Relationship between Family Income and Support for Health Workers on Exclusive Breastfeeding in Indragiri Hulu District

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Merry Zulniati ◽  
Evawany Y. Aritonang ◽  
Asfriyati .

Exclusive breastfeeding (ASI) is the practice of breastfeeding without giving the baby any other food or drink other than breast milk. Exclusive breastfeeding is the basis for the continuity of the child's life and health because breast milk is irreplaceable for its nutrition for the growth and development of children. A country is said to be developed if the infant mortality rate is low and the health status is good. Breastfeeding is important because the amount of breast milk is needed by babies until the age of 6 months, by breastfeeding can reduce infant mortality. This study aims to determine the relationship between family income and support for health workers on exclusive breastfeeding in Indragiri Hulu District. The type of research used is observational quantitative using a cross sectional research design. The number of samples was 173 mothers who had babies aged 6-8 months. Research analysis was conducted using bivariate test. The results showed that there was a relationship between family income (p=0.005) and exclusive breastfeeding. There was no relationship between the support of health workers on exclusive breastfeeding (p=0.410). It is recommended for health workers to conduct more in-depth counseling, especially counseling about what the true meaning of exclusive breastfeeding for babies is when pregnant women are born until their babies are born and can increase the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in Indragiri Hulu District. Keywords: Family Income, Support for Health Workers, Exclusive Breastfeeding.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-37
Sri Sumarni ◽  
Nelyta Oktavianisya

The first and main food for babies is breast milk (ASI). Breast milk contains the most completenutritional composition and ideal for the growth and development of infants during the first 6months. The percentage of coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in Sumenep in 2011-2013decreased but increased in 2014 (45.5%) but has yet to reach the target (80%). Coverage rate ofexclusive breastfeeding in the District Talango any decline of the Year The year 2012-2014 is stillfar from the target attainment (80%). This study aims to determine the relationship betweenknowledge of mothers exclusively breastfeeding infants aged> 6-12 months.This research is analytic survey with cross sectional approach. The number of samples in thisstudy were as many as 38 nursing mothers who have infants aged> 6-12 months in the workingarea of Puskesmas (Health Center) Talango sub-district Talango taken using proportionate randomsampling technique. Collecting data through interviews using a questionnaire. The statistical testused to analyze the relationship between variables using chi square.The results showed that most respondents (55.3%) had good knowledge and 60.5% ofrespondents who breastfed exclusively. The results of data analysis showed a significantrelationship between knowledge and exclusive breastfeeding (p = 0.028).Efforts to improve the implementation of exclusive breastfeeding for infants aged> 6-12months through empowerment to health workers, such as by an increase in personnel and skills inorder to increase the use of breast milk.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 5
Eka Putri Primasari

Abstract: Breast milk is the best food for babies, especially in the first month of life. Breast milk contains all nutrients to build and provide the energy needed by the baby. The low rate of breastfeeding is a threat to child development. Several factors related to the success of exclusive breastfeeding are the level of knowledge of the mother and husband's support. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge of mothers and husband's support  towards the success of exclusive breastfeeding in Lubuk Kilangan Puskesmas in 2017. This study was analytical with a cross sectional design. The population in this study amounted to 153 respondents. A sample of 31 respondents obtained by simple ramdom sampling. Data were analyzed bivariate. The statistical test results obtained p-value = 0,000. It can be concluded that there is a relationship between the knowledge of mothers about exclusive breastfeeding and husband's support for the success of exclusive breastfeeding.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 202-208
Balqis Dwiyanti Haedar ◽  
Rauly Ramadhani ◽  
Andi Sitti Rahma

