2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 207-212
Yulia Susanti ◽  
Cahyo Suraji

Rokok adalah salah satu produk tembakau yang dimaksudkan untuk dibakar, dihisap dan/atau dihirup. Jumlah perokok di seluruh dunia kini mencapai 1,2 milyar orang dan 800 juta diantaranya berada di negara berkembang. Indonesia merupakan negara ketiga dengan jumlah perokok terbesar di dunia setelah Cina dan India.Peningkatan konsumsi rokok berdampak pada makin tingginya beban penyakit akibat rokok dan bertambahnya angka kematian akibat rokok.Tujuan penelitan ini adalah mengetahui hubungan antara perilaku merokok pelajar dengan kebijakan kawasan tanpa rokok. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan cross-sectional (potong lintang). Populasi seluruh pelajar  yang  sekolah di SMP PGRI 07 Gemuh sebanyak  348siswa. Tehnik pengambilan sampel ini adalah  total sampling. Hasil penelitian ini sebagian besar responden berumur 14 tahun (32,2%) dan sebagian besar berjenis kelamin laki-laki (58%), sebagian besar berperilaku merokok baik (55,2%), sebagian kecil yang tidak mendukung kawasan tanpa asap rokok (23,7%). Ada hubungan antara perilaku merokok dengan kebijakan kawasan tanpa asap rokok dengan ρ value 0,005 (ρ < 0,05).   Kata kunci: perilaku merokok, kebijakan kawasan tanpa rokok   THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STUDENT SMOKING BEHAVIOR AND NON-SMOKING AREA POLICY   ABSTRACT Cigarettes are one of the tobacco products intended to be burned, smoked and / or inhaled. . The number of smokers around the world now reaches 1.2 billion people and 800 million of them are in developing countries. Indonesia is the third country with the largest number of smokers in the world after China and India. The increase in cigarette consumption has an impact on the increasing burden of smoking-related illnesses and the increase in the number of deaths from cigarettes. This research is to determine the relationship between student smoking behavior and non-smoking area policy. This study uses a cross-sectional approach. The population of all students who study at the PGRI 07 Middle School is 348 students. This sampling technique is total sampling. The results of this study most of the respondents were 14 years old (32.2%) and most were male (58%), most of them behaved well (55.2%), a small proportion did not support smokeless areas cigarettes (23.6%). There is a relationship between smoking behavior and non-smoking area policy with ρ value 0.005 (ρ <0.05).   Keywords: smoking behavior, no-smoking area policy

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 74-79
Andi Syintha Syintha Ida ◽  
Nurjaya Nurjaya ◽  
Andi Ika Abriani

  Background: Pre-eclampsia is one of the factors causing high maternal and infant mortality rates, especially in developing countries such as Indonesia and this will continue to increase if efforts to prevent not being qualified and professional, one of the treatments of pre-eclampsia is the act of Cesarean section  which for medical personnel is the main choice to save the mother and fetus, because longer delays in delivery will cause serious harm to the mother, fetus or. Purpose: toknow the relationship of Pre-eclampsia with the number of incidents Cesarean section Method: Design analytical observational research with a cross sectional approach. Sampling technique is accidental sampling with the number of samples as many as 40. The results showed that of 40 respondents there were 35 (87.5%) who had pre-eclampsia and 5 (12.5%) who had severe pre-eclampsia. Based on the results of the statistical test, the value p = 0.005 < α = 0.05. There is a significant relationship between the incidence of Pre-eclampsia and the incidence of Cesarean section in RSUP Dr.Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar in 2018   Keywords: Pre-eclampsia Relationship, Cesarean section    

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 227
I Gusti Agung Putu Mahendra ◽  
Farapti Farapti

Background : Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) is one of the main causes of high rates of mobility and mortality in infants in developing countries in the world. In 2015 the death rate from respiratory problems was 920,136 people, the most common in South Asia and Africa. Purpose : This study aims to analyze the relationship between the physical condition of the house and the smoking behavior of family members with the incidence of ARI in infants in Sidotopo, Surabaya. Methods: This research was an observational analytic study using cross sectional design. The sample size uses simple random sampling technique where all existing data and meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria have the same opportunity to be selected as samples. This study used chi square statistical test to determine the relationship between the physical condition of the house and the incidence of ARI Results: There is a relationship between lighting (PR = 3.35; p-value = 0.01), ventilation (PR = 5.75; p-value = 0.01), kitchen smoke holes (PR = 4.05 ; p-value = 0.01), roof of the house (PR = 3.07; p-value = 0.02), smoking behavior (PR = 5.63; p-value = 0.01) with ARI incidence and not there was a relationship between the wall of the house (PR = 0.64; p-value = 0.68) with the incidence of ARI. Conclusion: There was an relationship between the physical conditions of the house (lighting, ventilation, kitchen smoke holes, roofs of houses) and smoking with incidence of ARI in infants at Sidotopo Village. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 136
Husnul Khotimah ◽  
Kirnantoro Kirnantoro ◽  
Fitnaningsih Endang Cahyawati

