scholarly journals An ethnic ethnographic review: The kinship system of the Dayak Ribun tribe in West Kalimantan

Arkanudin Arkanudin ◽  
Rupita Rupita ◽  
Ignasia Debbye Batuallo

This research aims to explore the kinship system of the Dayak Ribun tribe in West Kalimantan. It uses the kinship system tree to visualize the relationship roots. This effort is also based on the refinement of the tree that has existed in the past. Moreover, the method used is an ethnographic approach, where data collection is carried out explicitly using observation, in-depth interviews, and live-in. Ethnic ethnography is gathering a variety of information from its source. According to the results, the kinship system in the Dayak Ribun community is bilateral, that is, relations through two family lineages, both sides of the mother or wife and father or husband. The principle of heredity is bilateral, where the responsibilities of husband and wife are the same in the family, both in children's education and in controlling the family economy. The marriage of a family member who is still a descendant from both the father and the mother is strictly prohibited, which is only allowed to marry between cousins ​​three times. In the distribution of inheritance, there is no difference between sons and daughters. Still, there are differences in some instances, especially for those who remain with their parents. They will get a higher share because they are responsible for their parents' old age until they die.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-85
Fahmi Rizki Fajar

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan memahami persepsi khalayak pada video iklan Thai Life Insurance versi “ I WantMore Time “ terhadap peran ayah dan anak laki-laki dalam keluarga. Iklan ini menceritakan hubungan daninteraksi ayah sebagai orang tua tunggal dan satu anak laki-lakinya dalam keluarga. Fokus dari penelitianini adalah pada pemaknaan khalayak yang memiliki latar belakang berbeda dalam dua keluarga terhadapiklan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode analisis resepsi. Analisisresepsi dipilih untuk mendapatkan temuan yang mendalam. Ada tujuh orang yang menjadi narasumberdari penelitian ini. Ketujuh narasumber terbagi menjadi dua keluarga tersebut memiliki latar belakang yangberbeda untuk mendapatkan data yang akurat. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitianini adalah dengan wawancara yang mendalam melalui Forum Group Disccusion (FGD) dan studi pustaka.Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Negosiasi Muka dari Stella ting Toomey. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakanbahwa peran ayah dan anak laki-laki dalam video iklan Thai Life Insurance versi “ I Want More Time “ memilikikesamaan dengan peran ayah dan anak laki-laki di kehidupan sehari – hari dalam konteks keluarga, hal inipernah dialami sendiri oleh narasumber laki-laki sebagai ayah dan anak serta didukung oleh penuturaninforman lainnya.Kata Kunci : iklan, i want more time, persepsi khalayakAbstractThis study aims to understand the audience perceptions on the Thai Life Insurance video version  “I WantMore Time” to the role of father and son in the family. This ad tells about the relationship and interaction,the father as a single parent and one of his sons. The focus of this study is on the meaning of the audiencethat has different background. This study used a qualitative approach with the method of reception analysis.Analysis reception was selected to obtain deep findings. There are seven audiences who became the sourcethis research. The seven speakers are divided into two families that have different backgrounds to obtainaccurate data. The data collection techniques used in this study are through in-depth interviews throughGroup Disccusion (FGD) forums and literature studies. This study uses the Advocacy of Stella ting ToomeyAdvance theory. The results of this study shows that the role of fathers and boys in the Thai Life Insurance advideo version “I Want More Time” has similarities to the role of father and son in everyday life in the context of the family, it has been experienced alone by informants as fathers and children and supported by other informants’ narratives.Keywords: advertising, thai life insurance, audience perception

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 27
Arkanudin - Arkanudin ◽  
Rupita Rupita