Exclusive breastfeeding is a condition in which infants are only given breast milk without the addition of other fluids and foods. until the baby reaches 6 months old. Breast milk strengthen the immune system in infants so they can avoid various diseases including diarrhea. This study aims to determine the relationship between exclusive breastfeeding and the incidence of diarrhea in infants aged 0-6 months in the Sudiang Community Health Center. This research is an analytical survey research with a cross-sectional design. This research was conducted at the Sudiang Health Center, Makassar City in the period November 1st to December 31st, 2019. The total respondents were 89 mothers with babies aged 0-6 months. The results showed that most of the respondents were mothers with male babies (61%), most of the mothers' education was high school graduates (46%), housewives (75%) with low economic background (56%). Exclusive breastfeeding related to the incidence of diarrhea in children aged 0-6 months in the Sudiang Community Health Center with a value of p <0.05 (p = 0.001). In addition, no significant relationship on maternal nipple hygiene to diarrhea in children aged 0-6 months p <0.05 (p = 0.075). In conclusion, this study showed there is a relationship between exclusive breastfeeding and the incidence of diarrhea in children aged 0-6 months in Sudiang Health Center. There is a relationship between hand hygiene and the incidence of diarrhea in children aged 0-6 months in Sudiang Health Center, Makassar.

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 41-50
Vellyza Collin ◽  
Buyung Keraman ◽  
Damayanti Damayanti

One of indicators in the successful health affair in a country is the number of infant mortality rate. Causes of mortality among others are respiratory disorders 37%, prematurity 34%, sepsis 12%, hypothermia 7%, post mature 3% and congenital defect 1% and blood defect or icterus 6%. Infant mortality due to hypothermia can be prevented by practical method as an alternative to incubator namely Kangaroo Care Method. The implementation of Kangaroo Care Method must be monitored and evaluated by health care provider especially the ners. This research aims to study the relationship between education and parity with kangaroo care method in Tebing Tinggi Hospital Perinatology Space Year in 2017. This research uses descriptive design korelational with the approach of cross sectional study design. The population in this studyall infants born with low birth weight in room Tebing Tinggi Hospital Perinatology In 2017 there were 42 babies using total sampling. Collecting data in this study by looking at the data dukementasi using univariate and bivariate analysis using statistical test Chi-Square Test and Contingency Coefficient (C). The results showed: of the 42 respondents there were 25 people (61.9%) did not do kangaroo care method, 23 people (54.8%) with primary education, 27 people (64.3%) with parity primiparous, there is a significant relationship between education and care in the kangaroo method Tebing Tinggi Hospital Perinatology Space Year in 2017 with a close relationship category, and there is a significant relationship between parity with the treatment method of kangaroos in Space Perinatology General Hospital Tebing Tinggi Year 2017, with the category of close relationship.  Keywords: education, kangaroo care, parity

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 31-37
Rahmi Fitri ◽  
Nurhikmah Panjaitan

    Breast milk contains substance known as IgA for the defense system in digestive tract against infection. This study aims to determine the relationship between knowledge and working mothers with exclusive breastfeeding in Sidomulyo, Stabat. The type of research used is a descriptive analytic survey using a cross sectional study. The sampling technique used accidental sampling with 150 as population and 30 people is involved as the research sample.  The data analysis applied chi square test to determine the relationship between two variables. The results of this study revealed that there is a relationship between mother's knowledge of exclusive breast feeding with a significant level (ɑ) = 5% (0.05) and df = 2, the result is value = 0.026 at df = 2 where sig <ɑ (0.026 < 0.05) then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted.  Therefore, mothers are advised to continue to provide exclusive breastfeeding to their babies even though they work by storing breast milk in the refrigerator.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-151
Meli Marisiantini

