scholarly journals Gambaran Tingkat Pengetahuan dan Perilaku Masyarakat Tentang Penyakit Meningitis di Kelurahan Soataloara II Kecamatan Tahuna Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe

e-CliniC ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Eka A. S. S. Pangandaheng ◽  
Arthur H.P. Mawuntu ◽  
Winifred Karema

Abstract: Meningitis is a disease that occurs due to inflammation or infection of the meniges of the brain. This disease has a high mortality rate, including in Indonesia. This study was aimed to obtain the description of the level of knowledge and behavior of people about meningitis in Soataloara II Tahuna. This was a descriptive study with a field survey method by using questionnairres. The results showed that there were 86 respondents who met the inclusion criteria, consisted of 45 females (52.32%) and 41 males (47.68%). The highest percentage was age group 21-40 years as many as 43 respondents (50.00%). According to 68 respondents (79.06%), meningitis was caused by infections due to viruses, bacteria, germs, and fungi that resulted in inflamation of the meninges. Respondents that did not agree with lumbar puncture were as many as 54 respondents (62.79%). Conclusion: Almost all respondents had not enough knowledge about meningitis and only occasionally maintained the sanitation of their environment.Keywords: meningitis, infection, meningen Abstrak: Meningitis merupakan suatu penyakit yang diakibatkan oleh adanya peradangan atau infeksi pada selaput pelindung otak. Meningitis mempunyai angka mortalitas yang tinggi termasuk dinegara Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat pengetahuan dan perilaku masyarakat tentang penyakit meningitis di Kelurahan Soataloara II Kecamatan Tahuna Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe. Jenis penelitian ialah deskriptif dengan metode survei lapangan menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan sebanyak 86 responden yang memenuhi kriteria penelitian terdiri dari 45 orang perempuan (52,32%), dan 41 orang laki-laki (47,68%). Golongan usia responden terbanyak berusia 21-40 tahun 43 (50,00%). Terdapat 68 responden (79,06%) yang berpendapat bahwa penyakit meningitis diakibatkan oleh infeksi virus, bakteri, kuman, dan jamur yang meradang di dalam selaput otak. Responden yang tidak menyetujui jika dokter meminta untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan pungsi lumbal sebanyak 54 orang (62,79%). Simpulan: Sebagian besar responden belum mengetahui tentang penyakit meningitis, dan hanya kadang-kadang menjaga kebersihan lingkungannya.Kata kunci: meningitis, infeksi, selaput otak

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 393-402
Lucinda Patesia Amada Rumadas ◽  
Jacky Munilson ◽  
Dian Pertiwi

Background. Atticoantral type of Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media (CSOM) becomes a major health problem in developing countries. This condition has potential to be hard becaused complications that occur. Objective. This objectives of this study was to decribe atticoantral type complications CSOM at Dr M Djamil Hospital Padang years 2017-2019. Methode: This was a descriptive study using secondary data from medical record of patients diagnosed with atticoantral type CSOM at Dr M Djamil Hospital Padang periode 2017-2019. This study involved outpatients and inpatient with total subject 242 who qualify inclusion criteria. Sampling technic used total sampling technic Results. There are 242 cases atticoantral CSOM with the most age group years ˃10-20 and more men than woman. The Incidence of complications was founded to be 9,1% with the most intracranial complications age group years ˃20-30, while the most age group in intratemporal complications were years ˃10-20 and more experienced by men than women. Mortality rate was found 9,1% in intrakranial complications and no cases mortality rate in intratemporal complication. Conclusion. The incidence of compliations CSOM atticoantral type in RSUP Dr M Djamil still quite high.

Deva Pon Pushpam. I.

One of the most important stage in women`s life is menopause. The word menopause simply refers to the last menstrual period which is defined by not having had a period in 12 months. The average age of menopause in western world is 51 years while as in India it is 47.5 years and the normal age range for the occurrence of menopause is somewhat between the age of 45 and 55 years. A descriptive study was conducted to assess the level of knowledge regarding menopause among rural women of age group 45-55 years at Kot Bhalwal, Jammu. The objectives were to assess the level of knowledge regarding menopause among rural women of age group 45-55 years at Kot Bhalwal, Jammu and to associate the level of knowledge regarding menopause with their selected socio demographic variables. Quantitative approach, descriptive research design was used. 100 women of 45–55 years age who fulfil the inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected using purposive sampling technique. A self-structured questionnaire was developed for the study. The tool was tested for content validity and reliability prior to the study. The collected data was tabulated, analysed and interpreted by using descriptive and inferential statistics and findings showed that majority of the sample 97(97%) had below average level of knowledge, 3(3%) had average level of knowledge and 0(0%) had above average level of knowledge and there was no significant association between the selected socio-demographic variables and the level of knowledge.

