scholarly journals Professional Preparation of Physical Culture Teachers with the Introduction of Interactive Learning Technologies

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2 (340)) ◽  
pp. 252-260
Olena Shkola ◽  

The article received results of a survey among the students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Arts of the Municipal Establishment «Kharkiv Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy» of Kharkiv Regional Council. It has been found that in the institution of higher education there are objective social and educational conditions for the introduction of interactive forms of study. The overwhelming majority of students want to participate in this study, activation of which will provide a cognitive process. In order to comply with the purpose of the study, a sociological examination of 442 students of the faculties of this educational institution was conducted. The purpose of the study is to identify socio-pedagogical prerequisites for the introduction of interactive technologies for training in the process of professional training of future teachers of physical culture. The article also examines the innovative character of professional training of a qualified teacher of physical culture, competitive in the labor market, with creative abilities, with the ability to professional self-development; Interactive and information technology learning is developed and implemented. In the Municipal Establishment «Kharkiv Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy» of Kharkiv Regional Council, all necessary pedagogical conditions for the introduction of interactive learning methods are established. The vast majority of students want to take part in such classes that will ensure the activation of the cognitive process. Further research requires the possibility of using interactive technologies in general secondary education institutions in physical education lessons.

Andrii Afanasiev

The article substantiates the need to search for effective approaches to increasing the activity of pupils' cognitive activity in the process of teaching physical culture. The possibilities of introducing interactive technologies in physical education lessons have been studied, their essence and advantages over traditional methods of physical education have been revealed. The content of interactive methods of teaching physical culture of schoolchildren is determined; their classification is presented in accordance with the orientation of the content of the lesson and the way of organizing pupils. The range of pedagogical tasks that can be realized with the help of interactive methods, as well as the features of their application in the physical education of senior pupils, have been determined. The prospects of using interactive teaching of physical culture in senior school are highlighted. Interactive methods are subdivided into methods of collective, cooperative, game and discussion skills. At the same time, there is a wide range of possibilities for combining different techniques in th e system of lessons, for example, the combination of game and discussion techniques in the process of storing collective or cooperative methods in interactive learning. Interactive methods can be victorious for the mastery of theoretical and methodical knowledge, for the formation of motor skills, as well as for the development of the physical qualities of the youth. Besides, in the introduction of interactive learning in the physical culture of the schoolchildren, without providing for the rationalization of new ways of pupuls’ organizing at the level of: frontal, group, alternate, twin, mixed with an unlimited choice of different methods of teaching exercise and development of physical qualities.

Tetiana Rybchenko Keser

The article focuses on the theoretical and methodological aspects of the use of interactive learning and its advantages over traditional learning. The use of interactive learning in both secondary and higher education is analyzed. The research goal is to theoretically substantiate and highlight the introduction of methods of the model of training future Ukrainian language and literature teachers by means of interactive learning technologies, as well as to determine the factors of their choice. The main research methods used were analysis, generalization and modeling, observation, synthesis, systematization. The results of the conducted research allowed the author to reveal the qualities that a future teacher of Ukrainian language and literature should possess; to describe some pedagogical problems of training the future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature by means of interactive learning technologies.The benefit of this study is the defined content of interactive learning, which is believed to be a specially organized comfortable mutual learning of participants of the educational process as equal its subjects, which provides for their continuous active interaction, during which each of the students realizes and reflects all its knowledge and actions, feels successful and intellectually capable. The author identified such interactive learning methods of the model of training future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature in higher education institutions as: trainings, educational discussions; game technologies; interactive lectures: problem lectures, lecture-visualization, binary lecture, lecture-press conference, round table, cases, brainstorming. Moreover, the most used interactive learning methods of training future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature in universities are given and theoretically grounded; they are training, discussion, role playimg, method of «Spoiled phone», method of «remote project work Minecraft», «Сourt hearing», «Augmented reality», use of presentations. The author highlights their introduction into the work of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, states the positive aspects of interactive learning compared to classical one, determines seven factors for the choice of methods. As a result the author makes a conclusion that the use of interactive technologies not only contributes to the creation of an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual understanding in the educational institution, but also implements the basic principles of personality-oriented learning.

Yu. Martуnov ◽  
M. Koryukaev ◽  
A. Sobolenko

The article reveals the peculiarities of the use of athletics to improve the physical fitness of students of higher education institutions. The influence of physical education on motivation for athletics is also revealed. It is established that the use of means and methods of athletics in physical education classes in higher education institutions leads to a significant increase in the level of physical fitness. It was found that one of the factors influencing the growth of student morbidity and low level of their physical development is the lack of physical activity. The combination of these factors determines the level of physical fitness and efficiency, which, in turn, are important indicators of professional training of students. However, the use of other methods of strength development, the method of unsatisfactory efforts with a normalized number of repetitions, the method of unsatisfactory efforts with the maximum number of repetitions, the method of dynamic efforts, the shock method, the method of static efforts, the static-dynamic method, the method of circular training, the game method has a beneficial effect on the development of all physical qualities. The decrease in the indicators of general physical fitness is facilitated by the fact that during the holidays, students practically do not go in for sports on their own. As the analysis of the survey has shown, only students of higher educational institutions are independently engaged in physical culture.

