2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 100-111
Wira Okta Viana

Presidential Regulation number 44 of 2016 regulates the list of closed business fields with requirements in the field of investment. The issuance of Presidential Regulation number 44 of 2016 is expected to be implemented effectively and efficiently to the opening of productive employment opportunities for workers in investment activities, especially in the plantation sector in West Sumatera.The issues raised in writing this thesis are: First how the effectiveness of Presidential Regulation number 44 of 2016 on productive employments opportunities for labor in investment activities in West Sumatera. Second the factors that hamper the effectviness of Presidential Regulation number 44 of 2016 on productive employment opportunities for labor in plantation investment activities in West Sumatera. Third  how is policy of West Sumatera provincial government related to the effectiveness of presidential regulation number 44 year 2016 in productive employment opportunity for manpower in investment activity in West Sumatera.The research method used in the writing of this thesis is the normative juridical approach supported by empirical juridical approach through interview techniques and date collection techniques by the author at the Office of One Stop Service Integrated Servive Center (DPMPTSP) of West Sumatera Province and the Office of Manpower ang Tranmigration of Sumatera Province West. Based on the results of research and analysis, it can be concluded as follows: First  effectiveness Presidential Regulation number 44 of 2016 on productive employment opportunities for labor in plantation investment activities in West Sumatera has been running effectively but still not maximal because it still encountered some obstacles and weaknesses in this Presidential Regulation and its implementation. Second The internal factors included the absence of provisions on the maximum dan minimum limits of plantation land use, business scale, and so forth. External factors included limited land fpr plantations, land with traditional customary community land, low labor human resources, and investment licensing issues that are perceived as inefficient. Third West Sumatera provincial governments have issued regulations stipulated in the Regional Regulation and Governor Regulation which is guided by the provisions of Presidential Regulation number 44 of 2016 and other legislation related to the increase of employment and investment activities, especially the plantation sector in West Sumatera. One of them is Regional Regulation of West Sumatera Province number 2 of 2014 concerning Investment and Regulation of Gubernur of West Sumatera number 70 year 2013 concerning General Plan of Capital Investment of West Sumatera.

Ni Putu Tirka Widanti ◽  
Anak Agung Gde Raka ◽  
I Made Surya Atmadja

The government of Klungkung Regency is one of the Regencies in Bali that carried out reforms in order to simplify the licensing process by holding one-stop integrated service. The purpose of this study is to determine the implementation of the policy and the inhibiting factors of the one-stop integrated service. Van Horn and Van Meter Theory were used in this research. The research was conducted at the Department of Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services in Klungkung Regency by using a qualitative research method. The result is that the implementation of the policy shows a tendency for increasingly improved attitudes. The inhibiting factor of the implementation of the policy is the different perception between the Department of Investment and the technical team related to the administrative services and the unavailability of a public service mall to facilitate the licensing and non-licensing process. In terms of human resources, the inhibiting factors are related to professionalism, competence, empathy, and ethics. The next problem is the minimal service quality that complicates the process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-28
Nurul Huda ◽  
Harimukti Wandebori

In an effort to realize good and equitable services to all communities, the Ministry of ATR/BPN seeks to become a transparent and accountable institution or known as Good Governance. As an effort to realize this, digital land certification services are one of the steps towards good governance. This study aims to find out the problems faced in realizing digital certificates. The research method was carried out qualitatively, data was presented descriptively, while data collection was carried out through interviews with several respondents, namely the community and employees in the Kerawang Regency Land Office. The results of the study show that several obstacles in digital certificates are caused by internal factors including those related to human resources who are not entirely able to use technology/information, limited office infrastructure, data that has not been integrated and the need for definite checks related to documents in land certificates. While some external factors are related to the community and other agencies, namely not all people have the ability to use information technology, not all people have digital equipment, besides the problem with other agencies, namely the unavailability or integration of data in one system. Some of these problems have caused the digital land certification process to take a long time and do not meet the expected standards.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Dodi Faedlulloh ◽  
Fetty Wiyani

This paper aimed to explain public financial governance based on good governance implementation in Jakarta Provincial Government. This paper specifically discussed towards transparancy implementation of local budget (APBD) through open data portal that publishes budget data to public. In general, financial transparency through open data has met Transparency 2.0 standards, namely the existence of encompassing, one-stop, one-click budget accountability and accessibility. But there are indeed some shortcomings that are still a concern in order to continue to maintain commitment to the principle of transparency, namely by updating data through consistent data visualization.Transparency of public finance needs to continue to be developed and improved through various innovations to maintain public trust in the government.Keywords: Public Finance, Open Data, Transparency

