scholarly journals Pendampingan Manajemen Tatakelola Gula Jawa Jahe Familo Dukuh Ragayudan RT 02 RW 02 Desa Bocor Kecamatan Bulus Pesantren Kebumen Jawa Tengah

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 280-286
Rahmadi Yotenka ◽  
Muhaimin Muhaimin ◽  
Muhammad Muhajir

This community service aims to improve the management and governance of the home industry of Familo's Ginger Javanese Sugar through training and mentoring marketing management with e-commerce systems. The program of community service activities is carried out through several stages, namely the preparatory stage, the implementation stage, and the evaluation stage. The results achieved through this activity are participants be able to market their products by e-commerce system optimally.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 139
Taufik Suadiyatno ◽  
Dedi Sumarsono ◽  
Muliani Muliani ◽  
Moh. Arsyad Arrafii ◽  
Abdul Kadir Bagis

This community service program aimed to improve teachers’ anthusiastic in SMKN 1 Sekotong, West Lombok to conduct articles to be published in national accredited and international journal. The method used in this program divided into three stages such as 1) early stage includes koordination between the program team with the principle of SMKN 1 Sekotong; 2) implementation stage includes scientific article training; and 3) evaluation stage that used as the overview of the next program. The materials in this program was presented mostly in term of describing the technique of writing good articles therefore they deserve to be published in national accredited or international journal. This community service program was conducted in SMKN 1 Sekotong which was followed by the pcinciple and 23 teachers. The conclusion of this program was there was an improvement of teachers’ anthusiastic to publish their scientific articles in national accredited and international journal.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (01) ◽  
pp. 53-66
Ari Purwanti ◽  
Adi Riyanto

Abstrak       Pengabdian masyarakat ini diselenggarakan pada Masjid Jami’ Al-Hidayah yang berlokasi di Jl. Pondok Bambu Asri Raya No.10 RW.09 Kelurahan Pondok Bambu, Kecamatan Duren Sawit, Jakarta Timur. Penentuan masjid ini berasal dari permintaan dari pengawas masjid untuk membantu mencarikan cara bagaimana pelaporan keuangan yang efektif dan memiliki standar. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini diselenggarakan dengan serangkaian metode dalam 3 tahap, yaitu tahap pengumpulan data, tahap penyusunan dan implementasi teknis, dan tahap evaluasi. Pada tahap 1 dilakukan beberapa metode pengumpulan data, di antaranya: wawancara, observasi, dan pendokumentasian. Tahap 2 merupakan tahap penyusunan langkah-langkah pelaporan dan implementasi. Setelah memperoleh data, mulailah disusun langkah-langkah pelaporan keuangan berdasarkan PSAK 45 dan kemudian dibuat format excel link-nya sesuai dengan bagan alir kegiatan keuangan masjid. Setelah itu dicobakan dan dilakukan pendampingan terhadap pengurus yang akan menggunakan sistem akuntansi. Tahap 3 adalah tahap evaluasi yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat keberhasilan penerapan dan kenyamanan pemakai sistem akuntansi. Kata Kunci:  Masjid; Pelaporan Keuangan; Excel Accounting.   Abstract       This community service was held at the Jami 'Al-Hidayah Mosque, located on Jl. Pondok Bambu Asri Raya No.10 RW.09 Pondok Bambu Village, Duren Sawit District, East Jakarta. The determination of this mosque came from a request from the mosque supervisor to help find a way of how to provide effective and standardized financial reporting. This method of implementing community service is carried out by a series of methods in 3 stages, namely the data collection stage, the technical preparation and implementation stage, and the evaluation stage. In stage 1, several data collection methods were carried out, including: interviews, observation, and documentation. Stage 2 is the stage of preparing the reporting and implementation steps. After obtaining the data, begin to compile the steps for financial reporting based on PSAK 45 and then create an excel link format according to the flow chart of mosque financial activities. After that, it is tested and provided assistance to the management who will use the accounting system. Stage 3 is the evaluation stage which aims to determine the level of success of the application and the comfort of the accounting system users. Keywords: Mosque; Finance report; Excel Accounting.

