scholarly journals PO-021 The Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Alternative Splicing of Lipin1 pre-mRNA and its isoforms

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
Xuyang Bai ◽  
Baoai Wu ◽  
Junzhen Shi ◽  
Infeng Zhao

Objective Obesity is one of a world-wide chronic diseases, which is the leading cause of cancer, T2D, cardiovascular disease other metabolic complications. Aerobic exercise as a moderate intervention, has potential mechanisms for the loss weight. Lipin1 as a key regulator of lipid metabolism is a member of the Lipin family. Through alternative splicing, Lipin1 exists two isoforms,Lipin1α is mostly expressed in preadipocytes during the initial stages of differentiation, whereas the Lipin1β mainly expressed in mature adipocytes, and is responsible for lipogenesis and adipocyte hypertrophy.The aim of our present study was to investigate the effect of aerobic exercise on the levels of Lipin1α、Lipin1β and splicing factor SFRS10. Methods C57BL/6 mice were randomly assigned to control group(C, n=20) and obesity control group (O, n=20). After 4weeks,mice were further assigned to normal control group (NC,n=10),and control exercise group (CE,n=10),O group ( O, n = 10) and obesity exercise group (OE, n = 10),CE and OE were on aerobic exercised for 8 weeks. RT-PCR was generated to detect Lipin1α、Lipin1βand SFRS10 mRNA expression. Results The results suggest that the level of lipin1α mRNA was decreased in obesity group. With exercise, levels in CE and OE increased. Furthermore, Lipin1β was increased in obesity group and decrease after aerobic exercise in both CE and OE. We also demonstrated the SFRS10, which can bind to lipin1 exon8 and regulate Lipin1 alternative splicing, had a lower ex pression in obesity group and higher expression in CE and OE.  Conclusions  Our data suggest that aerobic exercise can reduce body weight by influencing lipin1 pre-mRAN alternative splicing, and change the expression of two isoforms. Besides aerobic exercise can also affect SFRS10 mRNA Levels and change the expression of Lipin1 isoform.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 61
Huldani Huldani

Abstract: Aerobic exercise with mild to moderate intensity will improve health and fitness. Aerobic exercise stimulates an increase in the concentration of IL-8 and will attract neutrophils out of circulation and infiltrate into the damaged tissue for physical activity. To determine the effect of mild and moderate aerobic exercise on levels of interleukin 8 and the number of neutrophils in adolescents, semi-experimental research laboratory with the entire population of male students of SMAN I Banjarbaru. Determination of the sample with inclusion and exclusion criteria obtained 31 samples (9 mild aerobic exercise, moderate aerobic exercise 12 and 10 as a control). The implementation of data collection (blood plasma) immediately after the sample is finished doing aerobic exercise. Blood plasma samples were analyzed by flowcytometri to see the number of neutrophils and elisa to see the levels of Interleukin 8 (IL-8). The results showed that mean plasma levels of IL-8 in mild aerobic group (605.69 ± 123.28) and moderate (718.75 ± 132.55) is lower than the control group (720.80 ± 213.11). Kruskal Wallis statistic test in the three groups no significant difference with p = 0.320. The average number of neutrophils mild aerobic exercise group (52.42 ± 8.29) and moderate (63.60 ± 8.73) was higher than the control group (50.11 ± 5.55), which means that there is an increase in the number of neutrophils after aerobic exercise , with one-way ANOVA statistical test showed different significant with p = 0.001. LSD test found significant differences between mild and moderate aerobic group with p = 0.003, 95% CI. There is no difference between the control group mild aerobic with p = 0.519. There are differences between the groups of moderate aerobic and control with p = 0.000. It can be concluded that mild and moderate aerobic exercise did not affect the increased plasma levels of interleukin-8 in adolescents. Mild aerobic exercise had no effect on the increase in the number of neutrophils in adolescents. Moderate aerobic exercise influence on the increase in the number of neutrophils in adolescents.Keywords :  Aerobic exercise, Interleukin 8, Neutrophyl Abstrak: Latihan aerobik dengan intensitas ringan sampai sedang akan meningkatkan kesehatan dan kebugaran tubuh. Latihan aerobik merangsang peningkatan konsentrasi IL-8 dan akan menarik netrofil dari sirkulasi dan menyusup kejaringan yang rusak karena aktivitas fisik.  Untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan aerobik ringan dan sedang terhadap kadar interleukin 8 dan jumlah netrofil pada remaja, dilakukan penelitian semi eksperimental laboratorik dengan populasi seluruh pelajar laki-laki SMAN I Banjarbaru. Penentuan besarnya sampel dengan kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi didapatkan 31 sampel (9 latihan aerobik ringan, 12 latihan aerobik sedang, dan 10 sebagai kontrol). Pelaksanaan pengambilan data (plasma darah) segera setelah sampel selesai melakukan latihan aerobik. Plasma darah sampel dianalisa dengan flowcytometri untuk melihat jumlah netrofil dan pemeriksaan elisa untuk melihat kadar Interleukin 8 (IL-8). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rerata kadar IL-8 plasma pada kelompok aerobik ringan (605,69 ± 123,28) dan sedang (718,75 ± 132,55) lebih rendah dari kelompok kontrol (720,80 ± 213,11). Secara uji statistik Kruskal Wallis ketiga kelompok tidak ada perbedaan bermakna dengan nilai p = 0,320. Jumlah rerata netrofil kelompok latihan aerobik ringan (52,42 ± 8,29)  dan sedang (63,60 ±  8,73) lebih tinggi daripada kelompok kontrol (50,11 ± 5,55), artinya ada peningkatan jumlah netrofil setelah latihan aerobik. Dengan uji statistik ANOVA satu arah didapatkan hasil yang bermakna berbeda dengan nilai p = 0.001. Uji LSD didapatkan  perbedaan bermakna antara kelompok aerobik ringan dan sedang dengan nilai p = 0,003, IK 95 % . Tidak terdapat perbedaan antara kelompok aerobik ringan dengan kontrol dengan nilai p = 0,519. Terdapat perbedaan antara kelompok aerobik sedang dan kontrol dengan nilai p = 0,000. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa latihan aerobik ringan dan sedang tidak berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan kadar Interleukin-8 plasma pada remaja. Latihan aerobik ringan tidak berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan jumlah netrofil pada remaja. Latihan aerobik sedang berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan jumlah netrofil pada remaja. Kata Kata Kunci : Latihan Aerobik, Interleukin 8, Netrofil

