2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 115-124
М К Musaeva

Among the rites (rituals) of the system of ceremonial actions, magical ideas, beliefs related to such cycles of human life as birth, marriage, and death, united by a single concept - the rituals of the life cycle, the funeral and memorial rites have always been the most religiously regulated ones and they are characterized by a certain stability and conservatism both in rural areas and in towns of Dagestan. In the funeral and memorial rites, we can conditionally distinguish three cycles. The first cycle includes the rituals observed within the period after a person’s death before the body of the deceased is carried out of the house; the rituals of the second cycle are performed when the body of the deceased is carried out of the house, on the way to the cemetery, during the burial and on the way back after the burial. The third cycle includes the rituals observed after the burial until the anniversary of the person’s death. This is also a whole system of views based on people’s beliefs and religious precepts. New religious trends (the ideas of pure Islam) and globalization and urbanization processes have not affected the foundations of the funeral and memorial rites. The changes have affected the material component: costs for funeral events and commemoration of the deceased (fixing of the headstone) have increased. Almost up to the 1980s, the body of the deceased city dweller was buried in the village that the deceased man or woman was from. In recent decades, new cemeteries have appeared in towns. In general, Islam has managed to press greatly the ancient pagan rituals that developed over many centuries, but this fact does not exclude the preservation of some ancient ideas and elements of pre-Islamic rituals in the funeral rites. Besides, the common Muslim character of the funeral rites could not completely suppress the ethnically specific features: due to some elements (as a rule, in the memorial part), every Dagestan nationality is recognized even in urban conditions.

Oksana Kolomiets ◽  
Vladislav Nuvano

В настоящей статье исследуются погребальные чукотские традиции, сохранившиеся до настоящего времени. Многие ученые полагали, что архаичные формы похорон уступят место современному унифицированному обряду. Однако, в некоторых национальных селах Чукотки попрежнему хоронят путем сожжения или оставления тела умершего на холме или на открытой местности; современный похоронный обряд также часто сопряжен с некоторыми элементами традиционной культуры. Авторы рассматривают мировоззренческие установки, связанные со смертью, отношение к смерти у чукчей и соседних этнических групп. Для сравнительного анализа обрядов, бытующих в разные годы, авторы приводят описания погребального обряда учеными и путешественниками XVIII–XX вв. Существующие обрядовые практики в современной чукотской культуре представлены следующими способами погребения умерших: сожжение, оставление тела под открытым небом, захоронение «по-русски». Среди традиционных погребальных практик наиболее распространен обряд сожжения. Причем, в с. Ваеги Анадырского района, похороны «по-чукотски» наиболее предпочтительны для коренных жителей. Исключения составляют случаи, когда супруги, близкие родственники – представители другой национальности, могут не исполнить волю умершего на обряд сожжения. Остальные традиционные способы погребения немногочисленны, однако еще встречаются в с. Илирней (Билибинский район), с. Рыткучи (Чаунский район), в некоторых селах Анадырского и Чукотского районов. Опросы жителей показали, что чаще всего «по-чукотски» хоронят стариков, которые озвучили свою волю еще при жизни, или «тундровиков», занимающихся традиционным хозяйством вдали от поселков. Следует отметить, что сейчас мало кто из информантов может описать обряд целиком, многие знают порядок ритуальных действий, но при этом не могут раскрыть их смысл. Да и сами погребальные обряды не редко проводятся в «усеченном» варианте (некогда обязательные манипуляции с умершим уже не производят, например, надрез сухожилий, «открывание» груди и т. д.). В сельской местности до сих пор остаются знатоки, владеющие традиционными погребальными практиками. Они участвуют в подготовке и проведении обряда, учат молодое поколение проведению ритуалов.This article examines the funeral Chukchi traditions that have survived to the present time. Many scientists believed that archaic forms of funerals would give way to a modern unified ritual. However, in some national villages of Chukotka people are still buried by burning or leaving the dead body on a hill or in an open area; modern funeral rites are also often associated with some elements of traditional culture. The authors consider the worldview associated with death, the attitude to death in the Chukchi and neighboring ethnic groups. For a comparative analysis of the rites occurring in different years, the authors give descriptions of the funeral rites by scientists and travelers of the XVIII–XX centuries. Existing ritual practices in modern Chukchi culture are represented by the following methods of burial of the dead: burning, leaving the body in the open air, laying the body with stones, burial "in Russian". Among the traditional burial practices, the most common is the ritual of burning. Moreover, in the village of Vaegi of Anadyr districts the funeral "in Chukchi" is the most preferable for residents. The exceptions are the cases when the spouses and close relatives of the representatives of other nationalities can not do the will of the dead in the ceremony of burning. Other traditional methods of burial are few but still occur in the village of Ilirney (Iultinsky district), Rytkuchi village (Chaunsky district), in some villages of Anadyr and Chukotka district. Surveys of residents showed that most often "in Chukchi" they bury the old people, who voiced their will during his lifetime, or "tundra-people" engaged in traditional farming away from the villages. It should be noted that nowadays few informants could describe the ritual as a whole, many people know the order of ritual acts, but cannot disclose their meaning. The funeral rites are frequently held in a "truncated" version (once the mandatory manipulations with the dead are no longer produced, for example, tendons cut, "open" chest, etc.). In rural areas, there are still experts who own traditional burial practices. They participate in the preparation and conduct of the rite, teach the younger generation to conduct rituals.

