scholarly journals Dampak Restocking Terhadap Nilai Produksi Ikan Di Danau Sidenreng Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 245-259
Mukhlis Mukhlis ◽  
B Abdullah ◽  
Henny Setiawati

Danau Sidenreng merupakan salah satu ekosistem perairan tawar yang potensial di Sulawesi Selatan, khususnya di Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang. Pengelolaan sumberdaya perikanan Danau Sidenreng yaitu pemanfaatan sumberdaya ikan dan berkelanjutan guna meningkatkan taraf hidup/kesejahteraan masyarakat khususnya masyarakat nelayan Danau Sidenreng serta mendukung ketahanan pangan lokal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak apa saja yang ditimbulkan daripada kegiatan restocking terhadap nilai produksi ikan di Danau Sidenreng kabupaten Sidrap. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kawasan Danau Sidenreng yang berada di tiga kecamatan yakni Kecamatan Watang Sidenreng, Kecamatan Tellu Limpoe dan Kecamatan Panca Lautang. Hasil penelitian, Kegiatan restocking berdampak terhadap nilai produksi ikan di Danau Sidenreng dan Penurunan nilai produksi ikan disebakan jenis alat tangkap yang digunakan nelayan/RTP, dimana berdasarkan hasil analisis uji T-Test perbandingan antara jenis alat tangkap dan nilai produksi ikan diperoleh  output dengan dengan nilai t hitung (6.794) > t tabel (1.65309) dan nilai sig < sig a. Ini berarti H0 ditolak, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa jenis alat tangkap memberikan pengaruh  terhadap nilai produksi ikan di Danau Sidenreng. Lake Sidenreng is one of the potential freshwater ecosystems in South Sulawesi, especially in Sidenreng Rappang Regency. Management of Lake Sidenreng fishery resources, that is the use of fish resources and sustainably to improve the standard of living/welfare of the community, especially the fishing community of Lake Sidenreng and support local food security.This research was conducted in the Sidenreng Lake area, which is located in three sub-districts, that is Watang Sidenreng District, Tellu Limpoe District and Panca Lautang District. The results of the study, restocking activities have an impact on the value of fish production in Sidenreng Lake, and the decrease in fish production value is due to the type of fishing gear used by fishermen. where based on the results of the analysis of the T-Test comparison between the type of fishing gear and the value of fish production, the output is obtained with a value of t count (6.794) > t table (1.65309). This means that H0 is rejected, so it can be concluded that the type of fishing gear has an influence on the value of fish production in Sidenreng Lake.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 251
Devia Sari ◽  
Firman Nugroho ◽  
Trisla Warningsih

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kemiskinan penerima PKH apakah penerima bantuan ini sudah tepat sasaran atau tidak, untuk mengetahui pendapatan nelayan di Kelurahan Bagan Hulu sebelum dan sesudah adanya PKH. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei 2018. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei dan wawancara kepada nelayan penerima PKH, jumlah responden sebanyak 39 responden dengan pengambilan sampel secara acak. Untuk menganalisis pengaruh PKH terhadap tingkat pendapatan nelayan maka dilakukan uji-t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kemiskinan penerima PKH terdiri dari 92,30% miskin dan 7,70% tidak miskin. Dengan hasil uji-t 0,00 <0,05 dapat dilihat bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan pada pendapatan sebelum dan setelah menerima PKH. pendapatan rata-rata rumah tangga nelayan sebelum menerima PKH sebanyak Rp17.858.462,- per tahun, sedangkan pendapatan rata-rata setelah menerima PKH diperoleh sebesar Rp20.144.359,- per tahun atau sekitar 13% dari pendapatan rumah tangga nelayan per tahunnya. Pengaruh PKH terhadap tingkat pendapatan masyarakat nelayan di Kelurahan Bagan Hulu sudah efektif berdasarkan tujuan programnya yakni menambah penghasilan rumah tangga miskin dalam meningkatkan taraf hidupTitle: The Influence of “Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH)” on the Income Level of Fishers at Bagan Hulu, Bangko Sub-Regency, Rokan Hilir RegencyThis study aims to determine the poverty level of PKH recipients whether the recipients of this assistance have been on target or not, to determine the income of fishermen in Bagan Hulu Village before and after the existence of PKH. This research was conducted in May 2018. The method used was survey and interview methods to PKH recipient fishers, the number of respondents was 39 respondents with random sampling. To analyze the effect of PKH on the income level of fishers, the t-test was carried out. The results showed that the poverty rate of PKH recipients consisted of 92.30% poor and 7.70% non-poor. With the results of the t-test 0.00 <0.05, It can be seen that there is a significant effect on income before and after receiving PKH. The average income of fisher’s households before receiving PKH was IDR 17,858,462 per year, while the average income after receiving PKH was IDR 20,144,359 per year or about 13% of fisher’s household income per year. The influence of PKH on the income level of the fishing community in Bagan Hulu Village has been effective based on the program objectives, that is; to increase the income of poor households in order to improve their standard of living.