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
pp. 66-78
Nurul Fadilah

The ideology of Pancasila as a way of life, the basis of the state, and national identity has a various challenge from time to time so that the existence of Pancasila as an Ideology must be maintained, especially in industrial revolution 4.0. The research method used is a qualitative approach by doing study of literature. In data collection the writer used documentation while in techniques data analysis used content analysis, inductive and descriptive. Results of the research about challenges and strengthening of the Pancasila Ideology in facing the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 are: (1)  grounding Pancasila, (2) increasing professional human resources based on Pancasila’s values, (3) maintaining the existence of Pancasila as the State Ideology.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 246
Ade Sarmini

<em><span lang="EN-SG">Along with increasing population mobility and increasing road users the need to have a SIM is increasing every day. Where the administration of traffic and services, such as SIM, STNKB and BPKB are oriented to the principle of quick and easy without ignoring the identification and extension of the letter. This research uses descriptive research method. Descriptive research is intended to explore and clarify phenomena or social realities. From the results of the study showed that the implementation of public service quality in making SIMs at the Karimun Regional Police Traffic Unit Office was seen from the aspect of physical facilities (tangible), reliability (responsiveness), responsiveness, assurance and empathy were running pretty good. Especially relating to the ability and reliability to provide trusted services, the ability to help and provide services quickly and appropriately, as well as being responsive to consumer desires, abilities and friendliness and employee courtesy in assuring consumer trust and firm but attentive attitudes of employees towards consumers . Although it is indeed an inhibiting factor for SIM services such as human resources, the level of awareness and facilities and infrastructure are still found in the service of making SIMs at the Karimun Regional Traffic Unit Office</span></em>

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 130
Thi Tu Oanh Le ◽  
Thi Ngoc Bui ◽  
Manh Dung Tran

The small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Vietnam play an increasingly important role in the economy by the amount (representing 97.7% of Vietnam firms), contribute economic development and create more employment opportunities. However, because of economic crisis, financial downturn, unhealthy competitions, free trade agreements and others, the number of SMEs recently is downsizing in firm size, human resources and more and more SMEs go bankruptcy in the context of Vietnam. This situation may be due to the enterprise use ineffective management accounting tools.This article reviews and assesses the creation and use of management accounting information which has an important part to play with respect to planning, decision-making, monitoring and controlling of the activities of SMEs in Vietnam. Data collected from a posted survey of five enterprises with twenty two interviews of directors, chief accountants and management accountants. The results show that management accounting information has not really been interested from managers and accountants. Management accounting information is weak in quantity and poor in quality; administrators are operating firms primarily based on personal experiences. Therefore, management accounting information has not been promoted in the management, monitoring and decision making of SMEs in Vietnam. The addition of management accounting knowledge for managers and accountants is necessary for development of SMEs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Aries Abbas ◽  
Marhamah Marhamah

<p>This research began from the emergence of character problems or character crisis by shifting the students’ ethics values in the school. Where the students don’t respect teachers and friends, there is brawl among students, even violence occurs in the classroom, this is a threat of disintegration of the nation. The formulation of the problem is how the strengthening strategy of character education. The purpose of this research is to know the strengthening strategy of character education in the school, related to implementation, monitoring evaluation, supporting factors, obstacles and obtained result. The research method used qualitative approach on natural subject or natural setting, by using observation data collection techniques, interviews and documentation, data analysis techniques through data reduction, verification and took a conclusions of processed data. The research was held at SMK 45 and SMK IT NU Saguling, West Bandung. The result of this study. Students become intent on strengthening the character education activities, responsive to social activities in the society, although not all students can implement it yet. The level of discipline is good because students feel shy if they aren’t disciplined, the result of the shame cultural, some students who used to come late to be in time even though not all students feel ashamed when coming late. The supporting factors the implementation of the strengthening of character education in the schools is a good strategy from the principal, the committee and a team of the parent class of students. The Obstacle factors, the shame culture is not held in the school yet, not all teachers become a role models in the schools who give good examples for students. Not all teacher become a strong and intelligent character. So that the presence of educators is as a key actor in the learning process, a professional and have a strong and intelligent character must really have atmosphere in the school, because through educators who have strong and intelligent character will create human resources which is a reflection of a nation that has strong and intelligent character, and virtuous morals.</p><p>Penelitian ini berawal dari munculnya permasalahan karakter atau krisis karakter dengan menggeser nilai-nilai etika siswa di sekolah. Dimana siswa tidak menghargai guru dan teman, terjadi tawuran antar siswa, bahkan terjadi kekerasan di dalam kelas, ini menjadi ancaman disintegrasi bangsa. Rumusan masalah adalah bagaimana strategi penguatan pendidikan karakter. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui strategi penguatan pendidikan karakter di sekolah terkait dengan pelaksanaan, evaluasi monitoring, faktor pendukung, kendala dan hasil yang diperoleh. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pendekatan kualitatif pada subjek alam atau setting alam, dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi, teknik analisis data melalui reduksi data, verifikasi dan pengambilan kesimpulan dari data olahan. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMK 45 dan SMK IT NU Saguling, Bandung Barat. Hasil penelitian ini. Siswa berkeinginan kuat untuk memperkuat kegiatan pendidikan karakter, tanggap terhadap kegiatan sosial di masyarakat, meskipun belum semua siswa dapat melaksanakannya. Tingkat kedisiplinannya baik karena siswa merasa malu jika tidak didisiplinkan akibat adanya budaya malu, sebagian siswa yang dulunya terlambat datang tepat waktu padahal tidak semua siswa merasa malu jika datang terlambat. Faktor pendukung pelaksanaan penguatan pendidikan karakter di sekolah adalah strategi yang baik dari kepala sekolah, komite dan tim kelas orang tua siswa. Faktor penghambatnya, belum adanya budaya malu di sekolah, belum semua guru menjadi panutan di sekolah yang memberikan keteladanan yang baik bagi siswa. Tidak semua guru menjadi karakter yang kuat dan cerdas. Sehingga keberadaan pendidik sebagai aktor kunci dalam proses pembelajaran, seorang yang profesional dan berkarakter kuat dan cerdas haruslah benar-benar memiliki atmosfir di sekolah, karena melalui pendidik yang berkarakter kuat dan cerdas akan tercipta sumber daya manusia yang merupakan cerminan. bangsa yang memiliki karakter kuat dan cerdas, serta berakhlak mulia.</p>

