2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 113
Luisa Saldarriaga Burbano ◽  
Robertson Calle García

En la actualidad nuestra sociedad está viviendo una etapa tan complicada de comprensión y desenvolvimiento apropiado, se ha sumido en la violencia que se presenta en todos los campos del quehacer humano, en lo que concierne a niños y jóvenes, ellos son víctimas directas de múltiples tipos de acoso, lo que se palpa a nivel escolar, lo que deviene en frustraciones, miedo, timidez y hasta con deseos de la autoeliminación. La investigación se la efectuó en la Unidad Educativa “Camposano” del Cantón Paján, tuvo como objetivo determinar las familias con hijos adolescentes de bachillerato de este colegio, y que sufren acoso escolar; y las modalidades que aplican los agresores: también se investigó sobre las consecuencias que acarrea ser víctima de acoso escolar. Para la ejecución de la investigación, se utilizó el método cuantitativo, ejecutando encuestas con preguntas cerradas a los estudiantes, docentes, padres y personas que permanecen al cuidado. En base a los resultados obtenidos de las encuestas, se evidencia que los adolescentes del presente estudio, son víctimas de acoso escolar, bien sea como el que sufre directamente la agresión física o psicológica, o como espectador. Las agresiones que se dan, provienen principalmente de agresión psicológica, excluyéndolos de participar en actividades, rompiendo a propósito sus pertenencias, e inclusive induciendo a otros a que los ignoren, no sean amigos; y utilizando apodos para nombrarlos. También se encontró que el acoso escolar se presenta de manera física, obligando a la víctima mediante amenazas a realizar acciones incorrectas e indebidas. PALABRAS CLAVE: Orientación familiar; violencia social; acoso escolar. ORIENTATION TO THE FAMILY WITH CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS VICTIMS OF SCHOOL HARASSMENT ABSTRACT At present our society is living such a complicated stage of understanding and proper development, it has sunk in the violence that occurs in all fields of human endeavor, as far as children and young people are concerned, they are direct victims of multiple types of harassment, what is palpated at the school level, which becomes frustration, fear, shyness and even with desires of self-elimination. The research was conducted in the Educational Unit "Camposano" Paján Canton, in the period 2017 - 2018, had as objectives to determine families with high school adolescent children of this school, and who suffer bullying; and the modalities applied by the aggressors: the consequences of being a victim of bullying were also investigated. For the execution of the research, the quantitative method was used, conducting surveys with closed questions to students, teachers, parents and people who remain in care. Based on the results obtained from the surveys, it is evident that the adolescents of the present study are victims of bullying, either as the one who suffers directly from physical or psychological aggression, or as a spectator. The aggressions that occur come mainly from psychological aggression, excluding them from participating in activities, intentionally breaking their belongings, and even inducing others to ignore them, not to be friends; and using nicknames to name them. It was also found that bullying is presented in a physical way, forcing the victim, through threats to do wrong things. KEYWORDS: Family counseling; social violence; bullying.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 19
Mireisys Perdomo Thompson ◽  
Catalina Virgen Gómez parra

El trabajo preventivo de la familia desde su labor educativa con los hijos es uno de los grandes retos a los que se enfrenta la institución educativa, la que requiere de vías, métodos y alternativas que sean efectivas para lograr alcanzar un desarrollo integral de los niños y adolescentes. De ahí que la preparación recíproca de ambas instituciones sea una prioridad en la educación cubana. En el presente artículo se exponen algunos fundamentos teóricos que sustentan los principios formativos de nuestro sistema educativo como eje esencial desde la propia actividad del educador, el que debe contemplar la atención a la familia desde la diversidad y el contexto en que se desarrollan estos niños y adolescentes. PALABRAS CLAVE: trabajo preventivo; familia; labor educativa; institución educativa. PREVENTIVE WORK OF THE FAMILY IN INTERACTION WITH THE INSTITUTION ABSTRACT The preventive work of the family from its educational work with the children is one from the big challenges to those that faces the educational institution, the one that requires of roads, methods and alternative that are effective to be able to reach an integral development of the children and adolescents. With the result that the reciprocal preparation of both institutions is a priority in the Cuban education. Presently article some theoretical foundations are exposed that sustain the formative principles of our educational system as essential axis from the educator's own activity, the one that should contemplate the attention to the family from the diversity and the context in that these children and adolescents are developed. KEYWORDS: work; preventive; family; educational work; educational institution.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 41
Marjorie Roberta Loor Zambrano ◽  
María Gabriela Moreira Ruiz ◽  
María Verónica Arroyo Cobeña