2012 ◽  
Vol 1 (6) ◽  
pp. 292-297
Eizadi Mojtaba ◽  
Kohandel Mahdi ◽  
Kasbparast JR Mehdi ◽  
Sarshin Amir

The adipocyte‐derived hormones leptin is known to increase in obesity and related disease. Thirty two non‐trained males (39±4.32 years, 176.5 – 6.5 ± 6.42 cm, and 31 ± 3.14 body fat %) were matched according to physical fitness enrolled in this study and divided to exercise and control group by accidentally. The participants of exercise group were completed an aerobic exercise program for 3 months (3 days/weekly) and control group were barred of exercise in this period. Anthropometrical measurements and fasting blood samples were obtained before and after interventions in two groups. Blood samples were collected in order to measuring serum leptin, triglyceride (TG), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), and Low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL). Pre‐ and post exercise independent variables were compared using a paired‐samples t‐test. Compared to pre‐training, the leptin levels decreased significantly (P<0.01) after aerobic exercise program in exercise group but not in the control subjects. Triglyceride concentration was decreased with exercise training whereas concentrations of LDL cholesterol did not change in exercise group (p≥0.05). Exercise training resulted in significant decrease in anthropometrical indexes (p Ë‚ 0.05) and a borderline significant increase in HDL (p=0.052). TG/HDL ratio were significantly decreased in exercise group by exercise training (p=0.028). All variable in control group remained no change in control group (p ≥ 0.05). These data suggest, despite lack significant changes in some lipid profile markers, aerobic exercise program can be improve systemic inflammation and TG/HDL ratio as a cardiovascular risk factor in obese subjects.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
Junzhen Shi ◽  
Jinfeng Zhao ◽  
Xuyang Bai ◽  
Baoai Wu