1970 ◽  
Vol 45 (4) ◽  
pp. 588-588
T. E. C.

Both Rosén von Rosenstein (1706-1773)1 and François Boissier de Sauvages (1706-1767)2 came close to differentiating varicella from variola. But, it was left to William Heberden3 to give the first detailed description of chickenpox as a disease sui generis in 1767 as follows: These pocks break out on many without any illness or previous sign: in others they are preceded by a little degree of chillness, lassitude, cough, broken sleep, wandering pains, loss of appetite and feverishness for three days. In some patients I have observed them to make their first appearance on the back, but this perhaps is not constant. Most of them are of the common size of the smallpox but some are less. I never saw them confluent nor very numerous. The greatest number which I ever observed was about twelve in the face, and two hundred over the rest of the body. On the first day of the eruption they are reddish: on the second day there is at the top of most of them a very small bladder about the size of a millet seed. This is sometimes full of a watery and colourless, sometimes of a yellowish, liquor contained between the cuticle and the skin. On the second or at the farthest on the third day from the beginning of the eruption as many of the pocks as are not broken seem arrived at their full maturity, and those which are fullest of that yellow liquor very much resemble what the genuine smallpox are on the fifth or sixth day especially where there happens to be a larger space than ordinary occupied by the extravasated serum.

Numen ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Catón Eduardo Carini

RESUMEMEl artículo propone un modelo para pensar los fenómenos religiosos y las teorías científicas que sobre ellos se han construido. La primera parte expone dicho marco conceptual, basado en la obra de Ken Wilber, el cual diferencia entre cuatro dimensiones fundamentales de la vida humana. La segunda parte rastrea la forma en que estas dimensiones se revelan en la esfera religiosa y analiza cómo han dado origen a cuatro tradiciones de investigación en las ciencias de la religión. Finalmente, la tercera parte explora la forma de superar reduccionismos y propone una serie de ideas con respecto a los roles que juegan las representaciones sagradas en múltiples dimensiones de la vida.Palabras: clave: antropología- religión - teoría.ABSTRACTThe paper offers a model for thinking the religious phenomena and the scientific theories that have been built on them. The first part exposes such conceptual framework, based on the work of Ken Wilber, which differentiates four main dimensions of human life. The second, traces the way in which these dimensions are revealed in the religious sphere and analyzes how they have given birth to four research traditions in religion science. Finally, the third part explores how to overcome reductionism and suggests a series of ideas regarding the roles that sacred representations play in multiple dimensions of life.Keywords: anthropology – religion – theory.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (120) ◽  
pp. 61-90
فادي بطرس كرومي حبش

