scholarly journals Training on Making Liquid Organic Fertilizer (POC) from Stale Rice in Silaberanti Village, Jakabaring District, Palembang City

Nurbaiti Amir ◽  
Ika Paridawati ◽  
Syafrullah Syafrullah ◽  
Sisvaberti Afriyatna ◽  
Yuli Rosianty

Organic fertilizer is the final result of the decomposition of parts or remains of plants and or animals that have undergone engineering, in solid or liquid form. Household waste, one of which is stale rice, is usually thrown away directly into the environment, even though it can still be used, for example, made as liquid organic fertilizer. For this reason, it is necessary to remodel household waste, especially stale rice, into liquid organic fertilizer by utilizing existing local microorganisms. This Community Service aims to provide motivation and knowledge and skills to the community on how to make liquid organic fertilizer from stale rice by utilizing local microorganisms. The location of Community Service was held at RT.28 RW.007 Silaberanti Village, Jakabaring District, Palembang City, on January 30, 2021. The method used was counseling and training to participants on the manufacture of liquid organic fertilizer (POC) from stale rice. The implementation of the activity was attended by 12 participants, who were followed with enthusiasm and discussions and questions and answers during the training. The results of this Community Service show that the service method in the form of counseling, training and question and answer is very appropriate in motivating the community to be able to make liquid organic fertilizer from stale rice.

Nurbaiti Amir ◽  
Berliana Palmasari ◽  
Innike Abdillah Fahmi ◽  
Dessy Tri Astuti

Organic fertilizers are fertilizers that primarily consist of organic materials derived from plant or animal residues converted in solid or liquid form. Household waste, especially vegetable waste, is usually dumped directly into the environment, even though this waste can still be used, for example, made as liquid organic fertilizer by utilizing local microorganisms (MOL). The mole contains micro and macronutrients and contains bacteria that can decompose organic matter. This Community Service aims to provide motivation and knowledge, and skills to the community about the technique of making liquid organic fertilizer from household waste by utilizing local microorganisms. Community Service held in Sungai Pangeran Village, Ilir Timur I District, Palembang City, on February 19, 2019. The method used was counseling and training participants on the use of local microorganisms as liquid organic fertilizer. Thirty-five participants attended the implementation of the activity. This activity continued with discussions and questions and answers during the training. The results of this Community Service show that the service method in the form of counseling, training, and question and answer is very appropriate in motivating the community to remodel household waste.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 161
Sholahuddin Sholahuddin ◽  
Retno Wijayanti ◽  
Supriyadi Supriyadi ◽  
Subagiya Subagiya,

<p><em><strong>Potential of Maggot (Black Soldier Fly) as Animal Feed in Miri Village Kismantoro Wonogiri.</strong> </em>Cultivation of chicken and catfish was a field of business that was mostly carried out by residents of Miri Village, Kismantoro District, Wonogiri Regency. The high component of feed costs results in low profits. So far, farmers still rely on pellets as the main feed for their livestock. Alternative feeds in the form of Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae or maggot were well known to residents, but only a few residents had ever used maggot as feed. Residents had never received education and training on maggot cultivation. This activity aims to increase the knowledge and skills of Miri Village residents in maggot cultivation, the dependence of farmers on artificial feed can be reduced and replaced with feed from maggot cultivation. Activities carried out in the service consist of socialization and training on maggot cultivation. The socialization was in the form of exposure to the benefits and propagation of maggots, while the training materials were the practice of catching eggs, maintaining maggots, and harvesting maggots. The results of the activity showed an increase in participants' knowledge regarding maggot cultivation by 21.32%. The participants also showed interest in carrying out practical activities. The benefits of BSF cultivation include reducing household waste, producing maggots as animal feed, and producing organic fertilizer.</p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 191
Mulyatun Mulyatun

