scholarly journals Strategi Pemasaran Jasa Pendidikan dalam Meningkatkan Animo Masyarakat pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-44
Mahmud MY ◽  
Riftiyanti Savitri ◽  
Lesiana Oktorita

This research aims to find out the management of marketing of educational services in increasing public interest during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. Data is collected through observations, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study showed that the marketing of ma Al-Azhar Muaro Bungo education services during the Covid-19 pandemic was carried out by applying the concept of educational services marketing mix including marketing quality graduate products and karimah; price (tuition fee) is determined by the adjustment of the average economy of the student's parents; the place or location of the madrassa is in a strategic location; madrassa promotion is carried out directly and indirectly; Professional human resources and adequate facilities and infrastructure; The process of delivering educational services includes the delivery of facilities and facilities, learning activities, and extracurricular activities.

2011 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 659
Harjanto Prabowo

Colleges offering computer education are increasing, especially with the widespread use of information technology in all fields. This paper presents the results of research that aims to uncover the level of service marketing mix of performance conformity with the interests of education and expectations of students. Research conducted descriptive, while the research method used is the method of explanatory survey of 770 students and 54 leaders from computer private colleges in Jakarta. The results showed that the individual's environment is more influential on the decision process of selecting college students compared the performance of education services marketing mix. There is a gap between the performance of the marketing mix of educational services with the level of expectation and perceived level of student interest. Therefore, leaders of computer private colleges in Jakarta should pay attention to changes in consumer behavior to marketing mix program of education services can further enhance the value of education services.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Mistaruddin Mistaruddin

Education plays a very important role in the process of improving the quality of human resources and is a process that is integrated with the process of improving the quality of human resources themselves. For this reason, the government implements School-Based Management which involves relevant stakeholders, especially the community. This study aims to find out and analyze the collaboration of the Committee (community) with the Head of Madrasa in terms of improving the quality of education at Madrasa Aliyah Negeri in Banda Aceh City. Data collection in this study was conducted by interview, documentation, and observation. While the results of this study are the authors find that the Cooperation Committee and the Head of MAN in Banda Aceh City have been carried out in the form of partnerships that synergize and mutually understand the roles and functions of each institution in order to improve the quality of Madrasah education, this is clearly seen by the implementation of the boarding school program, student creativity activities, extracurricular activities and also academic achievement of students who continue to increase along with the increasing intensity of collaboration of the committee and the head of the Madrasah as a whole in all aspects that include learning activities, facilities, infrastructure, and technical education materially and non materially, so that it gives a significant influence on the quality of education at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri in Banda Aceh City.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Dian ◽  
Ilis Rosbiah ◽  
Ari Prayoga

Competition between educational institutions, especially the private sector in order to get new students is very tight,  this can be seen by the many educational institutions that implement marketing strategies to attract as many students as possible. This study aims to reveal the implementation of educational services marketing strategies with the foundation of management theory and marketing mix in Madrasah Aliyah Miftahurroja Lebakmuncang-Ciwidey, Indonesia. The method used in this research is descriptive with a qualitative approach. Collecting data in this study are, observations of the internal and external environment of madrasas, interviews with madrasah heads, deputy heads of curriculum, educators, committee, and pamphlet study documents, list of institutions, madrasah marketing agenda. Data analysis techniques used are to do data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that: first, the marketing strategy of education services to improve the quality of education in MA Miftahurroja Lebakmuncang Ciwidey by using the management function, there are four stages, namely Planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating. Secondly, the implementation of an education services marketing strategy in MA Miftahurroja Lebakmuncang through marketing mix namely; products, places, prices, promotions, people, physical evidence, and processes. The competitiveness of MA Miftahurroja Lebakmuncang Ciwidey is good enough, it can be seen from the data of the increasing number of students. 

