2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 145-160
Deni Setiawan ◽  
Andi Prastowo

Nowadays, moral decadence is a serious handling requires the formamation of character and dignity of the nation depended on the establisment of the man himself. The efforts can be done in the educational environment that is built the character of learners by developing an attitude of spiritual and social components used in this study. The goals of this study are to describe of spiritual and social attitudes on science learning activities on fourth grade that use KTSP and 2013 curriculum. The study was conducted with qualitative descriptive method and purposive sampling technique. Instruments used in the form of observational learning activities to analyze the emergence of the spiritual and social attitudes using videograph. Based on the results of the average total spiritual and social attitudes acquired elemtary used 2013 curriculum get bigger results. Expected from this research can serve as a basis for further research and as a motivation for teachers to be able  to  bring  up  an  spiritual  and  social  attitudes,  especially  in  science  learning. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-91
Jelita Jelita ◽  
Yenny Suzana ◽  
Nuraida Nuraida

Lesson study is an activity carried out collaboratively by teachers in planning a creative, effective and communicative learning process so that the desired learning objectives can be achieved. Student learning activities in learning science are observed using a scientific approach that is the ability of students to observe objects, submit questions, gather information, associate and communicate learning materials. The purpose of this study is to determined the increase in student learning activities in science learning through lesson study in MIN 3 Langsa and MIN 2 Aceh Tamiang. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive. The sample of this study consisted of 60 fifth grade students from 30 MIN 3 Langsa students and 30 MIN 2 Aceh Tamiang students. The sampling technique used by purposive sampling technique. Data was collected through observation sheets totaling 15 items consisting of 5 indicators of learning activities. Data were analyzed by comparing the average score of each item with the maximum score using the percentage formula. The results showed an increase in student learning activities in science learning in both Madrasah Ibtidaiyah namely 32.98% MIN 2 Aceh Tamiang and 42.16% MIN 3 Langsa. Thus it can be concluded that student learning activities in science learning can be improved through lesson study

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-154
Sri Gening Sundari

The research aim was to find out the improvement of biology achievement of the tenth grade students of science class at SMA Negeri 3 Lubuklinggau. The research method used was Classroom Action Research. The population was all of the tenth grade students of science class. The sampling technique was purposive sampling technique with 32 students as the samples. The instruments of data collection were observation sheets and tests. The data were analyzed both through quantitative and qualitative descriptive method. The results showed that the students achievement was improved indicated by initial percentage 37%, cycle I 43,75 % to 59,37 % in cycle II. The data of students learning activities were collected from some parameters such as students' activities, response, cooperation, responsibilities, tolerances, and diligence with the average score in cycle I only 62,03 and it was improved in cycle II to 79,53. In conclusion, discovery learning model could improve students' learning achievements and students' learning activities. Keywords: students achievement, model discovery learning

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 358-375
Desi Karlina

Globalization has resulted in a shift in human morals, marked by the many cases of moral deviations that are rife in various parts of Indonesia so that the application of spiritual attitudes has not been maximized. The attitude of dishonesty is shown by the number of students who cheat on the test, and the attitude of indiscipline is shown by the number of students who are late so that the application of social attitudes does not seem to be visible. The role of PAI teachers is considered quite important for the development of these two attitudes. At SMPN 1 Darussalam, PAI teachers have played a role in fostering spiritual and social attitudes. Big. This research was conducted with a field study using a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews and documentation. The results showed the role of PAI teachers in fostering spiritual attitudes by praying before and after lessons, praying in congregation, doing charity activities every Friday, and religious activities. The role of PAI teachers in fostering social attitudes is carried out through social service activities, visiting the Disabled Foundation and nursing homes, getting used to the 3S (smile, greeting, greeting), reporting to the teacher what items are found, punishing students who are late. Factors supporting the role of Islamic Education teachers in fostering spiritual and social attitudes are seen from adequate school facilities in the form of female/male prayer rooms, learning media such as LCD, the use of active methods. While the inhibiting factors include the lack of adequate facilities, especially LCDs, the lack of interest in teachers and knowledge, and the lack of interest in students to improve themselves.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 284
Dailami Tanjung ◽  
Azmi Azmi ◽  
Tetty Mirwa ◽  
Triyanto Triyanto