This study will use the Kirkpatrick Assessment Model to assess the School Excellence program through Organization Development (PrOD). This model involves evaluation of reactions, learning (knowledge, skills and attitude), behavior and outcomes, but this study only assesses knowledge and behavior . This study uses survey method by involving 120 respondents of the study chosen by group sampling. The instrument is a questionnaire that has Cronbach Alpha value between 0.930-0.984. The data were analyzed using mean score, percentage, standard deviation and regression. Analysis findings show that there is a significant difference between the level of knowledge and behavior before and after the PrOD. Overall, this study recommends PrOD to be continued, but it is necessary to improve in the formulation of PrOD syllabus so that school leaders can improve the behavior change in meaningful and meaningful implementation of the PrOD.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-117
Norshahida Akma Alias ◽  
Wan Nor Azilawanie Tun Ismail

Abstract: River pollution is a problem that threatens humans, animals and plant. River pollution is often associated with a lack of knowledge about river pollution issue. This issue is also linked to a lack of responsibility in managing the river. This study aims to identify the level of knowledge, attitude and behavior of the residents at River Terengganu. The approach adopted in this study is a quantitative-based on the survey method. The findings show that the level of knowledge, attitude and behavior of residents on the issue of river pollution is moderate. The findings showed that the mean of knowledge, attitudes and behavior are respectively 4.38, 4.72 and 4.70. In conclusion, the people who are living near the river play a major role in maintaining the river's sustainability. So deep understanding is needed as a basis for shaping people's attitudes and behaviors in order to conserve the river. This study has the potential to improve these three elements to face the river pollution issues. Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Behavior, River Pollution, Terengganu River    Abstrak: Pencemaran sungai merupakan masalah yang memberi ancaman kepada manusia, haiwan dan tumbuh-tumbuhan. Pencemaran sungai yang berlaku banyak dikaitkan dengan kurangnya pengetahuan berkaitan isu pencemaran sungai. Bahkan isu ini turut dikaitkan dengan kurangnya sikap bertanggungjawab dalam menguruskan sungai. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti tahap pengetahuan, sikap dan tingkah laku penduduk di Sungai Terengganu. Pendekatan yang digunapakai dalam kajian ini adalah kaedah kuantitatif yang berasaskan kepada kaedah tinjauan. Instrumen yang digunapakai adalah borang soal selidik yang mengandungi empat bahagian. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan tahap pengetahuan, sikap dan tingkah laku penduduk terhadap isu pencemaran sungai berada pada tahap yang sederhana. Hasil kajian mendapati min bagi pengetahuan, sikap dan tingkah laku adalah masing-masing 4.38, 4.70 dan 4.72. Kesimpulannya, masyarakat yang tinggal berhampiran sungai mempunyai peranan yang besar dalam menjaga kelestarian sungai. Maka pemahaman yang mendalam diperlukan sebagai asas untuk membentuk sikap dan tingkah laku masyarakat supaya memulihara sungai. Kajian ini berpotensi untuk meningkatkan ketiga-tiga elemen ini sekiranya berhadapan dengan isu pencemaran sungai. Kata kunci: Pengetahuan, Sikap, Tingkah Laku, Sungai Terengganu

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 39
Komang Ayu Purnama Dewi ◽  
Ni Made Nurtini ◽  
Ni Putu Riza Kurnia I

