scholarly journals Respon Siswa Terhadap Media Dakon Matika Materi KPK dan FPB pada Siswa Kelas IV di SD/MI Lamongan

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-204
Ummu Khairiyah

This research aimed to know the response of the students against the media learning material on the matika dakon KPK and FPB in class IV. The research methods apply in this research is descriptive research. The subject of this research is 25 students of class IV SDN Tenggerejo 2 Kedungpring Lamongan. Research instrument used is a questionnaire form. The criteria of response consists of 5 indicators are judgments, interest, motivation, satisfaction, and response. The analysis of the questionnaire shows that the average value of student response against media dakon matika is very positive with a percentage amounting is  93.6%

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 24-32
Yuliansah Yuliansah

Mutu pendidikan dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor, salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi mutu pendidikan adalah kualitas pembelajaran di sekolah. Salah satu indikator sebuah pembelajaran yang berkualitas dapat dilihat dari hasil belajar yang diraih siswa. Motivasi belajar dapat mempengaruhi pencapaian prestasi belajar peserta didik. Pemanfaatan media dalam proses pembelajaran di kelas untuk membuat suasana pembelajaran menjadi menyenangkan serta dapat menumbuhkan motivasi belajar peserta didik. Salah satu media pembelajaran yang dapat dimanfaatkan dalam meningkatkan motivasi dan prestasi belajar peserta didik adalah media powerpoint berbasis animasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah pemanfaatan media pembelajaran powerpoint berbasis animasi dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar dan prestasi belajar peserta didik didik pada standar kompetensi membuat dan menjaga kearsipan untuk menjamin integritas. Subjek penelitian ini adalah semua peserta didik kelas X Administrasi Perkantoran berjumlah 34 orang. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 1) Pemanfaatan media pembelajaran powerpoint berbasis animasi dapat meningkatan motivasi belajar peserta didik pada standar kompetensi membuat dan menjaga kearsipan untuk menjamin integritas, 2) Pemanfaatan media pembelajaran powerpoint berbasis animasi dapat meningkatan hasil belajar peserta didik pada standar kompetensi membuat dan menjaga kearsipan untuk menjamin integritas. Kata kunci : Media Pembelajaran, Powerpoint, Motivasi Belajar, Prestasi Belajar   Abstract: The Effectiveness Of Learning Media Powerpoint Based Animation In Increasing Motivation And Learning Achievement. The quality of education is affected by many factors, one of the factors that affect the quality of education is the quality of learning at school. One of the indicators of a quality learning can be seen from the results of the study earned students. Learning motivation may affect the achievement of the learning achievements of students. The utilization of the media in the process of learning in the classroom to create an atmosphere of learning into fun learning motivation can grow as well as learners. One of the media learning which can be utilized in improving learning and achievement motivation of learners is a media-based powerpoint animation. This research aims to find out whether the utilization of media learning powerpoint based animation can increase motivation and learning achievements learning educates learners on standards of competence to make and keep the archives to ensure the integrity. The subject of this research is all learners class X Office Administration amounted to 34 people. The results of this study indicate that 1) utilization of instructional media in powerpoint based animation can improve the learning motivation of learners on the standard of competence to make and keep the archives to ensure the integrity of media Utilization, 2) powerpoint animation based learning can improve the learning results of students on the standard of competence to make and keep the archives to ensure integrity. Key word : learning media, powerpoint, motivation of learnier, the learning achievements

