scholarly journals Analisis Program Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Infeksi dalam Pelaksanaan Surveilans Hai’s di Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara TK II Sartika Asih Bandung

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (8) ◽  
pp. 989-999
Fitri Faridath ◽  
Ericka Aulia Rosyidah ◽  
Nurul Dwi Aryani

Hospital is an institution engaged in health by optimizing health services in an effort to improve the degree of health for the community. This study focuses on the analysis of infection control and prevention programs in the implementation of HAI's surveillance, the aim is to see the main problems in hospital infections, namely referring to the hospital's ability to prevent or minimize the rate of increase in infection, The method used is descriptive qualitative research method, where research data are described in data collection through observation using phenomenological research methods. Data from observations are selected and then categorized from the most relevant data. After doing the research, the results obtained from this research are the PPI program regarding HAI's surveillance at Bhayangkara TK II Sartika Asih Hospital Bandung includes reporting of nosocomial infections such as Phlebitis, Decubitus, UTI (urinary tract infection), VAP (ventilator associated pneumonia) and IDO (operation area infection). And this hospital has reported HAI's surveillance incidents by the IPCN Committee.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 446
Dyah Palupi Dwi Cahyani ◽  
Muhammad Nafik Hadi Ryandono

This study is aimed to know the mechanism of risk management in the management of unredeemed non-gold pawn in Blauran Sharia Pawnshop. Through the three phases of risk management that is risk identification, risk ranking, and risk control Blauran Sharia Pawnshop expected can be more minimize the risks, one of them is unredeemed non-gold pawn. The research method used was qualitative. Research data is obtained by doing interview techniques and documentation to the informant that was assistant deputy manager Pawnshop of Surabaya Regional Office, Head of Blauran Surabaya Sharia Pawnshop branch, and staff of Blauran Surabaya Sharia Pawnshop. The research showed that Blauran Sharia Pawnshop has run the risk management process in three ways: risk identification, risk ranking based on potency and the most influential risk, and risk control by conducting auction on non-goldpawning items that were not redeemed.Keyword: Risk Management, sharia mortgage, sharia pawnshop,unreedemed non-gold pawn

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Arinal Haqqiyah Ahmad ◽  
Bukhari Daud ◽  
Dohra Fitrisia

The purpose of this research was to analyze ten covers of 2019 best-seller fantasy novels through multimodal. The research method used was qualitative research. The objects in this research were ten book covers of 2019 best-seller fantasy novels. The instruments used were documentation that aimed at obtaining data, including relevant books, study, activity reporting, relevant research data. Content analysis was used to obtain the data. This study used five phased cycles in analyzing the data; compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding. The result of analyzing the novels is emphasized in two focuses, including representation and interactive function. Several novels have a narrative aspect, while others contain conceptual interpretation, which is part of a representative function. It was very challenging to interpret some implicit meaning of the symbols in some of the novels as it requires mythical knowledge. Therefore, it is expected that understanding the implicit meaning comprehensively will make readers easier to understand the story outline of the novel.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-6

This study aims to explain, describe and analyze patterns of partnership between government, the private sector and civil society in the development of oil palm plantations as well as factors inhibiting and supporting factors. The research method using descriptive qualitative research. Data analysis technique is done through data reduction, data presentation and verification. The results showed that a partnership with a core pattern of plasma and partnership schemes MSA (Management One-Stop), KKPA (Primary Cooperatives Members), IGA (Income Generating Activity).There is a limiting factor and driving force in the partnership. Obstacle factor is lack of knowlegde about partnership and obligations in the course of partnerships at every actor partnership, conflict, limited land, in-consistency of each actor in the partnership, the decline in palm oil prices. The push factor is the regulatory and price.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
Lucyane Djaafar

This study aims is to analyze; 1) Public service reform at the Department of Investment and One Gate Integrated Services Gorontalo City; 2) Determinant factors affecting public service reform at the Department of Investment and One Gate Integrated Services Gorontalo City. The research method used qualitative research, data collecting technique by observation, interview and documentation. The results showed that; 1). Public service reform at the Department of Investment and One Gate Integrated Services Gorontalo City seen from structure, procedure, process not yet run well but from behavioral element already showed existence of change of attitude of good apparatus in giving services; 2). The determinant factors affecting public service reform at the Capital Market and Department of Investment and One Gate Integrated Services Gorontalo City need to pay attention to the supporting factors of public service reform related to; 1) the awareness of the police officers in service; 2) rule enforcement; 3) organization; 4) income of employee; 5) human skill and resources; 6) facilities.