Sarah A. Ebel ◽  
Christine M. Beitl ◽  
Michael P. Torre

Environmental change requires individuals and institutions to facilitate adaptive governance. However, facilitating adaptive governance may be difficult because resource users’ perceptions of desirable ways of life vary. These perceptions influence preferences related to environmental governance and may stem from the ways individuals subjectively value their work and their connections to their environment. This paper uses a value-based approach to examine individual and institutional preferences for adaptive governance in Carelmapu, Chile. We show that two groups had different value frames rooted in divergent ontologies which influenced their actions related to adaptive governance, creating conflict.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 8-18
Suci Masliawati ◽  
Fikarwin Zuska

ABSTRACT: This study aims to describe the exploitation of cerbung fish and its socio-economic consequences as a driver of the economy of the residents of Perlis Village, West Brandan District, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra. The method used to obtain data and information in this research is live-in with residents, while carrying out observations and interviews with informants in each stage of the cerbung fish production process as well as key informants. The results of the study show that the exploitation of cerbung fish has created a productive work cycle of ‘money printing' for many people so that this business can act as the economic locomotive of Perlis Village. Those involved as agents in this business are fishermen or fish catchers (men), women splitting and drying fish, boat and yard washers (fishing gear), ducklings, fish shovelers, canoe miners, and owners shop.   ABSTRAK: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengusahaan ikan cerbung dan akibat sosial-ekonominya sebagai penggerak perekonomian penduduk Desa Perlis, Kecamatan Brandan Barat, Kabupaten Langkat Sumatera Utara. Metode yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan data dan informasi dalam penelitian ini adalah tinggal-bersama warga (live-in), sembari melaksanakan pengamatan (observation) dan wawancara (interview) dengan informan-pelaku di masing-masing tahap proses produksi ikan cerbung dan juga informan kunci. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengusahaan ikan cerbung telah menimbulkan siklus kerja produktif ‘pencetak uang’ untuk banyak orang sehingga bisnis ini bisa berperan sebagai lokomotif ekonomi Desa Perlis. Mereka yang terlibat sebagai pelaku (agent) dalam usaha ini ialah nelayan atau penangkap ikan (laki-laki), perempuan pembelah dan penjemur ikan, tukang cuci boat dan pekarangan (alat tangkap), anak itik, tukang sorong ikan, penambang sampan, dan pemilik kedai.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Elfin Siamena ◽  
Harijanto Sabijono ◽  
Jessy D.L Warongan

The number of taxpayers from year to year increases. But the increase in the number of taxpayers is not offset by taxpayer compliance in paying taxes. The compliance issue becomes an obstacle in maximizing tax revenues. This study aims to analyze the effect of tax sanctions and taxpayer awareness on the compliance of individual taxpayers. The population of this study is determined based on purposive sampling method, the data collected by division of questionnaires in KPP Pratama Manado. The method of research analysis used is multiple linear regression. based on the result of t test, it can be concluded that the tax sanction has positive and significant effect on the taxpayer compliance of the individual, with the value of significance smaller than the significant value (0.001 < 0.05), the consciousness of the taxpayer positively and significantly influence the compliance personal taxpayer, this is indicated by a value of significance smaller than the significant value (0.003 < 0.05).Keywords :Tax sanctions, Taxpayer awareness, Personal taxpayer compliance

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-23
Nelwida Nelwida ◽  
Lisna Lisna ◽  
Ren Fitriadi

