Journal of Islamic Economics Perspectives
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Published By IAIN Jember


2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 33-39
Mohammad Mirza

ABSTRACT             Segmentation is not only used by companies in determining policies to dominate the market, but segmentation is able to provide an overview or information on human lifestyles, especially students of the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business at Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq State Islamic University Jember. In the world of education, segmentation is able to provide information about students, then the information will be used to compile academic programs that have the essence of the character of students.             This research uses action research methods or action testing without research, that is, researchers do not carry out systematic research according to the rules of research methodology. This is because the researcher is a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business at the State Islamic University of Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember. In this study, students of the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business have three criteria or segments, namely dynamic students, identity seeking students and conservative students.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 10-21
Oktaria Ardika Putri ◽  
Muhammad Solikhudin

Abstract: This article explains the role of tertiary education in Islamic banking in Indonesia with a review of maqa>s}id al-mu'a>mala>t. As known, the development of Islamic banking is still being pursued today. Accordingly, the public's need for an understanding of Islamic banking and the need for experts in the field of Islamic banking cannot be denied. Therefore, it requires experts who have graduated from the Islamic banking study program from universities, including the Kediri State Islamic Institute, to answer this challenge. The contribution of higher education in the Islamic banking study program to produce excellent graduates is an important thing that must be realized. Islamic banking education, when viewed by maqa>s}id al-mu'a>mala>t, it is known that real certainty is manifested, such as a comprehensive understanding of Islamic banking in terms of compliance with Islamic banking principles which includes compliance with the principles of Islamic banking. Sharia principles, prudential provisions, increased operational efficiency which will have an impact on high competitiveness and stability of the Islamic banking system as well as benefits to the economy. There is also a universal dimension, namely the general benefit between the government, Islamic financial institutions and the public.   Keywords: Education, Islamic Bank, Maqa>s}id al-Mu'a>mala>t. Abstrak: Artikel ini menerangkan peran pendidikan perguruan tinggi dalam perbankan syariah di Indonesia dengan tinjaun maqa>s}id al-mu’a>mala>t. Seperti diketahui, pengembangan perbankan syariah masih diupayakan sampai saat ini. Sesuai dengan itu, kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap pemahaman perbankan syariah serta kebutuhan tenaga ahli di bidang perbankan syariah tidak dapat dipungkiri. Oleh sebab itu, butuh tenaga ahli lulusan program studi perbankan syariah dari perguruan tinggi, termasuk Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kediri, untuk menjawab tantangan ini. Kontribusi pendidikan tinggi program studi perbankan syariah untuk melahirkan sarjana-sarjana yang unggul, merupakan hal penting yang harus direalisasikan. Pendidikan perbankan syariah, apabila ditinjau dengan maqa>s}id al-mu’a>mala>t, maka diketahui, terwujud kepastian yang nyata, seperti pemahaman yang menyeluruh tentang perbankan syariah dalam hal kepatuhan pada prinsip perbankan syariah yang meliputi kepatuhan pada prinsip-prinsip syariah, ketentuan kehati-hatian, peningkatan efisiensi operasional yang berdampak pada daya saing yang tinggi dan stabilitas sistem perbankan syariah serta kemanfaatan bagi perekonomian. Terwujud juga dimensi universal, yakni kemaslahatan umum antara pemerintah, lembaga keuangan syariah dan masyarakat.   Kata Kunci: Pendidikan, Bank Syariah, Maqa>s}id al-Mu’a>mala>t.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Safa’at ◽  
Nuzulul Fatimah ◽  
Muhammad Ali Ahmad

PT. XYZ is a company engaged in the field of readymix concrete. This study aims to determine the company's strategy in a covid-19 epidemic state, it is hoped that the company will be able to deal with it well. The method used is by interviewing employees in accordance with their fields and collecting the necessary documents, from the data are evaluated and then the strategy is prepared. From the results of the study concluded that with the SWOT analysis the company's position is located in quadrant 4.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 22-32
Rismawati Sitepu ◽  
Ilham ◽  
Martin Zebua ◽  
Emmywati ◽  
Noneng R S ◽  