AbstrakPenelitian ini di latar belakangi untuk mendeskripsikan nilai estetis pada kerajinan miniatur kapal pada pengrajin kriya Asmidar Di Medan Perjuangan.Pembatasan masalah dalam penelitian ini berfokus pada penerapan nilai estetis dan hasil karya kerajinan miniatur kapal pada pengrajin kriya Asmidar di Medan Perjuangan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu seluruh kerajinan miniatur kapal pada pengrajin kriya Asmidar. Dalam penelitian ini penulis mengambil teknik sampling jenuh, yaitu teknik penentuan sampel bila semua anggota populasi digunakan sebagai sampel sebanyak 8 karya kerajinan miniatur kapal. Dalam hal ini penulis akan meneliti karya kerajinan miniatur kapal tersebut berdasarkan aspek proporsi, keseimbangan, kesatuan, dan finishing. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriftif kualitatif. Berdasarkan data yang telah diperoleh, maka semua hasil penilaian dari ke dua ahli secara keseluruhan pada kerajinan miniatur kapal karya pengerajin Kriya Asmidar ditinjau berdasarkan aspek proporsi, keseimbangan, kesatuan, dan finishing, secara umum dikategorikan baik dengan jumlah nilai = 703 dan rata-rata (r) = 88 (baik). Kata Kunci:analisis, kerajinan, miniatur kapal.AbstractThis research is in the background to describe the aesthetic value of miniature craft shipments at the craftsmen of Asmidar craft in Medan Perjuangan. The problem limitation in this study focuses on the application of aesthetic values and the work of ship miniature crafts to the craftsmen of Asmidar craft in Medan Perjuangan. The population in this study is all miniature craft of craft in the craft of the Asmidar craft. In this study the author takes a saturated sampling technique, which is a sample determination technique if all members of the population are used as a sample of 8 ship miniature craft works. In this case the author will examine the ship's miniature craft based on aspects of proportion, balance, unity and finishing. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive method. Based on the data that has been obtained, all the results of the assessment of the two experts as a whole on the miniature craft of the work of the craftsmen KriyaAsmidar are reviewed based on the aspects of proportion, balance, unity, and finishing, generally categorized as good with a number of values = 703 and average ( r) = 88 (good).Keywords:analysis, crafts, miniature’s ship. 

Septiana Agustin

This study aims to apply innovative learning methods. New methods that are expected to provide references for teachers, especially low-class teachers. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques are based on observations that cover several aspects. Observations are carried out in stages by comparing classes that apply the new method and those that do not. The data analysis technique is done by qualifying the observational data. The research results are shown based on observations by the teacher during the learning activities. There are differences when learning with the same material, but delivered by different methods. That is because the new method has several advantages, among others: children are more enthusiastic to play together, familiarize children with tolerance by not picking friends, class conditions more orderly, creating a pleasant atmosphere, and training children to work while learning in group dynamics.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Kharisma Imam Adinata

The purpose of this research was to describe results evaluation of implementation halal slaughter vocational training at International Livestock Training Center Batu East Java using a qualitative descriptive method. The selection of informants was carried out by using purposive sampling technique. Data is tabulated from interviews with informants. Data analysis was carried out by classifying and taking the connection between the interview data. Validity of the data was tested by using triangulation technique data sources based on interviews with informants.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Karsono Karsono ◽  
Purwanto Purwanto ◽  
Abdul Matin Bin Salman

This study aims to determine the branding strategy at MTsN Purbalingga Regency and to determine the level of effectiveness of branding management strategies at MTsN Purbalingga Regency in 2018 to 2020. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method. This method is used to describe and analyze branding management strategies at MTsN in Purbalingga Regency and describe user responses to branding management strategies at MTsN Purbalingga Regency. The places chosen to conduct the research were MTsN 01 Purbalingga, MTsN 02 Purbalingga, and MTsN 03 Purbalingga. Informants from this research are principals, teachers, staff, and students. Then to select and determine the informants in this study, the researchers used a purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques in this research are using content/document analysis techniques, in-depth interviews, and events/observations. The method used to check the validity of the data is the triangulation method. The data analysis technique used in this research is interactive model analysis. The stages in analyzing the data in this study are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that: 1). the branding strategies that have been carried out by MTsN in Purbalingga Regency between one MTsN and other MTsN are the same and some are different, this of course depends on the branding management carried out by each school. MTsN 1 Purbalingga, namely by improving the quality both in terms of achievement and non-academic namely character building, MTs Negeri 2 Purbalingga emphasizes efforts to attract interest in terms of performance and community service, while MTs Negeri 3 Purbalingga in an effort to attract interest by achieving good academic achievements and non-academic and performance services for both teachers and employees; 2). The effectiveness of the branding strategy carried out at MTs Negeri Purbalingga Regency in 2018 to 2020 is quite effective in increasing public trust.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 225-240
Siti Roikatul Janah

