Myroslava DANYLEVYCH ◽  
Viktoriia HUTSULIAK ◽  
Markiyan STEFANYSHYN ◽  

ntroduction. The article deals with the actual problem of the professional activity of physical educators and the characteristics of preparation for its effective performance. The purpose of the study is to analyzethe development peculiarities of the system of professional training for the specialists in physical education in Ukraine at different historical stages of its formation. The research methods used to achieve the goal are as follows: theoretical and general analysis of scientific and scientific-pedagogical literature, documentary method, method of system analysis, comparative method. Results. The issue of all-round physical development of young generations and formation of their physical culture is one ofthe vital current problems, the solution of which is the task of numerous scientific fields, including pedagogy, psychology, philosophy, medicine. The scientific research of the issue has resulted in a variety of theories, concepts and methods of physicaleducation that provide children and youth with the appropriate basis for their physical development and the enhancement of their physical strength and capabilities. Simultaneously, it is undeniable that no concept of physical education of the younger generations can be fully implemented without the trained professionals, playing a leading role in organization and implementation of the educational process. Formation of physical culture aimed at maintenance and promotion of health, and improvement of physical qualities for the purpose of harmonious development of an individual, is impossible without highly qualified specialists. Originality. The article describes the state of personnel provision in the sphere of school physical education in Ukraine during the XIX-XXI centuries, the practice of organizing the professional training process for physical educators, and the directions of its improvement in accordance with the current needs of the school and society. The peculiarity of the process is the high levelof direction differentiation in modern Ukrainian historiography of the specialists training in physical education of children and youth. Many historical and pedagogical researches deal with the theory and practice of professional training for pedagogical staff in physical education. The research heritage of outstanding educators of the past is a valuable source of information for modern researchers of professional training for pedagogical staff in physical education. Conclusions. Scientists are primarily focusing on studying the theoretical and methodological principles of professional training for the specialists in physical education, emphasizing the numerous contradictions in the system of professional training for pedagogical staff in physical education, which solving requires a careful consideration and defining the constructive ways of their solution.

B. Maksymchuk ◽  
T. Branitska ◽  
I. Demchenko ◽  
O. Zharovska ◽  
M. Semko ◽  

The development of the Ukrainian democratic state requires the creation of a qualitatively new national education system in order to ensure revival of intellectual and spiritual potential of the Ukrainian people. Teacher’s personality formation in this aspect is a complex multifaceted process. Education is one of the main problems of theory and practice of pedagogical education. Pedagogical activity in the field of pupils’ physical education is a specific form of activity aimed at the realization by elementary school teacher as constructive, communicative, organizational and cognitive functions of his professional activity. Elementary school teacher’s pedagogical work is characterized by a variety of professional responsibilities, which every teacher must be able to perform in a qualified manner. It demands from a teacher of high focus on the qualitative solution of pedagogical tasks (improving, educational, and educative) in physical education of pupils and also ethical communication with pupils, colleagues on service, parents of pupils. Pedagogical work of physical culture teacher at elementary school in consists in ability to realize aims, to unleash tasks on physical education of pupils. General and aged tasks of physical education are highlighted. General tasks of physical education, such as "strengthening of pupils’ health", "versatile physical development" "hardening of pupils" pass through the whole process of physical education from the 1st to the 4th grade. Pedagogical technology of elementary school teacher reflects tactics of implementation for educational technologies, is based on knowledge of  the regularities of functioning the system "teacher - environment - student" in certain conditions of study (individual, group, collective, mass, etc.). Common features and patterns of implementation for the educational process regardless of the specific educational discipline is inherent it. A teacher turns into a public figure responsible for each student during  all years of his  work at school,  having realized the main directions of professional work - study, upbringing and development of pupils, ensuring diverse physical development of a child.

1927 ◽  
Vol 23 (10) ◽  
pp. 1072-1073
M. Friedland

Before us are the first three issues of the journal for 1927. Each issue consists of several sections: original articles, reports of scientific meetings on physical education and sports in the USSR and abroad, as well as reviews and abstracts of domestic and foreign literature. The journal is devoted, as indicated on its title page, to the scientific development of questions of physical education, physical education and medical control of physical development.