Nowadays, Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) is still high in Indonesia, it is about 32 per 1.000 livebirths, and low birth weight infants accounted for 34% as the major cause (SDKI, 2012). InDr.M.Yunus hospital at Bengkulu city, cases of LBW has increased from the preceding year,approximately 391 infants (14.4%) of 2713 childbirths. The purpose of this research is known thefactors which affect average of birth weight infants in C1 Midwifery room at Dr.M.Yunus Bengkulu in2013. The study design was observational descriptive with cross-sectional method which the populationare women who delivered in the maternity room at Dr.M.Yunus hospital, and also with accidentalsampling technique which samples are 48 respondents, data were processed using univariate andbivariate. The results of statistical tests showed there are influences of those factors to affect average ofbirth weight infant in Dr.M.Yunus hospital in 2013 and long-standing is the most dominant factor. It isexpected that health workers can be provide counseling to pregnant women in order to know the risks ifthe women have a bad lifestyle (exposure to cigarette smoke, caffeine consumption, and prolongedstanding) and also set the age for pregnancy planning.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Tri Budi Rahayu

Supporting the success of breastfeeding to improve the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in order to lower the infant mortality rate (IMR) set out in 10 Langkah Menuju Keberhasilan Menyusui (LMKM) policy. One of the steps taken is strive for the establishment of Kelompok Pendukung Ibu (KP-Ibu). This study aims to explain the results of the Kelompok Pendukung Ibu (KP-Ibu) in improving the success of exclusive breastfeeding. Cross-sectional research method with qualitative approach using in-depth interview technique. The results showed there is still one group that the level of attendance <80%. It is motivated by: 1) There are some KP-Ibu motivator who are less active because the husband follows the work out of town and do not feel confident because it has not had the experience of breastfeeding; 2) Non-availability of props, tools limited to the manual / guideline; 3) Monitoring and mentoring have not done regularly every 3 months.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1984-1995
Sapitri Wulandari ◽  
Emi Nurlaela

AbstractGlobal study “The Lancer Breastfeeding Series” 2016 explains that infant mortality due to infection reaches 88% in infants aged less than three months, while 82% of children get sick because they do not receive exclusive breastfeeding. Exclusive breastfeeding can reduce infant mortality due to infection. Several factors that affect exclusive breastfeeding are the mother, the infant, and support factors. One of the sources of support that can affect exclusive breastfeeding is the husband’s support. This study aimed to determine the relationship between husband's support and exclusive breastfeeding through a literature review. This study uses a literature review method. The articles used are sourced from online databases with electronic searches on Google Scholar and Garuda Portal published in 2011-2021. The critical assessment instrument used is the STROBE instrument. Based on the 6 articles used in the litarture review, the results showed that in 3 articles namely research from Fitriani (2020), Rolita (2020), and Aries (2019), there was a correlation between the husband’s support and exclusive breastfeeding. Meanwhile, in the other three articles namely research fromIndriyani (2019), Novira (2017), and Rahayu (2018), there was no correlation between the husband’s support and exclusive breastfeeding. Husband's support is related to exclusive breastfeeding, so that the management of nursing care for breastfeeding mothers should involve the husband.Keywords: Exclusives breastfeeding; husband's support AbstrakKajian Global “The Lancer Breastefeeding Series” 2016 menjelaskan bahwa kematian bayi karena infeksi mencapai angka 88% pada bayi berusia kurang dari 3 bulan, sedangkan 82% anak sakit karena tidak menerima ASI Eksklusif. Pemberian ASI Eksklusif dapat menurunkan angka kematian pada bayi akibat infeksi. Beberapa faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap pemberian ASI Eksklusif diantaranya faktor ibu, bayi, dan dukungan. Sumber dukungan yang dapat mempengaruhi pemberian ASI Eksklusif salah satunya dukungan suami. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan dukungan suami dengan pemberian ASI Eksklusif melalui literature review. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodeliterature rev iew. Artikel yang digunakan bersumber dari data base online dengan penelusuran elektronik pada Google Scholar dan Portal Garuda yang terbit pada tahun 2011-2021. Instrumen telaah kritis yang digunakan yaitu instrumen STROBE. Berdasarkan 6 artikel yang digunakan dalam literature review didapatkan hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa 3 artikel yaitu penelitian dari Fitriani (2020), Rolita (2020), dan Aries (2019) terdapat hubungan antara dukungan suami dengan pemberian ASI Eksklusif dan 3 artikel yaitu penelitian dari Indriyani (2019), Novira (2017), dan Rahayu (2018) tidak terdapat hubungan antara dukungan suami dengan pemberian ASI Eksklusif. Dukungan suami berhubungan dengan pemberian ASI eksklusif, sehingga dalam kelolaan asuhan keperawatan pada ibu menyusui seharusnya melibatkan suami. Kata Kunci : Exclusives breastfeeding; husband’s support; pemberian ASI Eksklusif; dukungan suami