The current study deals with the impact and influence of the Indian myth on western literature in general and on the British and American poetry in particular. The concept of myth and its origin is somehow shadowy and ambiguous. At the same time, it penetrates all the various aspects of human life. Myth overtakes all the borders to become an international heritage for human civilization. Four poems have been chosen: T S Eliot’s  The Waste Land, William Butler Yeats’s Supernatural Songs, Anashuya and Vijaya and Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Brahma. This paper falls into three sections. The first one concentrates on the definition and concept of myth, its origin, its development, and its different types. Also, it concentrates on the two Indian myths kinds, namely; the Hindu and the Buddhist. Then, it tackles the relation between myth and literature, beside the way in which myth becomes an adherent part of human heritage. The second part analyzes texts from Occidental selected poems. The Indian myth takes part in reshaping and building the context and structure of the poem to give a meaning to their atmosphere of the poem itself. The third section deals with the most important findings of the research.

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (58) ◽  
pp. 431-482
Mário Jorge Pereira de Almeida Carvalho

  This paper deals with Fichte’s The Characteristics of the Present Age, and in particular with his discussion of the “empty form of knowledge” he claims stands at the centre of the third – i.e. the present – age. Fichte speaks of a fundamental principle that forms the ‘common denominator’ between the third and fourth main epochs. This fundamental principle – the “maxim of comprehensibility” (Maxime der Begreiflichkeit) – makes knowledge and comprehension the measure of all that “counts as being valid and as really existing”. But the question arises: How can one and the same principle act as the “unifying concept” for two different “main epochs of human life”? Does this not go directly against Fichte’s claim that two main epochs differ from each other in every respect, precisely because they arise from two entirely different “unifying principles”, and because everything in them must reflect the difference between their “unifying principles”? Fichte’s answer to this question is as follows:  a)  the fundamental maxim in question allows for two diametrically opposed interpretations, so that each of them provides the principle or the “unifying concept” from which the third and fourth main epochs arise, and b) the third main epoch only gives rise to the empty form of science, as opposed to “truly real science”: it stands for a careless and easy-going, shallow, conventional, trivializing and incorrect conception of the “fundamental maxim of comprehensibility” –  so that it misses what is essential, does not do justice to the fundamental maxim, overlooks its implications, and indeed goes against its innermost meaning. Special attention is paid to the question of whether and how some major features of Fichte’s “empty form of knowledge” result from a misguided and superficial understanding of Kant’s “maxims of the self-preservation of reason” and can be reconstructed from this vantage point.           

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 193-215
Rodolfo Vergel

Este artículo aborda la emergencia de formas de pensamiento algebraico en estudiantes jóvenes y muestra evidencias sobre su evolución. En la primera parte se expone el problema, investigado a partir de la forma en que surgen y evolucionan nuevas relaciones entre el cuerpo, la percepción y el inicio del uso de símbolos a medida que los estudiantes participan en actividades sobre generalización de patrones. La segunda parte presenta algunos constructos analíticos de la teoría de la objetivación. En la tercera se expone la metodología, destacando la recolección de los datos y su análisis. En el resto del trabajo se discuten algunos resultados que alimentan reflexiones sobre el desarrollo del pensamiento algebraico.Generalization of patterns and forms of early algebraic thinkingThis paper addresses the emergence of algebraic thinking forms in young students and we show evidences of their evolution. First, we present the research problem, it is tackled from the way in which new relationships between the body, perception and initiation of use of symbols are emerged and evolved while students participate in activities about generalization of patterns. In the second part, we show some analytical constructs on the theory of objectification. In the third part, we present methodology, highlighting data collection and their analysis. Finally, we discuss some results that feed reflections on the development of algebraic thinking.Handle:º de citas en WOS (2017): 1 (Citas de 2º orden, 1)

