2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Krisda Lakrisida Meinawati

AbstractThis research aims to improve tutor competence Edu Private Bandung. This competency improvement is carried out through training. The training is carried out with a strategy that is carried out with the planning, implementation, and evaluation stages. Based on the identification of the problem that tutors in Edu Private Bandung tutoring are still not innovative in developing the learning media used. The lack of development of instructional media is caused by the lack of innovative tutors and from the lack of support from the institution. The media used in this training is utilizing social media Youtube. The training shows that tutors actively participate in developing learning media. The benefits of this training are to attract students 'attention so that it is easier to understand the material and attract students' attention in the learning process. The final results in this study the training process can be useful for tutors by developing more learning media, fostering student learning motivation, and making the learning atmosphere more lively. The results of this study can be used as input for tutors in other tutors including in other schools in an effort to improve tutor competence in developing learning media.Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi tutor bimbel Edu Private Bandung. Peningkatan kompetensi ini dilakukan meelalui pelatihan. Pelatihan dilakukan dengan  strategi yang dilakukan dengan tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Berdasarkan identifikasi masalah bahwa tutor di bimbel Edu Private Bandung masih belum inovatif dalam mengembangkan media pembelajaran yang digunakan. Kurangnya pengembangan media pembelajaran disebabkan oleh kurangnya inovatif tutor serta dari kurang support nya dari pihak lembaga. Media yang digunakan dalam pelatihan ini yaitu memanfaatkan media sosial Youtube. Dalam pelatihan menunjukkan bahwa para tutor berpartisipasi aktif untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran. Manfaat pelatihan ini untuk menarik perhatian siswa agar lebih mudah memahami materi serta menarik perhatian siswa dalam proses pembelajaran. Hasil akhir dalam penelitian ini proses pelatihan dapat bermanfaat bagi tutor yaitu lebih mengembangkan media pembelajaran, menumbuhkan motivasi belajar siswa, serta membuat suasana belajar lebh hidup. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan masukan bagi tutor di bimbel lainnya termasuk di sekolah-sekolah lainnya sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan kompetensi tutor dalam mengembangkan media pembelajaran.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-84
Ananda Sekar Tunjung ◽  
Arif Purnomo

The teacher has an important role in the implementation of learning. Therefore, it must be able to use social media learning and be able to develop social media learning with creativity that is owned so that learning can be achieved optimally. The research method used is a qualitative method. The results showed that (1) the instructional media used by the teacher were LCD, maps, globe, pictures, video, puzzles, naget crowns and couple card (2) creativity of social studies teachers in developing learning media is done through collaboration with peers, teachers develop media searching on the internet, and teachers develop media by utilizing materials in the environment (3) evaluation of the usefulness of learning media that is media can clarify the material, the media cause childrens learning motivation to increase, and the media can improve the interaction relationship between teachers ans students. Guru mempunyai peran penting dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran. Oleh karena itu harus bisa menggunakan media pembelajaran IPS dan dapat mengembangkan media pembelajaran IPS dengan kreativitas yang dimiliki agar pembelajaran dapat tercapai secara maksimal. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa (1) medoa pembelajaran yang digunakan oleh guru yaitu LCD, peta, globe, gambar, video, puzzle, mahkota naget dan couple card (2) kreativitas guru IPS dalam pengembangan media pembelajaran dilakukan melalui kolaborasi dengan teman sejawat, guru mengembangkan media mencari di internet, dan guru mengembangkan media dengan memanfaatkan bahan-bahan yang ada di lingkungan (3) evaluasi kebermanfaatan dengan media pembelajaran yaitu media dapat memperjelas materi, media menyebabkan motivasi belajar anak meningkat, dan media dapat meningkatkan hubungan interaksi antara guru dan siswa.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
Insiyah Insiyah ◽  
Muhibuddin Fadhli

Abstract: Instructional  media is one of the important components in the learning process. Utilization can be very crucial in the learning process. Video is one type of audio-based learning media. One of the advantages of this media is that it can be rotated anytime and anywhere, so that students can independently utilize the media. The purpose of this research is to improve the learning result of the ablution practice which in practice there are still many mistakes. This study is action class research with two cycles. With minimum completeness criteria (KKM) 80 where the result of the first cycle of KKM students get an average of 75 and in the second cycle the average student learning outcomes score 85.Keywords: Video, Learning Result, Ablution. Abstrak: Media pembelajaran adalah salah satu komponen penting dalam proses pembelajaran. Pemanfaatannya bisa menjadi sangat krusial dalam proses pembelajaran. Media video adalah salah satu jenis media pembelajaran berbasis audio visual. Salah satu keunggulan media ini adalah dapat diputar kapan dan dimana saja, sehingga siswa dapat secara mandiri memanfaatkan media tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar praktik berwudhlu yang dalam praktiknya masih banyak ditemui banyak kesalahan. Penelitian ini adalah peneltian tindakan kelas dengan dua siklus. Dengan KKM 80 dimana hasil dari siklus pertama KKM siswa memperoleh rata-rata 75 dan pada siklus kedua rata-rata hasil belajar siswa memperoleh nilai 85.Kata Kunci: Video, Hasil belajar, Berwudhu.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 113
Sri Wahyuni

