belajar IPA siswa kelas VII. AbstractThe objectives of this study are: 1.) To determine the effect of using the PlantNet application on learning outcomes; 2.) To determine the effect of learning styles on learning outcomes; and 3.) To determine the interaction between the use of the PlantNet application and learning styles on the learning outcomes of 7th grade science students. This research method uses experimental research. The study was conducted on January 20 until March 14, 2020. The population in this study was 32 classes with a total of 1,088 7th grade students in three schools, namely SMP Negeri 2 Gedangan, SMP Negeri 3 Sidoarjo, and SMP Negeri 4 Sidoarjo. The research sampling technique uses simple random sampling, simple random sampling through lottery numbers. In sampling obtained 3 experimental classes using the PlantNet application and 3 control classes without the PlantNet application using class discussion. Data analysis technique used two-way Anava with a significance value of α = 0.05. The results of this study indicate that: 1.) The influence of the use of the PlantNet application on the learning outcomes of the 7th grade science students; 2.) The influence of learning styles on the results of science learning for 7th grade students; and 3.) There is an interaction between the use of the PlantNet application and learning styles on the learning outcomes of 7th grade science students. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-35
Elmy Andrianti ◽  
Indri Rachmawati

Abstract. Hedonism means a living outlook that considers pleasure and material bliss as the main purpose of life. In general, these hedonists assume that they only live once in a lifetime. Therefore, they have the need to enjoy life as pleasurable as possible, adn free with No. limits. New media is a medium that uses the internet, technology based online media that has flexible character, it also has the potential to interactive and can funcation privately or publicly. For this research, i conducted a quantitative method with a correlational approach that aims to determine the hedonism that is in accordance with the AIO indikator (Activities, Interest dan Opinion). Also, this study implements a sampling technique namely simple random sampling.   Abstrak. Hedonisme mempunyai arti pandangan hidup yang menganggap kesenangan dan kenikmatan materi adalah tujuan utama hidup. Pada umumnya, kaum hedonis ini beranggapan bahwa hidup ini hanya satu kali. Oleh karena itu, mereka merasa ingin menikmati hidup senikmat-nikmatnya, sebebas-bebasnya tanpa batas. New media merupakan media yang menggunakan internet, media online berbasis teknologi, berkarakter fleksibel, berpotensi interaktif dan dapat berfungsi secara privat maupun secara publik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan korelasional yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui hedonisme yang sesuai dengan indikator AIO (Activities, Interest dan Opinion). Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel dengan simple random sampling.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-46
Anna Marganingsih ◽  
Emilia Dewiwati Pelipa

Abstract: This research is motivated by the fact that not all consumers behave rationally. There are still many consumers who behave iirationally in the form of consumptive behavior. Consumers in this case students who have consumptive behavior are suspected because consumers are lacking in economic literacy. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of economic literacy on student consumptive behavior at STKIP Persada Kahtulistiwa Sintang. The research method used is quantitative with factual exposures. The population is students with 257 people. The sampling technique used is Simple Random Sampling with a sample size of 65 people. Data collection tool in the form of questionnaires and test questions. The results showed that economic literacy had a negative and significant effect on students' consumptive behavior in STKIP Persada Khatulistiwa Sintang. This is confirmed by the results of the t test which shows the value of t count - 3,400> t table - 1,998 (Two Tailed) on df = n -2 = 65 - 2 = 63 and the error rate (α = 5%) or significance 0,000 <0.05 means null hypothesis is rejected and alternative hypothesis is accepted. Keywords: Economic Literacy, Consumptive Behavior Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kenyataan yang terjadi bahwa tidak semua konsumen berperilaku rasional. Masih banyak konsumen yang berperilaku iirasional dalam bentuk perilaku konsumtif. Konsumen dalam hal ini mahasiswa yang memiliki perilaku konsumtif diduga karena konsumen kurang dalam literasi ekonomi. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh literasi ekonomi terhadap perilaku konsumtif mahasiswa di STKIP Persada Kahtulistiwa Sintang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan bentuk ekspos fakto. Populasi adalah mahasiswa  dengan jumlah 257 orang. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah Simple Random Sampling dengan jumlah sample 65orang. Alat pengumpul data berupa angket dan soal tes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa literasi ekonomi berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap perlaku konsumtif mahasiswa di STKIP Persada Khatulistiwa Sintang. Hal ini dipertegas dengan hasil uji t yang menunjukkan nilai t hitung – 3,400 > t tabel - 1,998 (Two Tailed) pada dk = n -2 = 65 – 2 = 63 dan tingkat kesalahan (α = 5%) atau signifikansi 0.000 < 0.05 artinya Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Kata Kunci : Literasi Ekonomi, Perilaku Konsumtif

