
The article examines the  influence  of mobile  games on the  recreational component of  personality development. A mobile game is a deliberate activity aimed at achieving the goal. Mobile games occupy a leading place both in physical education and in the process of physical rehabilitation, recreation, allowing to effectively solve medical and educational tasks at a high emotional level. A mobile game as a recreational tool has a number of qualities, among which the most important place is high emotionality. Emotions in the game are complex. This is a pleasure from the muscular work in the game, from the feeling of vivacity and energy, from the possibility of friendly communication in the team, from achieving the goal set in the game. During a mobile game, complex effects on motor activity and the nervous system are realized. The mobile game refers to such manifestations of gaming activity, in which the role of movements is clearly expressed. For mobile games characterized by creative, active motor actions, motivated by the plot. They are aimed at overcoming various difficulties on the way to achieving the goal. The advantage of mobile games before exercises is that the game is always associated with initiative, fantasy, creativity, proceeds emotionally, stimulates motor activity. The game uses natural movements for the most part in an entertaining, unobtrusive form. Moving games, as a rule, do not require participants of special training. The same mobile games can be played under different conditions, with a greater or lesser number of participants, according to different rules. The most important result of the game is the emotional upsurge. It is thanks to this wonderful feature that mobile games, especially with the elements of the competition, more than other forms of physical education, meet the needs of the body. In the course of mobile games, self-control, self-control, correct response to failure are formed.

V.O. Zhamardiy

The content of the article is to implement and implement a technological block of the methodological system of application of fitness technologies in the educational process of physical education of students. It has been researched that the formation of the technological block of the methodological system provides diagnostics of students' health status, physical development and physical fitness during exercise of fitness technologies. It is determined that the formation of the technological block of the methodological system depends to a certain extent on the level of motor activity of students. Motor activity is one of the factors that determine the level of metabolic processes in the body and the state of its bone, muscle, and cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Accordingly, the distribution of students by the level of physical activity is quite promising, but from a practical point of view, it is a direction that is difficult to implement during the exercise of fitness technologies in the educational process of physical education. It was found out that the formation of the technological block of the methodological system should take into account that self-study should occupy an important place in the system of physical improvement of students. These can be complexes of exercise at home, in the open air, during rest, morning hygienic gymnastics, wellness walking and jogging, skiing, ice skating and cycling, training on simulators, sports games at the place of residence, hiking and excursions, traveling to mountains, other cities and countries, etc. The introduction of the methodological system in the technological block also implies the activation of aesthetic education to the formation of posture, physique, beauty of its physical appearance through training of fitness technologies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 91-95
Elena V. Klimova ◽  
Olga V. Mukhametova ◽  
Nail Sh. Mukhametov

This paper examines the dynamics of changes in the indicators of the psychophysiological state of students of the Siberian State University of Railway Transport. The indicators of motor activity, vital index (ZHI) and respiratory system were considered. The purpose of the study is to identify the physical and functional capabilities of the body of first-year students, as well as to analyze the level of health. The objectives of the study are to determine the level of psychophysiological state of students in dynamics. Research hypothesis: the source of physical education should be on motor activity that is appropriate for development, in order to promote self-efficacy and pleasure, as well as encourage continuous participation in physical activity; through the acquisition of motivational experience by students in physical education and sports, physical and functional development is achieved, as well as self-esteem, goal orientation and tasks; the effectiveness of physical development can be achieved by changing the approaches to the implementation of FC programs, sports facilities, recruitment, as well as the organization of school-university continuity. Research methods: analysis, systematization, generalization. The results of the research showed a decrease in physical fitness and activity in general, as well as the need to develop motor abilities and improve the level of physical health of students.

Юлия Филиппова ◽  
Yuliya Filippova

Educational manual is devoted to the organization of physical education with students of part-time Department. The manual provides brief information on human anatomy, physiology, theory and methodology of physical education, provides material for independent practical work aimed at mastering the methods and means of physical culture and sports activities and self-control, for the acquisition of personal experience in the use of physical culture and sports, the formation of professional and life skills. Physical culture is the key to active professional activity. It is the result of education and training in relation to a person's health, physical abilities and abilities, in the way of life and the construction of the necessary socio-cultural comfortable environment. Within the framework of classical University education, physical culture and sports are activities aimed at achieving personal maturity. The Olympic Charter says: "Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a harmonious whole dignity of the body, will and mind." The student after mastering the program of this discipline in accordance with the GEF VPO should: know: the basics of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle; be able to: apply methods and means of knowledge, learning and self-control to maintain their health, moral and physical self-improvement; methodically it is correct to use means and methods of physical education, health promotion for achievement of the due level of physical readiness providing full-fledged social and professional activity. Own: a system of practical skills that ensure the preservation and strengthening of health, development and improvement of psychophysical abilities and qualities (with the implementation of the established standards for General physical and sports and technical training); personal experience in the use of physical and sports activities to improve their functional and motor capabilities, to achieve personal life and professional goals. It is important to distinguish between sports activities that are built around officially organized competitive interactions of individuals and physical activity, which is based on the deliberate use of physical exercise (physical activity) to achieve certain goals (health promotion, recreation, rehabilitation, etc.) and which is also often organized in the form of competitions. Mastering this subject should change and make people's lives better.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 157-164
Jéssica Karina Silva Ferreira ◽  
Paula Cristina Da Costa Silva