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan sistem hukum adat yang masih berlangsung pada suku Dayak Ribun di Kecamatan Parindu Kabupaten Sanggau, Kalimantan Barat. Subjek penelitian adalah Etnik Dayak Ribun. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan etnografi. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik pengamatan secara langsung, wawancara mendalam, dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Etnik Dayak Ribun adalah subetnik Dayak Klemantan mendiami pedalaman Kabupaten Sanggau, terutama di Kecamatan Parindu dan sebagian kecil di Kecamatan Tayan Hulu, Tayan Hilir, Bonti, dan Kembayan. Secara historis, nenek moyang etnik ini berasal dari perbatasan Kalimantan Barat-Malaysia, yaitu di daerah Nekan Entikong yang sekarang dikenal dengan Tembawang Ribun. Besar kecilnya hukuman adat diukur dengan istilah tahil. Hukuman adat yang paling berat adalah hukuman perkara pembunuhan, baik pembunuhan yang direncanakan maupun tidak sengaja yang disebut dengan adat patinyawa. Implikasi hasil penelitian ini bahwa kearifan lokal dan hukum adat yang merupakan kerangka etnografi yang dimiliki oleh etnik Dayak Ribun perlu dilestarikan. Hal ini mengingat perkembangan teknologi hari ini yang begitu cepat, maka tidak menutup kemungkinan kearifan lokal yang diwariskan oleh nenek moyang mereka akan tergerus zaman. This study describes the customary legal system that is still taking place at Dayak Ribun in Parindu District, Sanggau Regency, West Kalimantan. The subject of the study was Dayak Ribun ethnic. The approach used in this study is the ethnographic approach. Data collection uses live observation techniques, in-depth interviews, and documentation studies. The results showed that Dayak Ribun ethnic is a root ethnik from Dayak Klemantan inhabiting the interior of Sanggau Regency, especially in Parindu District and a small part in the districts of Tayan Hulu, Tayan Hilir, Bonti, and Kembayan. Historically, this ethnic ancestor came from west Kalimantan-Malaysia border in Nekan Entikong area which is now known as Tembawang Ribun. The size of the customary punishment is measured by tahil terms. The harshest customary punishment is murder, whether the planned or in-accident murder called the patinyawa custom. The implication of this research is that local wisdom and customary law which is an ethnographic framework owned by Dayak Ribun ethnic needs to be preserved. This is considering the rapid development of technology today, it does not close the possibility that local wisdom inherited by their ancestors will be eroded by the times.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 127
Miftahul Huda ◽  
Alfa Chusna

Women mostly depend on agriculture, which indicates that women have their economic resources to help the family economy. The presence of the Kulon Progo Coastal Farmers Association of Farmers is the beginning of a bright future for farmers, women. This article discusses the empowerment of women in the Kulon Progo Coast Farmers Association. The purpose of this study is to find out how far women can be empowered with the organization of the Kulon Progo Coastal Farmers Association. This research is a qualitative study with data collection techniques using a purposive sample. The data collection process is done by in-depth interviews and snowball after the key informant is found. The data obtained were analyzed using the Longwe analysis framework. The results of this study indicate that female farmers are equal in agricultural areas, but in the political domain (organization) female farmers are still below male farmers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Costantein Imanuel Sarapil ◽  
Eunike Kumaseh ◽  
Ganjar Ndaru Ikhtiagung ◽  
Erlin Puspaputri

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kontribusi peran perempuan pesisir dalam memenuhi kebutuhan ekonomi keluarga dan berapa besar presentase kontribusi perempuan dalam menopang ekonomi keluarga di Kampung Petta Kecamatan Tabukan Utara Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi atau pengamatan yaitu kegiatan keseharian manusia dengan menggunakan pancaindra. Karena itu, obervasi adalah kemampuan seseorang untuk menggunakan pengamatannya melalui hasil kerja pancaindera mata serta dibantu dengan pancaindra lainnya untuk menghimpun data penelitian. Rata - rata keuntungan perempuan pesisir Rp 160.000 / hari, rata - rata pendapatan Rp 2.750.000, serta besar kontribusi perempuan pesisir terhadap kebutuhan ekonomi keluarga yaitu sebesar 46,5 %. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Perempuan pesisir mempunyai peran yang penting dalam memenuhi kebutuhan keluarga di Kampung Petta. Perlu adanya kebijakan Pemerintah yang memberikan peluang bagi para perempuan pesisir untuk mengembangkan usaha mereka dan berkontribusi secara aktif bagi masyarakat.   This study aims to determine the contribution of the role of coastal women in fulfilling the economic needs of the family and how much is the percentage in contribution of women in supporting the family economy in Petta Village, Tabukan Utara District, Sangihe Islands Regency. Data collection was carried out by observation, namely human daily activities using the eye senses as their main aid in addition to other senses such as ears, smell, mouth, and skin. Therefore, observation is a person's ability to use his observations through the work of his senses and is assisted by other senses to collect research data. The average profit for coastal women is Rp. 160,000 / day, the average income is Rp. 2,750,000, and the contribution of coastal women to the economic needs of the family is 46,5 %. This shows that coastal women have an important role in fulfill the needs of families in Petta Village. There needs a government policy that provides opportunities for coastal women to develop their businesses and contribute actively to society.