Emaridial Ulza Ulza ◽  
Ferdiansyah Ferdiansyah

The opening of a free market that now spans ASEAN and Asia Pacific region becomes a challenge as well as momentum for Indonesia to be able to show its existence in the international world through various fields such as human resources, market share expansion, and others by offering innovative domestic products. This background is the basis of community service. Specifically, the purpose of community service activities are: (1) to prepare entrepreneurs who are ready to compete healthily, (2) to develop micro and small business (UMKM) of society towards better (3) to foster entrepreneurship spirit for society. Methods in the implementation of community service programs include: (1) preparatory stage, ie by consulting with lecturers intensive as well as observing the target community program, and (2) the stage of implementation of activities, that is doing entrepreneurship and skill training. The outputs of community service activities include: (1) improving entrepreneurship for the target group, (2) increasing the economic level of the target group, and (2) the results of activities in the form of published products and having economic value. Outcome obtained from this activity is the development of rice business of one citizen.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Reski P ◽  
Sigit Ruswinarsih

Tujuan dari pengabdian ini adalah meningkatkan pemahaman Kepala Sekolah PAUD dalam pembuatan media pembelajaran yang menarik bagi siswa. Tema pengabdian yang dipilih adalah game edukatif sebagai media pembelajaran. Dari beberapa metode pengabdian maka dipilih metode pengabdian partisipatif. Kegiatan pengabdian berupa pembelajaran dilakukan pada tanggal 9 November 2019 dengan jumlah keseluruhan peserta 34 orang. Kegiatan pengabdian berupa pembelajaran dilakukan oleh tim pelaksana bersama dengan para Kepala Sekolah PAUD yang tergabung di Kelompok Kerja Kepala Sekolah (K3 PAUD) di Alalak Kabupaten Barito Kuala. Kegiatan dilakukan dengan tahapan dimulai dari tahap persiapan, dan tahap pelaksanaan yang mencakup pemaparan materi dan pembuatan game edukatif. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah bahwa pelaksanan Bimbingan Teknis berlangsung lancar. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh tim pelaksana telah berhasil mencapai tujuan yaitu para peserta bimbingan teknik di Alalak Kabupaten Barito Kuala tersebut mengalami peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan tentang pembuatan game edukatif sebagai media pembelajaran yang menarik bagi anak-anak PAUD. Para peserta Bimbingan Teknis terlihat antusias dalam mengikuti kegiatan pembuatan game edukatif dengan mampu membuat game edukatif mengenal buah dan angka.This service aims to increase the understanding of the Principal of PAUD in making learning media interesting for students. The chosen theme of service is educational games as learning media. Of the several methods of service, the method of participatory service chosen. Community service activities took place on November 9, 2019, with a total of 34 participants. Service activities in the form of learning are carried out by the implementing team and the Principals of PAUD Schools. They are members of the School Principal Work Group (K3 PAUD) in Alalak, Barito Kuala Regency. The activity is carried out with stages starting from the preparation stage and the implementation stage, including the presentation of material and making educational games. The results obtained are that the implementation of Technical Guidance takes place smoothly. This activity has succeeded in achieving the goal that the technical guidance participants in Alalak Barito Kuala Regency have increased knowledge and skills about making educational games as an exciting learning medium for PAUD children. The Technical Guidance participants seemed enthusiastic in participating in the activities of creating educational games by being able to make educational games to recognize fruit and numbers. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 224
Vika Martahayu ◽  
Rahmat Irfansyah ◽  
Aan Anharudin

ABSTRAKPembuatan artikel ini bertujuan untuk memberikan edukasi bagi masyarakat dan sebagai bahan referensi dan rujukan bagi desa serta instansi lainnya. Metode pelaksanaan yang digunakan oleh mahasiswa KKN di desa Ranggung melalui berbagai tahapan dan terbagi menjadi beberapa tahap seperti, tahap persiapan, tahap pelaksanaan dan tahap penyelesaian. Pada tahap persiapan mahasiswa melakukan observasi lapangan selama 2 hari yaitu pada hari Rabu dan Kamis pada Tanggal 29-30 Januari 2020, pada tahap pelaksanaan mahasiswa melakukan selama 5 hari terhitung dari tanggal 31 Januari sampai dengan 04 Februari 2020, sedangkan pada tahap penyelesaian dilakukan selama 1 hari pada tanggal 05 Februari 2020. Program KKN di Desa Ranggung adalah salah satu bentuk pengabdian dari mahasiswa untuk masyarakat dari program yang telah dilaksanakan salah satunya pembuatan mural di Air Barat yang bertujuan untuk memberikan pesan moral kepada masyarakat meliputi nilai keagamaan, nilai sosial, dan nilai budaya. Kata kunci : seni mural; edukasi. ABSTRACTThe making of this article aims to provide education for the community and as a reference for villages and other agencies. The implementation method used by KKN students in the Ranggung village through various stages and is divided into several stages such as, the preparatory stage, the implementation stage and the completion stage. In the preparation stage students conduct field observations for 2 days, on Wednesday and Thursday 29-30 January 2020, at the implementation stage, students conduct 5 days from 31 January to 4 February 2020, whereas the completion stage was carried out for one day on 5 february 2020.The program KKN in the Ranggung village is a form of community service for the community from the program that has been carried out, one of which is the creation of murals in Air Barat which aims to provide a moral message to the community including religious values, social values and cultural values. Keywords : murals art; education.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1011-1015
Wisudani Rahmaningtyas ◽  
Ratieh Widhiastuti ◽  
Hanna Netti Purasani ◽  
Ajie Pangestu ◽  
Rusdiana Rusdiana

