scholarly journals Implementasi Peran Serta Masyarakat Dalam Pembentukan Peraturan Daerah Di Kota Makassar

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 146-158
Muhammad Al Habsy Ahmad

Tujuan Penelitian untuk menganalisa implementasi Peran serta masyarakat dalam Pembentukan Peraturan daerah di Kota Makassar. Metode penelitian adalah Penulisan ini menggunakan metode penelitian empiric. Hasil Penelitian, implementasi peran serta masyarakat dalam Pembentukan Peraturan daerah di Kota Makassar belum terimplementasi dengan baik. Hal ini didasarkan bahwa dalam kurun waktu 5 tahun terakhir terhitung sejak 2010 sampai dengan 2015 sebanyak 46 peraturan daerah telah dibentuk dan hanya 3 peraturan daerah yang melibatkan masyarakat dalam pembentukan peraturan daerah tersebut. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi Peran serta masyarakat dalam Pembentukan Peraturan daerah di Kota Makassar adalah faktor pendidikan, faktor pekerjaan, faktor substansi hukum, faktor struktur hukum dan faktor pengetahuan masyarakat. Faktor tersebut menjadi hal utama dalam teralisasinya suatu peraturan daerah dengan baik khususnya peraturan daerah kota Makassar. Research Objectives to analyze the implementation of the community in the formation of regional regulation in the city of Makassar The approach is writing it uses research methodology empirical. The result of the research, research methodology is writtend for implementation the role of the community in the formation of regulation areas in the city makassar not allowed well. The results of the study, the implementation of community participation in the formation of local regulations in Makassar City has not been implemented well. This is based on that in the past 5 years from 2010 to 2015 46 regional regulations have been formed and only 3 regional regulations have involved the community in the formation of these regional regulations. Factors that influence the implementation of community participation in the formation of local regulations in Makassar City are education, employment, legal substance, legal structure and community knowledge. These factors become the main thing in the realization of a local regulation properly, especially the Makassar city regional regulation

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 372-382
Arief Suryadi

Throughout 2016 to 2018 there were 29 cases of criminal acts committed by thugs in vital tourism objects in the city of Padang. Thug Handling of Tourism Objects in Padang City By Pam Obvit West Sumatra Regional Police is conducted by conducting raids or inspections by officers of the Padang City tourism area. Constraints in Tackling Thugs in Tourism Objects in Padang City By Pam Obvit West Sumatra Regional Police is a factor in human resources / lack of personnel, lack of community participation / management of attractions. Efforts Made by the Directorate of Safeguarding Vital Objects in Overcoming Barriers to Safeguarding Tourism Objects against Thugs in the City of Padang tourist area is to increase Human Resources or the Number of Police Personnel by empowering the local Bhabinkamtibmas, Increasing community participation / management of tourism objects. Optimizing the Role of West Sumatra Regional Police Obvit Pam in the Thugs Repacking in Tourism Objects in Padang City with collaborative efforts between the police and the community through police synergy where both together identify and solve the occurrence of thug problems.

Abdul Rohim

Coronavirus disease is also known as Covid-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019) and was discovered in the city of Wuhan, China at the end of December 2019. This virus spreads rapidly and has reached almost every country, including Indonesia, in just a few months. As a result, numerous countries have implemented regulations imposing lockdowns to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. To control the spread of this virus, Indonesia implemented a Large-Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) policy. The method employed in this study is to analyze data from various reading sources. By comparing journals or articles, references are obtained from online publications with diverse studies. This study utilized five journals as references, all of which demonstrated that community participation in preventing the spread of Covid-19 was in a good category. According to the journals reviewed, information regarding the handling of Covid-19 necessitated the participation of all parties to prevent its spread. From the five journals obtained, all of these journals indicate that the role of the community is required in preventing the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

2015 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Mimi Savitri

Abstrak. Peran magis religius Bengawan Solo adalah penting bagi pendirian Kota Surakarta. Peran ini berkaitan dengan kekuatan gaib, roh halus, dan atau roh-roh nenek moyang yang ada pada sungai khususnya di daerah pertemuan dua sungai. Kepercayaan terhadap kekuatan gaib merupakan hal mendasar dalam kehidupan orang Jawa, akan tetapi hal tersebut kurang mendapat perhatian dari para ahli sejarah maupun arkeologi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperluas wawasan mengenai kepercayaan orang Jawa terhadap kekuatan gaib dan roh halus yang ada pada tempat tinggal mereka. Survei, fenomenologi, dan kajian pustaka adalah metode yang digunakan untuk mengungkap lebih dalam peran magis religius dari sungai tersebut. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah peran magis religius Bengawan Solo terhadap Kota Surakarta, yaitu daerah sekitar pertemuan dua sungai karena dianggap sakral dan kepercayaan terhadap konsep kosmologi Jawa, bahwa sungai merupakan bagian penting dalam pembentukan tata ruang kota. Penelitian ini sekaligus membuktikan adanya kontinuitas budaya yang hidup di masyarakat sekitar Bengawan Solo sejak dahulu hingga kini.Abstract. The magical-religious role of Bengawan Solo (Solo River) in the establishment of Surakarta was crucial. It was related to mystical power, ghosts, or spirits of ancestors, especially those that reside at a confluence of two rivers. Belief in mystical power was the foundation of Javanese life, but not enough attention has been paid by historians as well as archaeologists. The aim of this research is to widen people’s insight about the belief of the Javanese people to the supernatural power and spirits that inhabited their dwelling places. Survey, phenomenology, and bibliographical study are the methods used to reveal more about the magical-religious role of the river. Results of the research are an understanding of the magical-religious role of Bengawan Solo in the establishment of Surakarta city as shown in the location of the city, which is close to the confluence of two rivers because such location is conceived as sacred, and the other is a belief to the Javanese cosmological concept that rivers are important to the establishment of city layout. It also proves that there is a continuity among the Javanese people who live around the Bengawan Solo from the past until nowadays. 

