scholarly journals Pengetahuan dan Perilaku Konsumsi Remaja Putri yang Berhubungan dengan Status Anemia

2019 ◽  
Vol 47 (3) ◽  
pp. 175-182
Sintha Fransiske Simanungkalit ◽  
Oster Suriani Simarmata

Anemia is a condition where the number of red blood cells or the concentration of oxygen transport in the blood (Hb) is insufficient for the physiology needs of the body.1 The prevalence of anemia (15-24 years old) in Indonesia (2018) was 32%.2 The aimed of this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge, tablet knowledge of iron supplementation, nutritional status, Fe intake and consumption patterns of inhibitor and enhancers factors with anemia in adolescent girls. This study found that 63.4% of girls had anemia. The factors associated with anemia in this study were knowledge (p value = 0.004), nutritional status (p value = 0.034) and consumption patterns of Fe inhibitors (p value = 0.009). Based on multivariate test, knowledge of anaemia was obtained as the dominant factor in anemia among adolescent girls with OR 3,3. Suggestions in this study were the need to be counseling about anemia and Fe inhibitor consumption patterns and monitoring nutritional status at UKS SMA/K so that adolescent girls can avoid anemia. Keywords: anemia, knowledge, nutritional status and inhibitor Fe. Abstrak Anemia merupakan suatu kondisi dimana jumlah sel darah merah atau konsentrasi pengangkut oksigen dalam darah (Hb) tidak mencukupi untuk kebutuhan fisiologi tubuh.1 Prevalensi anemia pada rentang usia 15-24 tahun berdasarkan Riskesdas tahun 2018 adalah 32%.2 Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan dan perilaku konsumsi dengan anemia remaja putri. Penelitian ini didapatkan sebanyak 63,4% remaja putri mengalami anemia. Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan anemia remaja putri dalam penelitian ini adalah pengetahuan (p value = 0,004), status gizi (p value = 0,034) dan pola konsumsi inhibitor Fe (p value = 0,009). Setelah dilakukan uji multivariat didapatkan pengetahuan anemia sebagai faktor dominan anemia remaja putri dengan OR 3,3. Saran dalam penelitian ini adalah perlunya diberikan penyuluhan mengenai anemia dan pola konsumsi inhibitor Fe serta pemantauan status gizi di UKS SMA/K sehingga para remaja putri terhindar dari anemia. Kata kunci: Anemia, Pengetahuan, Status Gizi, Inhibitor Fe

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 27-32
Roos Arum Parasdia ◽  
Puspa Sari Sari ◽  
Ari Indra Susanti ◽  
Merry Widjayanti

Anemia can cause a risk to adolescent girls both long term and in the short term. One of the factors influence anemia in adolescents is nutrition status. This study aims to determine of anemia in adolescent with nutritional status in adolescent girls The Design of this study is cross sectional. The sample of this study is 84 adolesent girls, people was selected by simple random sampling technique from all student at class x ech high school on 2-3 August 2016. hemoglobin levels was checked by a digital, nutritional status examination of weight and height. Data were analyzed with univariate and bivariate chi square. The results of the study shows that the prevalence of anemia in adolescent is 45.2%, nutritional status underwieght is 14,3%. There is no relationship between anemia with nutrisional status (p-value=0,649). The conclusion of this research is the prevalence of anemia is still high,and there was no significant association between anemia and nutritisional status. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 101
Noor Diani ◽  
Devi Rahmayanti

