scholarly journals Kandungan Kadar Garam dan Susut Masak Bakso Daging Ayam Broiler pada Penambahan Putih Telur Sebagai Bahan Pengenyal pada Konsentrasi yang Berbeda

bionature ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
Santriyono Santriyono ◽  
Muh. Jurhadi Muh. Jurhadi ◽  
Nurhaeda Nurhaeda

Abstract. The objective of the research was to find out the effect of adding egg white as the tough material to the salt content and cooking shrinkage of meatballs. The research was held on July to August 2018 in the laboratory of agriculture, animal farm, and fishery faculty, Muhammadiyah university of Parepare and continued analysis of salt content in the live stock chemical laboratory of animal farm Faculty, Hasanuddin Makassar University. The researcher used broiler meat, water, flavoring, garlic, pepper, salt, egg white and ice cube. The method used was a Completely Randomized Design with 4 treatments and 3 repetitions, that is T0 = without tough material, T1 = 15 grams of egg white, T2 = 43 grams of egg white, T3 = 74 grams of egg white. The research result showed that the addition of egg white as the tough material at different concentration have a real impact to the salt content and cooking shrinkage after being continued with the Duncan test it was found that there were differences and significantly affected the salt content and cooking shrinkage meatballs. Keywords: meatballs, chicken meat, egg white, salt content, cooking shrinkage

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-56 ◽  
Yanpiterson Umbu Lele ◽  
Enike Dwi Kusumawati ◽  
Aju Tjatur Nugroho Krisnaningsih

ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui motilitas dan viabilitas spermatozoa semen hasil sexing kambing Peranakan Etawa (PE) dengan metode sedimentasi putih telur menggunakan pengencer yang berbeda. Materi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah semen segar kambing Peranakan Etawa (PE) berumur 2 tahun dan bobot badan 120 kg dari Balai Besar Inseminasi Buatan (BBIB)  Singosari Malang. Metode penelitian ini yang digunakan adalah penelitian laboratorium dengan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL). Perlakuan terdiri dari semen sexing dengan menggunakan pengencer Andromed lapisan atas dan Andromed lapisan bawah dan Tris Aminomethan Kuning Telur lapisan atas dan Tris Aminomethan Kuning Telur lapisan bawah dengan masing-masing 10 ulangan. Variabel yang diamati adalah motilitas dan viabilitas spermatozoa semen sexing dengan pengencer yang berbeda, proses sexing menggunakan metode sedimentasi putih telur. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan Analisis Varian  (ANOVA) apabila perlakuan memberikan perbedaan, maka dilanjutkan dengan Uji BNT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode sedimentasi putih telur dengan pengencer yang berbeda pada kambing Peranakan Etawa (PE) memberikan pengaruh yang sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap motilitas dan viabilitas spermatozoa semen sexing. Motilitas dan viabilitas terbaik terdapat pada pengencer Tris aminomethan kuning telur lapisan atas sebesar 75,65%, 74,41% dan Andromed lapisan atas sebesar 65,4%, 60%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kualitas spermatozoa semen sexing kambing PE dengan menggunakan pengencer Tris aminomethan memberikan hasil terbaik terhadap motilitas dan viabilitas. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini maka disarankan agar menggunakan pengencer Tris aminomethan kuning telur sebagai pengencer sexing spermatozoa.   ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the motility and viability of PE sperm sexing with egg white sedimentation method using different diluents. This research method used was laboratory research using a completely randomized design (CRD) treatment PE sexing sperm. The results showed that the quality of PE sperm goat with various diluents showed a significant influence (P<0,01). The variables observed were motility and viability of sperm. The data obtained were analyzed using variance analysis (ANOVA) with complete randomized design (CRD). Motility and viability at best against Tris aminomethane top layer of egg yolk 65,4% and the top layer of Andromed 75,65%, 74,41%. Based on the results it is suggested that using Tris aminomethane yolk as a diluents sexing sperm. It can be concluded that the quality of sexing sperm goat PE by using tris aminomethane diluent gives the best result on motility and viability.