Gill nets is the most dominant fishing gear used by fishermen in Kampung Nelayan Village. Gill nets 2 and 3 inches are widely used by traditional fishermen and modern fishermen because this tool is very practical to catch fish also friendly to the environment. This study aims to determine the construction and friendliness of fishing gear gill nets 2 and 3 inches which include the length of the net, the width of the net, shortening, buoyancy and sinking power. This research was carried out in the Village of Kampung Nelayan, Tungkal Ilir Subdistrict, Tanjung Jabung Barat District in February 2018. The method used in this research was survey method. The data obtained were analyzed using net dimension analysis and descriptive statistical analysis. Based on the results of research on the construction of 2 and 3 inches gill nets consisting of nylon monofilament made from transparent colors. The knot used by the English knot. Top rope, float, and float buoy made from polyethylene (PE) rope and ballast rope made from polypropylene (PP). The sinker made from tin and gill net 3 inch weight based on bracelet-shaped wire.Net shortening value of 2 inch is 51.75% and has a buoyancy of 3.05 kgf and a sinking power of 9.97 kgf. As well as the value of gill shortening 3 inch 50.62% and the buoyancy generated 6.22 kgf and the sinking power of 365.4 kgf. The value of environmental friendliness of 2 and 3 inch nets has a value of 31.25 and 30.75 and is classified as environmentally friendly fishing gear.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 69
Kholid Kurniawan ◽  
Lefrand Manoppo ◽  
Fanny Silooy ◽  
Alfret Luasunaung ◽  
Meta Sonya Sompie

The western part of North Minahasa waters is mainly covers by coral reef with relatively large potential of fishery resources including Octopus.  Fishermen of Budo village catches the Octopus by fishing gear known as sihoru or gara – gara boboca in local name with classified as trowling.  The goals of this study are to analyze the influence of using different colors of typical bait released to fishing catch and to identity the catches species.  Experimental method and T-Test wore using to analyze the data.  The result indicated that the color differences not influence to the number of catches, which the analysis probability of brown and black colors is 0.6041, the brown and red is 0.4762, the black and red is 0.8455 which all of these numbers or higher than α0.05 = 2.2281.  Based on this identification, Octopus cyanea is mainly catches.ABSTRAK        Perairan Minahasa Utara bagian Barat pada umumnya merupakan hamparan batu karang yang memiliki potensi sumber daya perikanan yang relatif melimpah salah satunya adalah gurita (Octopus).  Dalam memanfaatkan sumber daya ini masyarakat nelayan Desa Budo menangkap gurita menggunakan alat tangkap pancing yang disebut sihoru atau gara–gara boboca, alat tangkap ini adalah alat tangkap pancing jenis tonda. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh penggunaan warna umpan terhadap jumlah hasil Tangkapan dan mengetahui spesies octopus hasil tangkapan.  Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitan adalah eksperimental dan dianalisis menggunakan metode statistik Uji T.  Dari penelitian ini diperoleh hasil  nilai analisis P coklat hitam dan sebesar 0.6041, coklat dan merah sebesar 0.4762, hitam dan merah sebesar 0.8455 yang semua nilainya berada diatas α0.05 = 2.2281 dan dapat disimpulkan bahwa perlakuan warna umpan tidak berpengaruh terhadap hasil tangkapan.  Berdasarkan hasil identifikasi gurita yang tertangkap adalah Octopus cyanea.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-49
Rini Ardista

This research aims to determine and analyze the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction of PT. Langit Membiru Wisata Bogor, to find out how big the influence and relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction. The sample used was 100 respondents taken through t-test or interviews, observations, and questionnaires at PT. Langit Membiru Wisata Bogor and the primary data source processed with SPSS 25. The t-test results show the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction, this is evidenced by the variable (X) service quality and variable (Y) customer satisfaction has a value less than 0.05, namely (0.00 <0.05), this is proven with the value in the t test obtained t count 91.624> t table 5.293, so it can be concluded that the hypothesis can be accepted. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh kualitas pelayanan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan PT. Langit Membiru Wisata Bogor, untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh dan hubungan antara kualitas pelayanan dengan kepuasan pelanggan. Sampel yang digunakan adalah 100 responden yang diambil melalui uji-t atau wawancara, observasi, dan angket pada PT. Langit Membiru Wisata Bogor dan sumber data primer diolah dengan SPSS 25. Hasil uji t menunjukkan adanya pengaruh kualitas pelayanan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan, hal ini dibuktikan dengan variabel (X) kualitas pelayanan dan variabel (Y) kepuasan pelanggan memiliki nilai lebih kecil dari 0,05 yaitu (0,00 < 0,05) hal ini terbukti dengan nilai pada uji t diperoleh t hitung 91,624 > ttabel 5,293, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa hipotesis dapat diterima.