La presente investigación trata sobre la disciplina y su incidencia en el rendimiento escolar en los niños y niña; teniendo como objetivo general el de elaborar una propuesta didáctica para mejorar la disciplina de los niños 6 y 7 Año de Educación General Básica de la Unidad Educativa Club Rotario de Portoviejo, por lo que se hace profunda revisión bibliográfica. La disciplina, se parte de su definición, funciones para conceptualizar la disciplina escolar; sus dimensiones e importancia, la relación de esta con la educación y el aprendizaje; así mismo de analiza la disciplina y el castigo y las estrategias para desarrollar el orden en el aula; y su influencia en el rendimiento escolar, poniendo énfasis en los factores intra y extraescolares del rendimiento, teniendo en cuenta los tipos y las formas de evaluación; aportando con el concepto que los estudiantes aprenden mejor cuando hay disciplina, por lo que se propone la aplicación de una estrategia para fortalecer la práctica de valores en la familia y de esta manera mejorar la disciplina de los estudiantes. La principal limitación que se encontró en el proceso investigativo es la opinión de los Docentes, quienes no tienen una actitud colaborativa debido a que posiblemente sus opiniones puedan ser utilizados en su contra. PALABRAS CLAVE: Disciplina; rendimiento; educación. THE DISCIPLINE AND THE SCHOOL PERFORMANCE OF BASIC GENERAL EDUCATION STUDENTS IN THE ROTARY CLUB OF PORTOVIEJO EDUCATIONAL UNIT ABSTRACT The present investigation deals with the discipline and its incidence in the scholastic performance in the boys and girl; having like general objective the one to elaborate a didactic proposal to improve the discipline of the children 6 and 7 Year of Basic General Education of the Educational Unit Rotary Club of Portoviejo, reason why a deep bibliographical revision is made. Discipline, part of its definition, functions to conceptualize school discipline; its dimensions and importance, its relation to education and learning; it also analyzes discipline and punishment and strategies to develop order in the classroom; and its influence on school performance, with emphasis on the intra- and extra-curricular factors of performance, taking into account the types and forms of evaluation; contributing with the concept that students learn better when there is discipline, so it is proposed the application of a strategy to strengthen the practice of values ​​in the family and thus improve the discipline of students. The main limitation that was found in the investigative process is the opinion of the teachers, who do not have a collaborative attitude because their opinions may possibly be used against them. KEYWORDS: Discipline; performance; education.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (5) ◽  
pp. 53
Ana Virginia Quiroz De la Cruz ◽  
José Raymundo Triviño Sabando