Objective Alternative splicing of genes is the main way to produce large numbers of proteins, but the mechanism is unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluated the effect of aerobic exercise on PKC δI pre-mRNA alternative splicing. Further, to explore the effect of aerobic exercise on SFRS10 concentration. Because the PKCδ1 is involved in the regulation of adipocyte differentiation and splice factor SFRS10 regulates alternative of PKCδ1, explore the mechanism of PKCδ1 alternative splicing, understand the role of the alternative splicing variants, to provide the theory basis for the mechanism of aerobic exercise reduce the incidence of obesity. Methods C57BL/6 male mice were randomly divided into normal quiet group, normal exercise group, obese and quiet group, and obese exercise group. The exercise group performed aerobic exercise for 8 weeks. The intensity of aerobic exercise was: running platform slope is 0, speed 10 m/min, 1 h/time, 1 time/day, 6 times/week for a total of 8 weeks. Immediately after exercise, the cDNA was extracted from liver and adipose tissue. The contents of PKCδ1 and SFRS10 in liver and adipose tissue were determined by PCR and RT-PCR. Liver and fat were stained by oil red O staining to observe lipid droplet changes. And the mouse's Lee's index and blood lipids were determined. Results  Lee's index = 3√ (body weight * 1000) / body length, Lee's index of obese mice decreased significantly after aerobic exercise, in addition, after aerobic exercise, total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG) and low density Lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) also showed a downward trend (P < 0.05), while high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) increased (P < 0.05); oil red O staining results showed lipid droplets become smaller after aerobic exercise. The results of PCR and RT-PCR showed in the obese and quiet group than in the normal quiet group, the content of PKCδ1-FL decreased, the content of PKCδ1-△Exon9 increased, and the content of SFRS10 decreased. In the normal exercise group than in the normal quiet group and in the obese exercise group than in the obese and quiet group, the PKCδ1-FL content increased, the PKCδ1-△Exon9 content decreased, and the SFRS10 content increased. Conclusions  Aerobic exercise can significantly increase the content of PKCδ1-FL and SFRS10. PKCδ1-FL inhibits the formation of adipocytes, SFRS10 promotes the inclusion of PKCδ1 exon 9, and there is a molecular mechanism of alternative splicing between PKCδ1 and SFRS10.

Life ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 292
Lina Zhu ◽  
Qian Yu ◽  
Fabian Herold ◽  
Boris Cheval ◽  
Xiaoxiao Dong ◽  

Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) is assumed to exert beneficial effects on brain structure and executive control (EC) performance. However, empirical evidence of exercise-induced cognitive enhancement is not conclusive, and the role of CRF in younger adults is not fully understood. Here, we conducted a study in which healthy young adults took part in a moderate aerobic exercise intervention program for 9 weeks (exercise group; n = 48), or control condition of non-aerobic exercise intervention (waitlist control group; n = 72). Before and after the intervention period maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) as an indicator of CRF, the Flanker task as a measure of EC performance and grey matter volume (GMV), as well as cortical thickness via structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), were assessed. Compared to the control group, the CRF (heart rate, p < 0.001; VO2max, p < 0.001) and EC performance (congruent and incongruent reaction time, p = 0.011, p < 0.001) of the exercise group were significantly improved after the 9-week aerobic exercise intervention. Furthermore, GMV changes in the left medial frontal gyrus increased in the exercise group, whereas they were significantly reduced in the control group. Likewise, analysis of cortical morphology revealed that the left lateral occipital cortex (LOC.L) and the left precuneus (PCUN.L) thickness were considerably increased in the exercise group, which was not observed in the control group. The exploration analysis confirmed that CRF improvements are linked to EC improvement and frontal grey matter changes. In summary, our results support the idea that regular endurance exercises are an important determinant for brain health and cognitive performance even in a cohort of younger adults.

Honglin Qu ◽  
Ruilian Liu ◽  
Jiaqin Chen ◽  
Lan Zheng ◽  
Rui Chen

Objective: To investigate the role of aerobic exercise in inhibiting chronic unpredictable mild stress (CUMS) depressed mice hippocampal inflammatory response and its potential mechanisms. Methods: Fifty-four male eight-week-old C57BL/6 mice were divided as control group (CG) (18 mice) and model group (36 mice). Model group mice were treated with 13 chronic stimulating factors for 28 days to set up the CUMS depression model. Neurobehavioral assessment was performed after modeling. The mice in the model group were randomly divided into the control model group (MG) and the aerobic exercise group (EG), with 18mice in each group. The EG group carried out the adaptive training of the running platform: 10 m/min, 0° slope, and increased by 10 minutes per day for 6 days. The formal training was carried for 8 weeks with 10 m/min speed, 0° slope, 60 min/d, 6 d/Week. After the training, a neurobehavioral assessment was performed, and hippocampus IL-1β and IL-10 protein levels were detected by ELISA. RT–PCR was used to detect the expression of miR-223 and TLR4, MyD88, and NF-κB in the hippocampus. Western blot was used to detect the expression of TLR4 and phosphorylated NF-κBp65 protein in the hippocampus. Results: The hippocampus function of CUMS depression model mice was impaired. The forced swimming and forced tail suspension time were significantly prolonged, and inflammatory factors IL-1β were significantly increased in the hippocampus. Aerobic exercise significantly improves CUMS-depressed mice hippocampal function, effectively reducing depressive behavior and IL-1β levels, and increasing IL-10 levels. Besides, aerobic exercise significantly upregulates the expression level of miR-223 and inhibits the high expression of TLR4, MyD88, and NF-κB. Conclusion: Aerobic exercise significantly increases the CUMS-depressed mice hippocampus expression of miR-223, and inhibits the downstream TLR4/MyD88-NF-κB signaling pathway and the hippocampal inflammatory response, which contributes to the improvement of the hippocampal function.

