The role of technology in haematology

Shaun R. McCann

Various technologies have changed and improved the practice of haematology. Because it is possible to obtain blood cells so readily (via a simple venepuncture), haematology has been at the forefront of technological developments in medicine. The diagnosis of both malignant and benign haematological disorders has become more exact because of the technological advances outlined, and the understanding of the pathogenesis of many diseases has been advanced as a direct result of the application of technologies such as immunofluorescence, confocal and electron microscopy, automated cell counting, flow cytometry, digital cell morphology, advanced staining techniques, and PCR. However, it is important to stress that all technologies and ‘tests’ need to be cautiously interpreted, and a full history and physical examination should always be the first step in the investigation of patients.

2020 ◽  

ABSTRAK - Arus globalisasi yang mendunia sudah tidak dapat dibendung lagi keberadaannya di negara Indonesia. Indonesia menjadi salah satu dari berbagai negara yang telah dipengaruhi oleh perkembangan teknologi dan iptek yang semakin canggih, sehingga dunia kini telah memasuki era industri 4.0. Generasi milenial adalah salah satu kelompok yang dipengaruhi oleh perkembangan teknologi yang serba instan, bahkan peran penting generasi milenial sudah mulai surut tergantikan oleh kemajuan teknologi. Menghadapi tantangan tersebut diperlukan solusi yang solutif yaitu mengimplementasikan model pemuridan kontekstual sebagai panggilan pelayanan terhadap generasi milenial di era industri 4.0, sehingga membentuk generasi milenial supaya beridentitas Kristen dan bertumbuh menjadi dewasa dalam iman. Pendekatan yang dilakukan adalah dengan pendekatan kualitatif yang melibatkan studi pustaka. Penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa model pemuridan kontekstual layak dijadikan pedoman dalam mengarahkan para generasi milenial di era indutri 4.0 agar mampu bertahan (survive) dalam perkembangan zaman yang semakin canggih.Kata kunci : Pemuridan, Kontekstual, Panggilan Pelayanan, Generasi Milenial, Revolusi Industri 4.0ABSTRACT - The current global globalization can not be dammed anymore its existence in the country of Indonesia. Indonesia has become one of a variety of countries that have been influenced by increasingly sophisticated technological and technological developments, so that the world has now entered the industrial era 4.0. Millennials have become one of those groups influenced by the development of instantaneous technology, even the important role of millennials has begun to subside replaced by technological advances. Facing these challenges requires a solution that is to implement a model of contextual discipleship as a service call to millennials in the industrial era 4.0, thus forming millennial generations so that Christian identity and growing into adulthood in the faith. The approach taken is a qualitative approach that involves the study of literature. This research concludes that the contextual discipleship model deserves to be used as a guideline in directing millennial generations in the 4.0 industry era to be able to survive in the development of increasingly sophisticated times.Key Words : Discipleship, Contextual, Service Call, Milennial Generation, Industrial Revolution 4.0

María José Alcaide Martín ◽  
Laura Altimira Queral ◽  
Laura Sahuquillo Frías ◽  
Laura Valiña Amado ◽  
Anna Merino ◽  

Abstract Body fluid cell counting provides valuable information for the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of conditions. Chamber cell count and cellularity analysis by optical microscopy are considered the gold-standard method for cell counting. However, this method has a long turnaround time and limited reproducibility, and requires highly-trained personnel. In the recent decades, specific modes have been developed for the analysis of body fluids. These modes, which perform automated cell counting, are incorporated into hemocytometers and urine analyzers. These innovations have been rapidly incorporated into routine laboratory practice. At present, a variety of analyzers are available that enable automated cell counting for body fluids. Nevertheless, these analyzers have some limitations and can only be operated by highly-qualified laboratory professionals. In this review, we provide an overview of the most relevant automated cell counters currently available for body fluids, the interpretation of the parameters measured by these analyzers, their main analytical features, and the role of optical microscopy as automated cell counters gain ground.

D. E. Becker

An efficient, robust, and widely-applicable technique is presented for computational synthesis of high-resolution, wide-area images of a specimen from a series of overlapping partial views. This technique can also be used to combine the results of various forms of image analysis, such as segmentation, automated cell counting, deblurring, and neuron tracing, to generate representations that are equivalent to processing the large wide-area image, rather than the individual partial views. This can be a first step towards quantitation of the higher-level tissue architecture. The computational approach overcomes mechanical limitations, such as hysterisis and backlash, of microscope stages. It also automates a procedure that is currently done manually. One application is the high-resolution visualization and/or quantitation of large batches of specimens that are much wider than the field of view of the microscope.The automated montage synthesis begins by computing a concise set of landmark points for each partial view. The type of landmarks used can vary greatly depending on the images of interest. In many cases, image analysis performed on each data set can provide useful landmarks. Even when no such “natural” landmarks are available, image processing can often provide useful landmarks.

