А.А. Водяницкая

Постановка задачи. Работа посвящена изучению традиционных подходов к исследованию оценочных значений и инновационных методов их изучения. Задача исследования заключается в анализе методов изучения оценки, которые можно было бы применить при выявлении оценочной специфики академического дискурса. Результаты. Как показало исследование, оценочные значения, оценка привлекают внимание исследователей различных областей знания, различных дискурсов. По-прежнему открыт вопрос разграничения эмоции, экспрессии и оценки. Тесная связь оценки с ценностями индивида, выносящего оценочное суждение, предполагает возможность ее изучения с позиций аксиологии, тогда как взаимосвязь с психологией позволяет подходить к оценке с точки зрения психологии (например, оценочные стили). Выводы. Комбинация традиционных и инновационных методов позволит выявить онтологические свойства оценки в академическом дискурсе. Речь идет о вербализованных оценочных суждениях, выносимых различными участниками академического дискурса. Вопросы оценочной категоризации, разграничение эмоции и оценки, оценочных стилей участников академического дискурса, привлечение корпуса текстов как источника материала и как инструмента познания представляются релевантными аспектами при изучении оценочной составляющей академического дискурса. Вместе с тем не все методы исследования оценки можно одинаково успешно использовать при изучении оценочной составляющей академического дискурса. Например, метод триады, предложенный Ж. Мартином, который на данном этапе исследован применительно к изучению устного академического дискурса в его специфическом проявлении - в драматическом тексте. Как представляется, данный метод требует более детальной разработки применительно к нехудожественной, повседневной, речи академического дискурса. Problem statement. The paper focuses on the study of traditional approaches evaluations and innovative methods of their study. The objective of the research. is to analyze the methods of studying evaluation that could be applied in identifying the evaluative specifics of academic discourse. Results. The research has revealed that evaluative meanings attract the attention of researchers in various fields of knowledge, various discourses. The question of differentiating emotion, expressive language means and evaluation is still open. The close relationship of assessment with the values of the individual making a value judgment suggests the possibility of studying it from the standpoint of axiology, while the relationship with psychology allows one to approach assessment from the point of view of psychology (for example, evaluative styles). Conclusion. The combination of traditional and innovative methods will reveal the ontological properties of assessment in academic discourse. We are talking about verbalized value judgments made by various participants in academic discourse. Issues of evaluative categorization, differentiation of emotion and evaluation, evaluative styles of participants in academic discourse, corpus-based analysis seem to be relevant aspects in the study of the evaluative component of academic discourse.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 49
José Luis Fuentes Bargues ◽  
Mª Carmen González Cruz ◽  
Laura Ruíz Álvarez ◽  
Rafael Ernesto Prieto-Gómez

ResumenLa adjudicación de un contrato por parte de una administración pública depende de criterios de adjudicación evaluables mediante fórmulas y de criterios evaluables mediante juicios de valor. Los primeros disponen de fórmulas definidas mientras que los segundos siempre tienen un sesgo subjetivo porque dependen del técnico que realiza la valoración. Con objeto de minimizar las consecuencias de las arbitrariedades o incertidumbres en la evaluación de los criterios evaluables mediante un juicio de valor se puede recurrir a la lógica difusa. La lógica difusa, borrosa o fuzzy es el razonamiento matemático que permite calcular de forma exacta las magnitudes correspondientes a conceptos vagos o situaciones poco previsibles para poder tener control sobre ellas. El objetivo del presente trabajo es desarrollar una metodología que permita a los órganos de contratación la evaluación de los criterios evaluables mediante un juicio de valor mediante la utilización de la lógica difusa.AbstractThe award of a contract by a public administration depends on criteria assessed by formulae and criteria assessed by value judgements. For the former, various predetermined formulae can be employed while for the criteria assessed by value judgements will always contain some subjective bias by the individual who performs the evaluation. In order to minimize the consequences of the arbitrariness or uncertainties in the evaluation of criteria assessed by value judgments is possible to use the fuzzy logic. Diffuse, fuzzy or fuzzy logic is the mathematical reasoning that allows to calculate accurately the magnitudes corresponding to vague concepts or situations that are not very predictable to have control over them. The objective of this paper is to show a methodology which permits to the contracting authority to evaluate the criteria assessed by value judgments through fuzzy numbers.