Pro-Life ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 44
Aseptianova Aseptianova

Mosquito Culex sp. L. is a vector of elephantiasis disease, prevention effort of elephantiasis vector is usually done by using chemical and natural insecticide. In the leaves of turmeric can be used as a natural insecticide in the prevention of elephantiasis vector disease. The objectives of this research are (1) to know the effect of turmeric extract ((Curcuma longa Linn.) As electrical insecticide to mortality of Culex sp. L. (2) To know the concentration of turmeric extract (Curcuma longa Linn.) Which is effective to be used as an electric insecticide against mortality of Culex sp. L. expressed by the toxicity test of LC50 and LT50. The method used in this research is an experimental method with Completely Randomized Design (RAL) which consists of 5 treatments and 4 replications. Based on research result of turmeric extract (Curcuma longa Linn.) Have a very significant effect on mortality of Culex sp. L. with sig value 0,000 <sig value. 0.05. The probit analysis of LC50 of turmeric leaves extract on mortality of Culex sp. L. is 44, 840 ml, meaning that at that concentration has occurred 50% mortality of total mosquito. The probit analysis of LT50 turmeric leaves extract on mortality of Culex sp. L. for 1.825 hours.   Keywords: turmeric leaves extract, mortality Culex sp. L. mosquito

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-23
Rizqa Adisti ◽  
Duta Setiawan ◽  
Zakiatulyaqin Zakiatulyaqin ◽  
Marjoko Purnomosidi

ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan air jeruk sambal (Citrus microcarpa) pada air minum terhadap penurunan kadar lemak dan taraf lemak daging broiler. Materi yang digunakan adalah ayam umur 1 hari (DOC) strain CP 707 sebanyak 80 ekor yang ditempatkan dalam kandang berukuran (5,5 × 2,5 × 2 m) yang disekat menjadi 20 unit dengan setiap unit percobaan di isi 4 ekor broiler. Pakan yang digunakan adalah pakan komersial (BR10, BR11 dan BR12). Metode yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL), dengan 4 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan dengan taraf  perlakuan P0  (0% jeruk sambal per 1 L air ), P1 (0,4% jeruk sambal per 1 L air), P2 (0,8% jeruk sambal per 1 L air) dan P3 (1,2% jeruk sambal per 1 L air). Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan analisis ragam (ANOVA)  pada taraf  5% dilanjutkan dengan uji beda nyata jujur (BNJ). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perlakuan dapat meningkatkan persentase bobot karkas, penurunan persentase lemak abdominal dan persentase lemak daging broiler. Kesimpulan penambahan air jeruk sambal pada air minum dapat menurunkan lemak daging broiler dengan taraf  pemberian terbaik 0,8%.(The effect of native orange water (Citrus microcarpa) in drink water on broiler meat fat)ABSTRAK. This research aim to determine the effect of native orange (Citrus microcarpa) to drink water on percentage meat fat broiler and the best level for degrade meat fat. The used materials were day old chick (DOC) strain CP707 as many as 80 birds, were placed in cages with size of (5,5 ×2,5×2 m) is partitioned into 20 units an each unit in the experiment with the contents of 4 chickens. Commercial feed was  used, they were  (BR10, BR11 and BR12). Completely randomized design (CRD) was applied, with 4 treatment and 5 replications. The  level of treatments were  P0  (0% native orange for 1 L water), P1 (0,4 native orange for 1 L water), P2 (0,8% native oramge for 1 L water) and P3 (1,2% native orange for 1 L water). Data were analyzed using analysis of variance at level 5% and followed by honesty significant different (HSD).The result showed that there were increasing  percentage of carcass,  abdominal fat and meat fat. As a conclusion,  increment native orange to drink water can degrade broiler meat fat with the best level  at  0,8%.

