scholarly journals Evaluation of the Duration of a Hiking Trip as a Kind of Test Within the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Training Program “Ready for Labor and Defense” Among Teenagers of the 6th Age Group

Evgeniy A. Nikolaev ◽  
Nadezhda V. Surikova ◽  
Elena D. Chuprova ◽  
Bulat B. Gomboev

The purpose is providing rationale for the distance duration (15 km) of the All-Russian physical culture and sports training program “Ready for Labor and Defense” hiking trip among young men (6th stage). The participants in this experiment were students (n=16) aged 18-21. The following physiological methods were used: heart-rate monitoring, measurement of blood pressure and subsequent determination of cardiac output, recording and interpretation of electrocardiograms according to the method of professor A. Zavyalov, as well as mental state determination by means of the “Well-being, energies, mood” method. Physical efficiency dynamics of teenagers by key indicators within the research at all key-points does not reflect significant functional changes in the body that would let us state the accumulation of great fatigue (ECG=14±2.38, WAM index was 5.2 at the beginning and 4.9 at the end, heart-rate =97 BPM). The main indicators of the dynamic analysis of the functional state of participants within the hiking trips allows us to conclude that a distance of 15 km is optimal for teenage boys. However, variable conditions are possible for in the form of an increase in distance to 18 km, final recommendations require additional research

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (S1) ◽  
pp. 77-83
E Nikolaev ◽  
N Surikova ◽  
E Chuprova ◽  
B Gomboev ◽  
V Uvarov

Aim. The paper aims to provide rationale for a hiking distance of 15 km to be included into the All-Russian physical education and sports training program “Ready for Labour and Defense” among teenagers (6th level). Materials and methods. Students (n = 15) aged from 18 to 21 years participated in the study. The following physiological methods were used: heart rate monitoring, blood pressure and cardiac output measurements, ECG recording and interpretation according to the method of A. Zavyalov, mental state assessment with the Well-being, activity, mood (WAM) questionnaire. Results. Female participants of the hiking trip demonstrated significant changes in the functional status in terms of the indicators studied during the distance of 9, 12 and 15 km (ECG – 18 ± 1,51, the WAM indicator – 5.2 at the beginning and 4.1 at the end of the trip, heart rate – 100 BPM, cardiac output increased from 5418 to 5640 ml). Conclusion. Analysis of the main indicators of the functional status during the hiking trip allows us to conclude that a distance of 15 km is optimal for girls. However, variable conditions are possible for girls in terms of distance reduction to 12 km. Final recommendations require additional research.