Abstrak Tuberkulosis (TBC) mengakibatkan penurunan asupan dan malabsorbsi nutrien serta metabolisme tubuh berubah sehingga terjadi massa otot dan lemak menurun akibat mekanisme malnutrisi dari energi protein. Malnutrisi pada TBC berpengaruh terhadap prognosis dan tingkat kematian. Peningkatan produksi IFNl- γ dan IL-6, TNF α menghambat dari aktivitas Lipo Protein Lipase (LPL) dijaringan lemak. Enzim LPL berperan dalam proses bersihan trigliserida. Peningkatan ini meningkatkan trigliserida sehingga proses sintesis lemak menurun dan proses lipolisis lemak meningkat di jaringan. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis hubungan trigliserida dan status gizi pada klien TBC. Metode penelitian ini korelasi analitik dengan pendekatan cross-sectional, sampel 25 orang, dengan uji korelasi Pearson-Product Moment. Hasil penelitian status gizi dibawah normal 56%, normal 40% dan kelebihan berat badan 4%. Kadar Trigliserida normal 84%, trigliserida tinggi 16%. Kesimpulan ada hubungan antara kadar trigliserida dan status gizi yakni r hitung sebesar 0,5: r tabel = 0,396 sehingga r hitung > r tabel dengan korelasi positif.Kata Kunci : Trigliserida, Status Gizi, Tuberkulosis.AbstractTuberculosis(TB) resulting the decreasing of nutrient intake and malabsorbsi as well as changing the metabolism of the body. The wasthing are decreased protein energy. Malnutrition on TB affects the prognosis of the treatment and death rates. The increase TNF α will inhibit the enzyme activity of Lipoprotein Lipase (LPL) in the fat tissue. LPL enzyme plays a role in cleavage process of triglycerides. This research was to analyze the relationship of triglycerides and nutrition status on the client with tuberculosis. The design was cross-sectional approach. The respondents were gathered from 25 newly TB patients. The analyzed using Pearson Product-Moment correlation. The results showed 56% respondents undernutrition, and normal 40% and over nutrition 4%. Most triglyceride level of the respondent were normal (84). The concluded was a relationship between triglycerides and the nutritional status with a positive correlation ( P value 0,396).Keywords : Triglycerides, Nutritional Status, Tuberculosis

Emi Nur Sariyanti ◽  
Diffah Hanim ◽  
Sapja Anantanyu

Background:Blood pressure is a disease that is often found in the elderly. Many studies show that socioeconomic status is closely related to the incidence of hypertension especially in the elderly. In addition, since hypertension is generally associated with being overweight and obese, nutritional status can also be a factor for experiencing hypertension in the elderly.Objective:To analyze the relationship between income and nutritional status with the incidence of hypertension in the elderly.Method: This study used a cross-sectional study design involving 133 elderly respondents in the area of the Klaten Community Health Center. Income data were obtained using the respondents’ basic characteristic questionnaire. Nutritional status was obtained based on anthropometric measurements of body weight and height which were calculated using the Body Mass Index (BMI). While blood pressure data were obtained from Sphygmomanometer measurements. The data obtained were analyzed using the Spearman test with a p-value <0.05. This study was approved by Ethics Commission UniversitasSebelasMaret.Results: The results of this study indicate there is a relationship between income and the incidence of hypertension in the elderly (p=0.046) while the nutritional status has no relationship with the incidence of hypertension (p=0.640).Conclusion: High income has a low risk of the elderly experiencing hypertension, while nutritional status good or not they do not have a risk of hypertension.International Journal of Human and Health Sciences Vol. 05 No. 01 January’21 Page: 81-84

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 231
Norma Jeepi Margiyanti

Nutritional problems in adolescents arise due to incorrect nutritional behavior, namely the imbalance between the consumption of nutrients and the adequacy of recommended nutrients. The main nutritional problems in adolescents are micronutrients deficiency, especially iron deficiency anemia, as well as malnutrition problems, both malnutrition and short stature and more nutrition to obesity with co-morbidity which are both often related to wrong behavior / diet, namely the imbalance between nutritional consumption and nutritional adequacy recommended. The purpose of this research is to find out the relationship of knowledge, body image, and diet with the nutritional status of young women. This research method uses a descriptive approach to correlation, namely research conducted to look at the relationship between diet and nutritional status of young women. The results of the study were given P value= 0.016 which means there is a relationship between diet and nutritional status of young women. There is a relationship between the body image and the nutritional status of young women with P Value 0.000 and there is no relationship between the level of knowledge and the nutritional status of young women and P value of 0.083. Advice to stakeholders in order to be able to carry out a thorough socialization of nutrition in adolescents through promotional activities, increasing the capacity of health workers on adolescent nutrition and improving the implementation of the Youth Care Health Services (PKRR) program 