<p>In order to meet households energy needs, one of the groundbreaking efforts that needs to be done is to implement appropriate technology training in utilization of cow manure waste by recycling it into biogas and organic fertilizer. Animal husbandry in Bambankerep Sub-District of Ngaliyan, Semarang City, are sufficiently developed, however, the use of livestock manure has not been optimal, whereas livestock manure can be used as raw material to produce renewable energy in the form of biogas and organic fertilizer. Furthermore, Limited knowledge and skills of the people in Bambankerep sub-district in the utilization of cow manure waste by recycling it into biogas and organic fertilizer have become the main problem. Steps performed in Community service programs are as follow (1) Socialization of recycling livestock waste into a blessing; (2) training, (3) Monitoring and outreaching. The impact generated from this community service programs, among others are: (1) raising public awareness in the utilization of cow manure waste for biogas alternative energy, (2) increasing knowledge and skills of people in processing cow manure into energy and fertilizer, (3) growing number of business groups in cow manure organic fertilizer processing that are expected can improve the welfare of the people in Bambankerep sub-district, Mijen, Semarang City.</p><p> </p><p>Dalam rangka pemenuhan keperluan energi rumah tangga, salah satu upaya terobosan yang perlu dilakukan adalah melaksanakan pelatihan teknologi tepat guna pemanfaatan limbah kotoran sapi menjadi biogas dan pupuk organik. Usaha peternakan di Kelurahan Bambankerep, Ngaliyan Semarang cukup berkembang, tapi pemanfaatan kotoran ternak selama ini belum optimal, padahal kotoran ternak dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan baku untuk menghasilkan energi terbarukan dalam bentuk biogas dan pupuk organik. Keterbatasannya pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dimiliki masyarakat di Kelurahan Bambankerep mengolah limbah kotoran sapai menjadi biogas dan pupuk organik menjadi permasalahn utama. Tahapan program pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan adalah: (1) Sosialisai pemanfaatan limbah kotoran hewan menjadi berkah; (2) pelatihan; (3) Monitoring dan Pendampingan. Dampak yang dihasilkan dari program pengabdian masyarakat ini antara lain: (1) meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat untuk memanfaatkan limbah kotoran sapi untuk energi alternatif biogas, (2) meningkatnya pengetahuan dan ketrampilan masyarakat bidang pengolahan kotoran sapi menjadi energi dan pupuk, (3) tumbuhnya kelompok usaha pengolahan pupuk organik dari kotoran sapi sehingga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat Kelurahan Bambankerep Ngaliyan Semarang.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 8-13
Eliza Eliza ◽  
Riswan Effendi ◽  
Shorea Khaswarina ◽  
Ermitety Ermitety ◽  
Novia Dewi

The waste of cassava peel is thrown away by the community, cassava peel can be used as a variety of snacks including sticks. Sticks are an attractive, varied and easier to carry, can be an innovation in increasing people's income. The service activity aims to provide knowledge, skills and guidance to PKK mothers, UMKM people in processing products made from cassava peel into sticks in Kampung Panjang Village. This activity is expected to motivate the entrepreneurial spirit towards innovative and economical efforts to increase income. The method of this activity is counseling in the form of serving the benefits of cassava peel and training and guidance on how to process cassava skin into steak. The results of the community service are obtained: a) Participants knew the benefits and importance of training cassava peel processing as an alternative to household side activities, b) Activness the participants during the service shows a positive response seen from the enthusiasm, discussion, question and answer and good cooperation. c) The achievement level of the target program has been the participants who have applied the processing of cassava peel to sticks with various flavors.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 111
Juliana Juliana ◽  
Yuniarti Koniyo

