scholarly journals The introduction of Christian Ethics as a topical issue in Ukraine's religious life

2005 ◽  
pp. 43-48
Oleksandr N. Sagan

Even after 14 years of independence, Ukrainian society has not lost many of its problems, which are rooted in the legacy of Soviet militant atheism. One of the problems that has caused heated debate in religious and educational settings in almost all years of independence is the perception / non-acceptance of the need for religious education by secular school students. Against the backdrop of equally acute property problems related to the return to religious buildings of the Church, disputes about the status and content of religious courses have been leading in relevance for the last five to six years.

2016 ◽  
Vol 69 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-170
Liam J. Fraser

AbstractLike many Western churches, the Church of Scotland has been divided in recent years over the ordination of gay clergy in committed relationships, and, more generally, over the status of homosexuality for Christian ethics. Yet there has been no academic research undertaken which situates the debate within the wider context of Scottish theology. This failure has resulted in theological and ecclesial impasse, which this paper seeks to remedy through a diagnostic analysis of division over homosexuality, drawing upon the analytic tools developed by R. G. Collingwood. While this article has as its focus the Church of Scotland, its method and conclusions will be relevant to other Protestant denominations, especially Reformed churches such as the Presbyterian Church (USA).

2009 ◽  
pp. 131-137
V. Kondor

At present, the position of religion in society is changing dramatically, and so is the status of a believing person. Until recently, as an ideological outcast in a society that was stripped of almost all rights while in the sociocultural underground, the believer became trapped within the confines of religious functionality. In connection with the affirmation of real freedom of conscience, the intensification of the activity of the church in Ukraine, the restoration of its inherent functions, the ability of the believer to fulfill his duties both in the sphere of his religion and in the social ministry increased.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-86
Dicky Melyawanto ◽  
Ola Rongan Wilhelmus

The task of organizing education is primarily the responsibility of parents and assisted by the community as long as it is needed. The task of organizing education is also the responsibility of the Church. The Church takes part in the world of education, among others, through Catholic religious education in Catholic schools. The learning process of Catholic Religious Education is intended to improve the faith of Catholic youth. The research was conducted by using qualitative research method. Qualitative research method is a form of research designed to examine attitudes, views, feelings, and behavior of individuals or groups of people or social issues being investigated. This study aims to analyze the extent to which Catholic Religious Education affects the development of faith and behavioral change of the Catholic Junior High School students in Madiun. The results of the research indicated that 7 (58%) of respondents stated that junior high school students were students between 13-15 years old. There were 12 (100%) respondents said that Catholic Religious Education taught in the School was able to help the junior high school students to have more knowledge about Jesus and his preaching. As many as 6 (50%) of respondents stated that Catholic Religious Education is very helpful to get know more about themselves personally. There were 8 (67%) of respondents stated that the teaching of Catholic Religion made their faith progressively improved. Broadly speaking, all respondents experienced that Catholic Religious teaching has made their Catholic faith being developed so far. It made the respondents more diligent and actively involved in throughout Catholic Church activities and any social affairs.

2018 ◽  
pp. 24-28
Zinaida Potikha

The article illustrates the relations between the national diaspora in Canada and Ukraine during 1991–2014. It is emphasized that during the long-term presence of Ukrainians in the cities of Canada the Ukrainian diaspora has been growing and consolidating around the civic organizations and Ukrainian cultural centers with the biggest ones being located in Ontario and Alberta, which are the places with the largest Ukrainian population. It provides the analysis of influence of the Ukrainian diaspora on the cooperation between Ukraine and Canada through civic organizations, the most influential of which are the following: Ukrainian Canadian Congress — acts as the representative of the Ukrainian diaspora before the government and people of Canada, coordinates and promotes its involvement in the cultural and public life of the country, and unites 33 Ukrainian and all-Canadian organizations and their branches; Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of Canada — supports the religious education and Ukrainian publishing houses, arranges religious seminars on the study of Bible, Ukrainian rituals and traditions; Plast — promotes the complex patriotic self-education of the Ukrainian youth based on the Christian ethics principles, as the conscientious, responsible and meaningful citizens of the local, national and global communities and the Ukrainian society leaders; they also hold the leading positions in the civic organizations — in student’s clubs or in the Ukrainian Canadian Congress. At the same time, in Ukraine the civic organizations, such as the “Ukraine-Svit” company and Ukrainian World Coordinating Council cooperate with the national diaspora in Canada. It is emphasized that the intensification of relations between the Ukrainian diaspora in Canada and Ukraine is the key component of the modern national ethnical policy. It is concluded that the Ukrainian diaspora in Canada created the positive image of Ukraine abroad that contributed to the recognition of its independence in 1991 and further establishment of connections between the countries. The article substantiates the perspectives for bilateral cooperation of countries in the field of politics, economics, trade, culture and education.