A.M. Satarkulova

The assessment and dynamic control over students’ status is a very important task. It allows timely detection of prenosological status prior to pathology and health maintenance in students. The objective of the paper is to assess the adaptive abilities of the body, to analyze changes in heart rate variability indicators in students with various types of autonomic regulation, to identify prenosological status and precursory pathological symptoms. Materials and Methods. The study enrolled 302 students from India, aged 21.54±1.43. Programming complex «Psychophysiologist» was used to register the main HRV parameters within 5 minutes. Health status was evaluated according to the index of functional changes and the scale of functional states. Results. N.I. Shlyk (2009) distinguished two groups of students with different types of autonomic regulation: type 1 (53 %) with moderate and type 2 (5 %) with marked characteristics of central regulation profile, type 3 (35 %) with moderate and type 4 (7 %) with marked characteristics of autonomous regulation profile. Main parameters of HRV and adaptation potential were defined for each student.All the parameters characterized functional and health status. Conclusions. It was shown that 82 % of trial subjects (type 1), 53 % (type 2), 94 % (type 3) and 95 % (type 4) demonstrated satisfactory adaptation and their physiological processes were at an optimal level. 18 % of students (type 1) demonstrated reduced adaptive abilities of the body. Moreover, they were under moderate stress. 47 % of subjects (type 2) were also under a significant stress, which was proven by excessively high SI, low SDNN and TP, and an increased index of functional changes. 5 % of students (type 4) revealed dysfunctional characteristics in the heart rhythm, peculiar to pathology. Keywords: foreign students, heart rate variability, types of autonomic regulation, adaptation potential, functional status. Оценка состояния студентов и динамический контроль за ним является важной задачей, поскольку позволяет своевременно выявлять у студентов донозологические состояния, предшествующие патологии, и способствовать сохранению здоровья. Цель. Оценка адаптивных возможностей организма, анализ изменений показателей вариабельности сердечного ритма у студентов с различными типами вегетативной регуляции, выявление донозологических состояний и ранних признаков патологии. Материалы и методы. В исследовании участвовало 302 студента в возрасте 21,54+1,43 года из Индии. Регистрировались основные параметры ВСР в течение 5 мин с использованием программно-аппаратного комплекса «Психофизиолог». Состояние и уровень здоровья оценивались по индексу функциональных изменений и шкале функциональных состояний. Результаты. По способу, предложенному Н.И. Шлык, выделены группы студентов с различными типами вегетативной регуляции: I (53 %) и II типы (5 %) – с умеренным и выраженным преобладанием центрального контура регуляции соответственно, III (35 %) и IV типы (7 %) – с умеренным и выраженным преобладанием автономного контура регуляции соответственно. У каждого из студентов определены основные параметры ВСР и адаптационного потенциала, характеризующие функциональное состояние и уровень здоровья. Выводы. Показано, что для 82 % обследуемых с I типом, 53 % со II типом, 94 % c III типом и 95 % с IV типом регуляции характерно состояние удовлетворительной адаптации, физиологические процессы сохраняются на оптимальном уровне. В группе студентов I типа у 18 % студентов адаптивные возможности организма снижены, выявлено состояние умеренного напряжения. У 47 % обследуемых II типа также зафиксировано состояние резко выраженного напряжения, индикатором которого является чрезмерно высокое значение SI, низкие величины SDNN и ТP, повышенное значение индекса функциональных изменений. В группе студентов с IV типом у 5 % учащихсяв регуляции ритма сердца выявлены дисфункциональные признаки, характерные для патологии. Ключевые слова: иностранные студенты, вариабельность сердечного ритма, типы вегетативной регуляции, адаптационный потенциал, функциональное состояние.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 14-19
T Vorobieva ◽  
L Kharchenko ◽  
E Shamshualeeva

Aim. The article deals with studying the features of psychophysiological adaptation to physical load and the functional status of the cardiovascular system in badminton players. Materials and methods. The study was conducted in the premises of Dostoevsky Omsk State University during badminton training activities as a part of Omsk Higher Educational Establishments Spartakiadpreparation in September 2016 – May 2018. Fifteen students aged 18–19 years participated in the study on a voluntary basis. The study was conducted using the electronic surveys placed on the Spielberger state-trait anxiety inventory and the Well-Being, Activity, Mood test. To establish the maximum anaerobic capacity of the body, the Margaria testwas used. A Zeugner’s polychromatic rapid test was used for establishing the emotional background. Results. The analysis of the results obtained revealed that the highest heart rate values were registered during a long badminton rally and reached 190 bpm. During pauses heart rate decreased to 160 bpm. A badminton rally of 4–6 seconds allowed maintaining the heart rate at 160 bpm.If followed by pauses heart rate decreased to 130 bpm. Assessing the mechanisms of psychophysiological adaptation and studying the subjective characteristics of situational and personal anxiety, well-being, performance and emotional background before and after training allow identifying athletes with different adaptation capacities and increasing their physical performance. Conclusion. The analysis of the results obtained demonstrated changes in psychophysiological adaptation and the functional status of the cardiovascular system. It was also revealed that physical load provoked stress in the mechanisms of psychophysiological adaptation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 3581-3584
Priya Pathak