ABSTRAKPendahuluan : Remaja putri pada masa pubertas sangat berisiko mengalami anemia gizi besi. Hal ini disebabkan banyaknya zat besi yang hilang selama menstruasi (WHO, 2011; 2016). SMPN 11 Denpasar merupakan salah satu SMPN di kota Denpasar yang terpapar oleh “Gerakan Jum’at dengan Pil Pintar, Sehat dan Cantik (Gemar Tersyantik)”. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui gambaran pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku konsumsi tablet tambah darah pada siswi SMPN 11 Denpasar.Metodologi : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Sampel: siswi SMPN 11 Denpasar yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Besar sampel 171 orang dengan teknik pengambilan sampel simple ramdom sampling. Alat pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner.Hasil : Sebagian besar siswi memiliki pengetahuan yang baik(88/51,46%) karena sudah melakukan penginderaan melalui membaca atau mendengarkan informasi tentang konsumsi tablet tambah darah yang dapat diakses dari berbagai media. Menurut Notoatmodjo (2010), pengetahuan adalah hasil penginderaan seseorang terhadap objek melalui indera yang dimilikinya. Sebagian besar siswi memiliki sikap positif (93/54,39%) tentang konsumsi tablet tambah darah yang merupakan respon tertutup dari penginderaan yang telah dilakukan tentang konsumsi tablet tambah darah, yaitu berupa penyuluhan atau informasi dari media massa. Sikap merupakan reaksi atau respon yang masih tertutup dari seseorang terhadap stimulus (Notoatmodjo, 2010). Sebagian besar siswi memiliki perilaku yang baik (88/51,46%).karena adanya stimulus yang baik tentang konsumsi tablet tambah darah seperti adanya akses informasi melalui media massa atau penyuluhan.Skiner dalam Notoadmodjo (2010) menyatakan perilaku merupakan reaksi seseorang terhadap stimulus. Kata kunci : Pengetahuan, Sikap, Perilaku, Tablet Tambah Darah ABSTRACTBackground : Adolescent girls at puberty are very at risk of developing iron deficiency anemia. This is due to the large amount of iron lost during menstruation (WHO, 2011; 2016). SMPN 11 Denpasar is one of the middle school in Denpasar which is exposed to the "Friday Smart pills, Healthy and Beauty (Gemar Tersyantik)". This study aims to describe the knowledge, attitudes and behavior of consuming blood-supplemented tablets in SMPN 11 Denpasar students.Method : This study is a descriptive study. Sample: SMPN 11 Denpasar students who meet the inclusion criteria. The sample size was 171 people with simple random sampling technique. The data collect by questionnaire.Results : Most of the students have good knowledge (88 / 51.46%) because they have sensed them through reading or listening to information about the consumption of blood-added tablets which can be accessed from various media. According to Notoatmodjo (2010),  knowledge is the result of a person's sensing of an object through his senses. Most of the students had a positive attitude (93 / 54.39%) about the consumption of blood supplemented tablets which was a closed response from the sensing that had been done about the consumption of blood supplemented tablets, namely in the form of counseling or information from the mass media.Attitude is a reaction or response that is still closed from a person to a stimulus (Notoatmodjo, 2010). Most of the students had good  attitudes (88 / 51.46%) due to a good stimulus regarding the consumption of blood-added tablets, such as access to information through mass media or counseling. Skiner in Notoadmodjo (2010) states that behavior is a person's reaction to a stimulus. Keywords : Knowledge, Attitude, Behavior, Blood Tablets

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 287-294
Herwati Herwati ◽  
Rahmania Ambarika ◽  
Indasah Indasah

The maternal mortality rate in Indonesia in 2015 was 305 out of 100,000 live births according to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkes). Based on data from the Ministry of Health's Center for Health and Information (2014), the main causes of maternal mortality from 2010-2013 were bleeding (30.3% in 2013) and hypertension (27.1% in 2013). Postpartum hemorrhage is bleeding that occurs after delivery (delivery), as much as 500 ml in vaginal delivery or more than 1000 ml in cesarean section. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the one-hand technique in reducing the amount of bleeding compared to the two-hand technique that has been used in third-stage active management. This study is an experimental quantitative study to compare the one-hand technique in third-stage active management versus the two-hand technique. The population was taken from all pregnant women who gave birth in the delivery room of KRI Maulidya Husada within three months. The number of samples in this study were 36 people, namely: 18 people using the one-hand technique that met the inclusion criteria and 18 people using the two hand technique who met the inclusion criteria. In this study, it is known that almost all respondents with spontaneous labor who were given the one-hand technique experienced bleeding less than 250cc, namely 61% and the two-hand technique treatment experienced bleeding more than 250cc, namely 39%

2021 ◽  
Vol 07 (09) ◽  
Dr. Sapna Singh ◽  

Substance abuse disorder is among the leading public health problems in modern day world as they cause enormous human suffering in terms of morbidity, mortality and economic loss; and threatens the very social fabric of almost all communities around the world and such a great threat to the global health, economy and peace. The aim of study was to assess the level of knowledge and to find out the association between the knowledge of substance abuse and its consequences among adolescents with their selected demographic variables at selected colleges in Jamuhar Sasaram. The Methodology of this study was Non experimental survey approach, the target population for the study was the adolescents under the age group of 16-20 years. Total 100 samples were selected using the convenient sampling technique. Tool consists of two sections which includes socio demographic variables and self-structured knowledge questionnaire regarding substance abuse and its consequences among adolescents. Results shows that the Level of knowledge among adolescent of the age group between 16-20 years regarding substance abuse and its consequences revealed that 84% adolescents had good knowledge and 16% adolescents had average knowledge. There was Statistical significant association between the knowledge and sociodemographic variables such as types of family, family monthly income and previous knowledge of substance abuse and its consequences. There was positive correlation between level of knowledge and its consequences among adolescents (r = 0.0583). The study concluded that adolescents having good knowledge regarding substance abuse and its consequences.

