scholarly journals Efecto de la compactación del suelo en la producción de frijol.

2006 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 53 ◽  
Claro A. Alfonso ◽  
Milagros Monedero ◽  
S. Hernández ◽  
Víctor Somoza ◽  
Livia Sánchez

In a ferralytic red soil (Oxisol) representative of the Red Plains to the South of La Habana, partially degraded by soil density and located in the Soils Experimental Station La Renee, a trial was conducted in 1993-1995, to simulate different degrees of soil density obtained by successive passes of tillage. The objective was to determine the relationship between the low fertility of these soils and the man-induced soil density. The indicator crop used was the common bean in succession with maize. The evaluation of soil density was carried out through cartographic profiles, which were used to observe and measure: the degree of penetration; the state of the internal structure, and root colonization. Results indicate a direct correspondence between degradation by soil density and a reduction in structural porosity. Similarly, the thickness of the compacted layer increased depending on the number of passes of tillage, and root colonization that was restricted to the loose surface layer, being least favorable in the treatment of 20 passes, in which its depth was the less. Yields of beans and maize presented a close relationship with soil density, being reduced as density increased. Therefore, the maninduced soil density that results from intensive cultivation of these soils is the cause of low fertility.

2017 ◽  
Vol 284 (1868) ◽  
pp. 20171735 ◽  
Kirstin Janssen ◽  
Nicholas I. Mundy

A key outstanding issue in adaptive evolution is the relationship between the genetics of intraspecific polymorphism and interspecific evolution. Here, we show that the pale/dark ventral plumage polymorphism that occurs in both the pomarine skua ( Stercorarius pomarinus ) and Arctic skua ( S. parasiticus ) is the result of convergent evolution at the same locus ( MC1R ), involving some of the same amino acid sites. The dark melanic MC1R allele in the pomarine skua is strongly divergent from the pale MC1R alleles. Whereas the dark allele is closely related to MC1R alleles in three species of great skua ( S. skua , S. maccormicki , S. lonnbergi ), the pale pomarine skua MC1R alleles present a star-like pattern in an intermediate position on the haplotype network, closer to alleles of the long-tailed skua ( S. longicaudus ). Variation at other nuclear loci confirms a close relationship between the pomarine skua and the great skuas. The plumage polymorphism in pomarine skuas might have arisen in the common ancestor of pomarine and great skuas, only being retained in pomarine skuas. Alternatively, the pale and melanic MC1R alleles may have evolved independently in different lineages and been brought together in pomarine skuas by hybridization. In this case, introgression of a pale MC1R allele into the pomarine skua from another skua lineage is most likely. Our current data do not permit us to distinguish between these hypotheses, and assaying genome-wide variation holds much promise in this regard. Nevertheless, we have uncovered an intriguing example of a functionally important allele within one species that is shared across species.

1982 ◽  
Vol 47 (03) ◽  
pp. 230-231 ◽  
N K Sharma ◽  
P A Routledge ◽  
M D Rawlins ◽  
D M Davies

SummaryThe validity of a previously described technique for predicting warfarin requirements based on the anticoagulant response to a fixed loading dose was assessed prospectively in 57 patients. There was a close relationship between the predicted and initially observed daily warfarin dose required to maintain the patient within the therapeutic range for anticoagulation. The significant relationship between predicted and observed maintenance dose persisted at 4 and 12 weeks although it decreased with increasing time.The relationship between observed and predicted maintenance requirement of warfarin was not affected by the concomitant use of intermittent intravenous injections of heparin when 9 hr was allowed to elapse between the previous dose of heparin and the thrombotest estimation on which the prediction was based.It is concluded that the method is valuable in predicting an individual’s warfarin requirement, although it does not obviate the need for regular monitoring of anticoagulant control.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 138-144
Ina Edwina ◽  
Rista D Soetikno ◽  
Irma H Hikmat

