Jurnal Sains Pemasaran Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Marketing Science)
Latest Publications





Published By Institute Of Research And Community Services Diponegoro University (Lppm Undip)

2580-118x, 1412-8527

Masyhuril Amri Bagaskara ◽  
Rambat Lupiyoadi

The increasing number of MSMEs in Indonesia creates even more competition among businesses, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. This difficult situation causes a decline in revenue and forces MSMEs in Indonesia to find strategies to survive. This study aims at helping an MSME in the shoe laundry industry called Suci Shoelab. This study employs qualitative and business coaching methods. The data were collected through interviews with the MSME owners and the employees as well as questionnaires given to customers. Several analytical methods, namely Business Model Canvas (BMC), Porter's Five Forces analysis, PESTEL analysis, Service Marketing Mix, SWOT analysis, TOWS analysis, Gap analysis, and Pareto Analysis, were used to identify the problems and generate solutions. The findings revealed that the MSME had not promoted its products consistently and the location of Suci Shoelab was unknown to many potential customers. The MSME improved the promotional activity and placed signage to enhance its physical evidence to address this issue. Sales promotions and digital/internet marketing were also used for the promotional mix, and discount prices and drop stations were applied as promotional programs. For increasing its physical evidence, the MSME placed signage at the store to attract potential customers. After the solutions were applied, the sales of the MSME increase.

Ayuni Ayuni ◽  
Siti Nabillah Suci Amanda ◽  
Abdul Yusuf

The purpose of this study is to test whether E-Service Quality and Brand Image affect the Continuance Usage Intention of the DANA Dompet Digital Indonesia Platform. This study uses quantitative research, the population of this study is the users of DANA Dompet Digital Indonesia. The research data was collected through a questionnaire with a sample of 100 respondents consist of 73 women and 27 men respondents using non-probability sampling (purposive sampling) is a sampling technique based on certain considerations that are considered to represent, a population with the categories of generations Y and Z in the age range of 17-40 years and majority respondents are university students. Data were analyzed using SPSS 25 and SmartPLS 3.0. The results showed that E-Service Quality had a significant effect on the Continuance Usage Intention of the DANA Dompet Digital platform and Brand Image had a significant effect on the Continuance Usage Intention of DANA Dompet Digital.

Djeimy Kusnaman ◽  
Sunendar Sunendar ◽  
Syahrul Ganda Sukmaya

This study aims to examine the marketing efficiency of processed melinjo in women's farmer groups with data collected in Batang Regency, Central Java. Emping melinjo has contributed to providing additional work for mothers as a side business. The method used in this research is a survey of KWT Tani Rejo. Melinjo emping producer data was collected by purposive (deliberate) and traders' samples were done by snowball sampling and respondents were taken by census on all members of KWT Tani Rejo. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively and calculated using margin analysis and farmer share. The results show that the first channel of emping melinjo marketing is the most efficient than the second and third channels. Producers accept higher prices and do not bear marketing costs, because they sell directly to consumers. Meanwhile, marketing efficiency on channels 2 and 3 is greater than 30%. Margins on channels 2 and 3 reached 40% and 16% respectively. Marketing actors include producers, collectors, wholesalers, agents, and retailers. The involvement of women in this business group is due to limited costs and access to market information.

Ligasyah Arnanda Primadana ◽  
Muhammad Abdilah Ramdani ◽  
Shifa Hustima Sahara ◽  
Atik Aprianingsih

The purpose of this study is to understand transformation drives using past research as the basis of argument on every variable with business performance as the measurement standard. The research using deep searching of journal databases, the output is conducting a conceptual framework. The transformation drivers in our conceptual framework have six factors namely organization, technology, consumer behavior, financial, external support, and network with the measure of success of that transformation drives using business performance. The result is that the past research supports all the purposes of points in the variable that can positively contribute to business performance.

Dapit Alex Sander ◽  
Arianis Chan ◽  
Herwan Abdul Muhyi

Much research on purchasing decisions refers to price, product quality and brand image. This study aims to complement previous research. Research that has explored the relationship of brand image, price and product quality to purchasing decisions. The purpose of this study was to determine the operationalization of the influence of brand image, price, and product quality. This study will describe the interrelationships between variables in purchasing decisions in the context of marketing science. This study uses a systematic review process, namely an in-depth literature review of the results of 23 articles based on certain keywords and limitations. Based on the review produced a model that describes the influence of brand image, price and product quality on purchasing decisions. It is expected to be a reference and adoption of an approach to marketing activities. Future research is suggested to have more than one database and use more sources of research articles published over 10-20 years. It is hoped that future research with broad observations and results on how science continues to develop.