2018 ◽  
International Journal of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh Studies

In this research, the researchers attempt to illustrate the linguistic and terminological meanings of Sukuk. They also want to point out their importance in financing major projects. Additionally, they try to recall the role of Islamic Sukuk in the contemporary world. This role will be shown by comparing between Sukuk in Malaysia and Egypt. This research will determine the historical stages through which the project of Sukuk in the Arab Republic of Egypt has passed. It will also explain Al-Azhar's response to the Sukuk project in the past, and show that currently, Islamic Sukuk is the only ideal mechanism for large projects in Egypt. A study will be conducted on the full text of the remarks made by the Supreme Council of Scholars in Al-Azhar on the Islamic Sukuk law. As for the research methodology, the researchers will follow two basic methods in this study: first, the inductive method to extract the related information from the sources; second, analytical method to analyze those information and compare between the two countries Malaysia and Egypt.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-58
Surojo Surojo ◽  
Iqbal Satrio Wicaksono

Tulisan ini memaparkan tentang peranan pertunjukan Barikan Qubra dalam mendukung pariwisata di Karimunjawa. Barikan Qubra semula adalah upacara adat bulanan, di mana setiap penduduk Karimunjawa membuat sesaji tumpeng kecil, telur, garam, kacang ijo,  dan cabe merah. Sesaji ini diletakkan di perempatan desa (sekarang sudah menjadi di tengah kota), dengan maksud sebagai ungkapan rasa syukur warga atas panen ikan setiap hari, harapan keselamatan setiap warganya, dan agar dijauhkan dari gangguan penyakit.  Adat Barikan Qubra dilaksanakan setiap hari Kamis Wage menjelang Jumat Pon. Namun 5 tahun belakangan ini dijadikan sekali dalam setahun. Pemerintah desa dengan segenap simpatisan budaya membentuk panitia penyelenggara dengan konsep pergelaran budaya yang lebih besar. Setelah dilaksanakan pertama kali di tahun 2015 dan mendapat tanggapan positif dari seluruh elemen masyarakat, maka ujicoba  ini dijadikan event penting di setiap tahunnya, guna meningkatkan kedatangan wisatawan. Barikan Qubra yang dahulu sebagai upacara adat kini dikemas sebagai seni pertunjukan arak-arakan yang menarik, namun tidak meninggalkan nilai ritual mereka. Arak-arakan atau pawai upacara Barikan Qubra menjadi hal yang ditunggu-tunggu setiap tahunnya. Pawai Barikan Qubra dilaksanakan dari perempatan desa menuju pelabuhan atau dermaga di mana para nelayan  beraktivitas mencari ikan. Tidak hanya sampai di situ, puncak acara pertunjukan berakhir di Alun-alun desa Karimunjawa di mana para warga dan pengunjung menjadi satu dengan wisatawan. Gunungan yang dibuat dengan ukuran besar menjadi rebutan para pengunjung yang hadir. Masyarakat percaya, apabila mendapatkan bagian dari gunungan tersebut, mereka akan mendapat banyak berkah dari Tuhan. This paper presents the results of research on the role of the Barikan Qubra show in supporting tourism in Karimunjawa. The original Qubra was a monthly traditional ceremony, in which every Karimunjawa resident made small cone offerings, eggs, salt, green beans and red chili. These offerings are placed at the village intersection (now in the middle of the city), with the intention of expressing gratitude for waraga for harvesting fish every day and being kept away from diseased diseases and the safety of every citizen.   Indigenous Barikan Qubra which is held every Thursday Wage before Friday Pon, the past 5 years are made once a year. The village government with all cultural sympathizers formed an organizing committee with the concept of a larger cultural performance. After being implemented in 2015 received a positive response from all elements of society, the trial was made an important event every year, to increase tourist arrivals. Baring the Qubra which used to be a traditional ceremony is now packaged as an interesting performing art but does not abandon the value of their rituals.   Indigenous Barikan Qubra which is held every Thursday Wage before Friday Pon, the past 5 years are made once a year. The village government with all cultural sympathizers formed an organizing committee with the concept of a larger cultural performance. After being implemented in 2015 received a positive response from all elements of society, the trial was made an important event every year, to increase tourist arrivals. Baring the Qubra which used to be a traditional ceremony is now packaged as an interesting performing art but does not abandon the value of their rituals.