2005 ◽  
pp. 91-96
P. Kralyuk

For more than a decade, the question of introducing teaching in Christian ethics schools has been relatively active in Ukraine (there may be other names for this course, which nevertheless have a religious, ethical or religious-cultural focus). In fact, this problem arose literally in the early years of Ukraine's independence. In a number of regions, especially in Galicia, this course, with the appropriate support of local governments, has already become a component of school education. In general, this course (or similar) is taught in almost all regions of Ukraine. However, with the exception of the Galician regions, this teaching is rather episodic and fragmentary.

1992 ◽  
Vol 28 ◽  
pp. 117-130
Brenda M. Bolton

On at least three occasions during the pontificate of Innocent III, Gerald of Wales—failed bishop, celebrated story-teller, and inveterate and inventive pilgrim, made the journey to Rome.There, having already carried out his preliminary research, he was always eager to examine two of the most outstanding images in Rome at close quarters. These two images—the Uronica at the Lateran and the Veronica at St Peter’s—made such a deep impression upon him that his description and explanation of their importance was to form a central role in his Speculum Ecclesiae, which he wrote on his return home. He clearly saw them as a pair, having similar names and being held in equal reverence, although perhaps their authenticity sprang from different roots. His remarks would have greatly pleased Innocent, for this was precisely the approach which the pope aimed to achieve. He considered it essential that the long and damaging rivalry between the two great basilicas of the Lateran and the Vatican, which had existed for much of the twelfth century, should now be resolved. It was a rivalry which had brought scandal to the papacy and grave detriment to the Church. In thiscontroversy the Lateran had some advantages, both historically—as the cathedral of Rome and hence of the world—and in the popular appeal of its fabulous relics. A brief glance at a contemporary inventory shows the outstanding richness of this collection. Innocent’s aim was not to diminish the Lateran, but instead to raise the status of St Peter’s, so that both became co-equal seats of the pope-bishop of Rome. What Gerald of Wales had written confirmed Innocent’s own reading of the Liber Pontif¡calis, which was to form the basis for his important reform of the liturgy at this time. Nor was his approbation merely directed towards Gerald. It went to all observant pilgrims, particularly that small number of highly significant archbishops and metropolitans who came to Rome to collect their pallia on their appointments. That great show, the Fourth Lateran Council of 1215, saw almost all of them in attendance. ‘Here was a wonderful opportunity for Innocent to stress the underlying purpose of his artistic patronage, whereby Lateran and Vatican were to achieve coequal status whilst, at the same time, the Church’s real message was being strengthened.

2012 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-72
Morteza Karimi-Nia

The status of tafsīr and Qur'anic studies in the Islamic Republic of Iran has changed significantly during recent decades. The essay provides an overview of the state of Qur'anic studies in Iran today, aiming to examine the extent of the impact of studies by Western scholars on Iranian academic circles during the last three decades and the relationship between them. As in most Islamic countries, the major bulk of academic activity in Iran in this field used to be undertaken by the traditional ʿulamāʾ; however, since the beginning of the twentieth century and the establishment of universities and other academic institutions in the Islamic world, there has been increasing diversity and development. After the Islamic Revolution, many gradual changes in the structure and approach of centres of religious learning and universities have occurred. Contemporary advancements in modern sciences and communications technologies have gradually brought the institutions engaged in the study of human sciences to confront the new context. As a result, the traditional Shīʿī centres of learning, which until 50 years ago devoted themselves exclusively to the study of Islamic law and jurisprudence, today pay attention to the teaching of foreign languages, Qur'anic sciences and exegesis, including Western studies about the Qur'an, to a certain extent, and recognise the importance of almost all of the human sciences of the West.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 328-336
Abdul Basit