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 145-157
Mutimmah Fawaid

Abstrak Keterampilan membaca permulaan siswa masih rendah dikarenakan kurangnya keterampilan guru dalam mengolah pembelajaran menjadi menarik, hal ini menyebabkan siswa kurang antusias dalam membaca sehingga siswa lebih asyik bicara sendiri dengan teman sebangkunya. Penelitian ini memfokuskan pada: apakah ada peningkatan dalam membaca setelah menggunakan metode suku kata berbasis media kartugambar dan Apakahfaktor yang mempengaruhi dalam keterampilan membaca permulaan. Jenispenelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas sedangkan sabjeknya ialah seluruh siswa kelas 1 MI Nurus Shibyan Ambat dengan jumlah 18 siswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah wawancara, observasi, tes dan dokumentasi. Dalam membaca permulaan peneliti penggunaan metode suku kata berbasis media kartu gambar dari hasil tersebut terlihat adanya peningkatan keterampilan membaca permulaan pada siswa. Hal ini dibuktikan pada saat sebelum diberi tindakan nilai rata-rata dari seluruh siswa masih rendah yaitu 45,27, dan presentase ketuntasan klasikalsiswa 16,67%. Pada siklus I setelah diberi tidakanya itu dengan menggunakan metode suku kata berbasis media kartu gambar nilai rata-rata siswa meningkat menjadi 57,5 dan presentase ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 27,78%. pada siklus II nilai rata-rata siswa meningkat menjadi 67,5 sedangkan presentase ketuntasan siswa menjadi 55,56%. Dan pada pelaksanaan siklus III nilai rata-rata siswa meningkat menjadi 78,88 dan peningkatan presentase ketuntasan siswa mencapai 83,33%.  Kata Kunci: Membaca Permulaan, Suku Kata Berbasis Kartu Gambar Abstract Reading skills at the beginning of students are still low due to the lack of teacher skills in processing learning to be interesting, this causes students to be less enthusiastic in reading so that students are more engrossed in talking to themselves with their peers. This study focuses on: is there an increase in reading after using the syllabic media-based syllable method and what are the influencing factors in early reading skills. This type of research is classroom action research while the subject is all grade 1 students of MI NurusShibyanAmbat with a total of 18 students. The methods used in data collection are interviews, observation, tests and documentation. In reading the beginning of the researcher the use of the syllabus-based media method of the image card shows that there is an increase in students' beginning reading skills. This was evidenced at the time before being given an action the average value of all students was still low at 45.27, and the percentage of classical completeness of students was 16.67%. In the first cycle after being given the act of using syllables based on the media card the average value of students increased to 57.5 and the percentage of classical completeness was 27.78%. in cycle II the average value of students increased to 67.5 while the percentage of student completeness to 55.56%. And in the implementation of the third cycle the average value of students increased to 78.88 and the percentage ofstudentscompleteness reached 83.3%. Keywords: Reading Beginning, Syllables Based On Picture Cards

Dewi Handayani ◽  
Elvinawati Elvinawati ◽  
Isnaeni Isnaeni ◽  
Muzanip Alperi

This research is the development of guided discovery based electronic module that aims to know the eligibility level of e-modules and student responses to guided discovery-based electronic modules in redox reaction material. This electronic module uses the ADDIE development model. The research was conducted at one of the high schools in Bengkulu with the subject 9 students of X MIPA A Students for small scale trials and 30 students of X MIPA D Students for large scale trials. From the results of the research obtained (1) the percentage of the feasibility of e-modules on the material aspect is 86,315% while from the media aspect is 91.425% so that based on the results of validation by the E-module validator is declared very valid, (2) based on the test results of the small-scale student response percentage of 75.97 % with interesting category, while for large-scale trials of 84.48% with a very interesting category. From the results percentage, it can be concluded that e-module is suitable for use in learning. Electronic module based on guided discovery is an effective tool to help students in learning redox reaction subject. E-module can be accessed by smartphone or laptop. With this e-module, students can access the study material from everywhere without any time limitation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 256
Zulkifli Rusma Noortyani