Yuhemy Zurizah Yuhemy Zurizah

Perawatan tali pusat yang benar dan lepasnya tali pusat dalam minggu pertama secara bermakna mengurangi insiden infeksi pada noenatus. Salah satu cara yang disarankan WHO dalam merawat tali pusat adalah dengan menggunakan pembalut kasa bersih yang sering diganti, selain itu sebagaimana juga disarankan penelitian diarahkan pada penggunaan anti septik dan zat-zat pengering tradisional misalnya ASI atau kolostrum. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan lamanya pelepasan tali pusat pada bayi ditinjau dari perawatan dengan air susu ibu dan perawatan teknik kasa kering. Ruang lingkup penelitian ini ditujukan kepada lamanya pelepasan tali pusat pada bayi ditinjau dari perawatan dengan air susu ibu dan perawatan teknik kering terbuka dengan desain penelitian analitik comparative. Sampel pada penelitian ini 10 bayi dengan kasa kering dan 10 bayi dengan air susu ibu. Hasil yang diperoleh dari uji Independent Samples t Test p value = 0,018 < 0,05 maka dapat dinyatakan ada perbedaan lamanya pelepasan tali pusat pada bayi ditinjau dari perawatan dengan air susu ibu dan perawatan teknik kasa kering. Disarankan kepada petugas kesehatan agar dapat mensosialisasikan perawatan tali pusat dengan air susu ibu yang dapat menyebabkan tali pusat lebih cepat lepas.     ABSTRACT Care of the umbilical cord completely and off the umbilical cord in the first week. One way that is used by WHO in the care of the rope is to use sanitary napkins that are often replaced, in addition to the use of anti-septic and traditional substances such as breast milk or colostrum. The purpose of this study was to find out the parts of treatment with breast milk and treatment of dry gauze techniques. The scope of this study is intended for treatment with milk and treatment techniques with comparative analytics. The sample in this study were 10 babies with dry gauze and 10 babies with breast milk. The results obtained from the Independent Samples t Test p value = 0.018 <0.05, it can be stated that there is a value of the length of the mop Talking the umbilical cord in infants in terms of treatment with breast milk and treatment of dry gauze techniques. So that you can socialize the care of the rope with breast milk which can cause the umbilical cord to loose more quickly.

Jeti Pulu ◽  
Mulyono S. Baskoro ◽  
Daniel R. Monintja ◽  
Budhi H. Iskandar ◽  
Akhmad Fauzi

The research is aimed to reveal opportunity development of the capture fisheries in Talaud Islands Regency by using bionomy approach with Gordon-Schaefer model (Fauzy, 2005) con-cerning the dominant of illegal fishing activities around the area. The research was started by co-llected some secondary data on fish production and number of fishing units. Primary data were collected on catch composition and types of fishing gear. Gordon-Schaefer methods was applied to evaluate the tuna and skipjack resources in the area. The troll and pole and line are indicated as the dominant fishing gears used to catch the skipjack and tuna. In case of open access condition, the production will end up to 25,09 tons, while the resource rent will be end up to zero. For the development, simulations were exercised in 3 scenarios: 1) scenario of enhancing domestic fleet, 2) scenario of illegal fishing, and 3) scenario of net surplus. With those scenarios, if the illegal fishing could be eliminated, the capture fisheries in this regency could render economic value to 10 billion rupiah.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 1085-1091
Susanti Tria Jaya ◽  
Eva Nur Azizah ◽  
Vide Bahtera Dinastiti

The independent variable is early detection training for posyandu craders, with an interval scale. Dependent Variable, namely Knowledge and Skills About Motor Stimulation. The instruments used were questionnaires and observation sheets, with an interval scale. Statistical analysis using the T- Test on the effect of early detection training on the development of posyandu cadres to knowledge of motor stimulation with a value of p = 0.000 means at 5% alpha. This showed that there was an effect of early detection of growth and development training for posyandu caders on knowledge of motor stimulation. The results of statistical tests showed that the value of  p = 0.000 means that at 5% alpha. This showed that there was an effect of early detection of growth and development training for posyandu caders on skill of motor stimulation. So that it  an increased of  21.33 % and 19,04 %.

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