scholarly journals PELAYANAN PUBLIK BERBASIS GOOD GOVERNANCE ( Studi tentang Akuntabilitas dan Transparansi dalam Pelayanan KTP di Kecamatan Sukolilo Kota Surabaya )

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Yonas Thetool ◽  
Endang Indartuti ◽  
Bagoes Soenarjanto

The phenomenon of public service today is very rampant with problems by the bureaucrats who are less responsible, resulting in service to the community becomes not maximal, and people become unconvinced with the government bureaucracy. The presence of Good Governance is expected to be able to restore public trust to the government bureaucracy. Where Good Governace principles such as Accountability and Transparency are needed. The purpose of this study is To Know the Level of Accountability and Transparency in District Sukolilo Surabaya in the Service ID card. The research method used is to use descriptive research form using qualitative approach. Descriptive research will present data, analyze, interpret, and made conclusions from research conducted by the author. Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that Accountability in ID card Service in Sukolilo Subdistrict of Surabaya City is good, where performance accountability indicator, cost accountability and accountability of service product have been appraised by society as respondent. Transparency in ID card service in Kecamatan Sukolilo Surabaya is quite good where management, service and service indicators, service procedures, service charge details, authorized and responsible officials, service standards, service promise and service location are considered good enough, but at Indicator of service information and service completion time is still considered not good by the community as respondents. Keywords : Public Service, Good Governance, Accountability and Transparency.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Yonas Thetool ◽  
Endang Indartuti ◽  
Bagoes Soenarjanto

The phenomenon of public service today is very rampant with problems by the bureaucrats who are less responsible, resulting in service to the community becomes not maximal, and people become unconvinced with the government bureaucracy. The presence of Good Governance is expected to be able to restore public trust to the government bureaucracy. Where Good Governace principles such as Accountability and Transparency are needed. The purpose of this study is To Know the Level of Accountability and Transparency in District Sukolilo Surabaya in the Service ID card. The research method used is to use descriptive research form using qualitative approach. Descriptive research will present data, analyze, interpret, and made conclusions from research conducted by the author. Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that Accountability in ID card Service in Sukolilo Subdistrict of Surabaya City is good, where performance accountability indicator, cost accountability and accountability of service product have been appraised by society as respondent. Transparency in ID card service in Kecamatan Sukolilo Surabaya is quite good where management, service and service indicators, service procedures, service charge details, authorized and responsible officials, service standards, service promise and service location are considered good enough, but at Indicator of service information and service completion time is still considered not good by the community as respondents. Keywords : Public Service, Good Governance, Accountability and Transparency.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-60
Dwi Haris Sanjaya ◽  
Yoga Firmansyah ◽  
Ahmad Sirojun Nuha ◽  
Hilmi Tsaqif

E-government is expected to help the achievement of the government, such as improving administration, internal efficiency, providing public services and increasing opportunities for citizens to participate in democratic institutions and processes. In the National IT Framework study by BAPPENAS, one of the pillars that need to be formed is the Electronic Government (E-Government) for Good Governance to accelerate the good, efficient, and effective form of governance. In the process of implementing E-Government, Indonesia still faces obstacles. Malang City with the increasing of peoples it is necessary for the government to improve the performance of its government. One of the ways is by establishing a Public Service information system. Therefore, in this case, we created the Malang City Public Service Information System Based on the WEB. The development of this system is implemented by pair programming ie. observing the collaboration of each team element. The results of this development is WEB-based Malang City Public Service Information System which consists of several public services. The system is managed online and dynamically. With this system, it is expected to be able to help the process of public services in Malang.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-56
Rona Yunita Nugraheni ◽  
Budi Puspo Priyadi ◽  
Kismartini Kismartini

The development of science and technology in this era is increasingly rapid, it encourages the government to make changes and innovations to realize good governance, one of which is in terms of public services. One form of public service in Indonesia is land. The Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning / National Land Agency as a government agency responsible for land affairs make innovations through the West Kotawaringin Regency Land Office as a tangible manifestation of good governance in land services namely online certificate checking services to provide services that facilitate the community. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the implementation of the online certificate checking service innovation and what factors influence it. This type of research used in this research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The results showed that the innovation of online certificate checking services improved the performance of the West Kotawaringin Regency Land Office, which was faster, more precise, transparent and accountable in providing services to applicants. Internal factors that influence are vision and strategy, human resources, organizational structure and organizational culture. External factors that influence are technology, government policies and natural conditions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 239
Muhammad Khozin ◽  
Gerry Katon Mahendra ◽  
Anike Febriyani Nugraha