En este trabajo se aborda la temática del abuso sexual a niños, niñas y adolescentes y la importancia de la orientación familiar en la prevención de este abominable mal que azota con gran fuerza a una población vulnerable de la sociedad. Comprende un análisis de datos históricos de los orígenes de esta práctica hasta la incidencia de casos que en la actualidad se revelan en la realidad ecuatoriana, sobre todo. Se reflexiona sobre el preocupante aumento de casos que salen a la luz pública, así como también aquellos que no son expuestos y que son parte de una estadística oculta, pero que constituyen una realidad latente que urge ser tratada. Actualmente en un alto índice de familias es muy escaso el diálogo sobre temas de prevención de la violencia sexual infantojuvenil, en gran medida por tabúes, temores e idiosincrasias culturales y falta de capacitación, por lo que se concluye que, a partir de una mayor intervención a través de procesos técnicos, la orientación familiar podría ser un proceso clave para disminuir esta abominable práctica social. PALABRAS CLAVE: Orientación familiar; abuso sexual; violación; población vulnerable. THE FAMILY ORIENTATION IN THE PREVENTION OF SEXUAL ABUSE TO CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS ABSTRACT This paper addresses the issue of sexual abuse of children and adolescents and the importance of family guidance in the prevention of this abominable evil that strikes with great force a vulnerable population of society. It includes an analysis of historical data on the origins of this practice up to the incidence of cases that are currently revealed in the Ecuadorian reality, above all. It reflects on the worrying increase of cases that come to public light, as well as those that are not exposed and that are part of a hidden statistic, but that constitute a latent reality that urgently needs to be addressed. At present, in a high index of families, there is very little dialogue about prevention of sexual violence against children and adolescents, largely due to taboos, fears and cultural idiosyncrasies and lack of training, so it is concluded that, after a greater intervention Through technical processes, family counseling could be a key process to reduce this abominable social practice. KEYWORDS: Family orientation; sexual abuse; violation; vulnerable population.

Doris Bühler-Niederberger ◽  
Jessica Schwittek

AbstractThe paper focuses on the question of how young people in the post-Soviet country of Kyrgyzstan deal with the structural and cultural demands of a society characterized by strong obligations of intergenerational solidarity and the normative pattern of submission under the authority of elders. Based on three preponderantly qualitative empirical studies on kindergarten children, teenagers and young adults, young people’s commitment to that order is mapped out, defining their reasons for acceptance on the one hand and the limits of their acceptance on the other hand. Concerning the latter, a special focus is laid on processes of the “self” as well as notions of a “generation gap”. We can then deduce what the hierarchical age order means for the well-being of young people.

Anastasia Terzopoulou

Resumen: En este trabajo se desarrolla el tema de la violencia de la mujer en la Antigua Grecia y en la Corona de Aragón a finales de la Edad Media. Concretamente, los casos que se analizan tienen que ver, por una parte, con la violencia cometida contra la princesa de Troya, Andrómaca, la cual tras el saqueo y la caída de su patria se ha convertido en una cautiva de guerra, en una concubina de la familia que mató a su esposo e hijo; y, por la otra, con la violencia marital de la valenciana Beatriz Martí. Ambas mujeres, a pesar de los siglos que les separan, sufren injusticias y dolor, pero, también cuentan con una persona que les presta su ayuda y protección: en el caso de Andrómaca es Peleo, el abuelo de su actual amo; y, en el caso de Beatriz, la reina María de Aragón. Palabras clave: mujer, violencia, protección, maltrato, defensa Abstract: This paper develops the issue of violence against women in Ancient Greece and in the Crown of Aragon in the Late Middle Ages. Specifically, the cases analyzed have to do, on the one hand, with the violence committed against the Princess of Troy, Andromache, who, after the looting and fall of her homeland, has become a war captive, a concubine of the family that killed her husband and son; and, on the other, the case of the marital violence of the Valencian Beatriz Martí. Both women, despite the centuries that separate them, suffer injustices and pain, but they also have a person who helps and protects them: in the case of Andromache it is Peleus, the grandfather of its current owner; and, in the case of Beatriz, Queen Maria of Aragon.Keywords: woman, violence, protection, abuse, defense

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 79
José Humberto Cárdenas Sacoto ◽  
Oscar Santiago Barzaga Sablón