AbstractThe ability to make Your English using Media Card through Model Think Pair Share and GradeX Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin. Long-term goals and targets specifically wantedto work this research later to find the ability to make your English using media card through modelthink pair share and grade X Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin. In detail, this researchseeks to discover the activities of teachers and students and student response. To achieve that goal, theresearchers used a qualitative method with the traits expressed Danim (2002:60), namely (1) the datasource directly in the form of a natural situation and research is the key instrument, are deskriktif (2),(3) more emphasis on the meaning of the process rather than results, (4) the nature of the inductiveAnalysis, (5) the meaning is the main approaches in research. This very precise method used in thisresearch because it is researching the subject and performed on the ability to make your English. Theresults showed that: (1) the activities of teachers and students by using a media card on the model ThinkPair Share shows of 89.08% activities done properly, (2) a class X student response Madrasah AliyahMuhammadiyah Banjarmasin showed that 81.2% 18.8% strongly agree, agree, disagree and while verydisapproving of 0%, and (3) writing skills in students of class X Madrasah Aliyah MuhammadiyahBanjarmasin indicate that the average value of 25 students is with 87 the criteria very well. The advice isaimed at the school, teacher, student to be able to carry out creative and innovative learning in enhancingthe learning process writing skills.Key words: create a pantun, media card, model think the pair and shareAbstrakKemampuan Membuat Pantun Bahasa Banjar menggunakan Media Kartu melalui Model ThinkPair and Share Siswa Kelas X Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin. Tujuan jangkapanjang dan target khusus yang ingin diperoleh dari hasil penelitian ini nantinya untuk menemukankemampuan membuat pantun bahasa Banjar menggunakan media kartu melalui model think pairand share siswa kelas X Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin. Secara rinci, penelitian iniberupaya menemukan aktivitas guru dan siswa dan respon siswa. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut,257peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan ciri-ciri yang dikemukakan Danim (2002:60) yaitu (1)Sumber data langsung berupa situasi alami dan penelitian merupakan instrumen kunci, (2) bersifatdeskriktif, (3) Lebih menekankan pada makna proses ketimbang hasil, (4) Analisis bersifat induktif,(5) makna merupakan pendekatan utama dalam penelitian. Metode ini sangat tepat digunakan dalampenelitian ini karena meneliti subjek dan dilakukan pada kemampuan membuat pantun bahasa Banjar.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) aktivitas guru dan siswa dengan menggunakan media kartupada model Think Pair Share menunjukkan sebesar 89,08% kegiatan terlaksana dengan baik, (2) responsiswa kelas X Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin menunjukkan bahwa 81,2% sangatsetuju, 18,8% setuju, sedangkan tidak setuju dan sangat tidak setuju sebesar 0%, dan (3) kemampuanmenulis pada siswa kelas X Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin menunjukkan bahwa nilairata-rata 25 siswa adalah 87 dengan kriteria sangat baik. Saran ditujukan pada pihak sekolah, guru,siswa agar dapat melaksanakan pembelajaran secara kreatif dan inovatif dalam meningkatkan prosespembelajaran keterampilan menulis.Kata-kata kunci: membuat pantun, media kartu, model think pair and share