Diah Asih Ekawati ◽  
Jill Anestasia ◽  
Mutiara Putri Rejeki ◽  
Yudya Ayu Triasty Tamim

Penelitian ini menganalisa proses pengambilan keputusan konsumen pada pangan fungsional bayi. Faktor yang mempengaruhi pengambilan keputusan konsumen pada pembelian pangan fungsional bayi adalah 1) Persepsi mengenai keamanan dan kesehatan 2) Informasi label kemasan 3) Atribut makanan bayi terutama rasa dan bentuk 4) Pengaruh sosial. Penelitian ini digali dengan menggunakan kerangka Everyday Personal Experience, Attitude and Belief, Social Constructs and Influences, Brand Image dan Benefit Negotiation. Pada penelitian sebelumnya, telah banyak penelitian mengenai pola perilaku terhadap pangan fungsional untuk dewasa (adult functional food), namun tidak banyak research yang menginvestigasi pangan fungsional bayi (functional baby food). Pangan fungsional (functional food) adalah makanan dan bahan panganan yang memberikan fungsi tersendiri terhadap orang yang mengkonsumsinya. Contoh dari pangan fungsional adalah seperti yogurt yang memiliki kandungan bakteri yang baik bagi tubuh ataupun kandungan lain. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara kualitatif melalui wawancara mendalam dan melibatkan 10 narasumber yang merupakan ibu yang memiliki anak berusia 6 - 24 bulan. Hasil riset ini diharapkan dapat mempelajari perilaku konsumen sehingga dapat memberikan atau mengaplikasikan arahan untuk strategi pemasaran yang tepat dan cocok digunakan untuk pangan fungsional bayi. 

Fauziyah Rahmawati ◽  
Santi Novani

This study aims to analyze product innovation and value co-creation on marketing performance in this pandemic covid-19. SMEs of food and beverage used as a sample. Sampling was done using a purposive sampling technique. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire. This study uses 34 data from MSMEs in the food and beverage sector affected by COVID-19. Partial Least Square (PLS) on Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was chosen as the research method in this study. The results show that value co-creation have a significant effect on marketing performance. Product innovation negatively and not significant effects on marketing performance, and value co-creation significantly affect product innovation. The novelty in this study is a phenomenon that occurs; that is when the Covid-19 pandemic spreads in Indonesia. This study's limitation is needed to add other variables beyond the variables already in the model. This study only focused on SMEs for the food and beverage sector

Krisnita Candrawati ◽  
Audita Nuvriasari

The aim of this study is (1) to analyse the development of consumer behaviour research during the Covid-19 pandemic (2) to identify theoretical and empirical contributions from the results of research on consumer behaviour during the Covid-19 pandemic. Co word analysis with VOS Viewer used to answer the first research objective, and quantitative analysis was used to answer the second research objective. The results show that the development of consumer behaviour research during the Covid-19 pandemic is mostly related to the exploration of changes in the types of needs, types of products and priorities of consumer needs during the Covid-19 pandemic. On the other hand, research that needs to be developed is changing online consumer purchasing decisions; Consumer buying behaviour is related to psychological factors, product choice (mainly fresh food ingredients and staple foods), Consistency in purchasing; consistency of changes in consumer habits; awareness and consideration of consumer risk and consumer behaviour during a pandemic. Fundamental theories used in this research include theory of Fear Appeal, Maslow, TAM and TPB. The results showed that there was a model development through the S-O-R computational decision tree ensemble model with Bagging.

Nurul Islah Watajdid ◽  
Ari Lathifah ◽  
Dewi Syifa Andini ◽  
Fitroh Fitroh

Masalah utama dalam komunikasi pemasaran adalah saluran komunikasi yang dapat digunakan dalam program pemasaran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjawab pertanyaan tentang bagaimana peran media sosial Instagram terhadap perkembangan pemasaran digital. Penelitian ini menerapkan metode Systematic Literature Review. Berdasarkan hasil tinjauan literatur sistematis, Peneliti menemukan 136 artikel Scopus dalam pencarian menggunakan Publish or Perish dan bantuan aplikasi lain seperti Zotero, Mendeley, VOSViewer, dan Microsoft Excel yang kemudian disaring menjadi 55 artikel terpilih untuk dianalisis secara deskriptif. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa media sosial Instagram telah berkontribusi terhadap perkembangan pemasaran digital. Media sosial Instagram telah berperan menjadi media komunikasi pemasaran, meningkatkan kesadaran merek (brand awareness) mempengaruhi keterlibatan dan tingkah laku konsumen, dan menghasilkan data yang mendukung strategi pemasaran.

Sry Rezeki ◽  
Shelly Christiana Muliauwan

In this digital era, everything has switched to an online system, starting from shopping, vehicles, ordering food, everything can be done online, everything can be obtained easily, just install an application to support online activities, we can meet all our needs, with the sophistication of technology, of course it makes it easier for us at all times. We can take activities for example when we buy clothes online, it certainly makes it easier for us from going to the market or mall to get clothes, now we just have to sit at home, open the application and clothes or orders will arrive directly at the door This study was conducted to test the level of customer satisfaction in making online purchases where the researchers made direct observations by monitoring the ratings given by customers on the online shopping site that is widely used by the public, namely Shoppe. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive method in which data is obtained directly through interviews with shopee users and observing assessments given by customers in the shopee application. The results obtained from this study are that many people feel satisfied after shopping online because they consider online shopping can save time, effort and get cheaper prices than traditional markets.

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