GESTIÓN DE LA INFORMACIÓN Y EL CONOCIMIENTO Y SU IMPACTO EN LA ORIENTACIÓN FAMILIAR GESTIÓN DE LA INFORMACIÓN Y EL CONOCIMIENTO. SU IMPACTO EN LA ORIENTACIÓN FAMILIAR AUTORES: José Humberto Cárdenas Sacoto[1]                    Oscar Santiago Barzaga Sablón[2] DIRECCIÓN PARA CORRESPONDENCIA: [email protected] Fecha de recepción: 11 - 05 - 2019                 Fecha de aceptación: 3 - 07 - 2019 RESUMEN El presente trabajo aborda una de las problemáticas más acuciantes de la actualidad que es la formación profesional en el contexto de la sociedad de la información y el conocimiento en los marcos de la gestión empresarial. Su objetivo es analizar la importancia de la orientación familiar en la solución de problemas en el seno de la familia. A partir de un diagnóstico del impacto de la orientación familiar en la comunidad de Picoazá, en relación al desarrollo de competencias que cambian la orientación familiar, orientándolas hacia una perspectiva actualizada y ajustada a las necesidades de las familias. Donde se analizan los factores que limitan el proceso de orientación profesional de las familias. La metodología se fundamenta en la aplicación de métodos teóricos como: la abstracción científica, el método comparativo, el análisis de documentos y el método sistémico estructural funcional. PALABRAS CLAVE: sociedad de la información y el conocimiento; orientación familiar; orientación familiar integral. INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT AND ITS IMPACT ON FAMILY ORIENTATION ABSTRACT The present work addresses one of the most pressing issues of today that is professional training in the context of the information society and knowledge in the framework of business management. Its objective is to analyze the importance of family guidance in the solution of problems within the family. From a diagnosis of the impact of family orientation in the community of Picoazá, in relation to the development of skills that change the family orientation, orienting them towards an updated perspective and adjusted to the needs of families. Where the factors that limit the process of professional orientation of families are analyzed. The methodology is based on the application of theoretical methods such as: scientific abstraction, the comparative method, the analysis of documents and the functional structural systemic method. KEYWORDS: information and knowledge society; Family counseling; comprehensive family orientation.

1970 ◽  
pp. 38-45
May Abu Jaber

Violence against women (VAW) continues to exist as a pervasive, structural,systematic, and institutionalized violation of women’s basic human rights (UNDivision of Advancement for Women, 2006). It cuts across the boundaries of age, race, class, education, and religion which affect women of all ages and all backgrounds in every corner of the world. Such violence is used to control and subjugate women by instilling a sense of insecurity that keeps them “bound to the home, economically exploited and socially suppressed” (Mathu, 2008, p. 65). It is estimated that one out of every five women worldwide will be abused during her lifetime with rates reaching up to 70 percent in some countries (WHO, 2005). Whether this abuse is perpetrated by the state and its agents, by family members, or even by strangers, VAW is closely related to the regulation of sexuality in a gender specific (patriarchal) manner. This regulation is, on the one hand, maintained through the implementation of strict cultural, communal, and religious norms, and on the other hand, through particular legal measures that sustain these norms. Therefore, religious institutions, the media, the family/tribe, cultural networks, and the legal system continually disciplinewomen’s sexuality and punish those women (and in some instances men) who have transgressed or allegedly contravened the social boundaries of ‘appropriateness’ as delineated by each society. Such women/men may include lesbians/gays, women who appear ‘too masculine’ or men who appear ‘too feminine,’ women who try to exercise their rights freely or men who do not assert their rights as ‘real men’ should, women/men who have been sexually assaulted or raped, and women/men who challenge male/older male authority.