ABSTRACTOlele Village is one of the villages located in Bone Bolango Regency and is included in the Coastal Region. Most Olele villagers have livelihoods as fishermen, so most Olele village women are fishermen's wives. The purpose of community service activities carried out in Olele village is to increase community income through empowering coastal women. The method used consists of two forms, namely counseling and training. Coastal women who were participants in service activities were 30 fishermen wives. The material provided in counseling is about the types of diversification of processed products and fisheries processing techniques. Training is provided through hands-on practice and assistance during service activities. The products produced are fish fingers, dragon foot fish, jelly, pudding, and crackers which will be sold to increase community income especially for fishermen's wives. The results of community service activities carried out in the village of Olele are increased knowledge and skills diversification of processed fisheries products for fishermen wives who have received service activities. Community service activities also provide increased income for the community through the sale of various processed fishery products. Keywords:  Fish Finger, Foot Dragon Fish, Jelly Candy, Pudding, and Fish Crackers.  ABSTRAKDesa olele merupakan salah satu desa yang terletak di Kabupaten Bone Bolango dan termasuk wilayah pesisir. Penduduk desa Olele sebagian besar memiliki mata pencaharian sebagai nelayan, sehingga sebagian besar perempuan desa Olele merupakan istri nelayan. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan di desa Olele yaitu untuk meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat melalui pemberdayaan perempuan pesisir. Metode yang digunakan terdiri dari dua bentuk yaitu penyuluhan dan pelatihan. Perempuan pesisir yang dijadikan peserta pada kegiatan pengabdian adalah istri-istri nelayan sebanyak 30 orang. Materi yang diberikan pada penyuluhan yaitu tentang jenis diversifikasi produk olahan dan teknik pengolahan hasil perikanan. Pelatihan diberikan dengan cara praktek langsung dan pendampingan selama kegiatan pengabdian berlangsung. Produk yang dihasilkan adalah fish finger, foot dragon fish, permen jell,  puding, dan kerupuk yang akan dijual untuk meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat khususnya bagi istri-istri nelayan. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan di desa Olele yaitu peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan tentang diversifikasi produk olahan perikanan bagi istri-istri nelayan yang telah mengikuti kegiatan pengabdian. Kegiatan pengabdian juga memberikan dampak bagi peningkatan pendapatan masyarakat melalui penjualan diversifikasi produk olahan perikanan.  Kata Kunci: Kaki Naga, Kerupuk, Nugget, Permen dan Puding.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 1448-1458
Fazdria Fazdria ◽  
Nora Veri ◽  
Cut Mutiah ◽  
Dewita Dewita

ABSTRAK Di Indonesia, meskipun sejarah pemijatan berawal dari nenek moyang masa lampau, namun pijat bayi yang diperkenalkan bukanlah pijat tradisional yang dilakukan oleh dukun bayi atau dukun pijat yang pijatannya tidak aman. Pijat bayi yang dimasyarakatkan adalah pijat modern yang memadukan antara ilmiah (kesehatan), seni, dan kasih sayang. Pijat bayi akan membuat bayi tidur lebih lelap dan meningkatkan kosentrasi kesiagaan (alertness) atau kosentrasi. Hal ini disebabkan pijatan dapat mengubah gelombang otak. Pengubahan ini terjadi dengan cara menurunkan gelombang alpha dan peningkatan gelombang beta, serta tetha yang dapat dibuktikan dengan penggunaan EEG (electro enchephalogram). Tujuan kegiatan adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan ibu dalam melakukan pijat bayi di Desa Pondok Kelapa, Pondok Nias dan Pondok Kemuning Kec. Langsa Baro Kota Langsa. Metode pengabdian yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah program pendidikan masyarakat melalui edukasi dan pelatihan pijat bayi pada ibu bayi dan balita. Hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang telah dilakukan oleh Dosen Prodi D-III Kebidanan Langsa pada tanggal 30 September s/d 2 Oktober 2020 didapatkan hasil mayoritas peserta pengabdian kepada masyarakat memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang pijat bayi yaitu sebanyak 17 orang (56,7%) dan mayoritas terampil dalam melakukan pijat bayi yaitu sebanyak 22 orang (73,3%). Kata Kunci : Pengetahuan, Keterampilan, Pijat Bayi  ABSTRACT In Indonesia, although the history of massage dates back to the ancestors of the past, the baby massage introduced is not a traditional massage performed by a baby shaman or a massage shaman whose massage is not safe. A popularized baby massage is a modern massage that blends scientific (health), art, and compassion. Baby massage will make the baby sleep better and increase alertness or concentration. This is because massage can alter brain waves. This conversion occurs by lowering alpha waves and increasing beta waves, as well as tetha which can be proven by the use of EEG (electroencephalogram). The purpose of the activity is to improve the knowledge and skills of mothers in performing baby massage in Pondok Kelapa Village, Pondok Nias, and Pondok Kemuning Kec. Langsa Baro Langsa City. The method of devotion used in this activity is a community education program through the education and training of baby massage in infants and toddler mothers. The results of community service that has been done by Lecturers of Prodi D-III Midwifery Langsa on September 30 to October 2, 2020, obtained the results of the majority of participants of community service have good knowledge about baby massage that is as many as 17 people (56.7%) and the majority are skilled in performing baby massage that is as many as 22 people (73.3%). Keywords: Knowledge, Skills, Baby Massage

