2020 ◽  
Andria Pragholapati

Corona Virus 2019 (COVID-19) which hit Indonesia is very important for all major aspects of health and economy. The Indonesian government in its fight against COVID-19 was carried out in various ways contained in government regulations. At present the government rules against COVID-19 and the renewal that took place in Indonesia, the Indonesian government issued a New Normal. The purpose of this review is to bring out a new normal term in Indonesia after the COVID-19 pandemic. In conclusion, New Normal is a term resulting from the adaptation process while in the COVID-19 pandemic. Humans will have new habits from the learning process and the adaptation process after the COVID-19 pandemic.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 231-239
Animar Animar ◽  

The spread of the Corona virus has had a significant impact on the world of education. The policy taken by many countries, including Indonesia, is to close all educational activities. This makes the government and related institutions have to present an alternative learning process. Many factors affect student learning outcomes coupled with changes in learning conditions due to the Corona virus (Covid-19) outbreak. The purpose of this study was to obtain information about the impacts and constraints of the Covid-19 outbreak on teaching and learning activities, especially in Geography subjects at SMA Negeri 1 Sikur. Data collection was carried out using the pretest - posttest method of students' abilities before and after the Covid-19 pandemic. Furthermore, data analysis was carried out by quantitative methods using paired sample t-test to test the difference in the effect of the two treatments on the interrelated sample groups. The results of the analysis indicate that there is a difference in the average Geography learning outcomes of 11th grade of social science students before and after the outbreak of the corona virus. Information was obtained that the average value of student learning outcomes during the face-to-face learning process was 86.27, better than the average value when the learning process was carried out online which was 75.73. Keywords: covid-19 impact, learning outcomes, geography

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Neneng Siti Maryam

Abstract - Early March 2020, the corona virus began to spread in Indonesia. To suppress the wider spread of the virus, the government made policies regarding social restrictions. This has resulted in many schools and colleges, offices and companies, and other public places, deciding whether employees or their students should work or study from home. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of online learning during the Corona virus pandemic in Bandung Kridatama Polytechnic students. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method, and data collection techniques are carried out through observation, interviews and documentation. While the analysis of data acquisition was carried out by collecting data, reducing data, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study revealed that online learning carried out during the Corona virus pandemic was ineffective because obstacles were still found that interfered with the learning process, including the absence of two-way communication between students and lecturers, Besides other obstacles, namely students who do not have enough quotas to take part in online learning, or lecturers who do not understand technology so that learning is not carried out using online learning applications but through Whatsapp groups. Keywords: learning, online learning, pandemic, Corona virus Abstrak – Awal bulan Maret tahun 2020, virus corona mulai menyebar di Indonesia. Untuk menekan penyebaran virus yang lebih luas lagi, pemerintah membuat kebijakan mengenai pembatasan sosial.  Hal tersebut mengakibatkan banyak sekolah dan kampus, kantor dan perusahaan,  serta tempat-tempat publik lainnya, memutuskan  para karyawan atau anak didiknya untuk bekerja atau belajar dari rumah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji efektivitas pembelajaran online di masa pandemi virus Corona pada mahasiswa Politeknik Kridatama Bandung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif, dan teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan analisis perolehan data dilakukan dengan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa pembelajaran online yang dilaksanakan selama masa pandemi virus Corona kurang efektif karena masih ditemukan hambatan yang mengganggu proses pembelajaran diantara-Nya tidak terjalinnya komunikasi dua arah antara mahasiswa dan dosen, disamping hambatan-hambatan lainnya yaitu mahasiswa yang tidak memiliki cukup kuota untuk mengikuti pembelajaran online, atau dosen yang kurang memahami teknologi sehingga pembelajaran tidak dilakukan dengan menggunakan aplikasi pembelajaran online tetapi melalui grup Whatsapp. Kata Kunci: pembelajaran, pembelajaran online, pandemik, virus Corona

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 112-126
Opik Abdurrahman Taufik ◽  
Husen Hasan Basri ◽  
Sumarni Sumarni