The term Geriatrics is made by union of two Greek word first ‘geras’ (old age) and second ‘iatros’ (physician) and derived from Greek root “gergero- geronto” meaning old age or the aged or especially one receiving special care. Geriatrics is the branch of medicine that focuses on health promotion and prevention and treatment of disease and disability in later life. In India population of the elderly has been increasing steadily since 1961 as it touched 13.8 crore in 2021, growing faster due to decrease in death rate, according to a study by National Statistical Office (NSO). Ageing is the process in which structural and functional changes occur with passage of time. Thus study of all aspects of ageing including physiological, pathological, psychological, economical and sociological problems is termed as Geriatrics. With advancing age, several changes take place in the body, in the external appearance as well as in Dosha, Dhatu, Mala, Agni, Oja level, also on the mental functions. In Ayurvedic texts, there are many ways given for prevention and promotion of health, one of them is Dinacharya (daily regimen), which is most important part to maintain a healthy and happy life. The importance of appropriate daily routine cannot be underestimated. It set the wheels in motion for entire day, bringing a sense of calm and well-being. It gives the body, mind and spirit the chance to start afresh.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 55-66
Аndrey A. Blaginin ◽  
Maxim V. Kaltygin ◽  
Oleg V. Kotov ◽  
Sergey N. Sinelnikov ◽  
Ruslan A. Dzankisov

The study is devoted to the study of the influence of individual psychological characteristics of the personality of aviation specialists on the tolerability of moderate degrees of hypobaric hypoxia, simulated in a pressure chamber. The study included the assessment of physiological parameters (blood pressure, heart rate, arterial blood saturation, Roufier index) and psychophysiological indicators (critical frequency of light flickering fusion, complex sensorimotor response, indicators of subjective assessment of the state (SAN test)) depending on the level of neuroticism, extroversion and personal anxiety level. As a result of the study, it was found that the functional state of the body of subjects with high levels of neuroticism in hypobaric hypoxia changes significantly than in subjects with low levels of neuroticism, which is confirmed by a more pronounced decrease in health, activity and mood by 17.5% (p 0.01), 16.9% (p 0.05) and 9% (p 0.01), respectively, an increase in the time of complex sensorimotor response by 12.6% (p 0.01), as well as more pronounced functional changes in the cardiovascular system. It was revealed that changes in some physiological parameters in extroverts had a large negative dynamics in hypoxia, so the increase in the Roufier index in the group of introverts at 30, 60 minutes and after the rise by 97.3%, 98.6% and 15.1%, respectively, against an increase of 118.2%, 123.6% and 16.4% in the group of extroverts was revealed. In the group of extroverts, an increase in the time of complex sensorimotor response after the end of the study was found by 8.0% (p 0.05), an increase in critical frequency of light flickering fusion compared to the indicators obtained before the rise by 5.2% (p 0.05). It is established that the functional status of subjects with high levels of trait anxiety had a more pronounced negative trend in terms of the effects of hypobaric hypoxia, which is confirmed by a significant higher values of the Roufier index in groups with high levels of trait anxiety, with the background study, 30th, 60th minute and after rising; extending the time complex sensorimotor response to 45 minute 6.1% (p 0.05), and after altitude study by 9.5% (p 0.01); by the 40th minute of stay in the hyperbaric chamber the indicators of well-being decreased by 20.3% (p 0.01), activity by 18.8% (p 0.05) and mood by 13.7% (p 0.01). Thus, it was shown that in assessing the tolerability of moderate degrees of hypoxia, it is necessary to take into account the dependence of changes in the functional state of the organism on individual psychological characteristics.

L. Grishko ◽  
N. Zavadska ◽  
I. Novikova

The article reveals the influence of physical exercises on the development of morpho-functional indicators of student youth. It was found that in students who regularly exercise, physical development indicators are within normal limits. In addition, exercise improves the psychological state of those who engage, increases motivation for physical education, improves well-being. The modern focus on the creative assimilation of physical culture by the future specialist requires an orderly system of effectiveness on his intellectual, emotional, volitional and practical activities. This allows us to talk about physical education as an important way of forming a personality, citizen and future specialist, purposeful pedagogical process of involving student youth in the values of national physical culture. The purpose of physical education in higher education - the formation of physical culture of personality, creation conditions for general and professional training of students and increase on this basis of intellectual, creative and cultural wealth of the state. Achieving this goal involves the formation of the necessary motivational core of physical education and self-education, systematic physical culture and sports activities and development of physical abilities. It is known that movements are the final expression of almost all processes occurring in the body. Unmet need for muscle activity has negative consequences for the functional state of the body and physical performance. Systematic physical exercises for a long period of time naturally lead to specific changes in the physical development of students. At the same time, the data of physical development studies become especially important when they are associated with indicators of the functional state of the organism, its efficiency and preparedness.