2021 ◽  
pp. 225-228
D. A. Deis ◽  
O. S. Wegner ◽  
P. G. Wegner ◽  

The study is devoted to the analysis of the formation of physical culture of students in a medical university. The specificity of the medical profession contains a number of important characteristics (emotional and volitional stability, endurance, physical and mental endurance, dexterity in carrying out medical procedures, motor coordination, etc.) that require appropriate physical training. Physical culture in this regard for physicians is not only a part of general culture, but also a professional culture. However, as shown by a sociological survey of medical students, they do not sufficiently assess the degree of importance of the discipline “Physical culture”. This requires the development of new approaches to organizing and conducting physical education classes in a medical University including such as the proposed practice-oriented (D.A. will allow raising the status of the discipline in question in a medical university and linking it with the professional training of medical students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (SPE3) ◽  
Nikolai P. Olesov ◽  
Afanasiy A. Sergin ◽  
Vasiliy N. Alekseev ◽  
Nikita V. Nikiforov ◽  
Innokentii I. Baishev

The originality of this study is in providing the facts that the high proficiency and professional capacity of graduates of physical culture institutes, their ability and competence to adjust the accumulated knowledge and skills to new goals and objectives of education, regularly changing conditions of professional activity can be formed and developed through the effective use of DL technologies. adapted to the solution of occupational tasks.

2021 ◽  
pp. 69-74
Pyslar O.O.

One of the priority areas of modernization of the educational system in Ukraine is decentralization. That indicates the development of the industry on a democratic basis. As a result, educational institutions today have a high level of autonomy in various aspects of activities - from the preparation, adoption and implementation of internal documents that regulate the educational process and guide the vector of institution`s development (charter, development strategy, regulations of the educational process, etc.) to self-assessment activities.Today educational institutions have managerial and financial autonomy, that allows to create a democratic space in the field of education, where decisions are made by those who directly influenced by its consequences. In such circumstances, the head of the educational institution has the key role in the process of implementation of educational reforms in school, he is a translator of modernization changes in daily work. Not only the autonomy and expansion of the powers of the head of the educational institution increased, but also requirements for professional training of managerial staff, their knowledge, skills and competencies are strengthened. The introduction of new strategies and concepts, the needs for educational, financial management, planning and monitoring of activities in market conditions, the introduction of information and communication technologies, the use of distance-learning technologies require the head to acquire new professional competencies. The challenges faced by the education manager when organizing work in a pandemic, the need to respond quickly to changing and unpredictable external conditions require flexibility and speed of management decisions. Modernization of education during the independence of Ukraine has necessitated special training of managers and directed the focus of academic educators and managers to study the training of managers in the field of education.In the context of globalization and European integration, it is important to study the approaches and experiences of foreign countries. Because of similarity of historical conditions and culture, experience of Poland as our closest European neighbor is interesting for pedagogical analysis. As the process of decentralization in Ukraine is still in its becoming and the education system in Poland is already successfully implementing that, the object of study of the article is the training of managers in the field of education in Poland. The article considers the scientific and normative principles of educational management in Poland, defines the legal requirements for applicants for managers positions in educational institutions and analyzes the basic course plan for education management. Key words: educational management, head of educational institution, management in the education system, training of educational managers, decentralization of education. Одним із пріоритетних напрямків модернізації освітньої системи в Україні за часів незалежності є децентралізація, що свідчить про розвиток галузі на демократичних засадах. Як наслідок, сьогодні заклади освіти мають високий рівень автономії стосовно різних аспектів діяльності – від підготовки, прийняття та виконання внутрішніх документів, які регулюють освітній процес та спрямовують вектор розвитку закладу (наприклад, статут, стратегію розвитку, положення по освітній процес тощо) до проведення самооцінювання діяльності. Наразі заклади освіти мають управлінську та фінансову автономію, що дозволяє створити демократичний простір в освітній галузі, де рішення приймають ті, кого безпосередньо стоються його наслідки. У таких умовах роль керівника закладу освіти є ключовою у впровадженні освітніх реформ на місцях, він є транслятором модернізаційних змін у щоденну роботу. Підвищується не тільки автономія та розширення повноважень керівника навчального закладу, а й посилюються вимоги до професійної підготовки управлінських кадрів, їхніх знань, умінь та компетентностей. Впровадження нових стратегій і концепцій, необхідність здійснення освітнього, фінансового менеджменту, планування і моніторингу діяльності у ринкових умовах, впровадження інформаційно-комунікативних технологій, застосування технологій віддаленого навчання вимагають від керівника набуття нових професійних компетенцій. Виклики, з якими стикається менеджер освіти під час організації роботи в умовах пандемії, необхідність швидкого реагування на мінливі та непередба-чувані зовнішні умови потребують гнучкості та швидкості управлінських рішень. Модернізація освіти за часів незалежності України зумовила потребу у спеціальній підготовці керівних кадрів та направила фокус вчених педагогів й управлінців на вивчення питання підготовки менеджерів освітньої галузі. У контексті глобалізації та євроінтеграції актуальне вивчення підходів і досвіду зарубіжних країн, зокрема найближчого європейського сусіда – Польщі, але не скільки через територіальну близькість, скільки через подібність історичних умов, які проходили системи освіти у двох країнах на зламі ХХ–ХХІ століть. Оскільки процес децентралізації в Україні фактично ще знаходиться на етапі становлення, а система освіти в Польщі вже успішно реалізовує таку політику, об’єктом дослідження статті є підго-товка управлінських кадрів у галузі освіти Польщі. У статті розглянуто наукові та нормативні засади освітнього менеджменту в Польщі, визначено законодавчі вимоги до претендентів на керівні посади закладів освіти та проаналізовано базовий план курсу з управління освітою. Ключові слова: освітній менеджмент, керівник закладу освіти, управління освітою, підготовка менеджерів освіти, децентралізація освіти.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (33) ◽  
pp. e16602
Sergij Tkachov ◽  
Mykhailo Liannoi ◽  
Olha Shapovalova