Background: Tuberculosis (TB) and diabetes mellitus (DM) prevalence rates are increasing rapidly, especially in developing countries like Indonesia. There is a relationship between TB and DM that are very prominent, which is the prevalence of pulmonary TB with DM increased by 20 times compared with pulmonary TB without diabetes. Chest X-ray picture of TB patients with DM is atypical lesion. However, there are contradictories of pulmonary TB lesion on chest radiograph of DM patients. Nutritional status has a close relationship with the morbidity of DM, as well as TB.Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the lesions of TB on the chest radiograph of patients who su?er from DM with their Body Mass Index (BMI) in Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung.Material and Methods: The study was conducted in Department of Radiology RSHS Bandung between October 2014 - February 2015. We did a consecutive sampling of chest radiograph and IMT of DM patients with clinical diagnosis of TB, then the data was analysed by Chi Square test to determine the relationship between degree of lesions on chest radiograph of pulmonary TB on patients who have DM with their BMI.Results: The results showed that adult patients with active pulmonary TB with DM mostly in the range of age 51-70 years old, equal to 62.22%, with the highest gender in men, equal to 60%. Chest radiograph of TB in patients with DM are mostly seen in people who are obese, which is 40% and the vast majority of lesions are minimal lesions that is equal to 40%.Conclusions: There is a signifcant association between pulmonary TB lesion degree with BMI, with p = 0.03

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-137
Mustaqim Makki

Zakat merupakan salah satu sendi pokok ajaran Islam. Urgensi zakat yang merupakan anjuran agama Islam untuk menunaikan zakat dan memberikannya kepada yang berhak dengan ketentuan mencapai nishabnya, (kadar minimum harta tertentu) mempunyai nilai sangat signifikan dalam kehidupan manusia. Seorang insan yang sarat akan segala permasalahan pada fitrahnya menuntut untuk selalu berinteraksi kepada sesama, baik berupa materi maupun non materi. Zakat merupakan maliyah ijtima’iyyah yang mengandung nilai-nilai filantropi yang sangat tinggi, karena ketika mengaplikasikan kewajiban zakat kita telah membantu sesama serta mengurangi kesenjangan yang disebabkan beberapa sifat manusia diantaranya adalah sifat kikir, dengki dan iri hati. Menguatnya kembali harapan banyak kalangan terhadap implementasi filantropi Islam, baik dalam bentuk zakat, infak, sedekah, dan wakaf, memiliki keterkaitan erat dengan kondisi bangsa yang belum sepenuhnya bangkit dari keterpurukan sebagai dampak dari krisis ekonomi yang berkepanjangan. Kondisi ini berakibat kesenjangan penguasaan perekonomian antar warga negara menjadi kian lebar. Pada saat itulah, ziswaf (zakat, infak, sedekah, dan wakaf) kembali dilirik dan diharapkan menjadi alternatif solusi terhadap problem kemiskinan umat. Manusia sebagai khalifah fil ardh dalam Al Qurán menekankan muatan fungsional yang harus diemban oleh manusia dalam melaksanakan tugas-tugas kesejarahan dalam kehidupannya di muka bumi. Kaitan dengan konsep tersebut, ada dua fungsi manusia. Pertama: Manusia sebagai hamba (ábid), dituntut untuk sukses menjalin hubungan secara vertikal dalam hal ini hubungannya dengan ketuhanan (Teologis). Kedua adalah manusia sebagai khalifah, dituntut untuk sukses menjalin hubungan secara horizontal dalam hal ini hubungan terhadap manusia.Kata kunci: tafsir ayat zakat, filantropi, ekonomi keummatanAbstract:Zakat is one of the main points of Islamic teachings. The urgency of zakat which is suggested by Islam to fulfill and give it to those who are referred to with the provisions to reach their nishab, (minimum level of certain assets) has a very significant value in human life. A person who is full of all problems in his/her natural demands will always get interaction with other people, either material or non-material. Zakat is maliyah ijtima’iyyah which contains very high philanthropic values, because when applying the obligation of zakat we have helped others and reduced the gaps caused by some human traits including miser, jealousy and envy. The reinforcement of the expectations (estimation) from any levels on the implementation of Islamic philanthropy, which in the form of zakat, donation, alms and endowments, has a close relationship with the condition of the country that has not fully risen from bad economic adversity due to economic crisis. This condition causes a widening of the economic mastery among the citizens. At that moment, ziswaf (zakat, infaq, alms, and waqf) was again given a serious attentition and expected to be an alternative solution to the problem of poverty among citizens. Humans as khalifah fil ardh in the Qur'an emphasize the functional content that must be carried by humans in carrying out historical tasks in their lives on earth. In accordance with this concept, there are two human functions. First: Humans as servants (ábid), are required to succeed in establishing a vertical relationship in this case the relationship with God (Theological). Second, humans as caliphs, are required to succeed in establishing horizontal relationships in this case the relationship to humans.

