scholarly journals Bahata Sebagai Kearifan Lokal dalam Upaya Pencegahan Covid-19 di Desa Lipu Kabupaten Buton Selatan

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 001
Nastia Nastia

Bahata (refuse bala) is one of the local wisdoms that is still trusted and implemented by the people of Lipu Village, this event or ritual is believed to be a healing and prevention for the community from disease outbreaks that are occurring and can result in an infinite number of deaths. The research is located in Lipu Village, Kadatua District, South Buton Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province. By using a qualitative method with a descriptive approach, this article aims to reveal the correlation between language events or rituals and the prevention of Covid-19 established by the government. The data obtained using technical interviews and literature studies that have a close relationship with local wisdom in the community. The results of this study indicate that the local wisdom of Bahata implemented in Lipu Village is one of the supports for the steps taken by the government in efforts to prevent Covid-19, because for the people of Lipu Village, the methods recommended by the government have not been effective in preventing the community from the Covid-19 disease outbreak. so it is necessary to do other ways, namely language events or rituals that can participate in helping to break the chain and prevent the Covid-19 disease outbreak in Lipu Village, the people of Lipu Village tend to be more afraid of violating taboos in language events or rituals than violating appeals or recommendations. which was conveyed by the government in breaking the chain of Covid-19, this was due to the strong trust of the people of Lipu Village in bahata events or rituals. Bahata (tolak bala) adalah salah satu kearifan lokal yang masih dipercaya dan dilaksanakan oleh masyarakat Desa Lipu, acara atau ritual bahata ini diyakini dapat menjadi penyembuh dan pencegah masyarakat dari wabah penyakit yang sedang terjadi serta dapat mengakibatkan kematian dalam jumlah yang tidak terhingga. Penelitian berlokasi di Desa Lipu, Kecamatan Kadatua, Kabupaten Buton Selatan, Propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif, artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengngkap korelasi antara acara atu ritual bahata dengan pencegahan Covid-19 yang ditetapkan oleh pemerintah. Data yang diperoleh menggunakan teknis wawancara, dan studi kepustakaan yang memiliki hubungan erat dengan kearifan lokal di masyarakat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kearifan lokal Bahata yang dilaksanakan di Desa Lipu sebagai salah satu penunjang atas langkah yang diambil pemerintah dalam upaya pencegahan Covid-19, karena bagi masyarakat Desa Lipu cara yang dianjurkan pemerintah belum efektif untuk menghindarkan masyarakat dari wabah penyakit Covid-19, sehingga perlu dilakukan cara lain yaitu acara atau ritual bahata yang dapat ikut serta membantu memutus mata rantai dan mencegah wabah penyakit Covid-19 di Desa Lipu, masyarakat Desa Lipu cenderung lebih takut melanggar pantangan yang ada di dalam acara atau ritual bahata dibanding melanggar himbauan atau anjuran yang disampaikan pemerintah dalam memutus amata rantai Covid-19, hal ini disebabkan oleh kuatnya kepercayaan masyarakat Desa Lipu terhadap acara atau ritual bahata.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 229
Muhammad Eko Atmojo ◽  
Helen Dian Fridayani