Inna Galimska

In modern society, physical culture and sports occupy the most important place in the formation of students youth personality. The article describes the valeological foundations of healthy lifestyle and how valeology is related to aviation specialist’s profession. The basic principles and various ways of valeological knowledge formation, valeological outlook, motivation of students’ physical self-improvement, the role of physical education in the professional and physical development of future aviation specialists at Flight Higher Universities are determined. The necessity of application of scientific and organizational principles of valeological education in physical education based on comprehensively worked out appropriate methodology is substantiated. Preserving and strengthening the students health today is an integral part of the educational process at Fligft Higher Universities of Ukraine. Each system introduction of innovative pedagogical technologies into the activity of Fligft Higher Universities should carry the students health responsibility, their level of biological, social and professional adaptability, to provide the individuality and consistency of the instructors’ activities with medical personnel of the University. The task of physical education departments of Fligft Higher Universities to transform the way of students’ life, which is characteristic for a considerable part of student youth, in healthy, in a way that would not destroy, but strengthened health. The problem of a healthy lifestyle formation is largely associated with the level of students’ and instructors’ culture. It is established that students need for physical self-improvement is formed more successful, the higher is the educational level, the degree of other needs, that is, the more formed their identity. A direct relationship was found between the formation of the need for physical self-improvement and the professional orientation of the students’ personality, which confirms the dialectical unity of physical and intellectual activity. In connection with this, it is necessary to pay more attention to educational work with students as one of the means that promote the formation of healthy lifestyle knowledge, the choice for improving health means, preventing diseases, ensuring a high level of physical development, reducing the negative impact of adverse environmental factors and bad habits. Optimization of health and fitness culture at Flight Higher Universities is possible through valeological education, which combines the study of educational material with valeology, and through independent physical exercise.

L. Grishko ◽  
N. Zavadska ◽  
I. Novikova

The article reveals the influence of physical exercises on the development of morpho-functional indicators of student youth. It was found that in students who regularly exercise, physical development indicators are within normal limits. In addition, exercise improves the psychological state of those who engage, increases motivation for physical education, improves well-being. The modern focus on the creative assimilation of physical culture by the future specialist requires an orderly system of effectiveness on his intellectual, emotional, volitional and practical activities. This allows us to talk about physical education as an important way of forming a personality, citizen and future specialist, purposeful pedagogical process of involving student youth in the values of national physical culture. The purpose of physical education in higher education - the formation of physical culture of personality, creation conditions for general and professional training of students and increase on this basis of intellectual, creative and cultural wealth of the state. Achieving this goal involves the formation of the necessary motivational core of physical education and self-education, systematic physical culture and sports activities and development of physical abilities. It is known that movements are the final expression of almost all processes occurring in the body. Unmet need for muscle activity has negative consequences for the functional state of the body and physical performance. Systematic physical exercises for a long period of time naturally lead to specific changes in the physical development of students. At the same time, the data of physical development studies become especially important when they are associated with indicators of the functional state of the organism, its efficiency and preparedness.

V. Parakhonko ◽  
I. Khimich

The article reveals the influence of swimming lessons on the level of motor fitness and psychoemotional state of student youth. A survey was carried out among student youth in order to determine their psycho-emotional state. It was revealed that one of the most popular sports among both boys and girls is swimming. It was found that regular swimming lessons not only increase the level of physical activity, but also have a positive effect on mental activity and psycho-emotional state of young people. The educational, upbringing, developmental and health-improving value of physical education in higher education institutions, its contribution to the professional training of future specialists is emphasized by many author. Physical education classes contribute to the overall harmonious development of man. However, experts note a sharp decline in interest in physical education among schoolchildren and students, as well as the insignificant effectiveness of these classes, which affects the physical development and health of modern youth. Yesterday's student, becoming a student, gets into new conditions, characterized by the intensity of the study load, active social contacts and stressful situations. That is why the search for the most effective forms and methods of strengthening the health of students by means of physical culture remains relevant.

Viсtoria Savchenko

The article discusses the ways of professional training of teachers of physical culture of the New Ukrainian school using innovative technologies in the system of continuous education and experimentally tested the effectiveness of the use of innovative teaching technologies in refresher courses for primary school teachers who teach physical culture. Fundamentally new conceptual ideas and provisions for the modernization of education require a reorientation of the simulation of the professional training of the teacher of physical culture for the search and development of new, innovative ways of developing the education system, the formation of a truly new pedagogical thinking in the pedagogical environment at all levels of pedagogical activity. It will provide an educational area of mobility, accelerate its renewal, and eliminate the inertia inherent in centrally managed systems. At the same time, in order to prevent the destructive and destructive impact of innovations, it is important to intensify their comprehension, modeling, social selection and accelerate the processes of approbation, verification and selection of pedagogical innovations. In our study, the professional training of the teacher of physical education in primary education in the system of continuous education is defined as a set of interrelated factors, which subordinates all types and forms of the educational process and corresponds to the purpose of teacher training for pedagogical activities, provides a continuous and consistent influence on the professionalism of teachers, aimed at acquiring them new knowledge, skills and abilities, personal and professional qualities necessary for the successful leadership of the physical education of young people s students. The readiness of teachers of physical culture for professional activity is an integral education, which includes knowledge, skills, professionally meaningful qualities, pedagogical abilities and consists of the following components: motivational, cognitive, operational and reflexive. It is determined that simulation of the professional training of primary school teachers who teach physical culture at the New Ukrainian School will be effective under the following conditions: ensuring the improvement of the educational process; development of teachers’ competence.