<p>Incidence of dysmenorrhea in the world is high. It was estimated about 50% women in the world suffer from dysmenorrhea in the menstrual cyclus. Incidence of primary dysmenorrhea in Indonesia was 54.89% and the rest of that were sufferers by secondary type. The Study which conducted in Jakarta find 83.5% college student had dysmenorrhea and 58.2% in Palembang. From the reported that dysmenorrhea caused 14% adolescent often did not go to school. The purpose of study was to know the relationship between knowledge of 11th grade adolescent girls about menstruation and attitudes toward dysmenorrhea at Muhammadiyah 7 Senior High School, Yogyakarta. This study used descriptive analytic methode with cross sectional approach. Study was conducted at Muhammadiyah 7 Senior High School, Yogyakarta on 10 September 2011. Samples was obtained by total sampling technique which consisted of 71 adolescent. The knowledge of 43 (60.6%) adolescent girls about menstruation at Muhammadiyah 7 Senior High School, Yogyakarta was good, and about 39 (54.9%) adolescent girls attitudes toward dysmenorrhea at Muhammadiyah 7 Senior High School, Yogyakarta on positive category. In conclusion, there was a significant relationship between knowledge of 11th grade adolescent girls about menstruation and attitudes toward dysmenorrhea at Muhammadiyah 7 Senior High School, Yogyakarta, evidenced by χ2 count&gt;χ2 table (8.005&gt;5.991) and p-value &lt;0.05 (p=0.018&lt; 0.05).</p><p> </p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 148
Lina Fiitriani ◽  
Hilki Ofan

The problem of stunting (stunting) is one of the nutritional problems faced in the world, especially in poor and developing countries. This study aims to determine the relationship between age and parity with the incidence of stunting in children aged 0-59 months. The research design used was analytical survey method with a cross sectional research approach. The population in this study were all children aged 0-59 months. The number of samples was 67 children. The results showed that there was a relationship between age and the incidence of stunting in children aged 0-59 months with a value of 0.000 (<0.05). While the results ofthe research on the relationship between parity and the incidence of stunting in children aged 0-59 months, the value was 0.002 (<0.05), which means that there is a relationship between parity and the incidence of stunting in children aged 0-59 months.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-84
Ririn Liandari

Gastrointestinal infection is the highest cause of morbidity and mortality in developing countries with mortality caused by diarrhea as high as 56%. Parasitic infections spread throughout the world and have been shown to be one of the causes of morbidity and disease in areas that are thought to be beneficial for the growth of intestinal parasitic infections. Giardia lamblia is a parasite that has flagellates that attack mammals, including humans, and is considered the most common cause of diarrhea caused by protozoa around the world. Blastocystis hominis is a parasite that is also common in humans, and infects several animals, such as birds, reptiles and anthropods. The purpose of this study was to see the relationship between hand hygiene and parasitic contamination in students at Islamic Boarding School X in Surabaya. This study was an observational study with a cross sectional research design. This research was conducted at one of the Islamic Boarding Schools in Surabaya. The study sample was Madrasah Ibtidaiyah students who received 10 people who participated 7-13 years. The sampling technique in this study was nonprobabilty sampling. The results of the study obtained Rho Spearman value was p = 0.040. The conclusion is that there is a significant relationship between hand hygiene and intestinal contamination in students' feces at the Islamic Boarding School X in Surabaya. Suggestions that can be given are Islamic Boarding Schools which provide guidance and guidance on clean and healthy life to students, teachers and food managers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 349
Ervina Puspa Wahyu Angesti ◽  
Nining Febriyana

Background: 107,000 pregnant women in Indonesia experiencing anxiety while facing childbirth. A Research shows that anxiety is more experienced in Primigravida's pregnant women. Pregnant women anxiety can arise, especially in the third trimester until delivery. During the COVID-19 pandemic, pregnant women feel increasingly anxious because the virus spreads relatively easily. This study was aimed to analyze the relationship between the anxiety level and knowledge of pregnant women in the third trimester with readiness to face childbirth during the COVID-19 pandemic in Puskesmas Benowo and Tenggilis. Methods: This type of research was observational analytic with a cross-sectional design. The number of samples was 76 third trimester pregnant women suitable the criteria that is primigravida, physiologic pregnancy, not in a long-term medication and willing to be a respondent. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. The data was analyzed with Spearman’s Statistic test. Results: as many as 57.5% of respondents had severe anxiety with low readiness for childbirth and good knowledge of COVID-19. It was caused by the drug or vaccine for the Covid-19 that had not been found, and made pregnant women even more anxious and feared of something unwanted happening. Anxiety of pregnant women who were about to give birth greatly affected the readiness of the mother in preparing for childbirth, the more anxious pregnant women were, the less they would be prepared for laboring. The statistic analyze says that There was a relationship between the level of anxiety of third trimester pregnant women with readiness to give birth during the COVID-19 pandemic (p = 0.00), there was a relationship between the knowledge level with readiness to give birthd during the COVID-19 pandemic p = 0.012). Conclusion: There is a relationship between the Anxiety Level and Knowledge of Pregnant Women in the third trimester with Readiness for Childbirth during the COVID-19 Pandemic  