Kulon Progo Regency is one of the districts that has many innovations, one of which is community empowerment in collaboration with a modern shop abbreviated as the shop name owned by the people (tomira). This research was motivated by the achievements of the Kulon Progo district government in carrying out development and innovation in the development of the Kulon Progo region by fully involving the Kulon Progo district community through community empowerment. This initiative was taken by the government of Kulon Progo Regency to improve community empowerment and protect the people of Kulon Progo Regency from various economic threats. Considering that in the past few years many modern shops have mushroomed in each district/city, so this is what makes Kulon Progo Regency move quickly to empower the community by collaborating between MSMEs or cooperative with modern shops. This study uses a qualitative method which case study approach. With the empowerment that has been done, the original products of Kulon Progo Regency or local products can be traded in modern stores so that local products in Kulon Progo Regency can compete with national products in these modern stores. The existence of such cooperation will indirectly improve the image of Kulon Progo Regency and lift the original products of Kulon Progo Regency. The lifting of the original products of Kulon Progo Regency will have a positive impact on the community, where indirectly the economy of the community will increase so that there will be prosperity for the community. Kabupaten Kulon Progo adalah salah satu kabupaten yang memiliki banyak inovasi, salah satunya adalah pemberdayaan masyarakat bekerja sama dengan toko modern disingkat nama toko yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat (tomira). Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pencapaian pemerintah kabupaten Kulon Progo dalam melakukan pengembangan dan inovasi dalam pengembangan wilayah Kulon Progo dengan melibatkan sepenuhnya masyarakat kabupaten Kulon Progo melalui pemberdayaan masyarakat. Inisiatif ini diambil oleh pemerintah Kabupaten Kulon Progo untuk meningkatkan pemberdayaan masyarakat dan melindungi masyarakat Kabupaten Kulon Progo dari berbagai ancaman ekonomi. Menimbang bahwa dalam beberapa tahun terakhir banyak toko-toko modern telah menjamur di setiap kabupaten/kota, jadi inilah yang membuat Kabupaten Kulon Progo bergerak cepat untuk memberdayakan masyarakat dengan berkolaborasi antara UMKM atau bekerjasama dengan toko-toko modern. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus, dengan metode yang digunakan adalah dokumentasi. Dengan pemberdayaan yang telah dilakukan, produk asli Kabupaten Kulon Progo atau produk lokal dapat diperdagangkan di toko modern sehingga produk lokal di Kabupaten Kulon Progo dapat bersaing dengan produk nasional di toko modern ini. Adanya kerjasama tersebut secara tidak langsung akan meningkatkan citra Kabupaten Kulon Progo dan mengangkat produk asli Kabupaten Kulon Progo. Pencabutan produk asli Kabupaten Kulon Progo akan berdampak positif bagi masyarakat, di mana secara tidak langsung perekonomian masyarakat akan meningkat sehingga akan ada kesejahteraan bagi masyarakat.

Irwan Sugiarto

This study aims to determine the impact of business planning for the development of MSMEs. The research method uses is a qualitative method with a descriptive and explorative descriptive approach. From the results of the research conducted, the results show that proper business planning and the application of a good marketing strategy have a positive impact on the sustainability of MSME activities. In addition, the quality of production that has a competitive advantage is also one of the driving factors. For the development of MSMEs, there are several obstacles faced, especially related to capital and guidance from the local government. With the development of MSMEs, it is expected to improve people's welfare, including helping the government in reducing unemployment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 435
Tomi Arianto ◽  
Melly Siska Suryani

This study aimed to explore the harmonious relationship between human and nature that is still maintained by the Malay people of Kampong Tua Nongsa in Batam. Everyone who visited Batam will have perception that Batam is an industrial city with various metropolis conditions. It cannot be denied that it is true. The industrialization magnet in Batam has attracted the attention of many immigrants from various regions to try their luck to be better. The effects of rapid immigration and the many industrialization of Batam have had quite an impact on environmental conditions, especially this island which is bordering with Malaysia and Singapore. The amount of industrial pollution, deforestation, settlements, and reclamation has a bad impact on the natural situation. But behind all of that, Batam has uniqueness. The government still maintains there are 37 points of Kampong Tua Malay scattered throughout Batam. Behind the glamor of Batam's industrialization, there are still remnants of Malay culture that have a close relationship with the environment. In the research conducted, researchers analyzed three of cultural objects that are still preserved, namely the Sacred of Bunbun, the Sacred of Puak, and the Sacred of Batu Belah. In this article, researchers focused on the Myths behind the Sacred of Batu Belah, which still reflected the harmonious relationship between humans and nature. By using an ecocritic approach, the researcher answers the variable related with the relationship between man and nature behind the myth. The method used is a qualitative method with in-depth interviews and observation as data collection techniques. Using critical analysis techniques, the results of this study indicated that the ecocritic representation behind the Batu Belah myth is reflected from the existence prohibitions behind it. These prohibitions show how the Malay community is still able to maintain a harmonious relationship between humans and nature.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-39
Putri Wahyuni ◽  
Aldri Frinaldi

This study aims to describe how the development of tourism, including supporting and barrier factors of the government for development of Bukit Khayangan tourism object. And analyze the effect that come from the development of Bukit Khayangan tourism object to the economic of local community. This research uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques in this research were conducted by interviews, observations, and documentation. The result showed that there was an increase in facilities after the development, although the cleanliness and safety still were not optimal. The development of Bukit Khayangan tourism object gives contribution to the increase of local community bussiness, one of them is to opening jobs for local community. But, the participation of local community need to be improved to moving forward improve overall the community welfare.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 175-195
Sabiruddin B Juli

This article reports the results of a study on how to fill the free market program of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). Indonesia has significant demographic bonus when compared to other ASEAN countries, so that specifically Indonesia will become an easy target for economic activity (read: free market flow transactions) carried out by all members of ASEAN. Demographic bonus is an opportunity and challenge for the Indonesian people, both for those who live in cities or in the countryside. This condition will be more complicated, if the mapping potential of the population does not become a serious concern for the government and stakeholders so that the people of Indonesia will become the largest consumer for products of ASEAN countries. One of the potential populations of Indonesia is women, because they have specific skills that are able to be directed towards an income. The purpose of this study is to prepare the people of Indonesia who have the skills, especially women in entering the AEC both urban and rural communities. This study uses a qualitative method of observation, interviews and review of documents, such as books, newspapers and others.