This study aims to examine and determine the relationship between leadership, motivation, and compensation for employee performance at PT. Generation of Java-Bali Headquarters in Surabaya. With the results of the study as follows: 1. Based on the data in the table above, the calculated t value of 3,876. Because the value of t count <t table (1.66023> 3.876) and the probability value of significance (0.00 <0.05) then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. This means that leadership partially has a significant effect on the performance of PT. Surabaya Java-Bali generation. 2. Based on the t table of 0.291. So that t count <t table (1.66023 <4.976) and the value of the probability of significance (0.00 <0.05) then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. This means that work motivation partially has a significant effect on the performance of PT. Surabaya Java-Bali generation. 3. Based on t table of 0.291 So that t arithmetic <t table (1.66023 <2.972) and the probability value of significance (0.00 <0.05) then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. This means that partial compensation has a significant effect on the performance of PT. Surabaya Java-Bali generation. 4.Based on the f table of 2.81. B ecause the value of f arithmetic> f table (35,669> 2.81) then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, which means. L eadership, work motivation, and compensation simultaneously have a significant effect on the performance of the employees of PT. Surabaya Java-Bali generation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 40-48
Dianidza Arodha ◽  

Indonesia will in the demographic bonus which has a good and bad impact on economic development. Either impacts, Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of Indonesia launched that the latest data stated the amount of unemployed per February 2019 declined. The existence of productive waqf gives a great prospect to solve the negative impact of demographic bonus in Indonesia. Until now, the Indonesian government actives to promote a productive waqf as an instrument of economic welfare. Despite having a high potency, it still has many obstacles in its realization, likes low literary about productive waqf, human resources, etc.. both of them, demographic bonus and waqf can be synergized. Therefore, this study tries to explain the implementation of a government productive waqf in Indonesia. This paper finds a waqf linked Sukuk and micro waqf bank are the big potency can synergy with millennial in demographic bonus in Indonesia.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 60-69
Heri Cahyo Bagus Setiawan ◽  
Nur Hidayat ◽  
Beni Dwi Komara ◽  
Sukaris ◽  
Aries Kurniawan

The dynamic capabilities approach examines how organizations build and maintain their competitive position in situations of rapid and unpredictable organizational change. Teece (2008) states that the dynamic capability component involved in shaping (not just adjusting) the environment is an entrepreneurial characteristic. This means that an organization with strong dynamic capabilities is highly entrepreneurial. Where they not only adapt the business ecosystem, but also shape it through innovation and collaboration with other organizations or companies and institutions. Based on the background and several studies from the literature that the author reviewed, and the model contained in Figure 1 in this research report, the authors are interested in conducting a study of dynamic capabilities in relation to how to realize and develop entrepreneurship-based pesantren, or in this paper it is called as a pesantrenpreneur. A new concept that can be developed into a new theory about how pesantrenpreneurs are developed through dynamic capabilities. Furthermore, this study brings theoretical implications and directions for future research. Keywords: Dynamic Capabilities, Pesantrenpreneur  

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-59
Noneng. R.Sukatmadiredja ◽  
Emmywati ◽  
Iwang Suwangsih ◽  
Nuzulul Fatimah

Analysis of product and cultural diversity as an opportunity to increase market expansion in shock markets towards E.Commerce at Masjid Al-Falah Surabaya", aims to analyze the opportunities created by the shock market to market opportunities with E.Commerse the market was shocked to become a digital market, namely E .commerce. The study was conducted at Masjid Al = Falah Surabaya with an unknown population, with a random sample of 40 respondents. Analysis of data by analyzing, purchasing activities caused by product diversity and cultural factors, these two variables can influence purchasing decisions, purchasing decisions can be increased repurchase through e.Commerce. The results showed that respondents who decided to buy were divided into buying because there were 26 respondents equal to 65%, respondents who did not buy 0, while 14 respondents who had impulse buying were equal to 35%. Whereas respondents bought goods because the quality of the product varied some 34 respondents, equivalent to 85%, respondents who bought because it was by the type of product were 32 respondents equal to 80%, while respondents bought because the price was cheaper were 37 respondents, equivalent to 92.5%, buying because the culture was 100%, whereas because of the sub-culture there are 8 respondents, namely 2%, while the social class of almost all social classes buys means 100%. The analysis of market increase can be seen from buyers who carry out repurchases, this can be seen from there are 11 respondents equivalent to 27.5% through electronic media, either WA, Instagram, or COD. It can be concluded that opportunities can be taken from the traditional market shock to the E.Commerce market.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-74
Miya Dewi Suprihandari ◽  
Muhammad Ali Masyhuri ◽  
Teguh Purnomo ◽  
Menur Kusumaningtyas ◽  
, Nurul Iman ◽  