Ida Bagus Putu Adnyana ◽  
I Wayan Redi ◽  
I Gusti Made Widya Sena

<p>The text of Tutur Bhuwana Mareka is a lontar text that has a Shivaistic nuance and is <br />thick with Tattwa teachings. The text of Tutur Bhuwana Mareka has a core teaching that discusses a lot about the creation, maintenance, and destruction of the universe or what is known as Virat Vidyā. This study will discuss three basic consensus as the formulation of the problem which includes the meaning of harmony in the process of creation (uttpti), maintenance (stiti), and destruction (pralina). This study uses the theory of Hermeneutics from Friedrich August Wolf to discuss the overall problem formulation in this study. The research method used in this study is a qualitative research method with several stages, namely: determining the type of research, finding sources of research data both primary and secondary data, determining research instruments, determining informants using purposive sampling techniques, collecting data using library, document, and descriptive methods, interview, then<br />analyze the data, and present the results of the data analysis. The meaning of harmony in the process of creation (uttpti) of the universe in the text of Tutur Bhuwana Mareka is the existence of Sang Hyang Mareka Jati to respond to an empty and silent situation without any creation. All objects and living things that He created are correlated with each other and this is what shows the existence of harmony in the universe. Because in essence the universe without its contents is incomplete and living things cannot live and settle without the existence of the universe. Furthermore, the meaning of harmony in the process of maintaining (stiti) the universe in the text of Tutur Bhuwana Mareka is the existence of Sang Hyang Mareka Jati in protecting the universe and all its contents. Then the last is the meaning of harmony in the process of destruction (pralina) of the universe in the text of Tutur Bhuwana Mareka which is<br />the return of the elements of creation to the creator, namely Sang Hyang Mareka Jati. The destruction process in this text shows the existence of a cyclic cycle, proving that there is harmony, balance, and harmony in the universe. Creation, maintenance, and destruction are forms of harmony created by God in his manifestation as Sang Hyang Mareka Jati to give understanding to humans that the entire contents of the universe are His manifestations and will surely return to Him.</p><p> </p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-76
Musyfira Musyfira

Abstract The responsibility of religious education is the most important responsibility for parents and educators, because it is the center of all resources. However, in practice there are still many educators who do not pay attention to the religious education of their students, they prioritize education that is only worldly. The research method used is qualitative research. Data collected through observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique used is thematic analysis. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of Islamic education in Kuttab students is going well. Opportunities for the application of Islamic education to Kuttab students starting from the education system, curriculum, and teachers are extraordinary in maximizing education for children. However, it also has challenges that greatly affect children's education, namely gadgets, games and shows that are not beneficial to children, so it greatly influences the education of their faith. The advantages of the implementation of Islamic education in Kuttab, namely that children have begun to form creeds according to their age. While the drawbacks are that the application and understanding of Islamic education in Kuttab are not comprehensive and agree on all teachers and the environment that does not support the concepts that have been implanted in Kuttab. Abstrak Tanggung jawab pendidikan akidah merupakan tanggung jawab terpenting bagi para orang tua dan pendidik, karena ia merupakan pusat segala sumber. Namun dalam prakteknya masih banyak pendidik yang kurang memperhatikan pendidikan akidah peserta didiknya, mereka lebih mengutamakan pendidikan yang hanya bersifat duniawi saja. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah thematic analysis. Hasil penelitian dalam kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa implementasi pendidikan akidah pada santri Kuttab berjalan dengan baik. Peluang penerapan pendidikan akidah pada santri Kuttab mulai dari sistem pendidikan, kurikulum, dan guru-gurunya sangatlah luar biasa dalam memaksimalkan pendidikan pada anak-anak. Namun, juga memiliki tantangannya yang sangat mempengaruhi pendidikan anak yaitu gadget, game dan tontonan-tontonan yang tidak bermanfaat bagi anak sehingga sangat mempengaruhi pendidikan imannya. Adapun kelebihan implementasi pendidikan akidah di Kuttab yaitu anak-anak sudah mulai terbentuk akidah sesuai dengan usianya. Sedangkan kekurangannya yaitu penerapan serta pemahaman pendidikan akidah di Kuttab belum menyeluruh dan sependapat pada semua guru serta lingkungan yang tidak mendukung dengan  konsep-konsep yang telah ditanamkan di Kuttab.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 82
Mai Puspadyna Bilyastuti