AbstractDuring the pandemic, the government issued the policy to learning from home, followed by the other policy to open face-to-face learning in the New Normal era. This study aims to determine the implementation of learning from home policy and the readiness of madrasas to conduct face-to-face learning in the New Normal era. This research was conducted using an online survey method in 2021. The results showed that 85% of madrasas carried out the learning process online, of which 86.8% were carried out through the assignment method from the teacher. In the learning process at home, only 28.7% of students were accompanied, reminded, supervised, and assisted by their parents. It means that the role of parents in learning from home is minimal. However, 86.5% provide internet access. Regarding the readiness of madrasas in face-to-face learning, 62.24% were not ready to carry out face-to-face learning. This unreadiness relates to the difficulties in fulfillment of aspects that are required for face-to-face learning.AbstrakPada masa pandemi, pemerintah mengeluarkan kebijakan belajar dari rumah, lalu disusul dengan kebijakan untuk membuka pembelajaran tatap muka di era New normal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi kebijakan belajar dari rumah dan kesiapan madrasah untuk melakukan pembelajaran tatap muka di era New normal. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode survei dalam jaringan (daring) pada tahun 2021. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 85,0% madrasah melakukan proses pembelajaran dalam bentuk daring, di mana  86,8% dilakukan melalui metode penugasan dari guru. Dalam proses pembelajaran di rumah, hanya 28,7% siswa yang didampingi, diingatkan, diawasi, dan dibantu oleh orang tuanya. Hal ini mengindikasikan peran orang tua dalam pembelajaran dari rumah terlihat minim. Namun demikian sebesar 86,5% menyediakan akses internet. Terkait dengan kesiapan madrasah dalam pembelajaran tatap muka, dari 2040 madrasah yang disurvei sebesar 62,2% tidak siap melaksanakan pembelajaran tatap muka). Ketidaksiapan tersebut berkaitan dengan pemenuhan aspek yang menjadi syarat pembelajaran tatap muka. 

Suryawahyuni Latief ◽  
Santi Hendrayani ◽  
Samsuddin Samsuddin

Teaching is an educator activity in the learning process, which aims to develop the potential that students have in the form of knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Since the Covid 19 pandemic, the government has issued a policy of "Belajar Dari Rumah" (BDR) as an effort to overcome the spread of the virus. Teaching in accordance with BDR policy makes educators at private universities in Jambi city who do not have a Learning Management System (LMS) conduct teaching management in accordance with their expertise and knowledge. This study aims to describe the experience of educators in universities who do not have LMS in managing teaching during the Covid 19 pandemic so that learning can run according to learning objectives using a qualitative descriptive approach, involving ten educators with different scientific fields and courses. This research uses a qualitative research method involving ten educators from private universities in Jambi who do not have LMS. Data have collected through observations, interviews, and documents. The data collected have analyzed through the stages of reducing data, displaying data, and drawing conclusions in accordance with research objectives. The data analyzed is using the technique validity of data through data triangulation. The study found that the management of educator teaching in private universities in Jambi city who do not have LMS is implemented BDR policies during the pandemic period following the established implementation rules without leaving the meaning of learning and learning process standards that have set out in government regulations through the stage of teaching management. Keywords: Work from Home, Learning, Belajar dar Rumah, Teaching Management

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-113
Riska Hediya Putri ◽  
Feri Kameliawati ◽  
Surmiasih Surmiasih ◽  
Inggit Primadevi

ABSTRAK Pandemi Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) mewabah ke seluruh dunia sejak awal tahun 2020 dan membawa dampak yang signifikan bagi kehidupan manusia di seluruh dunia. Wilayah di tanah air memberlakukan PSBB (Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar) yang menyebabkan sekolah dan tempat kerja diliburkan, kegiatan keagamaan atau ibadah bersama dibatasi dan kegiatan-kegiatan di tempat umum atau fasilitas publik juga dibatasi. Menilik himbauan dari pemerintah agar masyarakat tetap tinggal di rumah dan menjaga jarak sosial atau social distancing yang saat ini istilahnya diubah menjadi physical distancing oleh WHO. Physical distancing adalah hal yang hampir tidak mungkin dilakuakan oleh anak usia dini sebab dunia anak adalah dunia bermain dengan kecenderungan anak untuk berinteraksi secara langsung. Metode kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan terapi bermain ular tangga. Tujuan kegiatan ini memberi pengertian kepada anak tentang adaptasi kebiasan baru melalui cara yang menyenangkan, salah satunya melalui terapi bermain. Perbedaan pengetahuan anak sebelum dan sesudah kegiatan pendidikan kesehatan dengan media bermain ular tangga dan lebih berpengaruh dalam peningkatan pengetahuan dan sikap anak mengenai 3M, terutama pada pertanyaan tanda dan gejala corona virus dan penting tidaknya memakai masker, adanya peningkatan presentasi sekitar 67%. Oleh karena itu terapi bermain ular tangga lebih banyak memberikan rangsangan terhadap anak dan sesuai dengan keinginan anak yakni bermain. Kata Kunci: Covid-19, New Normal, Terapi Bermain  ABSTRACT Coronavirus Disease Pandemic 2019 (COVID-19) has spread to the world since the beginning of 2020 and has had a significant impact on human life around the world. Areas in the country impose PSBB (Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar) that cause schools and workplaces to be closed, religious activities or worship together are restricted and activities in public places or public facilities are also restricted. Considering the appeal from the government for people to stay at home and maintain social distance or social distancing which is currently the term changed to physical distancing by WHO. Physical distancing is almost impossible for early childhood to do because the world of children is a world of play with a tendency for children to interact directly. This method of community service activities is done with therapy playing snake ladder. The purpose of this activity gives understanding to children about the adaptation of new habits through fun ways, one of which is through play therapy. Differences in children's knowledge before and after health education activities with the medium of playing snake ladder and more influential in increasing the child's knowledge and attitude about 3M, especially on the question of signs and symptoms of corona virus and the importance of not wearing a mask, there was an increase in presentation of about 67%. Therefore, the therapy of playing snakes stairs provides more stimulation to the child and in accordance with the child's wishes, namely, play. Keywords: Covid-19, New Normal, Play Therapy