Deden Sutisna, Et. al.

The purpose of this study is to compensate for the intangible variables of the human resources of MSME actors in Bandung City, related to Employee Engagement and Attitude at the time of the COVID-19. Therefore, the intact condition of the two related variables is important for stakeholders such as the government and other related parties to understand and serve as a basis for policy and decision making, especially when the economy is exposed to COVID-19. The research method used is descriptive, verification and comparative. Data were tested using the validity test, reliability test, classical assumptions and data normality, and to test the level of contribution between variables and variable dimensions used correlation and termination tests. The data were obtained from the MSME economic actors in the city of Bandung total 45 samples. The city of Bandung was chosen as a place of research because the city of Bandung is known as a model city, culinary, education, creative industries as well as the city of culture and government of West Java. The results showed that the contribution, enthusiasm, pride of business people towards MSMEs was not supportive, lost trust and small. Only MSME players have employee engagement in the form of willingness. Attitudes or attitudes in the form of motives, traits and self-concepts are still strong for every MSME actor in Bandung City, and this condition is in line with the willingness dimension of employee engagement. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the employee engagement of MSME actors in the city of Bandung is currently not good or has decreased, while the attitude at is still good.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Bryan S Lempas ◽  
Treesje Runtu ◽  
Rudy J. Pusung

Tax is a source of revenue to finance all State expenditures including expenditures for development and expenditure in improving the welfare and quality of Human Resources (HR). The tax contribution in funding State expenditures continues to increase and requires support in the form of raising public awareness to meet its tax obligations. This research was conducted in Manado City, where this study aims to examine the return of overpayment. The research method used is descriptive analysis research. Result of research indicate that KPP Pratama manado give good service for taxpayer individual who apply for restitution of amount of tax debt paid by public also must know that even if money have entered to treasury state if proved there is more pay then State treasury also willing to reverse or compensate for other types of taxes. The refund of the tax payment is a refund of tax overpayment that has been assumed is really a tax that is more paid.Keyword : Refund of overpayments, restitution, and compensation of individual taxpayers

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 103
Randi Hidayat ◽  
Yuliana Yuliana ◽  
Hijriyantomi Suyuthie

This research aims to formulate a development strategy that consists of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of tourism activities in the tourism object Ikan Sakti Sungai Janiah. This research is a descriptive research with qualitative data. Data collection techniques in this research were conducted by using the method of interviewing, observation and documentation involving several informants by using purposive sampling technique. The results of this study indicate that: 1) The strength of the development of tourism activities in the tourism object Ikan Sakti Sungai Janiah is the existence of a supportive land, there has been a conscious group of tourism, beautiful atmosphere and uniqueness of tourist attractions and traditions that are not owned by other regions. 2) The weakness of the development of tourism activities in the tourism object Ikan Sakti Sungai Janiah is the land that still belongs to the community, not regular art and cultural events, the security of tourists wich are not guaranteed and the lack of capital and community skills. 3) Opportunities from the development of tourism activities in the tourism object Ikan Sakti Sungai Janiah is the availability of new employment opportunities for the community, adding tourist attractions supporting facilities, the cooperation between various agencies, and the emergence of groups that support tourism activities. 4) The threat of tourism activity in the tourism object Ikan Sakti Sungai Janiah is the increasing of waste, the destruction of the environment, the emergence of groups that disturb the security of tourists, and illegal traders. Strategy of development of tourism activity in the tourism object Ikan Sakti Sungai Janiah is a) to maximize the surrounding potential of land and human resources, b) cooperate with various institutions and community, c) optimize the participation of various circles related to tourism activities, d) adding supporting facilities for the smoothness of tourism activities.

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