Supriyadi Supriyadi ◽  
Sendy Komarudin ◽  
Sri Nur Hartiningsih

Background: The quality of hospital services is strongly influenced by several factors, among which the most dominant factor is human resources. Human resources are the key to the success and success of the organization. Human resources related to the provision of health services in hospitals are nurses. managing human resources is not an easy thing because it involves many important factors that must be considered, one of which is the factor of job satisfaction. There are several indicators that must be considered by the hospital, one of which is to pay attention to the level of job satisfaction nurse (Simamora, 2012).   Objective: This study aims to determine the relationship of motivation leadership style and organizational commitment with job satisfaction Nurse at Bhayangkara Hospital POLDA D.I. Yogyakarta.   Methods: The research design used in this research is descriptive correlation research with cross sectional approach. Sampling technique with total sampling. Pupulation in this research is nurse counted 33 people. Bivariate statistical test using kendal tau while multivariate test using multiple linear regression with significant level 95%.   Result: Result of research got all variable that is motivation, leadership style, and organizational commitment influence nurse job satisfaction with p value 0.001, 0.003, 0.000 (p<0.05). Multivariate test obtained value of R 0.662 means the relationship between motivation, leadership style and organizational commitment with job satisfaction is strong.  Conclusion: there is a relationship between motivation, leadership style and organizational commitment with job satisfaction

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 194
Endah Yulianingsih ◽  
Hasnawatty Surya Porouw

Anemia is a global public health problem that needs special attention. Anemia in adolescent girls is a common problem, especially in developing countries (WHO, 2008). Anemia is a health problem that is most often found in countries both developed and developing, including Indonesia .. The prevalence of anemia in Indonesia is not so much with the global anemia prevalence rate is 21.7% where the prevalence of anemia has been entered into the category of public health problems was that it should receive special attention. Teenagers are particularly at risk age group the incidence of anemia due to nutritional needs particularly iron exceeds the needs of other age groups due to accelerated growth and increased physical activity. This study aims to determine the factors associated with the incidence of anemia among adolescent girls in Puskesmas Kota Selatan Kota Gorontalo. Type with a cross-sectional study using bivariate test by chi-square test and multivariate logistic regression test. This research instrument using a questionnaire. The results of this study indicate that there is a relationship between the age of menarche (p = 0.001), knowledge (p = 0.000), maternal education (p = 0.000), the pattern of menstruation (p = 0.000), BMI (p = 0.009), menstruation (p = 0.003). The most dominant factor to the incidence of anemia among adolescent girls in Puskesmas South City Gorontalo is a factor of knowledge with p value 0.001 exp B = 2.650 (CI 1.643 to 4770), which means that respondents who have a good knowledge will likely 2,

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 377-383
Hasnizar ◽  
Evawany Aritonang ◽  
Etti Sudaryati

Adolescents are age group that is vulnerable to the nutritional problems. Factors that influence nutritional status in adolescents include physical activity. Physical activity including physical exercise which is one of the efforts to stabilize the intake and expenditure of food substances which is a priority source of energy in the body. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship of physical activity with nutritional status in students at SMK Negeri 1 Percut Sei Tuan, Deli Serdang District in 2019. The type of research used was quantitative research with cross sectional research design. The results obtained by the relationship of physical activity with the nutritional status of students p value of 0.003 or smaller than 0.05. The conclusion of the study is that there is a relationship of physical activity with nutritional status in students at SMK Negeri 1 Percut Sei Tuan. Students who are doing physical activity have normal nutritional status because there is a balance between energy intake and expenditure.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 70
Sylvi Natalia ◽  
Sri Sumarmi ◽  
Siti Rahayu Nadhiroh