2021 ◽  
Nathália dos Santos Farias ◽  
Beatriz Silva Silveira ◽  
Isabela Mascarenhas de Andrade ◽  
Lara Cordeiro Magalhães ◽  
Maria Luísa Sousa Weber ◽  

Background: The variety of tumors of the Central Nervous System (CNS) during childhood is related to heterogenous clinical manifestations and to an important mortality rate (MR). In Brazil, CNS tumors represent the second most incident cancer during childhood and the main cause of death of children between ages 0-9. Objectives: To describe the number of hospitalizations and the MR of CNS neoplasms by childhood age group in Brazil. Design and Methods: This is a descriptive ecological study based on secondary data, obtained from DATASUS. Data were collected regarding the number of hospitalizations and MR by childhood age group due to neoplasm of the CNS in Brazil between the years 2009-2019. Results: A total of 38192 hospitalizations happened, resulting in 5.91% of MR. The highest value of brain’s neoplasms MR was found in children up to 1 year old (9,34%), but when it comes to number of hospitalizations, the group between ages 5-9 had the highest number, both in neoplasms of the brain (9364) and of other parts of the CNS (1767). Conclusions: The present study pointed out that the childhood age group with the lowest number of hospitalizations (less than 1 year) presented simultaneously the highest MR of CNS tumors.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (9) ◽  
pp. e885998235
Evaldo Hipólito de Oliveira ◽  
Andreson Félix da Cruz ◽  
Carla Graziela da Silva ◽  
Nayra Barbosa Alves ◽  
Maria do Socorro Viana do Nascimento

Meningitis is an inflammatory process that affects the brain membranes (pia mater and arachnoid), and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Such a process can be caused by viruses and bacteria. The aim of this study was to analyze the epidemiological profile of cases of meningitis in the state of Ceará, reported from 2014 to 2018. This is a cross-sectional, exploratory study that outlined a quantitative and descriptive study on cases of meningitis in the state of Ceará. Ceará, retrospectively, from 2014 to 2018. Data from the Department of Informatics of SUS, DATASUS, were used. Of the 1710 reported cases of meningitis, the highest prevalence was in the 20-39 age group and the 40-59 age group, 32.0% and 20.6%, respectively. Males account for 62% of confirmations. 1398 occur in the state capital, Fortaleza, being of majority expression. The diagnostic test with the highest number of confirmations is the chemocytological test.

e-GIGI ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Andriani Silviana

Kehilangan gigi dapat mengakibatkan terganggunya beberapa fungsi, yakni fungsi penggunyahan, bicara, dan estetik. Akibat adanya dampak yang ditimbulkan maka seharusnya gigi yang hilang diganti dengan gigi tiruan, namun tidak semua orang yang mengalami kehilangan gigi memakai gigi tiruan. Salah satu faktor pendorong bagi seseorang dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk menggunakan gigi tiruan yaitu persepsi individu terhadap berbagai hal yang berkaitan dengan perawatan gigi tiruan. Persepsi adalah proses akhir dari pengamatan yang diawali proses penginderaan, yaitu merupakan proses diterimanya stimulus oleh alat indera kemudian terjadi perhatian, diteruskan ke otak, dan individu menyadari tentang sesuatu. Penelitian ini merupakan suatu penelitian deskriptif dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi masyarakat kelurahan Maasing kecamatan Tuminting tentang perawatan gigi tiruan. Penelitian dilakukan selang bulan April 2013 hingga Oktober 2013, dimana pengambilan data penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Agustus 2013. Sampel yang digunakan memenuhi kriteria inklusi dengan ukuran sampel sebanyak 108 dan pengambilannya menggunakan purposive sampling method. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persepsi masyarakat tentang perawatan gigi tiruan secara umum baik, dimana persepsi masyarakat berdasarkan tujuan perawatan gigi tiruan, baik (skor 363,33); persepsi masyarakat berdasarkan manfaat perawatan gigi tiruan, baik (skor 388); dan persepsi masyarakat berdasarkan prosedur perawatan gigi tiruan, cukup baik dengan skor penilaian 328,25. Kata kunci : Persepsi masyarakat, kehilangan gigi, perawatan gigi tiruanABSTRACTTooth loss can lead to disruption of some of functions like mastication, speech, and aesthetic function. Seeing the impact of losing tooth, it should replaced with dentures, but not all people who have lost teeth wear dentures. One of the driving factors in the decision for a person to use a denture that individual's perception of a variety of matters related to denture care. Perception is the process by the end of the observation that begins the process of sensing, which is the process of receiving stimulus by the sensory organs and then going concern, transmitted to the brain, and the individual is aware of something. This research is a descriptive study with the aim to determine the public perception of urban districts Maasing Tuminting about denture care . The study was conducted in April 2013 to lapse in October 2013 , where research data collection was conducted in August 2013. The sample used met the inclusion criteria with a sample size of 108 and from using puposive sampling method. The results showed people's perception about denture care is generally good , with public perception based on objective good denture care (score 363.33) ; public perception based on the benefits of good denture care (score 388), and perceptions based on dental care procedures pretty good imitation with a score of (328.25) assessment .Keywords: Public perception, tooth loss, denture care

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