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 20-24
Emdat Suprayitno1

ABSTRACT Hypertension is a health problem in the world, especially in developing countries. Hypertension is often called a silent killer (silent killer) because it is included in a deadly disease without accompanied by symptoms first as a warning for victims. The problem of high hypertension, especially in the elderly with concomitant decline in organ function. This type of research is quantitative descriptive using non-analytic cross sectional design. The sampling technique used was total sampling with a sample size of 32 people. The instrument used in the form of a tensimeter and blood pressure observation sheet. The results showed that the majority of respondents aged 55-60 years were 10 people (31.25%), the majority of respondents were male as many as 18 people (56.25%). Blood pressure status in patients with hypertension in Karanganyar village is systolic blood pressure 140-159 mmHg, diastolic blood pressure 90-99 mmHg as many as 18 people (56.25%) It can be concluded that the majority of blood pressure status of hypertension sufferers in Gadung Hamlet, Karanganyar Village, Kalianget Subdistrict are in the category of Hypertension.   Keywords: Blood Pressure, Hypertension

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2.29) ◽  
pp. 491
Yarmaliza Dan Marniati

Acute Respiratory Infections still menjdi major health problem in the world. According to the World Health Organization estimates that the incidence of acute respiratory infection in developing countries with under-five mortality above 40 per 1,000 live births is 15% - 20% per year in the toddler age group. About 13 million children under five in the world die each year and most of these deaths are in developing countries. Panga in the health center of the top 10 diseases, acute respiratory infections ranked first in the amount of 65% by the sheer number of infants 158. The aim of research to influence knowledge megetahui Mother and environmental conditions on the incidence of acute respiratory infections in Toddlers in Panga sub-district Puskesmas Panga Aceh Jaya 2014. this study is a descriptive analytic with cross sectional approach. The sampling technique using random sampling techniques, selected at random from each member of the population, an analysis of the data in this study using univariate and bivariate. The survey results revealed that mother's knowledge and environmental conditions affect the incidence of ARI in Toddlers (P <0.05).  

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 50
Agung Sutriyawan ◽  
Reni Apriyani ◽  
Tenike Gita Miranda

Background: Hypertension is one of the non-communicable diseases which is the main cause of death in Indonesia (25.8%). Hypertension is also often called a silent killer because most of the hypertension cases do not cause symptoms. Hypertension is closely related to behavior and lifestyle. Hypertension control is done with behavioral changes, such as conducting adequate physical activity, healthy diet with dietary and quitting smoking. This research aims to determine the relationship between lifestyle, which includes physical activity, diet, and smoking behavior, and hypertension cases. Method: This study used quantitative analytic method with cross sectional research design. The population in this study was all patients who visited and were treated at the public clinic as recorded in the registration report at Cibiru Community Health Center (Puskesmas) in June 2019. The samples were 74 respondents, taken by using purposive sampling technique. The data were analyzed by using the chi square test. Results: The results showed that the lifestyles associated with the hypertension cases were physical activity (p value = 0.022) and smoking behavior (p value = 0.003). Meanwhile, the diet was not related to the incidence of hypertension (p value = 0.326). Conclusion: Based on the research result, it can be concluded that physical activity and smoking behavior were proven to be associated with hypertension, while the diet was not proven related to hypertension. It is suggested that the community health center should maximize the NCD Integrated Guidance Post (Posbindu-PTM) and conduct counseling on the importance of physical activities and the danger of smoking in order to improve the health efforts in the work area of Puskesmas Cibiru.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 67-75
Nadia Alfira ◽  
Muriyati ◽  

Smoking behavior is influenced by several factors, one of which affects smoking behavior in adolescents is the social environment. The results of a preliminary study stated that many adolescents in Taccorong Village smoked because they were influenced by the number of smokers in the environment around the teenagers. This study aims to determine the relationship of the social environment with smoking behavior in adolescents in Taccorong Village, Gantarang District, Bulukumba Regency in 2017. This study is an analytic study with cross-sectional approach. Sampling is done by total sampling technique. The research sample taken amounted to 52 teenage male smokers in Taccorong Village, Gantarang District, Bulukumba Regency. Measuring instruments used were questionnaires and observations. Analysis of the data used by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z test with a value of ρ = 0,000 <α = 0.05 or p <0.001. Shows there is a relationship between the social environment with smoking behavior among adolescents in Taccorong Village, Gantarang District, Bulukumba District.  

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