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (7) ◽  
pp. 1106-1116
Anwar Sadat ◽  
Andy Arya Maulana Wijaya ◽  
Herman Lawelai ◽  
Asrin Asrin ◽  
Nurlinda Nurlinda ◽  

The Corona Virus (Covid-19) is causing panic everywhere. Hundreds of thousands people were infected and thousands more died. The Indonesian government itself has given appeals to the community in overcoming this epidemic, so that it runs effectively and efficiently. However, in reality there are still many Indonesian people who do not heed this appeal. Therefore, this community service activity aims to assist the government in increasing public knowledge about preventing Covid-19. The method used in community service is carried out through counseling and mentoring. This activity is able to increase public knowledge and understanding about the dangers of Covid-19 and efforts to protect themselves from the implementation of 3M.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-62
Nuraeni Nuraeni

 Abstract — Almost all countries in the world and our country Indonesia are no exception, having an impact on the Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) Pandemic, which requires the government to issue policies in various sectors to immediately take a stand in preventing wider transmission, including the education sector. The new period to normal due to the Covid19 pandemic is indeed an extraordinary struggle in the field of education. In the midst of various prevention and cure efforts due to a virus where the anti-vaccine has yet to be found, all sectors are compiling new life protocols, which means we carry out various facts in all aspects of life. Here my role as a parent, teacher, government, and community member must have many strategies in adjusting the learning conditions in schools during this pandemic. Currently, the Distance Learning process still utilizes the Whatsapp group facility in smart phone devices. The teacher provides lesson materials and assignments to students through the Whatsapp group, both through the parents' group and their respective class groups. One of the efforts to overcome these problems in the learning process in this new normal period, will be more effective with a blended learning approach and approach. The blended learning approach, which combines online and offline approaches. The blended learning approach, of course with all its advantages and disadvantages, tends to be used as a strategic alternative. The purpose of this study is to determine teacher teaching activities, student learning activities, and student responses in the application of Blended Learning. Keywords— Mixed Learning, Electronic Module, Science (Science) Abstrak — Hampir di seluruh Negara di dunia dan tidak terkecuali Negara kita Indonesia, merasakan dampak Pandemi Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19), yang mengharuskan pemerintah mengeluarkan kebijakan di berbagai sektor untuk segera mengambil sikap dalam mencegah penularan yang lebih luas, termasuk sektor pendidikan.  Masa new normal akibat pandemic covid19 memang luar biasa perjuangannya dalam bidang pendidikan. Di tengah berbagai upaya pencegahan dan penyembuhan akibat virus yang belum ditemukan antivaksinnya ini membuat semua sector menyusun berbagai protokoler kehidupan baru yang artinya kita melakukam berbagai penyesuaian di semua lini kehidupan. Disini peran saya sebagai orang tua, guru, pegawai pemerintahan, dan bagian masyarakat harus punya banyak strategi dalam menyesuaikan kondisi pembelajaran disekolah di masa pandemic ini. Proses Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh saat ini masih memanfaatkan fasilitas grup Whatsapp dalam perangkat smart phone. Guru memberikan materi pelajaran dan tugas kepada para peserta didik melalui grup Whatsapp, baik melalui grup orang tua siswa maupun grup kelas masing-masing. Salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi kendala tersebut dalam Proses pembelajaran di masa new normal ini, akan lebih efektif dengan mengunakan pendekatan dan mekanisme blended learning.  Pendekatan blended learning, yakni menggabungkan pendekatan daring dan  luring. pendekatan blended learning, tentu dengan segala kelebihan dan kekurangannya, cenderung dapat dijadikan alternatif strategis.. Tujuan Pengkajian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kegiatan mengajar guru, kegiatan belajar siswa, dan respon siswa dalam penerapan pembelajaran Blended Learning. Kata Kunci— Pembelajaran Campuran, Modul Elektronik,  IPA (Science)