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-115
Tri Oka Akram

This research aims to produce effective and practical learning media. To achieve this goal, the authors establish the press using a research method of development with steps: (1) analysis, (2) design, (3) development, (4) implementation, (5) evaluation. The subject in this study is the participant Students at SMA N 1 Bandar Lampung with “data collection instruments used in the form of” polls provided to the material “experts, media experts,” test and effectiveness tests. The results of this study resulted in a media-shaped Video learning product; Knowing the feasibility of the quality of the developed product “is very feasible with a” score of 3.66 based on material “expert assessment” and 3.66 by the media expert in a very decent category. Student response in Math Learning media with Sparkol video scribe in trigonometric material obtained score 3.33 in MIPA 4 and 3.36 class in MIPA 5 with very interesting criteria in small class test. In the massive class test obtained the score 3.43 in grade MIPA 4 3.41 with fascinating measures. On the effectiveness test of learning video obtained calculation results using effect size 0.54 with moderate criteria can be concluded that there is a significant increase in learning outcomes.   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk dapat menghasilkan media pembelajaran yang efektif dan praktis. langkah-langkah yang dilakukan untuk mencapainya tujuan pembelajaran tersebut peneliti mengunggnakan metode penelitian ADDIE yaitu“(1) analysis, (2) design, (3) development, (4) implementation, (5) evaluation .”Adapun pada“penelitian ini”peserta didik SMA N 1 Bandar Lampung mejadi subjek pada penelitian, teknik“pengumpulan data yang digunakan”dengan menyebarkan instrument berupa“angket yang diberikan”pada“ahli materi, ahli media,”uji kemenarikan dan uji keefektifan. Video sebagai media pembelajaran yang dihasilkan dalam pengembangan yang dilakukan peneliti. “Mengetahui kelayakan dari kualitas produk yang dikembangkan adalah sangat layak dengan skor 3,66 berdasarkan penilaian ahli materi dan 3,66 oleh ahli media dalam katagori sangat layak. Respon peserta didik dalam media pembelajaran matematika berbantuan sparkol videoscribe pada materi Trigonometri diperoleh skor 3,33 dikelas MIPA 4 dan 3,36 dikelas MIPA 5 dengan kriteria sangat menarik pada uji kelas kecil.”pada uji kelas besar diperoleh skor 3,43 dikelas MIPA 4 3,41 dengan kriteria sangat menarik. Pada uji keefektifitasan video pembelajaran“diperoleh hasil perhitungan menggunakan effect size 0,54 dengan kriteria sedang, sehingga media tersebut layak dan dapat digunakan pada saat proses pembelajaran dengan menghasilkan peningkatan keefektifan yang signifikan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 190-203
Putra Bernadus Banilo ◽  
Yulita Pujiharti

This study aims to develop comics as a medium of learning with the subject matter of international trade for class VIII SMP. The approach used is research and development (R & D). This research method is mixed methods design. The subjects in this study were students of SMP 'Aisyiyah Muhammadiyah 3 Malang. Data collection techniques using questionnaires and observation. The comic developed refers to the stages of development by Thiagarajan (1974) namely the development of a modified 4D model according to research needs. The results of the study show that thelearning media is comic very feasible to be applied in social studies learning with the subject of international trade for class VIII SMP. Quantitatively, the assessment of the material expert is (3.27) with a very valid category. The expert assessment is based on the suitability of the curriculum, the truth of the content and the method of presenting the material is included in the very valid category), and the media expert's assessment obtained a score of (3.20) with a very valid category. The media expert's assessment is based on considerations of visual design, language in the media and the quality of graphics, the score (3.20) is in the very valid category. Meanwhile, the student response sheets that were distributed to measure the level of attractiveness ofmedia comics received a response of 84.5% with a very good category. However, the pilot phase in this study could not be carried out as a whole, this was caused by the constraints experienced by the researchers. The percentage level of attractiveness of the media obtained from the student response sheets shows that the learning media for comics is in a very good category, which means that the learning media for comics is effectively used in the subject matter of international trade for class VIII SMP. Qualitatively,media comics as learning media on the subject of international trade are able to attract students' attention to study, facilitate student learning, and assist students in relating international trade material to everyday events.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 64-68
Nurhaidah M. Insya Musa