The main purporse is to determine the main aspects of professional competence among students of physical culture and sports. The pedagogical practice of future physical culture teachers is an integrating and core component of the personal and professional formation of a future specialist, which provides for the formation of his professional competence through mastering various types of activity, leads to professional self-improvement, student self-knowledge in various professional roles in the real conditions of a general education school. Among the main tasks facing the system of higher pedagogical education, an important place is occupied by the task of training a competence-based specialist of a wide profile, further strengthening of fundamental education and bringing it closer to research and practical professional activity, therefore, the goal of training should provide for an optimal combination of theoretical knowledge and creative abilities of future teachers, which would allow them, after graduating from an educational institution, to independently raise the level of their education and professional training, to find fundamentally new solutions to the problems of science and practice. The study was carried out using the following theoretical methods: systems analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison, classification, generalization and systematization, idealization and abstraction. As a result of the study, the main aspects of professional competence among students of physical culture and sports were determined

V. Ryabchenko ◽  
I. Donets ◽  
Y. Cherezov ◽  
M. Kostyuchenko

For modern physical education of students is characterized by significant psychological stress. Teachers and psychologists need to prepare students not only in psychological and physical condition, but also to help confront many factors that arise during the learning process in various situations that cause inconsistencies in the functions of the body and its nervous system. The accumulated evidence testifies to the close relationship between the spiritual and physical state of man, as well as the ability to use special physical techniques and self-suggestion to influence the mental and physiological functions of the body. Many authors in various fields have studied the methods of using physical education to improve the psychological and pedagogical foundations of physical education of students and their professional training as a specialist [1.3] Effective means of improving the psychological and pedagogical foundations of physical education and the formation of students' individual physical culture are appropriate norms, which are based on modern principles of physical education [4]. One of the main is the principle of priority of needs, motives and interests of the individual, which involves building a system of physical education in general and individual programs taking into account individual and group, social and spiritual needs of people, as well as forming and understanding the concept of "individual physical culture" on physical education and motivation to engage in physical culture.

2017 ◽  
Vol 62 (6) ◽  
pp. 58
Svitlana M. Loboda ◽  
Svitlana M. Denisenko

In the article it is substantiated the importance of using modern information and communication, in particular interactive technologies, in the process of professional training in higher education, as well as described in detail the specifics of such interactive educational technology as case-study. The authors have determined the educational objectives of case technology, outlined skills, the development of which it contributes, presented the types of cases and their features; described the structure and foundations of case creation. The peculiarities of case-study realization in the basis of information and communication technologies and using in the process of professional training of future specialists of publishing and polygraphy at a higher educational institution during the teaching of the discipline «Fundamentals of technical aesthetics and design» are determined, as well as described the author's electronic resource with methodical instructions on the use of case-situations. Also, the authors describe the peculiarities of the training of case studies, based on the specifics of the discipline.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (5(45)) ◽  
pp. 20-26
Mikhail Dmitrievich Gulyaev

The article is devoted to a study on the impact of general and special physical training on the process of stage training of athletes. The author analyzed the development of the process of training athletes in the context of physical culture and sports. The article analyzes and discloses the main tasks of general physical training and the dynamics of passing the standards of the OFP and SFP at the stages of sports training, in accordance with the requirements of the FSSP in percentage ratio for three years. In the article, the author gives a generalized characteristic of the basis for the education of physical qualities and for the physical training of the athlete, resulting from specific laws of sports improvement. In general, the author concludes that one of the main features is that the athlete’s physical training organically combines her two sides of general and special physical training. Thus, in general, the use of the described techniques can be useful to physical education teachers and sports coaches in order to increase the professional training of teachers.

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