Umul Hidayati

AbstractThe study aims to know the existence of operation of madrasah in regions with few moslems in Manokwari Regency, West Papua Province. Using qualitative method, the study result shows that the operation of madrasah in the study location is initiated by migrant people from outside Papua. All madrasahs there are operated in Transmigration settlements and in Hidayatullah pesantren. If we see eight components of education, the madrasahs generally have not met the SNP. From the government policy, the madrasahs have not gained equal treatment from the regional government and the regional parliament due to political, socio cultural, religious and ethnicity factors while the policy of the ministry of religion still refers to the government’s policy through the Central Government’s Performance Plans not realized in accordance with the region’s need. The relationship between the madrasahs and the migrant people is good as the people need comprehensive Islamic educational service and formal education is yet available in their settlements. However, the relationship with indigenous people is hampered by regulations imposed on migrants that sometimes bring loss. AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui eksistensi penyelenggaraan madrasah di daerah minoritas muslim di Kabupaten Manokwari, Propinsi Papua Barat. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyelenggaraan madrasah di lokasi penelitian dilatarbelakangi kedatangan masyarakat migran dari luar Papua. Seluruh madrasah di sana berdiri di lokasi Pemukiman Transmigrasi dan di lingkungan pondok pesantren Hidayatullah. Dilihat dari kondisi delapan komponen pendidikan, umumnya madrasah tersebut belum memenuhi SNP. Dilihat dari kebijakan pemerintah, madrasah belum memperoleh kebijakan yang berkeadilan dari Pemda maupun DPRD, yang disebabkan oleh faktor politik, sosial budaya, agama dan etnis. Sedangkan kebijakan Kemenag sendiri masih mengacu pada kebijakan pusat melalui Rencana Kinerja Pusat (RKP) yang terkadang realisasinya tidak sesuai dengan kebutuhan daerah. Hubungaan madrasah dengan masyarakat migran cukup baik, karena pendirian madrasah memang dikehendaki oleh masyarakat tersebut, karena masyarakat sangat membutuhkan layanan pendidikan agama Islam yang utuh dan layanan pendidikan formal yang memang belum tersedia di sekitar pemukiman mereka. Namun hubungan dengan masyarakat penduduk asli, terkendala dengan aturan-aturan yang berlaku yang juga diterapkan pada penduduk pendatang yang terkadang merugikan.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Bintarsih Sekarningrum ◽  
Desi Yunita

There is a connection between the behaviour of throwing waste into the river with the community perspective about river. The behaviour of people throwing waste into the river assosiated with the lack of availability of facilities dispose of waste in the area and looked at the river as an object or place that is easiest to throw garbage into the river. Related to these problems, this research describes the community who doing the social movement in waste management a long the river, as well as analyzing patterns of community organizing in waste management.The approach used is a qualitative method of data collection techniques consisted of observation, interviews and focus group discussions. Research shows that the government has made efforts through the program "Clean Cikapundung River", and waste management efforts, sediment transport and manufacture kirmir on a riverbank to prevent abrasion. However Cikapundung still dirty and full of trash. To overcome these problems, there are many communities who awakened and stirred to make an effort in order Cikapundung no longer become dumping grounds. The movement to strive for existence of the river can be used again as an important source of livelihood for the people. Community was formed to instill public awareness of the environment, especially rivers, in the form of an appeal and a call to people not to throw garbage into the river and do the cleaning and arrangement along the river so that the river Cikapundung clean and free of trash based on solidarity and mutual assistance. The social movements showed public awareness to make changes to their environment, especially the problem of waste in the river.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (9) ◽  
pp. 2216
Aswin Padyanoor