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze the implementation of DPMPTSP Ponorogo Regency public services with SIJITU. The research method used is qualitative research, data collection techniques through interviews, documentation, and observation. The results showed that the implementation of online services based online with SIJITU had not run optimally as seen from the fact that there were not many people who used the online-based licensing service, because there were several barriers including ignorance of the public about the online licensing system. the internet access network has not fully supported (in some areas of Ponorogo Regency, especially remote areas, internet access is still difficult), and the limited human resources of DPMPTSP who have expertise in informatics and other supporting technical fields. Keywords: Public Service; integrated licensing Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendiskripsikan dan menganalisis pelaksanaan pelayanan publik DPMPTSP Kabupaten Ponorogo dengan SIJITU. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif, teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, dokumentasi, dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan pelayanan publik berbasis online dengan SIJITU belum berjalan secara maksimal terlihat dari belum banyaknya masyarakat yang memanfaatkan pelayanan perizinan berbasis online tersebut, karena adanya beberapa hambatan, antara lain ketidaktahuan masyarakat akan adanya sistem perizinan online, masyarakat belum memahami bagaimana cara menggunakan aplikasi online tersebut, akses jaringan internet belum sepenuhnya mendukung (di beberapa kawasan Kabupaten Ponorogo terutama daerah pelosok akses jaringan internet masih sulit), serta terbatasnya SDM DPMPTSP yang memiliki keahlian di bidang informatika dan bidang-bidang teknis pendukung lainnya. Kata kunci: Pelayanan Publik; Perizinan Terpadu

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 182-195
S u l a i m a n S u l a i m a n

This research is motivated by various forms of violence in schools that arise due to the diversity of students in various ways. Thus, multicultural values education is needed in shaping religious character that involves the management process in schools. This research method uses qualitative research methods with the type of field research. Data collection uses observations, interviews and documentaries. the results of this research that management of multicultural education in Catholic Primary Schools (SDK) carried out by maximizing management functions by planning, implementing and supervising the process and results of multicural education itself.   Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi dari munculnya berbagai bentuk kekerasan yang cukup beragam di sekolah yang timbul karena adanya keberagaman yang terjadi antar siswa dalam berbagai hal, sehingga sangat diperlukan adanya pendidikan nilai-nilai multikultural dalam pembentukan karakter religius yang melibatkan serangkaian proses manajemen di sekolah. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian lapangan (field reaserch). pengumpulan datanya menggunakan pengamatan (observasi), wawancara dan dokumenter. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah manajeman pendidikan multikultural di Sekolah Dasar Katolik (SDK) dilakukan dengan memaksimalkan fungsi-fungsi manajeman yaitu dengan merencanakan, melaksanakan dan mengawasi proses maupun hasil dari pendidikan multikural itu sendiri.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-92
Lilik Fadzlun ◽  
Zaidatun Ni’mah ◽  
Lindah Ayu Lestari ◽  
Lilik Huriyah ◽  
Abdul Rahman

This study aims to identify and describe the implementation of the Smart Indonesia Program Policy or Program Indonesia Pintar (PIP) in the area of ??the Ministry of Religion, Sidoarjo Regency. The research method used is qualitative research. Data collection techniques used interviews, observation, and documentation with informants, namely application managers to verify the Smart Indonesia Program. Data analysis techniques are data reduction, data presentation and conclusions. The results showed that the Program Indonesia Pintar (PIP) carried out at the Ministry of Religion Office of Sidoarjo Regency was running well so that it could verify student data data to get financial assistance. Students who have registered at educational institutions with KIP, KKS, PKH, as well as parents who have been laid off. This program aims to help parents who are vulnerable to poverty in order to get a good education and prevent dropouts. Every year the funds are disbursed in registered student accounts.

PSYCHE 165 ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 223-228
Fauzia Ramadhianty ◽  
Harry Theozard Fikri

The purpose of this study is to find out how the forgiveness of the wife (forgiveness) of the husband of the perpetrators of sexual abuse of children. The subjects of this study were two wives whose husbands were sexually abusing children. The research method used in this study is a qualitative research method with a phenomenological research design. Based on research by researchers carefully that two subjects forgive their husbands who sexually abuse children. In this study there are three aspects of forgiveness, namely 1) avoidance motivations, 2) revenge motivations, and 3) beneviolence motivations. From the research findings on both subjects, it was found that the aspects that caused forgiveness in both subjects were avoidance motivations, and beneviolence motivations. While from the aspect of revenge motivations, it is not the cause of the two subjects giving forgiveness to their husbands, because the feelings of love and love of the subject to their husbands are not what they used to be, and they choose to stay with their husbands because of their children and in-laws.  

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