The purpose of this service activity is to provide knowledge about the importance of digital marketing in the era of industry 4.0, as well as provide direct training on making videos as a medium for promotion. The object of the service activity is the entire Management of Omah Smart Farmers Tourism Object (OPP) Kandri Tourism Village and Tourism Awareness Group Managers (Pokdarwis) Semarang City. Service activities are carried out in three stages, namely the preparation stage, the implementation stage, and the evaluation monitoring stage. The results of the service activities consist of the preparation stage in the form of coordination with the Head of the Kandri Tourism Village to find out the problems that exist in the Kandri Tourism Village. The service activity was considered successful, as evidenced by the implementation stage of all participants who were targeted to attend and were very enthusiastic in asking questions during the training. Many participants asked for advice in determining the right material to promote, and various tricks to get interesting promotional media. At the monitoring stage, the service team communicates through social media to find out the development of service activities. And the evaluation stage is carried out by asking for feedback from service participants as the basis for improving further service activities. the service team communicates through social media to find out the development of service activities. And the evaluation stage is carried out by asking for feedback from service participants as the basis for improving further service activities. the service team communicates through social media to find out the development of service activities. And the evaluation stage is carried out by asking for feedback from service participants as the basis for improving further service activities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 092
Riza Faishol ◽  
Meliantina Meliantina ◽  
Eka Ramiati ◽  
Ellyana Ilsan Eka Putri ◽  
Syu’adah Murni Rahayu

Student learning assistance by utilizing secondhand goods aims to increase students' interest and creativity. This community service activity is carried out in several stages including: the preparation stage consisting of observation, interview to parents, delivery of strategies, and material bribery; the implementation stage consisting of socialization of the implementation of activities begins with the approach and mentoring of students; evaluation stage of the assessment of activities that have been carried out. The results of the activities that have been achieved are student learning assistance in preventing the transmission of corona virus, utilizing secondhand goods as a place to wash hands, utilization of used goods as handicrafts, and mentoring students in utilizing secondhand goods as a learning medium.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 963
Benny Hartanto ◽  
Ningrum Astriawati ◽  
Waris Wibowo ◽  
Didik Sisdiyanto

ABSTRAKPengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mengenalkan dan mensosialisasikan inovasi teknologi navigasi dalam  bidang  maritim melalui virtual outing untuk anak-anak Jogjakarta Montessori School Elementary Program. Peserta yang  dilibatkan dalam  kegiatan pengabdian  ini  yaitu  Guru-guru SD dan anak-anak kelas 4,5 dan 6. Rangkaian kegiatan ini meliputi 3 tahapan yaitu: Tahap persiapan, tahap pelaksanaaan dan tahap evaluasi. Tahap persiapan meliputi  persiapan alat-alat navigasi yang dimiliki oleh Sekolah Tinggi Maritim Yogyakarta dan pembuatan materi.  Tahap  pelaksanaan meliputi pembukaan, pemaparan materi dan penjelasan alat-alat navigasi di laboratorium simulator, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan diskusi dan tanya jawab peserta yang hadir. Pada tahap evaluasi, peserta mengisi kuesioner melalui google form, hasil kuesioner yaitu  meliputi: aspek  presentasi  yang  disampaikan  pemateri  memiliki  nilai  kepuasan sebesar 76.27%,  aspek  atensi  yang disampaikan  oleh  pemateri terhadap pengenalan alat-alat navigasi mempunyai nilai kepuasan sebesar 83.05%,  aspek  motivasi tanya jawab mempunyai nilai kepuasan sebesar 88.14%,  rata-rata semua aspek mempunyai nilai kepuasan sebesar 82.48 % Kata kunci: teknologi; navigasi; maritim; virtual outing. ABSTRACTThis community service aims to introduce and socialize navigation technology innovations in the maritime field through virtual outings for the children of the Elementary Program in the Yogyakarta Montessori School. The participants involved in this service activity are elementary school teachers and children class 4,5 and 6. This series of activities includes 3 stages, namely: the preparation stage, the implementation stage and the evaluation stage. The preparation stage completes the preparation of navigation tools owned by the Sekolah Tinggi Maritim Yogyakarta and the manufacture of materials. The implementation stage of the opening, the presentation of the material and navigational tools was followed by discussion and question and answer from the participants present. At the evaluation stage, participants filled out a questionnaire through the google form, the results of the questionnaire include: aspects of the presentation delivered by the speaker have a satisfaction value of 76.27%, aspects of attention submitted by speakers to the introduction of navigation tools have a satisfaction value of 83.05%, aspects of question and answer motivation have a satisfaction value of 88.14%, on average all aspects have a satisfaction value of 82.48 %. Keywords: technology; navigation; maritime; virtual outing 