Improvement and quality assurance of public services is very needed, therefore the Government through Law Number 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services and Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform Number 15 of 2014 concerning Guidelines for Service Standards requires that every public service provider be obliged to establish and apply Public Service Standards for each type of service that it provides. One of them is the Yogyakarta Education and Training Agency as a public service provider in the form of education, training, and competency development for the State Civil Apparatus. Public service standard documents that have been prepared by the Yogyakarta Education and Training Agency in 2017 need to be evaluated because they allegedly did not meet the method in the preparation process. The research conducted is a literature review with data mining techniques using observation techniques, interviews, mini focus group discussions and public hearings. Based on the research results it is known that the public service standard documents that have been owned by the Yogyakarta Education and Training Agency are still not comprehensive, but this solution is then obtained after an analysis and discussion with stakeholders at the Yogyakarta Education and Training Agency has also successfully identified various types of services that need to be it is prioritized to develop public service standards.

Diana Setiyo Dewi ◽  
Tiur Nurlini Wenang Tobing

This study focuses on COVID-19 as a global pandemic that has a negative impact on various government fields. The government made a new online-based policy on public service delivery. Public services before COVID-19 are seen as not optimal, the improvement needs are piling up in line with the delays during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is very necessary to optimize the implementation of good governance, problems we are facing now are the threat of COVID-19 against the deterioration of the country, new policies that do not produce solutions, difficulties in implementing online-based work policies due to uneven technological progress in each region, increasing COVID-19 cases, and the pile-up task of improving public service delivery. Current pandemic situations in Indonesia; an increasing number of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia with a total of 93,657 on July, 23rd 2020; The government-issued social distancing policies, physical distancing, work from home and PSBB to break the chain of COVID-19; Conducting community intelligence through online and offline COVID-19 prevention education; Java island as the most populated area in Indonesia (SUPAS 2015) experienced a prolonged red zone until the implementation of the PSBB; it's affected the economic turnover. The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Public Service Delivery; Limited access for providing community services; Issued a new policy; Closure of schools, markets, public facilities, restrictions on transportation passengers, and others; Providing online-based services. The conclusions and suggestions in this study are the application and development of the E-Government system; Creating new reliable policy standards; Employee training regarding online-based work systems; Efforts to distribute technology and information to every remote area in Indonesia

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-196
Andela Anggleni

Public Service-Based Information Technology and Communication (ICT), Electronics Neighborhood/Pillars of Citizens (e-RT/RW) (Study of e-Government in Kelurahan Talang Semut Kecamatan Bukit Kecil Kota Palembang). This study is based on the new way to manage public sector-oriented management services to the community forward, rather than the interests of the government. E-Government Program is a program of e-RT/RW Surabaya. The results showed the program e-RT/RW sourced from Palembang Mayor Factors supporting the program e-RT/RW in the Kelurahan Talang Semut, Bukit Kecil, Palembang is the full support of the government and relevant parties, the basic service standards and infrastructure are qualified. Whereas the inhibiting factor is the public interest, a lack of internal party support, and lack of maintenance of infrastructure. From the research, the researchers suggest that the necessary socialization harder, but not merely socialization but also training to people to operate online. Transparent financial accountability. Holding intense communication forum, addition of website content, and control of technical problems with a thorough evaluation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 159
Yahya Pandega Putra ◽  
Eko Priyo Purnomo ◽  
Suswanta Suswanta ◽  
Aulia Nur Kasiwi