2017 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
Moh Takdir ◽  
Ismaya Ismaya ◽  
Sigit Bintara

ABSTRACT The aim of this research was to determine the proportion, viability and motility of X and Y ram spermatozoa separated with egg white albumin. Sperm samples derived from Garut ram, which was collected by using an artificial vagina. Observations were made on spermatozoa fraction above and below each medium fraction treatment. There are treatment egg white albumin as separation medium, each medium consisting of fractions top and bottom fraction with different concentration: 1) P0 = sperma before separation (control); 2) P1 = 10% above fraction + 30% lower fraction; P2 = 25% + 45%; P3 = 25% + 75%. Data proportion of X and Y, viability and motility were analyzed statistically by Completely Randomized Design patern in the direction followed by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test for data with a real difference. Separation with egg white albumin affect significantly increased the proportion of spermatozoa X and Y (P≤0.05), but tends to decrease the viability and motility of spermatozoa.The proportion of spermatozoa X and Y was highest in treatment P3,76.76% of spermatozoa X (fraction above 25%) and 79.81% spermatozoa Y (75% lower fraction), with an average viability obtained respectively 68,9% (fraction above) and 59,7% (bottom fraction), motility 77,5% (fraction above) dan 84,0% (bottom fraction). It was concluded that the egg white albumin is very effective in changing the proportions of X and Y ram sperm with the quality of spermatozoa after separation feasible for applications insemination or processed into frozen semen.  (Keywords: Garut ram, White egg albumin, Spermatozoa X and Y) 

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (02) ◽  
Novitasari Priskalia Puteri ◽  
Lusiawati Dewi ◽  
Anggara Mahardika

Efforts to increase protein in Tempe can provide positive values for native Indonesian food. The amount of remaining egg white in the bread industry can be used in making soybean Tempe. Egg white which is rich in albumin has never been used in the manufacture of soybean tempeh by the producer. This research aims to determine the effect of adding raw and steamed egg whites on the protein content of soybean Tempe. This study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 3 replications. The concentrations of egg whites used in the research included 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, and 10%. The research instrument used was the observation sheet for protein content using the Lowry method. The research data were dissolved protein content. The data analysis technique used Two Way ANOVA. The results of the research showed that there was no effect of adding raw and steamed egg whites on soybean Tempe protein content (P > 0.05). However, the addition of raw egg whites can increase the protein content of soybean Tempe, compared to steamed egg whites. The conclusion of this research is the addition of raw and steamed egg whites does not have a significant effect on the protein content of soybean Tempe. The right type of egg white flour to increase the protein content of soybean Tempe is raw egg white flour with a protein content of 15.0 per 100 grams.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
Silfiatus Saadah ◽  
Fatimatuz Zuhro

The purpose of this research was to analize physical quality of quail eggs which has soaked with wuluh star fruit leaves extract and has storaged for some weeks. This research used 108 quail eggs, 0 day old. This research used a Completely Randomized Design with 6 leaves extract concentrastion treatments (0%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30%) and 6 durations of storage treatments (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 weeks) with three replication. The data were analyzed by ANOVA 5% and continued with Duncan test. The result showed that leaves extract concentrastion treatments gave significant effect to egg weight, eggshell weight, egg white weight, yolk score, albumin pH, Haugh Unit (HU), and the shell thick of quail eggs. The interaction treatment gave significant effect to eggshell wheight, albumin pH, and the shell thick of quail eggs.

bionature ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
Rusli Rusli ◽  
Intan Dwi Novieta ◽  
Rasbawati Rasbawati

Abtract. The study aimed to determine the effect of different meatball enhancers on meatbel protein and to determine the effect of different meatball enhancers against meatball water content. This research was conducted in june 2018 at the Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries of the University of Muhammadiyah Parepare. Research using broiler chicken meat, water, flavorings, garlic, pepper, salt, egg white, carrageenan, gelatin, tissue, and ice cubes. The study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatment levels and three replications, namely T0 = without ingreadients, T1 = crisp egg white, T2 = crustacean, T = gelatin. The results of the study showed that with the addition of pulses that the protein content of meatballs had a very real effect and water content in meatball with the addition of different ingredients that are influential real to meatball water content. The highest average protein value to the lowest is T0 is 6.52, T2 is 6.46, T1 is 6.33, T3 is 4,15. The highest average water volues to the lowest were T1 at 63.35, T0 at 63.05, T3 at 62.58, and T2 at 62.44. From the results of the study, it is known that the best treatment and can be recommended is T2 treatment with karagenan crusher.Keywords: Proteins, water content, broiler chicken meat, egg white, carrageenan, and gelatin.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 718
Melyandari Ayu Qomar ◽  
Rimayanti Rimayanti ◽  
Tri Nurhajati