Gulbarshyn Chepurko ◽  
Valerii Pylypenko

The paper examines and compares how the major sociological theories treat axiological issues. Value-driven topics are analysed in view of their relevance to society in times of crisis, when both societal life and the very structure of society undergo dramatic change. Nowadays, social scientists around the world are also witnessing such a change due to the emergence of alternative schools of sociological thought (non-classical, interpretive, postmodern, etc.) and, subsequently, the necessity to revise the paradigms that have been existed in sociology so far. Since the above-mentioned approaches are often used to address value-related issues, building a solid theoretical framework for these studies takes on considerable significance. Furthermore, the paradigm revision has been prompted by technological advances changing all areas of people’s lives, especially social interactions. The global human community, integral in nature, is being formed, and production of human values now matters more than production of things; hence the “expansion” of value-focused perspectives in contemporary sociology. The authors give special attention to collectivities which are higher-order units of the social system. These units are described as well-organised action systems where each individual performs his/her specific role. Just as the role of an individual is distinct from that of the collectivity (because the individual and the collectivity are different as units), so too a distinction is drawn between the value and the norm — because they represent different levels of social relationships. Values are the main connecting element between the society’s cultural system and the social sphere while norms, for the most part, belong to the social system. Values serve primarily to maintain the pattern according to which the society is functioning at a given time; norms are essential to social integration. Apart from being the means of regulating social processes and relationships, norms embody the “principles” that can be applied beyond a particular social system. The authors underline that it is important for Ukrainian sociology to keep abreast of the latest developments in the field of axiology and make good use of those ideas because this is a prerequisite for its successful integration into the global sociological community.

Taylor F Brinkman

During the past decade, forty-six professional sports venues were constructed in the United States, while only 16 expansion teams were created by the major sports leagues. Nearly two thirds of these newly built stadiums and arenas were funded with public tax revenues, despite substantial evidence showing no positive economic impact of new sports stadium construction on local communities. In reviewing the economic literature, this article investigates the role of professional sports organizations in the construction and public subsidization of new sports venues. Franchise relocation and public stadium subsidization is a direct result of the monopoly power of professional sports leagues, whose franchise owners extract large subsidies from their host communities by threatening to relocate to viable alternative locations. After explaining how the most common methods of stadium subsidization project a disproportionate allocation of the benefits and costs of hosting a professional team to local community interests, this article outlines several considerations for local policymakers who seek to reinvigorate public discussion of equity concerns in professional sports finance.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-72
Shatha Abbas Hassan ◽  
Noor Ali Aljorani

The increasing importance of the information revolution and terms such as ‘speed’, ‘disorientation’, and ‘changing the concept of distance’, has provided us with tools that had not been previously available. Technological developments are moving toward Fluidity, which was previously unknown and cannot be understood through modern tools. With acceleration of the rhythm in the age we live in and the clarity of the role of information technology in our lives, as also the ease of access to information, has helped us to overcome many difficulties. Technology in all its forms has had a clear impact on all areas of daily life, and it has a clear impact on human thought in general, and the architectural space in particular, where the architecture moves from narrow spaces and is limited to new spaces known as the ‘breadth’, and forms of unlimited and stability to spaces characterized with fluidity. The research problem (the lack of clarity of knowledge about the impact of vast information flow associated with the technology of the age in the occurrence of liquidity in contemporary architectural space) is presented here. The research aims at defining fluidity and clarifying the effect of information technology on the changing characteristics of architectural space from solidity to fluidity. The research follows the analytical approach in tracking the concept of fluidity in physics and sociology to define this concept and then to explain the effect of Information Technology (IT) to achieve the fluidity of contemporary architectural space, leading to an analysis of the Skidmore, Owings and Merrill (SOM) architectural model. The research concludes that information technology achieves fluidity through various tools (communication systems, computers, automation, and artificial intelligence). It has changed the characteristics of contemporary architectural space and made it behave like an organism, through using smart material.

A. Kulikov

Presented material reveals main links in the pathogenesis of hemostatic disorder. In particular, attention is paid to the role of the lungs, liver and other organs in the development of this process. Role of vascular wall and blood cells in regulation of the physical state of blood is described in detail. The most frequent factors leading to hypercoagulation are indicated. Difference between hypercoagulation and thrombophilia is shown. The latter is found in clinical practice quite often, but at the same time, it is poorly diagnosed. Such a terrible complication of hemostatic disorder as disseminated intravascular coagulation is described. Its classification, stages of development, clinical manifestations are offered to the readers.

Lab on a Chip ◽  
2021 ◽  
Wenxiu Zhao ◽  
Haibo Yu ◽  
Yangdong Wen ◽  
Hao Luo ◽  
Boliang Jia ◽  

Counting the number of red blood cells (RBCs) in blood samples is a common clinical diagnostic procedure, but conventional methods are unable to provide the size and other physical properties...

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