2021 ◽  
Firjaun Faris Fahmi ◽  
Damelina Basauli Tambunan

The purpose of this study was to conduct a feasibility analysis to determine the steps in the management and development of furniture businesses in Studio Inside Surabaya. The aspects which were studied were the legal, market and marketing, technical and operational, natural resource and financial aspects. The legal aspect: Interior Business and Custom Furniture Studio Inside have obtained approval from the surrounding community to carry out the company’s activities and the SIUP of the company is in the process of making the deed. The market and marketing aspect: Interior Business and Custom Furniture Studio Inside have been able to maintain the business environment conditions with PEST analysis, maintain the industrial structure with the Five Force Model Porter, analyze STP, and describe the marketing mix. Technical and operational aspects: the Interior Business and Custom Furniture Studio Inside have fulfilled the element of feasibility because of their strategic location and workshop layout that is able to support the company’s activities to the maximum and has established a clear SOP. The human resources aspect: the Interior and Custom Furniture Studio Inside Business has fulfilled the element of eligibility because the organizational structure and position description have been well established. Financial aspects: the Interior Business and Custom Furniture Studio Inside have fulfilled the element of eligibility because the PP, NPV, and PI values have met the conditions under normal and optimistic conditions. Keywords: business feasibility study, interior, furniture

Muhammad Muhammad Iqbal Muhammad Iqbal

Abstrak Penelitian ini difokuskan di SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Depok, ketika tahun 2009 SMP ini mengalami keterpurukan. Jika sekolah tidak mampu menerima anak-anak lebih dari 10 siswa maka SMP ini terancam akan ditutup. Faktor keterpurukan SMP ini disebabkan oleh marketing yang gagal dan pelayanan jasa pendidikan yang menurun. Dengan menerapkan implementasi strategi pemasaran jasa pendidikan, SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Depok ini mampu bangkit dari keterpurukan. Sehingga konsumen, orang tua, dan masyarakat kembali yakin dan percaya untuk menyekolahkan anaknya di SMP ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi strategi pemasaran jasa pendidikan dalam meningkatkan pelayanan pendidikan SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Depok Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan teori strategi pemasaran jasa pendidikan. Data dikumpulkan melalui: (1) observasi, (2) dokumentasi, dan (3) wawancara mendalam kepada kepala sekolah, waka humas, waka kesiswaan, orang tua siswa dan siswa. Teknik validasi dan keabsahan data dengan triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi teknik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan implementasi strategi pemasaran jasa pendidikan dalam meningkatkan pelayanan pendidikan SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Depok yaitu: (1) melakukan strategi pemilihan pasar dengan melakukan segmentasi pasar, targeting dan positioning. (2) menetapkan marketing mix dengan cara menerapkan produk-produk yang berkualitas dari SMP ini, menonjolkan letak geografisnya yang cukup strategis, menerapkan harga yang bersaing, dan juga melakukan langkah-langkah promosi serta langkah-langkah lainnya. Kata Kunci: Implementasi Strategi Pemasaran, Pelayanan Pendidikan, Marketing mix. Abstract This research focused on SMP 1 Muhammadiyah Depok Sleman Yogyakarta, in 2009 this junior high school experienced adversity. If the school was unable to receive more than 10 students, this school would be closed. This SMP downturn is caused by failed marketing and declined educational services. By applied implementation the marketing strategy of educational services, SMP 1 Muhammadiyah Depok able to rise from adversity. So that consumers, parents and the community would trust and believe in sending their children to this junior high school. This study was aimed at determining the implementation of educational services marketing strategies in improving educational services in SMP 1 Muhammadiyah Depok Yogyakarta. This research was a qualitative research used the marketing strategy theory approach to educational services. Data were collected through: (1) observation, (2) documentation, and (3) in-depth interviews with principals, public relations staff, student affairs, parents of students, and students. Data validation and validity techniques were undertaken by using source triangulation and technical triangulation. The results of the study indicated the implementation of marketing services marketing strategies in improving education services in SMP 1 Muhammadiyah Depok, namely: (1) implementing market selection strategies by segmenting the market, targeting and positioning. (2) establishing the marketing mix by applying quality products from this junior high school, highlighting its geographical location that is quite strategic, applying competitive prices, and also taking promotional steps and other steps. Keywords: Marketing Strategy Implementation, Educational Services, Marketing mix.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
pp. 133
Sarifudin Sarifudin ◽  
Rahendra Maya

The management of marketing education services will be good if done correctly and professionally. The aim of the marketing management of education services is to facilitate the institution in marketing its educational services to the community. The purpose of this study is to be able to find out how the implementation of the mix strategy in the marketing management of education services in the Darul Fallah Integrated Aliyah Madrasah (MAT) Bogor. This scientific research uses qualitative methods by collecting data from field observation activities, interviews with relevant sources, and taking documentation from the research site. The marketing mix of education services in MAT Darul Fallah Bogor includes: (1) Product strategy; (2) Price Strategy; (3) Place Strategy (location); (4) Promotion Strategy; (5) People Strategy; (6) Physical Evendece Strategy; and (7) Process Strategy. In addition, this study also discusses the development of marketing education services in MAT Darul Fallah Bogor from year to year and various kinds of educational services products offered so that consumers are more interested in seeing firsthand the advantages of this school.Keywords: management, marketing, education services, satisfaction.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-176
Fita Tri Wijayanti