Kampung and tourism villages in Indonesia are a positive phenomenon that can function as an effort to increase the income of the village or village community directly and indirectly for local and central government. Efforts to present the local wealth of the region as an added value of an area, so that the growth rate of tourist visits in an area in Indonesia is increasing from the past. The number of village and tourist village destinations in Indonesia has also increased from the past and entrepreneurial activities have become an option for most members of village and tourism village communities in various forms. Efforts to explore and develop local capabilities and wealth will provide optimal results when the government provides full support for the capabilities and creativity of local communities in all matters, including training for community members who are interested and have a desire to increase knowledge and increase their creative abilities, so that they can become human resources who are able to compete in the future and have character. This support is carried out continuously because villages and tourist villages in Indonesia currently also have an educational function for all ages and levels of education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-87
Nanang Bagus Setiawan ◽  
Aries Kurniawan ◽  
Ilham ◽  
Beni Dwi Komara ◽  
Nuzulul Fatimah ◽  

This study aims to determine the polemic experienced by a number of conventional bank employees, who know and realize that bank interest is usury or who still believe that bank interest is not usury, because they are only employees who work in banking companies and do not practice usury individually. per individual. From the two attitudes of banking employees in responding to the bank interest usury mentioned above, the study will focus on employees who have the attitude that bank interest is usury, while those who have the opposite attitude are clearly not going to take action to resign from their office. After focusing on anti-anti rip banking employees, it was found that them there were several obstacles to resigning, the first obstacle was internal, namely the lack of support from the family, both the nuclear family and the extended family, while the second obstacle was the repayment of employee loans that they enjoyed before knowing. and realize that bank interest is charging interest or usury (riba). Of the two obstacles or resign constraints will lead to further attitudes for a number of these employees. The attitude of a number of employees who have not received family support, some continue to return to work in a professional manner and some work just to abort their obligations or in other words work not seriously because they are not in accordance with their conscience. While the attitudes of a number of employees who are still in debt are more varied in attitude, some of them continue to work as usual while waiting for the right moment to pay off their debts, some are still working even though half-heartedly while trying to find a way out so that their debts can be paid off. and some of them are unanimously determined to leave office immediately or borrow a term in the military world, namely by deserting or leaving work by temporarily leaving the debt unpaid, even though they plan to pay it off at a later date. This study used a qualitative research method, namely the collection of in-depth interview data with former employees and active banking employees. Researchers also conducted focus group discussions / FGDs (Forum Group Discussion) among bank employees who were anti-microbial but still active and former bank employees who had resigned. As a result, there are five attitudes of banking employees in facing the resignation polemic due to bank interest rates in Indonesia. First, employees return to work professionally because they still get salaries from banking companies. Second, employees work only to abort obligations because they are not in accordance with their conscience. Third, employees who are still in debt continue to work professionally while looking for a way to pay off their debts. Fourth, employees who work half-heartedly while looking for ways to pay off loans. Fifth, if their resignation application by leaving debt and willing to pay off in installments is refused by the office, they prefer to leave the company unilaterally or go out of business.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-31
Hendri Hermawan Adinugraha ◽  
Ali Muhtarom

The existence of religions now required to be actively involved in solving the problems facing by mankind. One of the problems faced is the interaction with the modern economy. One of the approaches that can be developed for discussion of Islamic studies is Sharia Economics perspective. This research aims to describe the implementation of Sharia Economics perspective in order to understand Islamic studies. Research methods in this research use literature research from both national and international journals and books related to the topic. Ideally, the Sharia Economics approach should be integrative and interdisciplinary. Integrative method seeks to combine the revelation and ra’y in economic studies to understand Islam from the economic aspect. While the method of interdisciplinary attempt to approach it with a wide range of disciplines such as economics, politics, law, history, so that produce a comprehensive study and relevant to the happening facts/phenomena.

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