Laura Monsalve Lorente

ABSTRACTSchools with families are socializing areas where it takes place the development of people in their early stages, exerting an important role in the configuration of behavior and social values of children and adolescents. When we consider the health as understood by the WHO, that is, as a state of complete physical, mental and social wellness and not only as the absence of disease we see that the attainment of good educational results by a school save a very close relationship with the attainment of optimal levels of health within the educational community. According to this fact schools that incorporate the health promotion as part of its educational are building the bases that will enable them better achieve the educational objectives, including academics. On the other hand in this time of life people are more receptive to learning being the time of the vital development which are acquired the major lifestyle that will be consolidated over the years (physical activity, diet, etc.). Also this is an area of social intervention that have health agents which have highly qualified from the pedagogical point of view: teachers, whether in the kindergarten level, and Primary and Secondary level. In this context the main objective of the Health Education, is to develop activities and encourage the students to achieve the highest attainable standard of health, through the acquisition of knowledge and skills that promote choice and adoption of healthy lifestyles; Seeking participation, interaction and social integration, and the ability to work critically and creatively, and the search for solutions. Schools, with the home are two of the key places where it takes place the individual and social development of people in its earliest stages, exerting an important role the configuration of the conduct and the social values of childhood, adolescence and youth.RESUMENLos centros educativos junto con el hogar, son los ámbitos socializadores clave donde tiene lugar el desarrollo de las personas en sus estadios más tempranos, ejerciendo un importante papel en la configuración de la conducta y los valores sociales de la infancia y la adolescencia. Cuando se considera la salud como la entiende la OMS, es decir, como un estado de completo bienestar físico, mental y social y no solamente como la ausencia de enfermedad, vemos que el logro de buenos resultados educativos por parte de un centro educativo guarda una relación muy estrecha con la consecución de unos niveles óptimos de salud en el seno de su comunidad educativa. De acuerdo con esta realidad, las escuelas que incorporan la promoción de la salud como parte integrante de su planteamiento educativo, están construyendo las bases que les permitirán alcanzar mejor los objetivos educativos, incluidos los académicos. Por otro lado, en esta época de la vida, las personas se hallan más receptivas para el aprendizaje, siendo la época del desarrollo vital en la que se adquieren los principales hábitos de vida que se consolidarán con los años (actividad física, alimentación, etc.). Además se trata de un ámbito de intervención social que cuenta con agentes de salud que disponen de alta calificación desde el punto de vista pedagógico: el profesorado, ya sea en el nivel de educación Infantil, como en Primaria y Secundaria. En este marco, el principal objetivo de la Educación para la salud, es desarrollar actividades e incentivar al alumnado para conseguir el mayor grado posible de salud, mediante la adquisición de conocimientos y habilidades que favorezcan la elección y adopción de estilos de vida saludables; buscando la participación, la interacción y la integración social, y trabajando la capacidad crítica y creativa, así como la búsqueda de soluciones. Los Centros escolares, junto con el hogar, son dos de los lugares clave donde tiene lugar el desarrollo individual y social de las personas en sus estadios más tempranos, ejerciendo un importante papel en la configuración de la conducta y los valores sociales de la infancia, la adolescencia y la juventud.

A.A. Аrzamazov

This article discusses the individual structural-semantic, grammatical and stylistic peculiarities of the poetic texts of Gui Sabitov, who is one of the brightest representatives of the Udmurt socialist realism. Udmurt socrealistic idiostyles as a national-specific variant of this artistic method has never been the object of interpretation. The relevance of the study is dictated by the insufficiency of the linguistic and poetic approach in considering the phenomenon of development of Udmurt literature, the lack of scientific works focused both on the grammar of poetry and on the temporality category of the poetic whole, its artistic contexts. The article analyzes the multi-level relationship of the grammatical sphere and the artistic semantics of G. Sabitov’s texts, shows the interconversion of form and text content, linguistic elements, the ideological plan of expression and the individual author’s worldview. The novelty is the selection of the main grammatical and lexical segments of the lyrical translation of temporality, the identification of scenarios of individual author semantization of the present tense, the study of Gui Sabitov’s poetic corpus from the point of view of linguistic realities that are projected onto the Udmurt Soviet literature in general.

Mykola Chymak

The article analyzes the problem of professional self-determination through the historiography prism of existing pedagogical practice. The research attention is focused on the structuring of authors’ models of professional self-determination in modern high school. The close relationship of completed professional self-determination with the domination of the creative approach and innovative thinking of the individual, at the theoretical and practical levels, is conceptualized. Keywords: historiography, professional self-determination, personality, pedagogical practice.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 7 ◽  
Ghislaine Gallenga

This article deals with epistemological thoughts about business ethics. My intention is to consider business ethics as a research subject in anthropology and not to judge the relevance of the morality or ethics: in other words, the integration of activities in a “common good” category. The article examines the philosophical ground of this notion and explores whether business ethics is related to this philosophical background. While, from an anthropological point of view, it is better to draw a value judgment from the notion of “business ethics” (applicability, truthfulness, intentionality, and so on), the argument presented here is that it is better to consider “business ethics” as a category of work management at the meeting point between theory and practice, and to observe in situ how this notion is used, articulated and circulated in the daily life of a workplace.