Iron supplementation is one of the anemia prevention program in Indonesia. Success Indicator of its program is ANC coverage and coverage of iron tablet distribution. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between the ANC (Antenatal Care) and iron tablet coverage with prevalence of anemia among pregnant women in East Java year 2015. This research used data report from Nutrition Division and Family Health Division of Provincial Health Office East Java. Data was analyse using Pearson correlation test. The prevalence of anemia among pregnant women in East Java was 5.8%, the result are still below the national target which is 28%. The result showed that there was no relationship between the ANC and iron tablet coverage with the prevalence of anemia (p-value > 0.05). It is concluded that coverage of iron supplementation among pregnant women through ANC does not describe the prevalence of anemia among pregnant women due to many factors that infl uence anemia such as bioavailability of iron and compliance pregnant women consume iron.Keywords: anemia, ANC coverage, iron tablet

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-53
Siti Muawanah

Baby massage is one of the hereditary treatments for babies that are always healthy, in addition to these habits can also help overcome the problem of nutritional status. One of the causes of malnutrition is nutrition that is not fulfilled while in the womb, but this can be pursued before the child is 2 years old so that the child can be tall and large, one of them with baby massage intervention. Infant massage stimulation can help improve the status of a child's nutrition and stimulate the child's growth and development. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between infant massage and nutritional status of the two million children shown in the 1,000 HPK group in the context of accelerating nutritional improvement. This type of research used analytic observation with cross sectional method. The samples used were 45 babies under the age of two years. The sampling technique uses total sampling. The results showed that babies who did massage babies were 24 (53.3%), and had good nutritional quality as many as 19 (42.2%). There is a relationship between baby massage with the nutritional quality of infants under two years of age, with a p value of 0.001. This research is expected that parents pay more attention to the nutritional quality of their babies through routine baby massage, which is every 1-2 months. because massaging movements from head to toe make the body more easily in delivering nutrients to blood vessels, blood circulation, improve cognitive function of children, to make the baby avoid nutritional problems.

e-GIGI ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 152
Ciwinan H. Richter ◽  
Pritartha S. Anindita ◽  
Shirley E. S. Kawengian

Abstract: Nutrition has a very important role during growth and development. It is a collection of biochemical substances that generally come from food used for the process of producing energy, growth, development, and maintenance of the body function. Poor nutrition will have an impact on the growth and development of teeth and mouth such as the occurrence of dental malformations, easily injury of soft tissues, and obstructed development of facial bones and jaws. This study was aimed to determine the relationship between nutritional status and crowded teeth in children aged 11 to 12 years. This was a descriptive and analytical study with a cross sectional design. This study was conducted at Elementary School 45 in Manado using a total sampling method. There were 39 subjects that were analyzed by using BMI/A anthropometry. The chi-square obtained a p-value of 0.376 for the relationship between nutritional status based on BMI/A and crowded teeth. In conclusion, there was no relationship between nutritional status based on BMI/A and crowded teeth in students of Elementary School 45 aged 11-12 years in Manado.Keywords: nutritional status; crowded teeth; children  Abstrak: Gizi memiliki peran yang sangat penting selama masa tumbuh kembang karena gizi merupakan kumpulan zat biokimia yang umumnya berasal dari makanan yang digunakan untuk proses menghasilkan energi, pertumbuhan, perkembangan, dan pemeliharaan tubuh. Gizi yang kurang baik akan berdampak pada pertumbuhan dan perkembangan gigi dan mulut seperti terjadi malformasi gigi, mudah terjadi cedera pada jaringan lunak, serta terhambatnya perkembangan tulang wajah dan rahang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara status gizi dengan gigi berjejal pada anak usia 11 sampai 12 tahun. Jenis penelitian ialah analitik deskriptif dengan desain potong lintang. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 45 Manado menggunakan total sampling dengan subjek penelitian berjumlah 39 orang, dianalisis menggunakan antropometriIMT/U. Hasil uji chi-square mendapatkan nilai p=0,376 terhadap hubungan antara status gizi berdasarkan IMT/U dengan gigi berjejal. Simpulan penelitian ini ialah tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara status gizi berdasarkan IMT/U dengan gigi berjejal pada anak usia 11 sampai 12 tahun di SD Negeri 45 Manado.Kata kunci: status gizi; gigi berjejal; anak

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