Considering the significance of Adolescents behaviour in family purchase decisions, the study initiated with the objective to unearth the adolescents influence on the buying decisions of the family. The purpose of the study is listed down into three parts: Firstly, to explore the relationship between the age of adolescents and its effect on buying decisions of family. The next objective is to catalogue and position the products on the basis of influence of Adolescents. Subsequently, the other task is to examine and establish the comparative analysis of Adolescents influence for three different goods categories (so designed) and also analysing it at various stages of Family purchase process. The research methodology is based on the study of relevant review work done in the past and an interview conducted amongst the adolescents for the data collection. Furthermore, a structured questionnaire is circulated amongst adolescents aged between 14-19 years. Data was collected from 350 adolescents. Study also exhibited that there are three product categories identified by factor analysis explicitly “Prominent” Products, “Popular” Products and “Common” Products– It was observed that Popular products gained maximum attention of adolescents, followed by Prominent Products and the least attention seeker for adolescents are Common Products. These categories are designed in context to Indian families & environment. Multivariate Analysis of Variance, i.e., MANOVA was also applied for third objective which presented the outcome that in case of Prominent and Popular Products, adolescent’s impact is greatest at the beginning stage of the purchase process and least at exploration stage. But in case of Common Products, Adolescents influence is highest at the stage of decision making and selection. This study can have enormous future relevance for the marketers by the way of providing them with broad scope of adolescents’ behavioural understanding in family in context to different product categories and at multiple buying stages of family purchase process. This could be considered as the base for formulating and executing various marketing plans. The paper bears uniqueness in terms of analysing adolescents’ behaviour in relation to multiple product catalogues and relating the segmentation across various family buying stages.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Dwiganura Apu

This paper aims to examine the relationship between marriage / marriage with the belis system (dowry  /dowry) and obedience (wife) to the husband, and whether these two factors influence women's voting behavior in the general election in Nagekeo. . Marriage by giving a belis that is felt to be of high economic value demands the wife's level of compliance with her husband, because with the granting of belis, the husband feels he has full power over women to approach this problem using the theoretical reference from the concept of Gender and Development, thus knowing the extent to which women are involved in determining their own choices, not only in a wider scope, but in a small scope within the family as well. Data collected through in-depth interviews with informants, and analyzed qualitatively. This study concludes that belis here is a cultural heritage contained with historical and social values in it. However, the belis did not have a full effect on the level of compliance and voting behavior of women in the elections in Nagekeo. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 81
Anisa Nurfiani ◽  
Estro Dariatno Sihaloho

This study aims to determine whether or not there is a family economic relationship to the use of Cileles Jatinangor Village Health BPJS. Factors that are influenced by the family economy include, the average family income per month, number of family dependents, monthly BPJS Health installments, how often each family goes to health facilities in the past month, and how many times the use of BPJS Health by each family in the past month. The study was conducted by direct observation of each family in Cileles Jatinangor Village. This study took data as much as 60 samples of the family of Cileles Jatinangor Village. In this study the type of data used is Cross Section Data, meaning that the data obtained is data that is obtained only in one time and has many objects or samples. The data obtained will be processed using stata14 which is quantitative data and followed by simple regression using the OLS (Ordinary Least Square) approach. The results and discussion show that the variables have a negative correlation, the number of dependents has a negative correlation, the cost of BPJS has a positive correlation, the check up has a positive correlation, the use of BPJS has a positive correlation, and all variables are significant at the level of 10%.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 79
Nfn Marhamah