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 102
Mais Ilsan ◽  
Muhammad Salim ◽  
Tsalis Kurniawan Husain

The goal to be achieved in this service program is to help compile and make financial statements CV. Kasih dan Sayang. Specific targets to be completed are knowledge and skills in preparing and formatting financial statements. The problem in preparing financial statements is knowledge and skills in the recording of business finances. Therefore, the challenges in this target group need to be overcome by increasing knowledge and training in making financial statements that are easy and helping financial records for partners. The method that will be used in this service program is participation method. CV. Kasih dan Sayang were given financial statement training. The results of this community service activity are trainees who are able to provide training materials that are supported by using financial statements formats in the form of MS. Excel is in accordance with the case of business transactions. In addition, the financial statement format is in the form of an MS. Excel will tidy up and make it easier to make business financial statements.

Suwati Ummat ◽  
Marianah Marianah ◽  
Muanah Muanah ◽  
Ahmad Akromul Huda ◽  
Desy Ambar Sari ◽  

Household waste contributes to the volume of waste. In general, household waste is easily biodegradable and difficult to decompose. Household products that are hard to decompose are generally plastic and plastic bottles predominantly. The difficulty of decomposing household plastic waste requires serious handling, so it is necessary to provide assistance for processing plastic waste into useful creations. One of them becomes ecobric. There are two methods of this activity, namely direct counseling and training. The results obtained after the community service activities were completed was that they were able to improve community skills in processing plastic waste into ecobrics. Furthermore, ecobrics are created into potted plants and other forms of creation. In addition, after this activity is carried out, it can reduce the movement of plastic waste to the final disposal site (TPA), so that the community hopes that this activity will continue to be transmitted to other places to create a clean and free environment from plastic waste.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
Nur Faizin

The Faculty of Engineering's community service program, University of Jember, with a partner, the Sumber Kembang Kelompok Tani (Farmer Group), aims to overcome partner problems, about the accumulation of coffee bean skin waste that is not utilized. So far, the Sumber Kembang Kelompok Tani (Farmer Group) has not utilized coffee waste properly. The waste of the coffee bean skin will be processed into liquid fertilizer. The community service team will act as a facilitator and instructor in training or mentoring, which includes: 1. Explanation of the use and method of making liquid fertilizer from coffee bean skin, 2. Training related to the use of tools and processes for making liquid fertilizer, 3. Monitoring activities after socialization and training.  The results of this training and service are that farmers have the ability to make liquid organic fertilizer from coffee bean skin waste expected to increase partners' understanding in processing coffee bean skin waste into liquid fertilizer and adding economic value from coffee bean skin waste so that it has a higher selling value.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 186-190
Diana Dewi Wahyuningsih ◽  
Ninda Beny Asfuri

he village of Blimbingan is one of the villages in Baturan village, Colomadu District, Karanganyar Regency. The Housewives of the village Blimbingan actually have the skill of sewing but the potential they have is not developed. There are 5 handyman in Blimbingan village so that many of the patchwork fabric that should be used, but the citizen of Blimbingan village does not know the benefits of patchwork. Patchwork fabric in Blimbingan village is more often discarded and burned so it pollutes the environment of the surrounding community especially air pollution, and also many still good batik patchwork that should still be utilized to be processed into goods that have a high economic value. The majority of the community of Blimbingan Village are less concerned about environmental issues, they do not know the benefits that will be gained if they are able to utilize patchwork, their view of not the importance of a supposed patchwork cloth should be changed so that they should be adapted by being given socialization and counseling. This community service aims to provide socialization as well as training on making accessories by utilizing patchwork waste in Blimbingan village as well as providing guidance to develop into a productive economic business in order to become a new opportunity for the group of Mothers-Housewives village Blimbingan. The methods used in this activity are by counseling, training, monitoring and mentoring. This community devotion activity is a partner of mother-housewife Group has effectively understood the utilization of waste patchwork for beneficial products such as the manufacture of accessories and many people in need. Knowledge and skills of partners increased by 98%, which was marked by the success of making accessories products. Keywords: Accessories, Waste patchwork

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