Based on the results of research that conducted by previous researchers suggest that the schools are the institutions most vulnerable to enter the radical religious ideology. Many factors could be cause this to happen. The lack regulation of the process of Islamic religious education in the schools, psychological conditions adolescentare unstable and looking for identity, the lack of religious comprehension in the students, and the religious organizations that entered to school institutions with a various of ideologies very easy, are part of the factors that cause vulnerability school institute from radical religious comprehension. In the respect to these conditions are required the model of the da’wa movement that can be accepted by adolescent and it be an alternative in the development of da’wa in the schools.To get the data, the authors conducted a qualitative study in the area of ​​Purwokerto using the phenomenological approach. The researchers conducted interviews and focus group discussions with the school leaders, teachers, students, activists of religious organizations, and religious leaders who understand the problems in this study. The main data is processed by combining the results of the observation and study of literature through a phenomenological approach that emphasizes the meaning behind the phrases or statements from informan.To produce the movement patterns of school da’wathat can be acceptable to all the communities in the schools, the school needs to make the movement patterns of integratif school da’wa,both intra-curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricularactivities. The religious activities and cultivation of religious values ​​are part of the process of da’wa that do not separated in the schools. In the practice of this the movement patterns, the school should pay attention to the characteristics of the school, students' backgrounds, as well as involvedstakeholders and the da’wa organizations.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 197-206
Siti Bariroh

The people of Indonesia are heterogeneous, in terms of religion or kepecayaan, culture, ethnicity, language and culture, because Indonesia is a country that Berbhineka Tunggal Ika, with a classification of social, cultural and excellence culture and geography, is one of the biggest advantages of a multicultural world , The roots of multicultural education, coming from intensive care to spread the views on the importance of the background of learners, both in terms of aspects of culture, ethnicity and religion. Educational attention in earnest background of learners is the forerunner for the emergence of multicultural education.        Multicultural education is composed of two terms, namely education and multicultural. Education means the development process and the attitude of a person or group of conduct in an attempt to mature through teaching, training, processes, and how to educate. Multicultural interpreted as cultural diversity, a variety of politeness. The concept of multicultural education in the journey widespread, especially countries that have ethnic diversity, rationalism, religion and culture like Indonesia.   SMA Negeri 1 Brits Brebes are public school students come from various backgrounds, ranging from the academic year 2011-2016 has been practicing multicultural education, given its students are not from the same religion, namely Islam, but there are also students who are non-Muslims are Catholic and Protestant, with an approach and interviews with parents guardians and students, they are welcomed, the provision of teaching of religious education non-Muslims, and runs well without any intimidation and discrimination, because the kids are already observed by the schools in following the teachings of his religion, although in the District brebes no teacher of Religious Education in addition to Islam, with the help of the church, can run smoothly, from planning, mobilization, organization and evaluation and control are done by the school, school committees and offices of National Education and Ministry of Religious Affairs Brebes Brebes. In this research use, qualitative research methods, by presenting a wide range of anchovies in favor, with the data collection through: observation, interviews, and questionnaires to the school principal, school committees, teachers Muslims and non-Muslims, and elderly parents are Muslim and non-Muslims, as well as the students were Muslims and non-Muslims to Obtain valid the data, the number of students taking the population of parents and guardians are non-Muslims, principals, school committees and teachers partly that Muslims and non-Muslims.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Umi Farkhatun

This research is motivated by a sense of concern about the rise of phenomena that indicate a moral crisis and exemplary behavior among students, especially elementary school students. To overcome this, it is necessary to know effective learning media in learning in schools, especially in the subjects of Islamic Religious Education and Characteristics about the role models. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the use of puppet media in learning the story of the examplary of Wali Sanga. The subjects were 23students from grade IV MI Dharwata Sikampuh Kroya. The method uses descriptive qualitative. The results showed that puppet media was effectively used in the learning of Islamic Religious Education and Characteristics for the theme of exemplary Wali Sanga characters as evidenced by the creation of a conducive learning climate and student assessment results that reached KKM by 78% and the achievement of basic competencies in Islamic Religious and Characteristics classes IV SD and MI.

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