INTRODUÇÃO: As práticas corporais de aventura na natureza são pouco exploradas nas aulas de Educação Física na Educação Infantil, seja pela lacuna na formação inicial dos professores, por carência de literatura sobre o tema ou infraestrutura adequada nas escolas. OBJETIVO: Apresentar desafios, limites e possibilidades de inserção das práticas corporais de aventura na natureza nas aulas de educação física na educação infantil, em um projeto transversal de Educação Ambiental, mediante uma abordagem lúdica, atraente e significativa. MÉTODOS: A experiência deu-se em 2017, em um Centro Municipal de Educação Infantil, da rede pública, do município de Viana, Espírito Santo, nas aulas de educação física na perspectiva do “se-movimentar”, como parte de projeto transversal de Educação Ambiental. O projeto envolveu 95 alunos, entre 3 e 5 anos, de turmas de maternal II, pré I e pré II. Os dados foram obtidos por meio da observação da professora de Educação Física e registrados com fotos e caderno de campo.RESULTADOS: As experiências desenvolvidas foram enriquecedoras para o aprendizado das crianças, que manifestaram autocontrole, coragem, aumento da autoestima, superação de desafios, elementos essenciais para o desenvolvimento na infância.CONCLUSÃO: O projeto foi exitoso e seu modelo foi adotado por toda a rede de ensino do município, por comprovar que é possível desenvolver um trabalho transversal nas escolas com temas que envolvem a educação física e a educação ambiental.ABSTRACT. Adventure body practices in nature in kindergarden: an experience report.BACKGROUND: The body practices of adventure in nature are few explored in Physical Education classes in Kindgarden, either due to the lack in the initial training of teachers, for few literature about the theme due to the lack of adequate infrastructure in schools.OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this report is to present the challenges, limits and possibilities of insertion of adventure body practices in nature in physical education classes in kindgarden, in a transversal project of Environmental Education, through a playful, attractive and significant approach.METHODS: The narrated experience was carried out in 2017, in a Municipal Center for Kindergarden, attending public schools, in the municipality of Viana, Espírito Santo, Brazil, in physical education classes from the perspective of “moving around” as part of a transversal project of Environmental Education. The total number of students served in the project was 95, between the ages of 3 and 5, from the respective classes of maternal II, pré I and pré II. The reported data were obtained through observation of the Physical Education teacher and recorded by photos and a field notes. RESULTS: As a result, it was found an enriching developed in the experiences for children’s learning who demonstrated self-control, courage, increase self-esteem, overcoming challenges in the classes, those are essential elements for childhood development.CONCLUSION: The experience proved to be successful and became na example that was adopted by the entire attending public city schools for demonstrating that it is possible to develop transversal work in schools based on themes involving Physical Education and Environmental Education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 60-66
Ibrahim Said Ahmad ◽  
Hafsa Kabir Ahmad ◽  
Saminu Muhammad Aliyu ◽  
Ahmad Muhammad Ahmad

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common neurobehavioral disorder that is prevalent in children and adolescents. ADHD affects student’s learning due to its symptoms which are inability to stay focused, hyperactivity, and challenges in self-control. In this paper, we explore the use of mobile games to engage children diagnosed with ADHD. Mobile games are now widely used in learning, which is part of mobile learning. Previous studies have shown a positive relationship between digital games and learning for children with ADHD. Therefore, we designed and developed a mobile game based on existing literature on techniques used to retain the attention and engage children with ADHD. The study was evaluated based on the duration of time the children spent playing the game and their activities and interactions while playing the game. Our findings showed that mobile-based games can be used to engage children with ADHD.

2014 ◽  
Vol 18 (6) ◽  
pp. 13-16
V.P. Zhula

Purpose: The effect of the experimental procedure on the development of motor abilities of students in the course of employment volleyball. Material : The experiment involved 80 students of the Faculty of Physical Education. Results : Studies have shown that when passing the ball with two hands at the bottom of the students there is a certain dynamic changes in the structure of support interactions, which is expressed by the increase of biodynamic and time indicators on 8.19% of the students in the control group and 16.17% of the students in the experimental group. The technique allowed tenzodynamometry qualitatively assess the level of development of motor abilities of students in performing the ball with two hands at the bottom. Determine the validity of the growth of average indicators support reactions of the body of students in the experimental group when the transfer of the ball with two hands at the bottom. Conclusions : Recommended every lesson during warmup volleyball include special exercises, tasks are executed sequentially, with a gradual increase in load as the assimilation of motor actions, use the methods of biomechanical control.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
Asen Atanasov ◽  