Paddy Bullard

This introductory chapter looks at the problem of how we should describe eighteenth-century satire, and considers how to place it historically in the British eighteenth century. It gathers key literary extracts and anecdotes from the period, statements in which different discussions of satire intersect with larger ideas about the period’s culture and society. The chapter is organized into three sections. The first looks at satirical commonalities, including the uses of satire in associational life, the body of commonplace critical opinion about its function, and its connection with emerging constructions of British nationhood. The second turns to literary satire’s material forms, looking for patterns in the way it was consumed by readers of printed books. The third moves on from these generalized contexts to examine some of satire’s personal, particular implications, including the question of whether satire should always be general, whether it could avoid referring to individuals.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Paul Martin

Carnal hermeneutics claims that the body makes sense of the world by making distinctions and evaluating those distinctions in a non-predicative mode. This article makes the case that ludohermeneutics can be enriched by attending to the way in which the body makes sense of digital games and advances carnal hermeneutics as a way of theorising this process. The article introduces carnal hermeneutics, argues for its relevance to ludo-hermeneutics, and outlines three examples of how carnal hermeneutics can be used to theorise sense-making in digital games. The first example demonstrates the capacity for touch-screen games to put us in a new relationship with the image. The second example shows how generic control schemas can take on new meanings in different games. The third example shows how marketing of game controllers draws on conventional attitudes to touch to make digital game touch meaningful.

P. О. Zaika ◽  
O. V. Kantemir ◽  

Dogs play a significant role in human life. It is difficult to list all the various aspects of their application. But along with the positive qualities of using dogs is the problem of regulating the numbers of stray animals. Among the agents that stimulate the processes of repair and regeneration, increase the basic physiological mechanisms of protection of the body are humic preparations such as sodium humate. Taking into account that preparations of natural origin have a special influence on the inflammatory process, it is necessary to find and study the possibilities of using biological preparations of humic acids. Six animals were selected for the detection of the effect of sodium humate on dogs by analogues. Castration was carried out in an open manner according to conventional methods After surgery, the animals were subcutaneously injected with a 0.1% solution of sodium humate at a dose of 0.1 ml per 1 kg of body weight, and the control saline solution once a day for 14 days. Examination of wounds and thermometry was performed twice daily for 16 days. Castration wounds were treated with antibacterial aerosol once daily. No additional medication was used. In the post-castration period, all operated dogs did not observe any bleeding, loss of the common vaginal sheath, intestine, cult of the seminal cord, or other complications. Since the third day in the general condition of the animals of the experimental group significant changes were observed, which were expressed in the attenuation of the signs of inflammation, which was manifested in the reduction of hyperemia of the wound edges and their edema. The tenderness of the scrotal tissue was noted, and the scrotal skin became folded. In control animals the development of the inflammatory process was more pronounced and occurred 2 to 3 days later than in the experimental animals. On the third day after surgery, the control animals showed clinical signs characteristic of acute inflammation: hyperemia, sharp pain and swelling of the scrotal tissues, elevated local temperature. In two animals of the control group swelling was spread beyond the scrotum - a slight swelling of the prepuce was noted. These signs were manifested against the background of general depression and decreased appetite. Recovery occurred on day 12 in the experimental group and on day 16 in the control one.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
Kiki Rahmatika

This choreography is started from Practice based Research. The research is about Dajang Rindoe’s manuscript which is deconstructed. In the process of cultivation of this work, the foundation of creation used text deconstruction, creativity, and choreography. Text deconstruction is implemented in finding the new point of view of the women freedom. Creativity approach is used for the reason that the artwork creation is not separated from the thinking process and work creatively. By this approach, the way of thinking and working creatively will be developed. The third approach that is choreography is used as the foundation in creating the dance aesthetic that involving the body movement, composition, unity, harmony, behaviour and other visual aspects. CONSISTENCY dance work is a description about woman toughness to get her freedom in order to maintain her integrity. The freedom that need the full struggle for her to get. Because the freedom itself has the meaning to be able to live independently and responsibly. In the real life, the freedom women who able to preserve her firmness independently and responsibly are very scarce. The imbalance of this firmness then fades the women integrity.

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