2018 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
Mohammad Arif Dan Yuli Darwati

This paper will try to explain the relationship between religion and culture. These two topics are the most important items that are inseparable in the history of human civilization from the classical to the modern period. Religion is ahuman belief system that is related to God. If the rule comes from God, then it cannot be said to be a culture, because it is not human creation, but God’s creation that is absolute. Religion is interpreted as part of the life (culture) ofindividuals or groups, each of which has the authority to understand religion and apply it. With the characteristics as indicated by Fazlur Rahman, wherever religion is located, it is hoped that it can provide guidance on values or moralsfor all activities of human life, whether social, cultural, economic or political. Not infrequently also religion becomes a determining factor in the adhesive process of social cultural interaction of the community as well as unifying thenation. Culture and religion are something different but can influence each other so that new cultures or mixing of cultures emerge. The opinion of Endang Saifudin Anshari who said in his writing that religion and culture do notinclude each other, in principle one is not part of the other and each consists of itself. Between them, of course, they are closely related like us, we see in everyday life and human life. As also seen in the close relationship between husband and wife who can give birth to a son but the husband is not part of the wife, and vice versa. Religion and culture are two different things but cannot be separated. The existence of a religion will be greatly influenced and affect thepractice of a religion in question. And conversely, a culture will be greatly influenced by the beliefs of the society in which culture develops. Therefore religion is not only an individual problem but religion is also a social affair whichultimately religious people are not only able to give birth to individual piety but also must be able to give birth to social piety.Key words: Interaction, Religion, Culture,

2017 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
Limas Dodi

According to Abdulaziz Sachedina, the main argument of religious pluralism in the Qur’an based on the relationship between private belief (personal) and public projection of Islam in society. By regarding to private faith, the Qur’an being noninterventionist (for example, all forms of human authority should not be disturb the inner beliefs of individuals). While the public projection of faith, the Qur’an attitude based on the principle of coexistence. There is the willingness of the dominant race provide the freedom for people of other faiths with their own rules. Rules could shape how to run their affairs and to live side by side with the Muslims. Thus, based on the principle that the people of Indonesia are Muslim majority, it should be a mirror of a societie’s recognizion, respects and execution of religious pluralism. Abdul Aziz Sachedina called for Muslims to rediscover the moral concerns of public Islam in peace. The call for peace seemed to indicate that the existence of increasingly weakened in the religious sense of the Muslims and hence need to be reaffi rmed. Sachedina also like to emphasize that the position of peace in Islam is parallel with a variety of other doctrines, such as: prayer, fasting, pilgrimage and so on. Sachedina also tried to show the argument that the common view among religious groups is only one religion and traditions of other false and worthless. “Antipluralist” argument comes amid the reality of human religious differences. Keywords: Theology, Pluralism, Abdulaziz Sachedina

2020 ◽  
Siti Aliifah Deka Putri

The relationship between the school and the community is essentially a very instrumental tool in fostering and developing the personal growth of students in schools. school as a social system is an integral part of a larger social system that is society. Schools and communities have a very close relationship in achieving school or educational goals effectively and efficiently. Instead the school must also support the achievement of goals or fulfillment of society, especially educational needs. So it is clear between the school and the community must be fostered a harmonious relationship.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 159
Eva Krisna