2013 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Kholidatunur Kholidatunur

This study attempts to examine and analyze in detail the role of the community in disseminating the Darut Tafsir Islamic Boarding School at the city of  Bogor, West Java. For more details, this study examines in detail on "how to promote community participation in Darut Tafsir Islamic Boarding School?", Which focused on: 1) community participation in boarding school socialization planning, 2) community participation in boarding school socialization leading, 3) community participation in boarding school socialization controlling. This study will use a qualitative approach and methods used in this study is the case study method. It will be discussed in this study are: Firstly, community participation in socialization boarding school planning, consisting of: a) community participation in socialization planning, b) the way to involve the community participation in socialization planning, c) community participation in the process of socialization planning. Secondly, community participation in boarding school socialization leading, consisting of: a) community participation in socialization leading, b) the way to involve the community participation in socialization leading, c) community participation in the process of socialization leading. And thirdly, community participation in boarding school socialization controlling, consisting of: a) community participation in socialization controlling, b) the way to involve the community participation in socialization controlling, c) community participation in the process of socialization controlling.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-97
Fifi Novianty

This journal examines the development communication strategy in implementing the smart environment concept in the city of Cirebon. The concept smart environment  focus refers to how a city is managed and refers to development that is environmentally friendly and does not damage the ecosystem. The research methodology uses a systematic literature review, the focus of the research is examining the concept of smart environment in the city of Cirebon. The results showed that the existence of a development communication strategy in implementing the smart city program, especially in the concept of smart environment in the city of Cirebon, provides convenience in implementing the program. The development communication strategy used in the Cirebon city smart environment concept is 1.) Looking at the Targets. 2.) Social Mobilization. 3.) To Secure Understanding. 4.) To Establish Acceptance. 5.) To Motivate Action. Thus, the role of development communication in implementing the smart environment concept can be more focused, and optimize the achievement of the goals to be achieved, because it has a more structured and directed development communication strategy.

Veaceslav MIR

Cities have been almost completely unprepared for the COVID-19 pandemic. Urban history has known many epidemics and pandemics, and there are clear historical parallels between the 13th and 19th century plague pandemics and cholera epidemics and the 21th century COVID-19 pandemic, from an administrative point of view. However, the cities’ public administration did not take into account the experience of the cities of the past to be prepared for the future problems. This requires developing flexible pandemic strategies and focusing on the decentralization of urban space through an even distribution of population in the urban environment. The COVID-19 pandemic will change the city, as previous pandemics and epidemics did. Urbanism v.3.0. will emerge, combining a green vector of development and digital technologies to ensure the autonomy and sustainability of buildings, districts and cities. At the same time, the role of culture will increase, which will become an effective tool for consolidating the soft power of the city in order to attract new people as the opposition of nowadays trend for living in the countryside.

2021 ◽  
pp. 15-19
Yuriy L. Chepelevskyy

The article identifies the main aspects of strategic planning of the city image. In Ukraine as a democratic country, where the people are the main source of power, strategic planning, in particular in urban planning should be carried out for the people and together with the people. The stages of strategic planning are identified. They represent the relevant tasks, which should be accomplished on the basis of local public, business, and industrial organizations, thus obtaining comprehensive information about their problems and needs. The mechanisms used in the foreign practice of strategic planning are analyzed (on the example of Barcelona (Spain) and Hamburg (Germany). Community participation in strategic planning of Barcelona (Spain) and Hamburg (Germany) demonstrates its important role in Barcelona’s acquisition of the City of the Future Award (2015) and Hamburg’s high 23rd place in the 2010 World Quality of Life Ranking. The paper establishes that the cooperation of cities and society is the ground for the successful strategy; the community is a full participant in strategic planning. The main thing in the development strategy is to reach a consensus between the government-business-residents on a common vision of such development. In Germany, the planning law provides for community participation in all planning processes, and the entire population of the city can participate in the process of resolving issues using the Internet platform. Ensuring community participation in the form of partnership at all stages - both in the development process and in the implementation and monitoring of results will help optimize the process of regulating urban planning in our country.

2009 ◽  
pp. 103-109
Francesco Gastaldi

- Major events have played a crucial role in the urban transformations that have taken place in Genoa over the past 15 years, both for the huge investments they require and for the way they have redefined the city's image. Urban transformation, upgrading and maintenance, all of which have affected the historical centre and the waterfront, have contributed decisively to the reversing of the process of physical, economic and social degradation which had been devouring many parts of the city centre. 2004 was the year Genoa became European Capital of Culture and this was a turning point in the endeavour to relaunch and consolidate the role of the city in the tourist and cultural panorama of both Italy and Europe.

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