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 92
Nur Annisa ◽  
Sumiaty Sumiaty ◽  
Henrietta Imelda Tondong

The prevalence of stunting in five-year-old infants in Indonesia in 2018 it is 30.8% while in two-year babies it is 29.9% which consists of 12.8% very short and 17.1% short. Stunting can be caused by a variety of factors, such as the implementation of initiation of early breastfeeding which is not appropriate and the provision of breast milk is not exclusive. The purpose of this study is to know the relationship between early breastfeeding initiation and exclusive breastfeeding with stunting in two-year-old infants aged 7-24 months in the work area of Pantoloan Health Center. This type of research is an analytical survey with design cross sectional. The sample in this study were two-year-old infants aged 7-24 months totaling 57 samples with sampling techniques namely simple random sampling and data analysis using Chi Square. The results showed that respondents who experienced stunting were 36.8% and not stunting 63.2%. Respondents who had early breastfeeding initiation tended not to experience stunting (79.2%), while respondents who received exclusive breastfeeding tended not to experience stunting (81.0%). The results of the statistical test showed a significant relationship between early breastfeeding initiation and exclusive breastfeeding with stunting with the same p-value of 0.033 (α <0.05). The conclusion is that there is a relationship between early breastfeeding initiation and exclusive breastfeeding with stunting. Suggestions for researchers for health workers to promote and implement early breastfeeding initiatives and exclusive breastfeeding for mothers to prevent and minimize the incidence of stunting in children in the future.

Endang Palupi ◽  
Harsono Salimo ◽  
Bhisma Murti ◽  

ABSTRACT Background: Rural children face higher mortality rates than their urban counterparts. Although the rural disadvantage in average child survival in developing countries is firmly established, its explanation is less clear. Several studies suggest that household-level factors appear to be important in explaining rural-urban differences in child mortality. This study aimed to examine the contextual effect of village and other determinants on infant mortality in Karanganyar, Central Java. Subjects and Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Karanganyar, Central Java, from February to May 2020. A sample of 200 infants aged 1 to 23 months was selected by fixed disease sampling. The dependent variable was infant mortality. The independent variables were exclusive breastfeeding, nutritional intake, immunization status, maternal education, family income, and contextual effect of village. The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by a multiple multilevel logistic regression run on Stata 13. Results: Infant mortality decreased with exclusive breastfeeding (b= -5.10; 95% CI= -9.60 to -0.59; p= 0.026), high family income (b= -5.96; 95% CI= – 9.91 to -2.02; p= 0.003), high maternal education (b= -4.09; 95% CI= -7.79 to -0.38; p= 0.030), and complete immunization (b= -4.67; 95% CI= -8.69 to -0.67; p= 0.022). Infant mortality increased with poor nutritional status (b= 4.99; 95% CI= 1.79 to 8.19; p= 0.002). Village had contextual effect on infant mortality with ICC= 32%. Conclusion: Infant mortality decreases with exclusive breastfeeding, high family income, high maternal education, and complete immunization. Infant mortality increases with poor nutritional status. Village has contextual effect on infant mortality. Keywords: infant mortality, contextual effect of village Correspondence: Endang Palupi. Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret. Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A, Surakarta 57126, Central Java. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: +6281331872723. DOI:

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