Background: Thrombocytopenia accompanying acute febrile illnesses is a matter of concern because lack of prompt treatment could result in significant mortality. We in this study tried to evaluate the clinical profile of cases with acute fever and thrombocytopenia and determine the cause of fever with thrombocytopenia and the outcome of treatment of such patients in our hospital.
Methods: A total of n=50 successive cases of acute febrile illness with thrombocytopenia following inclusion and exclusion criteria were included in this study. Clinical signs such as rashes, signs of dehydration, petechiae, jaundice, lymphadenopathy, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, anemia, abdominal tenderness, altered sensorium, were noted. Investigations included CBP, ESR, LFT, RFT, serum electrolytes, Chest X-ray, USG abdomen were done. Other investigations included Dengue serology, Malaria, Widal, IgM for leptospirosis, sputum for AFB.
Results: Out of n=50 patients with acute fever with thrombocytopenia, all of them had a definitive diagnosis with malaria (40%) as the commonest cause, followed by enteric fever (24%), viral fever (14%), septicemia (6%), dengue (14%), and leptospirosis (2%). 50% of the patients had platelet count in the range of 50, 000 – 1,00, 000 and 30% had platelet counts above 100000-150000. 8% of cases had platelet counts below 25000 and 12% had platelet counts between 25000-50000 at the time of admission. 10% mortality was observed.
Conclusion: infections as the commonest cause of thrombocytopenia. Malaria, dengue enteric fever, leptospirosis, and other viral infections formed the major diseases in this group of population. The diagnosis of malaria was the common cause because of seasonal and regional variations. A definitive increase in platelet count was noted after the underlying cause was treated. Severe cases of septicemia with associated co-morbidities resulted in mortality.