“Batombe” is an oral tradition of the Nagari Abai society at Sangir Batanghari Subdistrict, South Solok District, West Sumatra Province. Batombe is exchanging rhymes (berbalas pantun) which is performed as an entertainment on the wedding party (baralek). Batombe is identical with Great House (Rumah Gadang) Nagari Abai which is a unique house because it is a long traditional custom house that has many rooms. It reaches 21 rooms. The rhymes in batombe tends to deliver a feeling of lilting so the singers often drift into the atmosphere of the show. Therefore, as part of community life, batombe often cause a negative effects for the singers soul. This paper describes various things, such as: who batombe singer is; the time to perform this activity; the relationship between batombe and Great House (Rumah Gadang) at Nagari Abai; and the negative effects caused by batombe for the singers. This paper based on the fact that in oral tradition there is a close relationship between text and the speakers and text with context (place, time and atmosphere), a multidisciplinary approach is used in this paper, such as historical, sociological, anthropological, and psychological approach. The method used is descriptive analysis method.AbstrakBatombe adalah tradisi lisan masyarakat Nagari Abai, Kecamatan Sangir Batanghari, Kabupaten Solok Selatan, Provinsi Sumatra Barat. Batombe adalah tradisi berbalas pantun yang dilakukan sebagai hiburan pada pesta pernikahan (baralek). Batombe identik dengan rumah gadang Nagari Abai yang unik, yakni rumah adat dengan ruangan yang sangat panjang hingga 21 ruangan. Pantun-pantun batombe cenderung menyampaikan perasaan yang mendayu-dayu sehingga para pedendangnya sering hanyut ke dalam suasana pertunjukan. Oleh sebab itu, sebagai bagian dari kehidupan masyarakat, seringkali batombe menyebabkan efek negatif bagi (kejiwaan) para pedendangnya. Tulisan ini mendeskripsikan berbagai hal, seperti penutur batombe, waktu untuk melakukan batombe, hubungan batombe dengan rumah gadang di Nagari Abai, dan efek negatif yang ditimbulkan batombe bagi pedendangnya. Tulisan ini bertolak dari kenyataan bahwa pada tradisi lisan terdapat hubungan erat, antara lain seperti teks dengan penutur dan teks dengan konteks (tempat, waktu, dan suasana). Pendekatan multidisipliner digunakan pada tulisan ini, yakni pendekatan historis, sosiologis, antropologis, dan psikologis. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode analisis deskriptif.

2011 ◽  
pp. 108-115
Vu Quoc Huy Nguyen

Persistent infection with high-risk Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) has been identified as the causal factor of cervical cancer, with relative risk up to 300-400 folds. This very close relationship leads to the preventive strategy of vaccination against HPV infections and HPV-related lesions. The article describes molecular and immunologic characteristics of HPV, currently available HPV vaccines and its protective effects; the relationship between HPV vaccination and cervical cancer screening, and an introduction to therapeutic HPV vaccine trials.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 342-350
Suparna Parwodiwiyono

Abstrak: Bagi generasi pasca milenial penggunaan internet sangat akrab tetapi dengan berbagai tujuan penggunaan. Penelitian ini ingin melihat keterkaitan penggunaan internet oleh penduduk yang sedang sekolah untuk kepentingan penyelesaian tugas sekolah di Indonesia untuk mendapatkan hasil belajar yang baik. Analisis berdasarkan data sekunder dari Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional tahun 2018. Hanya saja data yang didapatkan tidak simetris dengan adanya pencilan. Regresi kuantil digunakan untuk meminimumkan pengaruh dari pencilan yang ada. Penelitian mendapatkan hasil bahwa terdapat kaitan yang erat antara akses internet dari penduduk yang sedang sekolah dengan penyelesaian tugas sekolah.  Hasil regresi kuantil menunjukkan bahwa proporsi akses internet untuk penyelesaian tugas sekolah berbeda antar golongan proporsi penggunaan internet. Proporsi penggunaan internet yang tinggi akan digunakan untuk penyelesaian tugas sekolah yang lebih tinggi pula. Abstract: For the post millennial generation the use of the internet is very familiar but with various purposes of use. This study wants to look at the relationship between the use of the internet by residents who are currently in school for the sake of completing school work in Indonesia to get good learning outcomes. Analysis based on secondary data from the 2018 National Socio-Economic Survey. It's just that the data obtained is not symmetrical with outliers. Quantile regression is used to minimize the effect of outliers. The study found that there was a close relationship between internet access from residents who were in school and completion of school work. The quantile regression results show that the proportion of internet access for completing school work differs between groups of proportions of internet use. A high proportion of internet use will be used for completing higher school work.

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