E. Prystupa ◽  
M. Danylevych ◽  
O. Romanchuk

The article is devoted to the issues of professional training of physical education teachers in Austria since 1946 (the end of Second World War) till 1970 (changes of laws and regulations). The is to study the Austrian experience of training physical education aim of the paper teachers at different historical stages. To achieve the goal, a set of general scientific and pedagogical research methods have been used: bibliographic search, historical-genetic, interpretive-analytical ones, systematization, generalization, analysis, synthesis. The results of scientific research showed that during the first postwar decades in Austria there was a denazification of curricula for physical education / sports teachers, the gradual destruction of ideological strata, reducing the politicization of educational processes, reorientation to progressive ideas and traditions of pre-Nazi professional education. This stage of development of teachers professional education is characterized by numerous attempts to improve the curriculum by balancing theory and practice, normative and variable components, different cycles of training. There is a qualitative update of the theory and practice of school physical education, modernization of the educational process in the institutes of physical education at the Universities of Vienna, Graz, Innsbruck and Salzburg in accordance with current trends in science, technology, education and other spheres of public life.

Oleksandr Dubovoy ◽  
Viacheslav Babych ◽  
Volodymyr Dubovoy ◽  
Volodymyr Zaytsev ◽  

The article is devoted to the problem of professional training of future specialists in physical culture and sports in the conditions of distance learning in universities. It is noted that the professional training of future specialists in physical culture and sports in the context of distance learning in universities on the basis of a systematic approach is an extremely acute problem in today's conditions. It is determined that when organizing distance learning for future specialists in physical education and sports, the specifics of their professional activity must be taken into account, in particular, taking into account the fact that the educational process with its future pupils (students, young athletes) can also be carried out remotely in a pandemic, or any other circumstances. It is established that when developing a system of professional training of future specialists in physical culture and sports in the conditions of distance learning in universities it is necessary to take into account that the relevant specialists must master a set of methodological competencies, which will allow to carry out extremely difficult process of professional activity in the conditions of distance learning with the pupils.

N. Boreyko ◽  
L. Zinchenko ◽  
O. Ponomaryov ◽  
A. Slastina

The purpose of the article is to analyze the nature and importance of the pedagogical culture of specialists in physical education and sports, and ways and methods of its formation in the educational process of their professional training. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of information sources, research and publications. The issue of the pedagogical culture is considered from various scientific aspects. The relevance of the issue is that the new requirements for higher education institutions oblige teachers to have a high level of competence in order to create positive conditions for the development of the personality of the future specialist in physical education and sports. Against the background of the growing role and importance of physical culture and sport in public life, the phenomenon of influence of specialists of this important sphere on other people, especially on the youth, is considered. It is shown that this influence can be in both ways positive and negative. It is proved that for the positive influence the subjects should have the developed general and professional culture, in the structure of which the pedagogical culture occupies an important place. It is able to transform the influence into the education and personal development of the objects of influence, and into the formation of a system of humanistic vital values. It is emphasized that the formation of pedagogical culture should become an important component of their educational and professional training by using innovative pedagogical technologies. The development of pedagogical culture of the future specialists in physical culture and sports is an integral part of the general culture and it increases the quality of education, the level of education of children, the training of young athletes, thus increasing the socio-cultural situation in the country. The analysis of the study allowed us to draw conclusions and perspectives for further scientific research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (38) ◽  
pp. 103-107
Lyubov I. Kostyunina ◽  
Irina N. Timoshina ◽  
Aleksey N. Ilkin ◽  

On November 26, 2021 at the Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I. N. Ulyanov there took place National scientific and practical conference named “Modern problems of physical education, sports and tourism, life safety in the education system». It is an important event for those who are interested in advanced pedagogical experience in the field of physical culture, sports and professional training. The already traditional conference in 2021 was timed to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports of the Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I. N. Ulyanov. The participants discussed important issues about the culture of life safety, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the organization and content of the educational process on life safety, the exchange of specialists in scientific and practical achievements.

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