The Objective of this research was to know the effect of laserpuncture on reproduction point of male Mojosari duck on the number of spermatogonium cells and seminiferous tubule diameter of the testes. This research using completely randomized design with eighteen male Mojosari ducks which divided into three group randomly. Group I (P0) without any treatment of laserpuncture, Group II (P1) with 0.2 J dose of laserpuncture, and Group III (P2) with 0.4 J dose of laserpuncture. Laserpuncture shooting was done on reproduction point with three days interval in one month. On the thirty-first day, the duck was dissected so that the testes can be taken then made by the histological slide of testes. The obtained data processed by Analysis of Variant (ANOVA) followed with Duncan. Research result showed that laserpuncture shoot on the reproduction point of five-month-old male Mojosari duck decreases the number of spermatogonium cells and seminiferous tubule diameter of the testes. Keyword: laserpuncture, Mojosari duck, spermatogonium, seminiferous tubule

2017 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 50
Claudia F. Rawung ◽  
S.D Anis ◽  
Rustandi . ◽  
W.B. Kaunang

THE INFLUENCE CHICKEN MANURE BOKASHI ON VEGETATIVE GROWTH OF BROWN MIDRIB SORGHUM (BMR) UNDER SHADE. The aim of this experiment was to study the effects of application of chicken manure bokashi on the vegetative growth of Brown Midrib (BMR) sorghum.  Completely Randomized Design (CRD) has been used according to Steel and Torrie (1995). The treatments were level of chicken manure  bokashi as follows B1= 0 gram; B2= 200 gram; B3= 400 gram and B4=  800 gram/polybag, with 7 replications to form 28 numbers of observations. The variables measured were plant height, leaf number and  length of leaf. Analysis of Variance showed that treatments effected significanly different (P<0.05) on plant height, leaf number and length of leaf. Result of Tuckey Simultenaus Test showed that between treatment B3 and B4 were not significant different (P>0.05) on all variable measured, but both treatments gave a good performance of all variable measured significantly (P<0,05) better than treatments  B2 and B1. Based on this research result it can be concluded that utilization of chicken manure bokashi up to 400 gram/polybag could provide nutrients requirement to support vegetative growth of sorghum BMR in term of height of plant, leaf number and length of leaf. Keywords: Bokashi, chicken manure, growth, BMR sorghum, shaded.

2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 111
Imron Rosyidi ◽  
Hari Purnomo ◽  
Nanang Tri Haryadi ◽  
Mohammad Hoesain

Compatibility Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschn.) Sorokin with entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema sp. Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschn.) Sorokin and entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema sp. can be used as biological control of insect pests. The objective of this research was to identify compatibility between fungus M. anisopliae with entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema sp. This research was conducted using a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 5 treatments and repeated 5 times. The treatment used was M. anisopliae isolates Jombang 1 with Steinernema sp. (M1), M. anisopliae Jombang 2 with Steinernema sp. (M2), M. anisopliae isolates Kediri with Steinernema sp. (M3), M. anisopliae isolates Bondowoso with Steinernema sp. (M4), and M. anisopliae isolates Banyuwangi with Steinernema sp. (M5). Based on this research result, compatibility between the fungus M. anisopliae with entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema sp. was antagonistic. This occurs due to the symbiotic bacteria Xenorhabdus sp. that produced compounds antimycotic and capable to inhibit the growth of fungus M. anisopliae.

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