This study aims to describe and analyze it critical about the implementation of the development of children's spiritual intelligence through habituation methods at SD Islam Plus Masyithoh Kroya, Cilacap district. This type of research is field research or field research. This research is presented in descriptive form with the aim to describe a process that occurs in the field. While the approach taken is a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used: observation, interviews, and documentation. While the data analysis technique uses the Miles and Huberman Model, which consists of: Data Reduction, Data Display and Verification (Conclusion Drawing). The results of this study found that the forms of development of children's spiritual intelligence through habituation methods at SD Islam Plus Masyithoh Kroya were divided into two activities, namely: first, programmed habituation activities, including extracurricular activities scheduled every Saturday namely extracurricular tilawah, tambourine and calligraphy . In addition, outdoor learning, activities that have been scheduled each year for grade 5 (five) students, are religious tourism. Second, habituation activities are not programmed in the development of children's spiritual intelligence through habituation methods. a) routine activities, carried out continuously and scheduled. The routine activities include: morning munajat activities (asmaul husna, daily prayers, tartil juz 30, and memorizing selected hadith) which are carried out before teaching and learning activities, dhuha prayer, dzuhur prayer in congregation, and social service activities, b) spontaneous namely activities that occur when experiencing special events. In this case the spontaneous activities carried out included: greeting, apologizing before asking for help, always dhikr, and thanking, c) exemplary is a habituation activity shown by the teacher in daily actions. Exemplary here is shown by the performance of the teacher both in the classroom providing subject matter as well as outside the classroom.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 449
Yonrizon Yonrizon

<p>Competitive competition in the world of education services is influenced by the consequences of higher education that has the ability to compete that can survive and achieve the target set. Currently, the existing college are competing to develop their potential and ability to attract prospective students. Therefore, the college must create a Marketing Mix Services strategy that is the product, prices, location, promotion, people, process, physical evidence, and brand image mediated by motivation.The approach used is the survey, which is the activity of collecting data as much as possible about the facts that are supporters of the research, with a view to know the status, symptoms, determine the similarity of status by comparing with the standards that have been selected and or determined. (Arikunto &amp; Kusyati, 2015). This research was conducted to determine the effect of product, price, location, promotion, people, process, physical evidence, brand image, to student's motivation in making decision to choose college of Pharmacy in Bukittinggi. The result of research shows that product, price, process, brand image, have positive and significant effect to motivation, while location, promotion, person, physical proof have no significant effect to motivation and motivation have positive and significant influence to decision of vote</p><p> </p><p><em>Persaingan kompetitif dalam dunia layanan pendidikan dipengaruhi oleh konsekuensi pendidikan tinggi yang memiliki kemampuan bersaing yang dapat bertahan dan mencapai target yang ditetapkan. Saat ini, perguruan tinggi yang ada bersaing untuk mengembangkan potensi dan kemampuan mereka untuk menarik calon siswa. Oleh karena itu, perguruan tinggi harus membuat strategi Marketing Mix Services yaitu produk, harga, lokasi, promosi, orang, proses, bukti fisik, dan citra merek yang dimediasi oleh motivasi. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah survei, yaitu kegiatan mengumpulkan data sebanyak mungkin tentang fakta-fakta yang menjadi pendukung penelitian, dengan maksud untuk mengetahui status, gejala, menentukan kesamaan status dengan membandingkan dengan standar yang dimiliki telah dipilih dan atau ditentukan. </em><em>(Arikunto &amp; Kusyati, 2015)</em><em>. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh produk, harga, lokasi, promosi, orang, proses, bukti fisik, citra merek, terhadap motivasi siswa dalam mengambil keputusan memilih perguruan tinggi Farmasi di Bukittinggi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produk, harga, proses, citra merek, berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap motivasi, sedangkan lokasi, promosi, orang, bukti fisik tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap motivasi dan motivasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pemilihan.</em></p>

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