Those who first applied genetics to the study of natural populations—and it was, we must remember, fifty years ago—applied it from what we may now call the classical point of view. This is the point of view which assumes that the properties of heredity and also of variation can be deduced from breeding experiments using the methods of Mendel, Bateson and Morgan. It is the point of view expressed by Morgan in 1926 under the title of the Theory of the Gene. The fact that Morgan believed in the chromosomes while Bateson did not, failed to produce the cleavage in this classical view that might have been expected. It failed to do so because, for Morgan and also for those who followed him, his theory did not raise questions: it answered them. The chromosomes did not make the law: they obeyed it. It is thus not the chromosome theory but the Mendelian situation which is crucial for classical genetics. The inbred lines of close relationship, the regulated succession of selfing or sibbing and crossing, the chosen and standard environment, the individual as the unit of observation and selection: these were necessary ingredients and premises for the first phase of getting to know heredity. Generalizations were reached in this way which proved to be valid. They did so because they rested on the properties of cell structures, nuclei and chromosomes, at mitosis and meiosis, which are found to be universal.

1973 ◽  
Vol 67 (5) ◽  
pp. 213-217
Francisco Orrego-Vicuña

The goals of economic development, political democracy, and equality, which are the three values suggested for discussion at this meeting, share a close relationship. Although the guidelines for discussion prepared by the organizers of the meeting reveal certain doubts about the compatibility of these values, at least as coexistent parts of a common process, my own point of view is that they are not only compatible but also inseparable. The crisis of a society emerges precisely when any one of these values is abandoned or subordinated to the attainment of the others, either in the case of a developing or of a developed country. The relationship of balance will, of course, depend on the particular circumstances of each country, its stage of political and cultural development, and the definitions adopted with regard to those values. This is why the developments taking place throughout the world cannot be judged by applying theoretical models or standards inspired by the realities of developed countries, which is the frequent mistake of many scholars and government officials.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 47-54
E. Petrenko

The article discusses the main provisions of the book, in which its author described the development of man with certain differences from the ideas existing in universities on this problem, which arose as a result of his many years of research, analysis of his own and literary data. Human development at different stages, before and after birth, the author studied on the basis of taking into account the close relationship of all parts of the body of the individual, all his organs, such important features of his development as uneven growth rates and directions of organs and asynchronous during ontogenesis development of different emerging organ systems. The greatest novelty of such a representation in the book under discussion concerns the digestive, venous and lymphatic systems, the development of which the author has investigated to the greatest extent, although he has conducted other studies

2019 ◽  
pp. 119-128
David MacDougall

In this chapter the author notes that for some people ‘observation’ connotes an attitude of surveillance towards the subject. Despite this, the term is a useful summation of the original documentary idea, which was to show viewers as accurately as possible what the filmmaker had seen. ‘Observational cinema’ emerged as one of several closely related documentary approaches of the 1960s, with close ties to anthropology. Unlike other forms, it placed the filmmaker at the centre of the film as an investigator of on-going events, a position shared with the viewer. This approach was encouraged by the introduction of new, light-weight cameras and sound recorders and was inspired partly by Italian Neorealism and partly by live television. While often perceived as aspiring to detachment and scientific objectivity, it was in fact a highly authored form involving a close relationship between filmmaker and subject and representing the limited point of view of the individual observer. The author argues that while the long camera take is often regarded as the primary characteristic of observational cinema, its true marker is a commitment to the sustained witnessing of specific events. A further consequence of observational filmmaking is that it has stimulated reflection on what it means to observe.

Botany ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 88 (7) ◽  
pp. 675-684 ◽  
A. Tsuneda ◽  
S. Hambleton ◽  
R. S. Currah

Cleistopycnidial ontogeny and sequences of nuclear internal transcribed spacers (ITS) and large subunits (LSU) were compared for five strains of Endoconidioma populi Tsuneda et al.: three from trembling aspen and two from alder. The cleistopycnidia of two of the aspen strains, including the type strain, were subglobose to flask-shaped (mostly 35–100 µm × 30–60 µm), and consisted solely of meristematic cells with thick cell walls that were heavily impregnated with melanin granules. Peridial cells were not visibly differentiated from locular cells and were also capable of forming endoconidia. Endoconidia were released from one to several sites of the cleistopycnidium by the dissolution of peridial cell wall. The alder strains shared these characteristics, except that their cleistopycnidia released both endoconidia and conidiogenous cells. Unlike those four strains, cleistopycnidia of the third aspen strain were cylindrical, often exceeding 500 µm in length, branched, and possessed a peridium of textura angularis that developed from short, determinate hyphae. Conidiogenous cells contained abundant lipid bodies that were not mobilized until the onset of endoconidiogenesis. The peridium at the basal area was prone to breakage by external forces, indicating that the individual cleistopycnidium, as a whole, functions as a dispersal unit. A small number of ITS nucleotide differences among strains corresponded to their observed morphological differences and host association. Phylogenetic analyses suggested a close relationship of E. populi with Hormonema carpetanum Bills, Peláez & Ruibal, and Coniozyma leucospermi (Crous & Denman) Crous.

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