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 35 ◽  
Cindy Cahyaning Astuti ◽  
Herlinda Maya Kumala Sari ◽  
Nuril Lutvi Azizah

This study focuses on the comparison between e-learning methods and conventional method (face-to-face) to find out the weaknesses and strengths of e-learning applied at Muhammadiyah University in Sidoarjo. E-Learning used in this study is Edmodo. The research method in this study used Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). The sampling technique used is cluster random sampling which is taken proportionally for each cluster. Based on the results of the study it was found that the conventional method (face to face) is still considered better by students than e-learning because it is easier to understand the material and easier to interact with the teacher. However, e-learning itself also has advantages compared to conventional, namely in terms of flexibility in lecture time and ease of collecting assignments

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
M. Agus Prayudi

Abstract - The tourism sector is the mainstay of the country's foreign exchange income. Thus an increase in attractions that can be visited by tourists is very necessary and sought. One effort is to conduct research that aims to determine natural factors, infrastructure factors, and Sapta Enchantment Tourism factors can play a positive role in the interest of tourist attraction to visit beach attractions, one of which is Goa Cemara beach tourism object in Sanden. The research method used was a quota incidental sampling random sampling technique from tourists visiting Goa Cemara beach attractions. The number of samples is 105 people. The method of data collection uses guided interview techniques, which uses interview guidelines compiled by researchers and tested to determine the reliability of the instrument. The method of data analysis uses percentage techniques. The conclusions of the study are as follows; (1) natural factors play a good role in increasing the interest or attractiveness of tourists to visit Goa Cemara beach tourism objects (77.4%), (2) infrastructure factors play a moderate role in increasing the interest or attraction to visit Goa Cemara beach attractions ( 51.6%), and (3) Sapta Pesona Wisata factor plays a good role in increasing the interest or attractiveness of tourists visiting Goa Cemara beach attractions (74.8%). It is suggested that there should be an effort to always improve and develop natural factors, infrastructure, and Sapta Tourism charm in order to increase the number of tourist visits in Goa Cemara beach attractions in order to increase the country's foreign exchange and the welfare of the community around the tourist attraction. Keywords: Natural attractions, infrastructure, Sapta Pesona Wisata and tourism objects. Abstrak - Sektor pariwisata merupakan sektor andalan pemasukan devisa negara. Dengan demikian peningkatan obyek wisata supaya dapat dikunjungi wisatawan sangat diperlukan dan diupayakan. Salah satu upaya adalah mengadakan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menentukan faktor alam, faktor infrastruktur, dan faktor Sapta Pesona Wisata dapat berperan positif terhadap minat akan daya tarik wisatawan berkunjung ke obyek wisata pantai, salah satunya obyek wisata pantai Goa Cemara di Sanden. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah teknik penentuan sampel secara quota insidental random sampling dari para wisatawan yang berkunjung ke obyek wisata pantai Goa Cemara. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 105 orang. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara terpimpin, yakni menggunakan pedoman wawancara yang disusun peneliti dan diujicobakan untuk menentukan reliabilitas instrumen. Metode analisis data menggunakan teknik prosentase. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah sebagai berikut ; (1) faktor alam berperan bagus dalam meningkatkan minat atau daya tarik wisatawan untuk berkunjung ke obyek wisata pantai Goa Cemara (77,4%), (2) faktor infrastruktur berperan sedang terhadap peningkatan minat atau daya tarik berkunjung ke obyek wisata pantai Goa Cemara (51,6%), dan (3) faktor Sapta Pesona Wisata berperan bagus dalam meningkatkan minat atau daya tarik wisatawan berkunjung ke obyek wisata pantai Goa Cemara (74,8%). Disarankan perlu ada upaya selalu meningkatkan dan mengembangkan faktor-faktor alam, infrastruktur, dan Sapta pesona Wisata guna meningkatkan jumlah kunjungan wisata di obyek wisata pantai Goa Cemara demi peningkatan devisa negara dan kesejahteraan masyarakat sekitar obyek wisata. Kata kunci: Daya tarik alam, infrastruktur, Sapta Pesona Wisata dan obyek wisata.

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