2017 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-48
Veysi Çay ◽  
Gurbuz Buyukyazi ◽  
Cevval Ulman ◽  
Fatma Taneli ◽  
Yeliz Doğru ◽  

AbstractObjectives:This study aims to examine effects of aerobic jogging and explosive power exercises on body composition, maximal oxygen consumption (MaxVOMaterials and methods:Thirty seven healthy males were divided into exercise group (EG, n=19) and control group (CG, n=18). EG completed 10 weeks of outdoor aerobic (jogging at 60–70% maximal heart rate reserve starting from 20 min steadily increasing up to 28 min) and explosive power exercises (in 2–3 sets, with maximum repetitions lasting 15 s), 3 times per week. All measurements were taken before and after the exercise program. BMD was measured via dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA).Results:Body mass index (p<0.001) significantly decreased; MaxVOConclusion:Performing our outdoor exercise program in spring months might have an important role in the significant increase (9 vs. 22 ng/mL) in mean vitamin D level, which reached above the fracture risk level of 20 ng/mL.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 87-90
A. Jyoth ◽  

The effect of fiber rich product on child hood obesity studied with 60 sample which were collected randomly among 10-12 years and categorized into 2 groups i.e, experimental group and control group. Experimental group further categorized into three groups i.e, supplementation with exercise (n=15), only supplementation group (n=15), only exercise group (n=15) and control group consists of (n=15).Anthropometric, and diet survey conducted as parameters. A fiber rich product was prepared and supplemented for 2 months to the selected subjects and it consists of whole Bengal gram, whole green gram, green peas, barley and jaggery. Positive results were obtained in three experimental groups. Significant decrease observed inweight, and BMI, Total cholesterol, Triglycerides, LDL, VLDL significant increase observed in HDL in group I II and III. The results were (51.60-48.26kg, 24.7-23.1, 195.2-152.3 mg/dl, 168.2-145.0 mg/dl, 52.2-54.13 mg/dl, 109.4- 69.4mg/dl, 33.6-28.7mg/dl) in group I, In group II the results are (50.3-49.86kg, 23.7-23.4, 168.6-161.0mg/dl, 145.4-129.6mg/dl, 44.2-45.2 mg/dl, 95.3-90.0mg/dl, 29.1-28.3mg/dl).In group III the tesults aere (50.7-49.6kg, 24.5-23.9, 143.2-139.3mg/dl, 139-134.5mg/dl, 38.2-38.7mg/dl 76.8-74.1 mg/dl, 25.6-28.1mg/dl) .From the results it was clear that when compared to group II and III group I has shown better results.

2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (77) ◽  
pp. 208-213
D. Masiuk ◽  
A. Sosnitskiy ◽  
A. Kokarev ◽  
S. Koliada