The phenomenon of the politicization of the bureaucracy is nothing new in politics in Indonesia, the politicization of the bureaucracy has long been the case ever since the implementation of the general elections in Indonesia for the first time in 1955. The entire regime that once ruled in Indonesia has ever put through the politicization of this bureaucracy even up regime power today because by utilizing the existing positions in the bureaucracy, it can pave the way for political purposes. The application of the merit system policies to achieve good governance and clean is a step taken by the Government as a system of monitoring the implementation of transfer, promotion, and demotion conducted by political officials. This study uses qualitative research using reference data from many previous studies used as a literature review and a national online media news concerning the application of the merit system and bureaucracy politicization pressure that occurs. Based on the analysis using the software NVivo 12 Plus, it can be deduced that to realize good and clean government in the middle of bureaucratic politicization needed policy on the application of the merit system in personnel management, which aims to encourage the government bureaucracy to become more competent in solving the problems of public-oriented towards public service.Fenomena politisasi birokrasi bukanlah hal baru dalam politik di Indonesia, politisasi birokrasi telah lama terjadi sejak penyelenggaraan pemilihan umum di Indonesia pertama kali pada tahun 1955. Seluruh rezim yang pernah berkuasa di Politisasi birokrasi ini pernah dilakukan Indonesia bahkan sampai kekuasaan rezim saat ini karena dengan memanfaatkan posisi yang ada di birokrasi dapat membuka jalan bagi kepentingan politik. Penerapan kebijakan merit system untuk mewujudkan good governance dan clean merupakan langkah yang diambil oleh Pemerintah sebagai sistem pengawasan terhadap pelaksanaan mutasi, promosi, dan penurunan pangkat yang dilakukan oleh pejabat politik. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan data referensi dari berbagai penelitian sebelumnya yang digunakan sebagai tinjauan pustaka dan pemberitaan media online nasional mengenai penerapan sistem merit dan tekanan politisasi birokrasi yang terjadi. Berdasarkan analisis dengan menggunakan software NVivo 12 Plus, dapat disimpulkan bahwa untuk mewujudkan pemerintahan yang baik dan bersih di tengah politisasi birokrasi diperlukan kebijakan penerapan merit system dalam pengelolaan kepegawaian, yang bertujuan untuk mendorong agar birokrasi pemerintahan menjadi lebih kompeten dalam menyelesaikan masalah-masalah yang berorientasi pada publik menuju pelayanan publik. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 120
Muhammad Eko Atmojo

Government implementation system should support by apparatus resources with professional competence. Think to create the good governance system as well as clean and good then need the resources of the competent apparatus. To creating the resources of the competent apparatus needs to reforming the bureaucracy in civil service sectoral. Government should give the special attention toward the civil service system in Indonesia. Especially in regeneration of structural functionary or functionary promote. The government of Yogyakarta Special Region had been used the different method to implementation the functionary promotion, such as used a few level with between administration selection, assessment center, and fit and proper test. The method had been used by the government of Yogyakarta Special Region with prospect it can be created the resources of the competent apparatus by professional, with the result that created the good governance and good public service.

Nunuk Febriananingsih

<p>Kebebasan informasi merupakan hak asasi yang fundamental. Pengalaman selama ini menunjukkan bahwa informasi lembaga pemerintah dan non pemerintah dianggap sulit dijangkau masyarakat. Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam tulisan ini adalah bagaimana kesiapan lembaga-lembaga pemerintah dalam mengimplementasikan UU KIP dalam upaya mewujudkan tata pemerintahan yang baik. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif diketahui bahwa Undang-Undang Nomor 14 Tahun 2008 tentang Keterbukaan Informasi Publik memberi jaminan kepada masyarakat untuk mengakses informasi dari badan publik, meskipun lembaga pemerintah belum siap mengimplementasikan UU KIP. Hal ini terlihat dari belum tersedianya informasi terkait dengan urusan tata kepemerintahan seperti kebijakan publik dan pelayanan publik. Untuk itu Pemerintah perlu segera mengimplementasikan UU KIP sesuai dengan yang diamanatkan oleh PP Nomor 61 Tahun 2010 tentang pelaksanaan UU KIP.</p><p>Freedom of information is a fundamental human right. Past experience shows that information and non-governmental agencies are considered hard to reach communities. Issues raised in this paper is how the readiness of government agencies in implementing the law is in an effort to realize good governance. By using the method of normative legal research note that the Act No. 14 of 2008 concerning Freedom of Information gives assurance to the public to access information from public bodies, although the government agency implementing the law is not yet ready. This is evident from the unavailability of information relating to the affairs of governance such as public policy and public service. For the Government should immediately implement in accordance with the law is mandated by the Government Regulation Number 61 Year 2010 concerning the implementation of the law is.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 18
Ferizaldi '

The implementation of local government in the context of the Special Autonomy of Aceh has the freedom of the regional government to administer government in accordance with the principles of good governance. In Indonesia it is regulated by Law No. 28 of 1999 concerning the Organization of a clean and free country of corruption and nepotism, through various innovations and creativity to create good governance based on the public interest. This is to answer various problems surrounding the low performance of the bureaucracy because many are entangled in various corruption cases. One attempt to change the government bureaucracy is good, then introduced a new model through local wisdom in the Southwest Aceh District of Aceh Province, by carrying out the Prayer Test and Reading the Qur’an to prospective structural officials, as an effort to reform bureaucracy to create bureaucratic accountability, which It is expected that these activities will produce bureaucrats who are religiously accountable and customer oriented. However, this program must be carried out in a sustainable and comprehensive manner through complementary programs that support the program and do not underestimate the supervision efforts which as a classic action create a healthy bureaucracy.

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