This study discusses the verbal symbols of Islamic communication ethics in Gayo ethnic speech in Central Aceh District. Speech in Gayo culture is a greeting or call between individuals, between groups or individuals with groups. In Gayo culture, it is unethical to call someone by name directly. Speech in Gayo culture is placed in the context of the kinship system and social structure. The method used in this research is qualitative research with ethnographic approach of communication. While the data collection techniques used are observation, documentation, as well as interviews with customary figures or cultural figures, community leaders or elders, and the community. Then the data were analyzed using semiotics analysis of Roland Barthes version. The results of this study indicate that the verbal symbols of Islamic communication ethics in Gayo ethnic speech in Central Aceh Regency seen in the use of speech used in everyday life is based on kinship system or kinship and position or function (said degree). The denotative meaning in this speech can be understood from the meaning described in Gayo. While the connotative meaning in this speech is understood based on Gayo cultural values. Understanding the connotative meaning of this speech become a reference in using speech in accordance with the context that gave rise to the myth in Gayo culture called kemali, jis, moth and sumang.Penelitian ini membahas mengenai simbol-simbol verbal etika komunikasi Islam dalam budaya tutur etnis Gayo di Kabupaten Aceh Tengah. Tutur dalam budaya Gayo merupakan kata sapaan atau panggilan antar individu, antar kelompok atau individu dengan kelompok. Dalam budaya Gayo, tidak etis memanggil seseorang dengan menyebut namanya langsung. Tutur dalam budaya Gayo ditempatkan pada konteks sistem kekerabatan dan struktur sosial. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah peneltian kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnografi komunikasi. Sementara teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah pengamatan, dokumentasi, serta wawancara dengan tokoh adat atau tokoh budaya, tokoh masyarakat atau sesepuh , dan masyarakat. Kemudian data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis semiotika versi Roland Barthes. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa simbol-simbol verbal etika komunikasi Islam dalam budaya tutur etnis Gayo di Kabupaten Aceh Tengah terlihat pada pemakaian tutur yang digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari didasarkan pada sistem kekerabatan atau kekeluargaan dan jabatan atau fungsi (tutur gelar). Makna denotatif dalam tutur ini dapat dipahami dari arti yang dijelaskan dalam bahasa Gayo. Sedangkan makna konotatif dalam tutur ini dipahami berdasarkan nilai-nilai budaya Gayo. Pemahaman makna konotatif dari tutur ini menjadi acuan dalam memakai tutur sesuai dengan konteksnya yang menunculkan mitos dalam budaya Gayo disebut dengan kemali, jis, jengat, dan sumang.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 55
Diah Auliani ◽  
Aida Arini

Praying is something that is done with special words and actions that begin with intention. prayer has the obligatory requirements of Islam, understanding, age, not being menstruated, not handicapped. The family is an institution that exists in the community, which can determine harmony in the community so that the community is very dependent on happiness in the family and harmony in the environment. The family is formed through a marriage. A harmonious family can determine the level of community welfare, because marriage is highly recommended by Islam for those who have been able and meet the conditions. The objectives of the researcher are (1) to describe the quality of prayer worship in Tebuireng Gg Village 1. (2) To describe the harmony of the family in Tebuireng Gg Village 1. (3) To describe the relationship between family harmony with the quality of prayer in Tebuireng Gg 1 village.The research that will be used is a descriptive quantitative expost facto approach that is correlative. The independent and related variables in this study include the Quality of Prayers (X) and Family Harmony (Y). This research was conducted in Tebuireng Gg 1 Hamlet in January-February 2019. The data collection used questionnaires and documentation distributed to each family. Date analysis techniques using hypothesis testing.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 596-603
Ardian Yuliani Saputri ◽  
Kundharu Saddhono ◽  
Djoko Sulaksono

Purpose of the study: Tegas Desa tradition has been performed by the people of Ngasem Village for generations and is the heritage of the ancestors whose values ​​are still upheld. This study aims to describe the Tegas Desa tradition of Ngasem village agrarian community, identify Tegas Desa tradition as local cultural wisdom, describe ubarampe or offerings needed in performing the tradition, and explain the procession of the Tegas Desa tradition. Methodology: This study is a qualitative descriptive study with an ethnographic approach. The data were sourced from the informants including the caretaker, village officials, and villagers. The data used were in the form of texts from interviews with informants, videos, photographs, relevant studies, and relevant books. The data were collected through observation, in-depth interviews, and document studies. Main Findings: The results show that Tegas Desa tradition is a manifestation of gratitude for the rice yields of the agrarian community in Ngasem Village. The Ngasem Village community still believes in Javanese customs and culture whose values ​​are still upheld. Ubarampe or offerings use a lot of different types of foods. There are some differences or reductions in the implementation of the present tradition and the past. Applications of this study: The implications of the study can be social capital in preserving a culture that can be used as a reinforcement of the nation's character through mutual cooperation, unity, and harmony among citizens. Tegas Desa tradition can be used as a local asset to get the support of the local government to preserve cultural heritage as a form of local cultural wisdom of the agrarian community. Novelty/Originality of this study: There is no or has not been any study that discusses Tegas Desa tradition carried out by the agrarian community of Ngasem Village.

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