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 21
Yoga Budi Bhakti ◽  
Irnin Agustina Dwi Astuti ◽  
Harun Rasjid ◽  
Sumiah Nasution

The purpose of community service activities is to provide counseling about the value of character in the learning curriculum 2013 as well as provide training to measure the student’s attitudes in learning process. The value of character is considered necessary and make it a requirement in the increase or graduation in learning in the curriculum 2013. This service is done in three stages, there are planning, implementation, and evaluation. The planning stage is to prepare the presentation materials of character value integration in learning and values and attitudes measurement, training and extension module, and facilities and infrastructure in supporting the training. Implementation stage is training activities conducted on December 20-21, 2016. Evaluation stage is to provide evaluation of the training participants' products results in the implementation plan of learning and assessment of the performance of the participants. The methods used in this activity are training and mentoring and discussion. Training is done by providing information in knowing the value of the characters contained in the learning and providing training on how to measure values and attitudes. The results of this activity teachers can understand and apply the value of characters in learning in school.Keywords : 2013 curriculum; character value; integrated. ABSTRAKTujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan penyuluhan tentang nilai karakter dalam pembelajaran di kurikulum 2013 serta memberi pelatihan untuk mengukur sikap peserta didik dalam pembelajaran.  Nilai karakter dipandang perlu dan menjadikannya sebagai syarat dalam kenaikan ataupun kelulusan dalam pembelajaran di kurikulum 2013. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dalam tiga tahap yaitu tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Tahap perencanaan yaitu menyiapkan bahan presentasi integrasi nilai karakter dalam pembelajaran dan pengukuran nilai dan sikap, modul pelatihan dan penyuluhan, serta sarana dan prasarana dalam menunjang pelatihan. Tahap pelaksanaan yaitu kegiatan pelatihan yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 20-21 Desember 2016. Tahap evaluasi yaitu memberikan evaluasi terhadap hasil produk peserta pelatihan dalam rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran dan penilaian performa peserta. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pelatihan ini adalah dengan pelatihan dan pendampingan serta diskusi. Pelatihan dilakukan dengan cara memberikan informasi dalam mengetahui nilai karakter yang terkandung dalam pembelajaran dan memberikan pelatihan tentang cara mengukur nilai dan sikap. Hasil produk pelatihan ini dalam bentuk rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang dapat dikembangkan lagi.Kata Kunci : kurikulum 2013, nilai karakter, integrasi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-36
Anita Nurfida ◽  
Anggi Oktaviani

Koperasi Wanita Cahaya Uma Hasti is a cooperative located in Sukamaju sub-district, Cilodong sub-district, Depok city. This cooperative provides various basic necessities and other household needs. In the arrangement and arrangement of goods sold (display) at the Cahaya Uma Hasti women's cooperative, it is still irregular and inaccurate, making it difficult for customers to retrieve goods. In addition, space utilization is not optimal, making consumers less comfortable. The purpose of this Community Service is to provide an understanding of the optimization of the facility layout and make proposals for the layout of the Cahaya Uma Hasti Depok cooperative facilities to maximize the arrangement of goods sold. The implementation of this activity is carried out in three stages, namely: the preparation, implementation and evaluation stages. The preparatory stage is carried out by direct observation and conducting interviews with all cooperative managers, as well as preparing materials to be delivered at the community service activity. The second stage is the implementation of the activity by holding workshops and discussions on optimizing the layout of the facilities tailored to the needs of the Cahaya Uma Hasti women's cooperative. After that, an evaluation stage of the community service activity is carried out to determine the success of the community service event and solve partner problems. After the proposal for the layout of the Koperasi Wanita Cahaya Uma Hasti's facilities, the following conclusions were obtained: the management and members of the cooperative got knowledge about optimizing the layout of the Koperasi Wanita Cahaya Uma Hasti facility so that it can make it easier for customers to shop and organize goods in the Cahaya Wanita Cooperative. Uma Hasti is maximized and makes it easier for the management to enter goods into the cooperative.

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