School physical education and sports is intended to provide the growing-up children with adequate motor activity. It is however, necessary to look for new impetuses to diversify the activities in the classes of physical education and sports and in the additional units. The objective of this study is to establish the level of development of the motor capabilities in 7-year old children, as a result from the applied experimental methodology. The ring and indirect game method formed the foundation of the program developed by us. Exercises for development of the coordination capacities, exercises involving overcoming one’s body weight, relay and mobile games were the leading methods. The study showed achieving of a functional loading, which provides moulding effect on the physical development of the children.

Alfiіa Deineko ◽  
Ruslan Shcherbak ◽  
Iurii Fishev

The article considers the effectiveness of using game method to increase the level of strength preparedness of 6-7 years boys. It is shown that children of this age due to the ontogenetic features of growing are characterized by increased motor activity and a strong need in it. It is highlighted that a game is one of the most important areas in the children’s life that in cooperation with activity, study, art and sports provides the necessary emotional conditions for a comprehensive, harmonious development of personality. For the teacher, it becomes a tool of education that allows to fully take into account the age characteristics of children and adolescents, to develop initiative, to create an atmosphere of freedom, independence, creativity and conditions for self-development. The game belongs to the traditional and esteemed methods of teaching and educating children of primary school age. The value of this method is that educational, developmental and upbringing functions are closely intertwined in during game activities. Game as a method of studying organizes, develops students, expands their cognitive abilities and educates the personality. It is highlighted that the game method involves the performance of motor actions in the game conditions within its characteristic rules the arsenal of technically-tactical intakes and situations. It is noted that in recent years, mobile games have become widely used as an effective tool in the training process due to the significant potential of the game method using in sports training. It is established that the using of the proposed games in the educational and training process of young gymnasts has increased the level of their strength preparedness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Md Abu Sayeed ◽  
Md Shabbir Rahman Rasel ◽  
Abrar Ahamed Habibullah ◽  
Md Moyazzem Hossain

Abstract Background Nowadays, the youth are more engaging with their more advanced smartphones having high-quality graphics and gaming features. However, existing literature depicts that adolescents suffer from several forms of psychological problems including mental health, depression, loneliness, insomnia and low self-control due to mobile game addiction. Therefore, this study aims to find the prevalence and motivating factors for mobile game addiction among university students of Bangladesh. Methods A cross-sectional survey was carried out to collect the required information from 1125 students of three universities in Bangladesh. Descriptive statistics, χ2 test and ordinal regression model are employed to meet the objective of this study. Results The findings reveal that male students are more likely to show addictive behaviours than their counterparts in the context of mobile game addiction. The results depict that loneliness, duration of using smartphones and playing mobile games, and source of entertainment are the main cause of mobile addiction. Also, more than half of the respondents (54.3%) are severely addicted to mobile games who were influenced by friends and YouTube gamers to play games. Moreover, students are suffering from several physical problems such as headaches, eye discomfort, blurry vision and ear discomfort. Conclusion Considering the findings of this paper, the authors suggest that the authorities should consider this immediately and arrange a positive entertainment environment to prevent students from mobile games. Furthermore, it is necessary to encourage students to participate in sports or other extracurricular activities that may be helpful to lessen mobile game addiction among students in Bangladesh.

Natalia Bondarchuk ◽  
Viktor Chernov ◽  
Oleksandr Tymochko

The purpose of the article is to develop a methodologically reasonable algorithm for constructing the process of organizing and conducting role mobile games in physical education classes in primary school. The following methods were used: literature analysis, observation, pedagogical modeling. The elaborated step-by-step algorithm of the teacher’s actions in organizing and conducting a role-playing game includes a number of detailed steps. The first part of them concerns the preliminary preparing and organizing of a game, and the second concerns the direct implementation during physical education classes. The preliminary organization stage provides for such actions: this is the development of the game or its choice from a list of previously developed games, taking into account the full range of requirements for such games; clear statement and awareness of the tasks that must be solved during the role mobile game; development of content, rules of the game and motor actions – considering that the content should include useful physical exercises, and the fascinating plot should stimulate positive emotions; determining the place of the game in the structure of physical education class; preliminary analysis of the game; choice of teaching and training methods; determining the list of game participants, distribution of children into teams and game roles; preparation of the venue and inventory. The direct conduct of the game provides for such teacher’s actions: explanation to schoolchildren of the content and rules of the game, the essence of the game roles; direct control of the game – surveillance and control of children, learning play actions and techniques, maintaining game discipline, rational construction of children’s motor activity; organized completion of the game process, analysis of important game moments, evaluation of results, and formulation of conclusions.

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