Leo Agustino

Abstract This article discusses the policy learning process in managing the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) within Indonesia and asks several questions regarding the policies formulated and implemented, as well as how the government "learns" and handles the pandemic. Furthermore, this study used a qualitative research method supported by literature discourse methods and online interviews, as well as a policy learning theory-based analysis. According to the results, the Indonesian government has learned a lot from other countries, however, the country has been rather slow in anticipating the pandemic, causing a minimal sense of crisis and urgency. In addition, the low level of trust and seriousness in the government has implications for a less harmonious relationship between the center and the regions. Also, the inter-institutional coordination and the inaccuracy of actors in handling the pandemic is an unresolved problem, therefore, the distribution location expands continually and the infection curve never slopes. Keywords: Policy Learning; Handling; COVID-19; Policy

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 711
Nathasia May Afistha ◽  
Ananta Prathama

The spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia is increasing every day. urged the government to immediately deal with the COVID-19 pandemic by making various policies such as implementing a lockdown, social distancing, physical distancing, self-isolation and Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB). With this government policy, it certainly has a big impact in various aspects of life, especially in the aspect of education in Indonesia. With the implementation of PSBB, it encourages the government to issue policies on the implementation of education in Indonesia, because after all the learning process must continue so that the objectives of education can be achieved as a whole. The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of learning from home policies with the new normal order in elementary schools in Bulak District, Surabaya City. The theory used in this research is the theory of implementation model by Edward III. This type of research uses descriptive qualitative. The results of this study indicate that: (1) Communication has been implemented well; (2) Resources are well implemented but staff are not sufficient; (3) The disposition has been implemented very well; (4) The bureaucratic structure is well implemented.   

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-26
Maya Angraini Fajar Utami ◽  
Bertoka FSP Negara ◽  
Person Pesona Renta ◽  
Salsabilla Putri Ardila ◽  
Satria Efriyandi ◽  

Indonesia saat ini sedang menghadapi wabah virus Corona SARS-CoV-2 atau yang lebih dikenal dengan pandemi Covid-19 atau Virus Corona. Virus ini menimbulkan dampak yang sangat luar biasa terhadap masyarakat, mulai dari ekonomi, tatanan sosial hingga keselamatan dan nyawa. Kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia terkait dengan penanganan penyebaran virus ini dengan cara melakukan social distancing dan physical distancing. Saat ini pemerintah telah mengeluarkan kebijakan baru dengan membiarkan masyarakatnya melakukan aktivitas di luar rumah seperti biasanya atau dikenal dengan istilah New Normal. Hal ini dapat berdampak terhadap masyarakat yang memiliki kemungkinan besar dapat terjangkit virus ini. Pada saat ini imun tubuh masyarakat haruslah dalam kondisi yang baik dan masyarakat harus menjaga kebersihan lingkungan serta tubuhnya. Untuk menjaga kebersihan dapat dengan membiasakan untuk mencuci tangan dengan sabun atau dengan menggunakan hand sanitizer dan selalu menggunakan masker ketika akan beraktivitas diluar rumah. PRODUCTION OF CLOTH MASK PRODUCTION AND HAND SANITIZER TO TREAT THE TRANSMISSION OF COVID-19 IN RT 06 KEBUN KENANGA VILLAGE, BENGKULU CITY. Indonesia is currently facing an outbreak of the Corona SARS-CoV-2 virus or better known as the Covid-19 pandemic or Corona Virus. This virus has had a tremendous impact on society, from the economy, social order to safety and lives. The Indonesian government policy is related to handling the spread of this virus by conducting social distancing and physical distancing. Currently the government has issued a new policy by allowing people to carry out activities outside the home as usual or known as the New Normal. This can have an impact on people who have a high probability of contracting this virus. At this time the people's immune system must be in good condition and the community must maintain the cleanliness of the environment and their bodies. In order to maintain cleanliness, people can get used to washing your hands with soap or by using a hand sanitizer and always using a mask when you are going to do activities outside the home.

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