There were infected neonatal piglets in the first days of their lives PED virus suspension derived from pigs previously PED patients. Diagnosis for PED in piglets donor virus PED was inserted complex method for clinical and epizootic performance and confirmed the identification PEDV by PCR-RT using the test system «EZ-RED/TGE/PDCoV MPX 1.0 Real time RT-PCR» company Tetracore (USA) Thermocyclers CFX 96 Real-Time System company BIO RAD (USA). Homogenate small intestine of pigs PEDV donor, prepared in a blender for PCR in a thick band of 18 animal carcasses, frozen at -18 °C without cryopreservation and kept 359 days. Before infecting pigs and strip defrost by RT-PCR identified the concentration of the virus genome equivalents (GE) without establishing viable virions quantitative pathogen. For Sample 20 selected analog neonatal piglets, divided them into 3 experimental groups (group 1 – 5 piglets, group 2 – 5 piglets and group 3 – 7 piglets) and one control (3 piglets). Research pigs infected per os virus-containing suspension with a concentration PEDV 1.03×106 GE/cm3. The dose for infection first group was 6 cm3 (6.18×106 GE/cm3), for the second – 5 cm3 (5,15 × 106 GE/cm3), for the third – 4 cm3 (4.12 GE×106/cm3) homogenate. The fourth group – control (not infected). All the pigs were in identical conditions that fully meet the physiological needs of the body. Of the 17 infected pigs only 2 was infected PEDV. PED was confirmed by laboratory methods. In bacteriological examination of internal organs of pigs that came out of a research experiment and control group were diagnosed colibacteriosis. In the control group was isolated from heart and intestinal non-pathogenic for white mice E. coli. From pigs 1 and 2 research groups has been allocated to white mice nonpathogenic E. coli, is set colibacteriosis; 2 experimental group found in one pig hemolytic E. coli; 3 experimental group from the internal organs of pigs in conjunction with non-pathogenic for mice intestinal former cane isolated Klesiella spp., is diagnosed with mixed infection (E. coli, Klesiella spp.). From the intestine of experimental and control pigs do not identified beneficial microflora – aerococcus, lactobacteria, bifidobacteria and cultured putrefactive anaerobic spore facultative and non spore microflora.

Fehmida Ayub ◽  
Abida Naseer ◽  
Saeed Javed ◽  
Adnan Asghar ◽  
Abd Rahim Mohd Shariff ◽  

Objective: Diabetes have a central contribution with type I or type II towards the healthy lifestyles of sportspersons. Aerobic exercise and daily walking stay them fit and control their glucose levels in their bloodstream. The aim of this study was to find out the effects of aerobic exercises and walk on the sportspersons of type I and II diabetes. Methodology: The existing research has experimental design itself wherein pre-tests and post-tests were employed to make sure the novelty of results. The data was collected from the diabetic sportspersons dividing them equally into control group (N-20) and experimental group (N-20). Both groups had type I (N-20) and type II (N-20) diabetic individuals. Aerobic exercise and walk protocol was applied for six weeks on experimental group, whereas, control group continued their routine activities. Afterwards, the data was collected through pre and post treatments and edited into SPSS (v-26). The collected data was analyzed through descriptive statistics using frequencies and percentages, whereas, T-test was applied to make the differences of pre and post treatments. Results: The findings has shown that aerobic exercises and walk decrease the higher levels of glucose in blood and enable to stable glycemic balance, weight loss maintenance, decrease insulin resistance, blood pressure decrease, and blood glucose control. Conclusion: The prominent differences were observed between control and experimental groups either type I or type II. It was concluded that the sportspersons may reduce the excessive glucose engaging in aerobic exercises and walk on daily basis rather than using medications. They should spend their happy lives and get rid of medications and insulin through spending their spare time using light exercises and maintain their glucose levels in blood as well.

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
pp. 245-9
Rostika Flora ◽  
Mohammad Zulkarnain ◽  

BACKGROUND Physical exercise is strongly associated with the release of β-endorphin. It is assumed that the type and intensity of physical exercise contributes to the release of β-endorphin. This study aimed to compare levels of β-endorphin in brain tissue in response to aerobic and anaerobic physical exercise. METHODS This study was an experimental laboratory study using 35 male Wistar rats divided into one control group and two physical exercise treatment groups: aerobic and anaerobic. Physical exercise was conducted on an animal treadmill running at aspeed of 20 m/min for 30 min of aerobic exercise and 35 m/min with 1-min intervals every 5 min for 20 min for anaerobic exercises. Each aerobic and anaerobic exercise group was furtherly classified into three subgroups (1×/week, 3×/week, and 7×/week). β-endorphin levels were determined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The data were analyzed using independent t-test and one-way analysis of variance. RESULTS The highest mean of β-endorphin level was found in the weekly exercise (54.45 [1.41] pg/ml) of aerobic exercise group and daily exercise (70.50 [11.67] pg/ml) of anaerobic exercise group. Mean of β-endorphin level in control group was 33.34 (3.54) pg/ml. A significant increased of β-endorphin mean level (p<0.001) was found in all aerobic and anaerobic exercise groups except the aerobic exercise 7×/week group(37.37 [6.30] pg/ml) compared to control. CONCLUSIONS Both aerobic and anaerobic physical exercise conducted for 6 weeks could increase the level of β-endorphin in brain tissue.

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