Hardianti Abubakar ◽  
Yolanda MTN Apituley ◽  
Lilian M. Soukotta

As a form of diversified processed fish meat, tuna meatball is very popular to people in Ambon. This type of food is sold by traders from Java by walking or cycling. Difficulties living in the origin area require traders to leave their families and go out looking for jobs in other areas with hopes that the family needs are met. The purpose of this research is to analyze (1). Characteristics of mobile tuna meatball traders in Ambon, (2). The amount of income received by mobile tuna meatball traders in Ambon, and (3). Percentage income utilized by the mobile tuna meatball traders either in family or personal needs. The study was conducted by survey and data obtained through interviews and observations from May to October 2018. The results show that the average age of meatball traders was between <25-65 yo, having education in junior and senior high school level, with the highest number of dependants 1-2 people and <5 years trading experience. The average income of tuna fish meatball traders is Rp. 4,747,231, - which is used for personal and family needs. Seven  traders use more than 50% for family needs and the rest for personal needs, while six traders utilize more than 60 % for personal needs and the rest for family needs.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Maslichah Maslichah ◽  
Bayu Akbar Khayudin ◽  
Ikha Ardianti

ABSTRAK Pasien yang dirawat di ICU pada umumnya mengalami sakit kritis biasanya hal ini akan menimbulkan bebagai  respons psikososial  dari anggota keluarganya. Respons ini dapat berupa respons positif maupun respons negatif. Salah satu cara agar respons psikososial menjadi positif yaitu memberikan penyuluhan kepada keluarga pasien agar ada peningkatan kognisi dan emosi. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan metode “Pre-Experiment”, dengan rancangan “One group pra-post test design”. Dengan populasi semua keluarga yang anggota keluarganya dirawat di Ruang ICU RSUD.dr.Sosodoro Djatikoesumo. Sampel diambil dengan proses Total Sampling. Variabel independen  yaitupenyuluhan keluarga pasien ICU, dan variabel dependen adalah respon psikososial keluarga pasien. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dengan uji statistik paired sample t-test, pada tingkat signifikansi diperoleh nilai 0,027 0,05 maka Ho ditolak dan H1 diterimaPerawat sebagai tenaga kesehatan yang harus selalu mengembangkan profesionalisme, perlu mengupayakan agar respons psikososial keluarga yang negatif dapat ditekan. Salah satu upayanya yaitu adalah memberikan penyuluhan kepada keluarga. Dalam penyuluhan akan diberikan: komunikasi, informasi, edukasi dan support. Kata Kunci : Penyuluhan, Respon Psikososial Keluarga  ABSTRACT Patients admitted to the ICU in general suffer from a critical illness usually this will lead to the kinds of psychosocial responses of family members. This response can be either a positive response or a negative response. One way to be positive psychosocial responses that provide counseling to the patient's family that there was an increase in cognition and emotion.This study design using the "Pre-Experiment", the draft "One group pre-post test design". With a population of all the families who have family members admitted to the ICU RSUD.dr.Sosodoro Djatikoesumo. Samples were taken with total sampling process. Independent variables, family counseling ICU patients, and the dependent variable is the family of the patient's psychosocial response. Collecting data using questionnaires. results of research conducted by the statistical test paired sample t-test, at a significance level obtained value 0,027 0,05 hence Ho refused and H1 accepted.Nurses as health workers must always develop professionalism, needs to strive for psychosocial response can be suppressed negative family. One of the efforts that are giving counseling to the family. In the extension will be granted: communication, information, education and support. Keywords: Counseling, Family Psychosocial Response

Elena de Andrés-Jiménez ◽  
Rosa Mª Limiñana-Gras ◽  
Encarna Fernández-Ros

The aim of this study is to determine the existence of a characteristic personality profile of family carers of people with dementia. The correct knowledge and use of psychological variables which affect the carer, helps to promote appropriate actions to mitigate the impact of care and improve the carer’s quality of life and likewise the one of the person cared for. The study population consists of 69 family carers of people with dementia, members of various associations and care centers. The results allow us to identify a characteristic personality profile for these carers and it reveals a specific psychological working in this sample, although we cannot directly relate it with the tasks of caring for people with this disease, this profile gives us very relevant information to pay more attention to the needs of this group. Moreover, the analysis of personality styles depends on the sex of the family carer, showing, once again, that the woman is in a situation of most vulnerability.

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