Giovanni Lauretta ◽  
Silvia Ravalli ◽  
Grazia Maugeri ◽  
Velia D’Agata ◽  
Michelino Di Rosa ◽  

: Physical exercise (PE), notoriously, promotes a state of general well-being, throughout the entire human lifespan. Moreover, maintaining an adequate and regular PE habit results to be a powerful preventive factor towards many diseases and may also help in managing existing pathological conditions. PE induces structural and functional changes in various districts of the body, determining biological and psychological benefits. Additionally, in elderly, PE might represent a remarkable tool reducing cognitive impairments related to the normal aging processes and it has also been found to have an impact in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. The present review aims to provide an overview about PE effects on hippocampus, since it is one of the brain regions most susceptible to aging and, therefore, involved in diseases characterized by cognitive impairment.

Diane Nogueira Paranhos ◽  
Lia Medeiros Brandim ◽  
Ludmilla Karen Brandão Lima De Matos ◽  
Iara Sayuri Shimizu

Introduction: The Craniosacral Therapy uses tender and accurate touches to diagnose and treat the craniosacral system. The Mixed Martial Arts athletes are exposed at risk of injury during competitions, which can affect your welfare. The Craniosacral Therapy improves the functioning of the Central and Autonomic Nervous System, that promotes relaxation, sense of welfare and homeostasis in the body. Objective: to evaluate the effect of Craniosacral Therapy in welfare and Autonomic Nervous System in Mixed Martial Arts fighters. Method: We conducted a case study by analyzing the heart rate and general welfare of 05 Mixed Martial Arts fighters, eight sessions with Craniosacral Therapy, using respectively a frequency Polar RS800 and a Range of Subjective Well-Being for collection data, posteriorly it was submitted to the calculation of mean and standard deviation and "T Studant" test to compare the data before and after the treatments. Results: The initial evaluation of the athletes showed a high subjective well-being, that remained after the therapy. There was a statistically significant increase in one of the athletes with respect to positive affect (from 4.048 ± 0.5896 to 4.429 ± 0.5071). As for the negative affects three increased the score. There was a statistically significant reduction (p <0.001) between the initial and final heart rates in each service, with averages of 68.50 and 63.28 respectively. Conclusion: The Craniosacral Therapy increases the activity of the parasympatic nervous system, promoting decreased heart rate, providing better coronary flow and that alone is not sufficient to determine an increase or decrease of well-being.

2014 ◽  
Vol 687-691 ◽  
pp. 766-769
Xiao Peng Chi

Characteristics of modern badminton can be summarized as fast, comprehensive and highlighted. In order to organize badminton training scientifically; we must choose convenience and practical methods in monitoring. Heart rate is a reflection of the body and it is a sensitive physiological indicator. It is widely used in sports training thanks to its relevance, timeliness, testability, non-invasiveness and practicality. In this paper, heart rate was recorded during a badminton class. We evaluated the training programs according to the heart rate changes and discussed the application of heart rate monitoring in badminton training.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 150-154
Fabiana Martinescu-Bădălan ◽  
Crenguța-Mihaela Macovei

Abstract The training process as well as the adaptation of the body is a multifactorial process. This means that the factors can vary from the morpho-functional and genetic characteristics of the subjects to the patterns of a selected training program, dosed and loaded by the person who leads the instructive-educational process. The body’s adaptation to these factors is directly related to the methods and means used. During the training process it is necessary to follow a series of principles and rules, which help and ensure the proper conduct of the training system for athletes.

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