The education movement in schools should be able to strengthen the character of students through affective, cognitive and psychomotor harmonization in the learning process. The problems addressed in this research are: 1) How is the development of character value in the learning process in class IV elementary School Negeri 8 Banda Aceh? 2) What are the difficulties faced by teachers in developing character values in the learning process in class IV elementary School Negeri 8 Banda Aceh? This research aims to describe the development of character values and difficulties faced by teachers in the learning process in grade IV of SD Negeri 8 Banda Aceh. The approach used is qualitative research with a type of descriptive research. The subject in this study was 1 teacher and 38 students. The data collection techniques in this study are observations and interviews. Data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, and withdrawal of conclusions. The results of the development of character values in the learning process in class IV elementary School 8 Banda Aceh have been good, teachers always develop the value of students ' character through values of honesty, discipline, courtesy and courtesy, cooperation, responsibility, and In the learning process in the classroom and outside of class.  Guru Selau to develop character values in each learning process continuously. As for the difficulties teachers face on the development of character values in the learning process is because of the number of students in the classroom so that teachers are difficult to develop those values because not all students get noticed The same individual. But teachers always give students a moral message in a classical, developing character values both in the classroom and out of class so that they become students of good behavior. Conclusion of this research is teachers have developed values of honesty, discipline, courtesy and courtesy, cooperation, responsibility, and mutual respect, and others well in class IV elementary School 8 Banda Aceh.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 28-34
Zainal Abidin

Learning in class IV on PJOK subject matter, Basic Engineering Material, Herding Ball in Soccer Games, mastery of the material is still very low. Of the 20 number of students only 7 students (35%) who achieved the Minimum Completion Criteria (KKM) were set at 6.5 with an average value of 61.5. To overcome the above problems, the steps that need to be implemented are using the approach to field outside the school. In application, the researcher tried on the subject of PJOK about the concept of "Basic Technique of Dribbling Ball". The subjects in this study were 20 students consisting of 13 men and 7 women. To achieve the results in accordance with what the researcher expects, the researchers implement them with II  cycles. Each cycle is 2  meetings for 3 months. In the first  cycle the average score of students was 68.3 and learning completeness reached 70%, whereas in the second cycle the average score of students was 77 and learning completeness reached 85%. The conclusion of this study is to use the field approach outside the school in the PJOK lesson on material Natural Resources and their use for economic activities can improve learning skills

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Syamsul Bahri HS ◽  
Adnan Adnan ◽  
Irma Suryani Idris

Abstract.The research model used is Research and Development (R & D) which aims to produce flipbook-based electronic teaching materials that are integrated with valid curriculum and content standards. The subjects of this study were 2 persons biology teacher, and thirty-one students in class XI SMA 3 Makassar. This research was carried out by using the modification of the ADDIE development model which consisted of the stages of Analyze, Design, Dvevelopment, Implementation, and Evaluation. The data collected is data on the results of the flipbook-based electronic teaching material validation obtained from media and material expert validation questionnaires, the practicality obtained from the questionnaire tested through students and teachers, and the results of effectiveness obtained from the metacognitive awareness questionnaire and test results filled by students of class XI MIA 1 SMA Negeri 3 Makassar. Data obtained from the results of the study were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis. Flipbook-based electronic teaching materials. developed has several components such as learning material, animation and learning videos, pictures, practice questions, and evaluation questions. The results of the study show that the average value of the total validity of flipbook-based electronic teaching materials as a whole is in the very valid category (4.59). The overall student response is in a very practical category (4.14). Teacher response is in a very practical category (4.28). The overall metacognition awareness of students is in the good category (3.97). Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the flipbook-based electronic teaching material for class XI high school studied has a high level of validity.Keywords:learning materials, e-books, metacognitive, development.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 132
Dyah Ayu Fajarianingtyas

<p>Science process skill is used as basic skill in learning of science, according to the real science include the aspects of attitude, process, product, and application as a whole skill. The purpose of this research is to know increase of students’ science process skill after used worksheet which is developed. The kind of this research is development research adopt development model of Dick and Carey, with using descriptive research methods. The subject of this research is the VII grade students at SMPN 2 Sumenep academic year 2017/2018. The result of data testing shows that students’ science process skill increase with N-gain average 0,7 high criteria. Worksheet was chosen to be developed as learning material in this research, because worksheet can support the effectivity of learning based science process skill. Worksheet that had been developed can be used as learning material to increase students’ science process skill through observation by using media of terrarium.</p>

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