The economy has changed dramatically since the COVID-19 outbreak began. The impact that occurred in Indonesia was almost on all fronts, and the Government continued to issue policies due to this impact. Tax policies that are designed to provide incentives for affected taxpayers are expected to increase economic growth. This research was conducted to map 14 Tax Policies in three Regulations issued by the Government based on the objective of reducing the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study used a qualitative method with a descriptive approach obtained. Then perform data analysis using three stages of analysis techniques in the form of data collection, data reduction, and concluding. The results of the study state that Indonesia has issued a policy to help taxpayers who are affected by COVID-19. Benefits for taxpayers, namely a reduction in rates to an exemption from income tax, the goal is that the economy which has stopped moving up becomes stable. Keywords: Tax Incentives; Tax Policy; Taxpayers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 125-137
Siti Nurhayati ◽  
Melwany May Pratama ◽  
Ida Windi Wahyuni

The ability to behave socially needs to be educated since children are still small. Hampered social development of children from childhood will cause difficulties for children in developing themselves in the future. Efforts to help the social development of children, there should be cooperation between parents and teachers. In the social development of children, the interactions caused by the people around them will have a strong influence on the formation of children's emotional social behaviors. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of traditional Congklak games on social interaction in enhancing the emotional social abilities of children aged 5-6 years in RA Al-Kautsar Pekanbaru. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach, the researcher wants to describe factually and objectively the facts in the field. The results showed that the activities of playing congklak affect the social interaction of early childhood in RA Al-Kautsar Pekanbaru. This is evident from the pre-test scores carried out showing an average of 58.3% of children who still need help. After the researchers took action by showing the ways and rules of playing congklak to obtain the post-test results of 2.75% of children who need help. Abstrak Kemampuan berperilaku sosial perlu dididik sejak anak masih kecil. Terhambatnya perkembangan sosial anak sejak kecil akan menimbulkan kesulitan bagi anak dalam mengembangkan dirinya di kemudian hari. Upaya untuk membantu pengembangan sosial anak, selayaknya ada kerjasama antara orang tua dan guru. Dalam perkembangan sosial anak, interaksi yang ditimbulkan dengan orang-orang di sekitarnya akan memberikan pengaruh yang kuat bagi pembentukan perilaku-perilaku sosial emosional anak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh permainan tradisional congklak terhadap interaksi sosial dalam meningkatkan kemampuan sosial emosional anak usia 5-6 tahun di RA Al-Kautsar Pekanbaru. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif, yaitu peneliti ingin mendeskripsikan secara faktual dan objektif fakta-fakta yang ada di lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa melalui kegiatan bermaian congklak berpengaruh terhadap interaksi sosial anak usia dini di RA Al-Kautsar Pekanbaru. Hal ini terbukti dari nilai pre tes yang dilakukan menunjukkan hasil rata-rata 58,3% anak yang masih membutuhkan bantuan. Setelah peneliti melakukan tindakan dengan menunjukkan cara dan aturan bermain congklak sehingga diperoleh hasil post test 2,75% anak yang memerlukan bantuan. Kata Kunci: Perkembangan, Interaksi Sosial, Sosial Emosional, Permainan Congklak, Anak

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 235-249
Arsam Arsam

Today, there is a discourse of controversy that disturbs society, especially the muballigh and khatib related to the discourse of standardization of preachers and muballigh certification. Controversy on the discourse of standardization of preachers and certification of muballigh occurred between the government and some circles including the leaders and the mosque or mosque official. On the one hand, the government states that certification of muballigh and standardization of khatib is very necessary and important to do. While on the other hand a number of figures refuse the certification of muballigh and standardization of preacher. From the above background can be formulated “How is the perception of the Muballigh in Banyumas against the controversy of khatib standardization and certification of muballigh? “How are the hopes of the muballigh in Banyumas related to the controversy of khatib standardization and muballigh certification? The type of research used in this study is a qualitative research that is a research procedure that produces deksriptif data in the form of written or oral words of the people and behavior that can be observed. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The method of data analysis used in this study is the method of data analysis by Mile and Huberman. The results of this study include: a) Views that support adanyba khatib standardization and certification of preachers with records starting with the training and get a salary from the government. b). Views that reject the standardization of preachers and certification preachers. Both terms are deemed inaccurate and more precisely is the formation of forums silaturrahim between preachers and preachers in which is filled with sharing sharing about the problems of preachers and the public. c). Alternative view is to provide a new alternative by empowering the existing religious counselors within the ministry of religion to accompany the preachers or form forum silaturrohim between preachers and preachers. While the expectations of the preachers to the controversy of standardization of preachers and certification of preachers are as follows: a). For preachers to improve their competence so that the goal to give the enlightenment of reason and conscience can be realized. b). For preachers in lectures not to vilify other groups, enlarge khilafiyah and not anti Pancasila and constitution 45.

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