This article aims to describe the barriers to student learning during the Covid-19 pandemic at MA Maarif 06 Pasir Sakti, East Lampung. The research used a qualitative descriptive method with data sources of teachers, homeroom teachers, students and parents. The result of this determination is that there are several obstacles faced by students, teachers and parents in teaching and learning activities in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era, namely the addition of internet quota costs, communication and socialization between students, teachers and parents is reduced and working hours which becomes unlimited for teachers because they have to communicate and coordinate with parents, other teachers, and principals. The positive contribution of the results of this study is the spread of information regarding the urgency of mastery of technology to support every activity carried out by humans, one of which is in the realm of education to be able to compete globally.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 133
Juwita Sari ◽  
Nelson Tarigan ◽  
Fuad Erdansyah ◽  
Sumarsono Sumarsono

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan pengaruh penguasaan prinsip dan unsur seni rupa terhadap hasil belajar menggambar flora. Objek yang digambar adalah pohon. Adapun populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu kelas VII SMP Swasta AL-ULUM Medan dengan sampel 3 karya siswa dengan teknik Cluster Random Sampling. Sampel yang akan diambil dengan menggunakan Pretest dan Posttest agar dapat terlihat perbedaan dengan penguasaan prinsip dan unsur seni rupa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan mendeskripsikan gambaran yang diteliti dan dinilai berdasarkan prinsip dan unsur seni rupa yang telah ditentukan yaitu garis, bentuk, warna, gelap terang, proporsi dan karakter objek. Hasil temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan  karya yang dihasilkan berdasarkan prinsip dan unsur seni rupa terdapat pengaruh yang cukup signifikan dilihat dari hasil karya Pretest dan Posttest.Kata Kunci: prinsip, unsur, seni rupa.AbstractThis study aims to prove the influence of mastery of the principles and elements of fine arts on flora learning outcomes. The object drawn is a tree. The population in this study is grade VII Medan AL-ULUM Junior High School with a sample of 3 student work using the Cluster Random Sampling technique. Samples to be taken using Pretest and Posttest so that differences can be seen with the mastery of the principles and elements of fine arts. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method by describing the images studied and assessed based on predetermined fine art principles and elements, namely lines, shapes, colors, light darkness, proportions and character of objects. The findings of this study indicate that overall the work produced is based on the principles and elements of art there is a significant influence seen from the work of Pretest and Posttest.  Keywords: principles, elements, fine art.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 228-254
Regina Marintan Silalahi

Abstract. This research reported study about analysis minimal exchange structures and general exchange structure in English classroom interaction found in you tube, (from mujikuy channel : asking and giving information about berbasis ganre in x class). This study direct to analysis the element of minimal exchange structures and general exchanges structures in English classroom interaction find in you tube. The data is the clauses obtained from conversation among teacher and students of X grade during English classroom learning process that find in you tube from (Mujikuy channel : asking and giving information about berbasis ganre in x class). This study uses theory of Halliday (1994) by qualitative descriptive method. The result shows that there are three (3) types of act as the element of exchange structures: Initiating, Responding,and Following-Up (I-R-F). Minimal exchange structure consists of: Initiating-Responding (I-R) or Initiating-Responding-Following Up (I-R-F). General structure of exchange in classroom situation consists of: greeting, giving order, giving information, asking question, and closing. In the learning process, things do not always go well. When the learning process students sometimes do not respond to conversations or instructions given by the teacher. Therefore teachers must take initiatives such as providing information, asking questions, and giving instructions. So that the learning process becomes more efficient. This study shows that the teacher has the authority to regulate learning activities

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