This study aims to identify and analyze: 1) the perception of students about the style of teaching faculty to student learning motivation Economic Education STKIP PGRI West Sumatra. 2) To determine the motivation of learning facilities for students studying economics education courses STKIP PGRI West Sumatra 3) To Know students' perceptions on faculty teaching styles and learning facilities jointly influence on student learning motivation STKIP PGRI West Sumatra. This study was conducted In economics education courses STKIP PGRI West Sumatra In force 2012. The population in this study as many as 270 people, while the sample in this study as many as 161 people. Results of the study found that: 1) The perception of students about the style of teaching faculty partial effect on learning motivation students education courses economy STKIP PGRI West Sumatra with a coefficient of 0.027 2) Learning Facilities berpengararuh partially on motivation to learn Students STKIP PGRI West Sumatra, with the coefficient of 0.042 3) The perception of students on faculty teaching styles and learning facilities simultaneous effect on student learning motivation STKIP PGRI West Sumatra calculated F value of 1.006. From the results of this study are expected to pay more attention to the style of teaching faculty in the process of learning so that the learning process takes place better interaction with the students so as to increase the motivation of students in the learning process, and the campus can improve campus facilities in supporting the learning process.

2021 ◽  

In an effort to develop national education, teachers (educators) are urgently needed with guaranteed quality standards of competence and professionalism. learning at this time is an educator must be able to create creativity and the latest innovations in the learning process in order to improve student learning achievement. One form of innovation is to create effective and technology-based learning resources. So that the learning process with the aim of improving student learning achievement can be achieved, the media needed is right to support the maximum learning process

Dewi Lestari ◽  
Reh Bungana ◽  
Siman Siman

Teachers have a duty to encourage, guide and provide learning facilities to achieve goals. Teachers have a responsibility to see everything that happens in the classroom to help student development. Teachers must be able to carry out their duties properly by first having to understand carefully the matters relating to the teaching and learning process, because the success of the learning process is supported by the ability of the teacher to develop and generate activeness and students in the learning process. The research method used is the Quasi Experiment (Quasi Experimental Method) with the research design as the basis for the implementation of the research is to distinguish the influence of the Inquiry method and the effect of conventional methods on learning outcomes of Citizenship Education in terms of high learning motivation and low learning motivation where the treatment class is class Va student and Vb class. The following is presented sequentially descriptive data regarding: (1) Civics learning outcomes students are taught using scramble learning model, (2) Civics student learning outcomes are taught using the expository model, (3) Civics student learning outcomes have high learning motivation, (4) Civics student learning outcomes have motivation to learn low, (5)Civics learning outcomes of students who have high learning motivation are taught with the Scramble learning model, (6) Civics learning outcomes of students who have low learning motivation are taught with the Scramble learning model, (7) Civics learning outcomes of students who have high learning motivation are taught using the expository learning model, (8) Civics learning outcomes of students who have low learning motivation are taught using the expository learning model.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 433
Faridatul Maghfiroh ◽  
Muslimin Ibrahim ◽  
Soetjipto Soetjipto

This research is based on the fact that the indicators of student’s independence and attention are low in learning process. This research aimed to describe the level of student’s independence (aspect of self confidence and responsibility), level of student’s attention (sustained attention and executive attention), cognitive learning outcome, student’s response, learning process, and the problems of learning process. The research design used is one group pretest-post test design, and analyzed using descriptive qualitative. The research was conducted on the students of senior high school (Madrasah Aliyah) class X in second semester. The result of research shows the level of student’s independence, attention and test score of student learning outcome either male or female students were improving. The student’s response of learning by using the integrated group investigation of power teaching also gets a good response and the learning process is categorized as very good category. Problem faced is only about creating the media of presentation but it can solved by student’s creativity to create the media. The conclusion of this research, is that by using The Integrated group Investigation of power teaching can keep the student’s independence, attention, and student learning outcome in ecosystem material. Thus method also gets a good response, and learning process is categorized as a very good category, and the problem of learning process can be solve by student’s creativity.: Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kenyataan bahwa masih terdapat indikator – indikator kemandirian dan atensi siswa yang rendah dalam proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tingkat kemandirian siswa (aspek percaya diri dan tanggung jawab), tingkat atensi siswa (aspek atensi berkelanjutan dan atensi eksekutif), hasil belajar kognitif, respon siswa, keterlaksanaan rencana pembelajaran, dan kendala-kendala pada proses pembelajaran. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah One Group Pretest-Postest Design, dan analisis data secara deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada siswa MA (Madrasah Aliyah) kelas X pada semester genap. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat kemandirian, tingkat atensi, dan tes hasil belajar siswa baik kelas putra ataupun kelas putri mengalami peningkatan. Respon siswa terkait pembelajaran menggunanakan Group Investigation terintegrasi Power Teaching juga mendapatkan respon yang baik, dan keterlaksanaan kegiatan pembelajaran tergolong pada kategori baik sekali. Kendala yang dihadapi hanya terkait pada pembuatan media presentasi, akan tetapi hal tersebut dapat diatasi dengan kreatifitas masing – masing siswa dalam pembuatan media tersebut. Simpulan penelitian ini, bahwa metode pembelajaran Group Investigation terintegrasi Power Teaching dapat mempertahankan kemandirian, atensi, dan hasil belajar kognitif siswa pada materi ekosistem. Metode tersebut juga mendapatkan respon yang baik, dan keterlaksanaan  rencana pembelajaran yang juga tergolong baik sekali, serta kendala pembelajaran yang bisa diselesaikan dengan kreativitas siswa.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 42
Somantri Somantri ◽  
M. Zaeni

This study uses correlation research. The research approach used is a quantitative approach. The low student motivation is due to the unattractive use of the learning method causing the students to be overwhelmed by feelings of boredom and boredom, so that what the teacher says is not paid attention. The role playing method has a relationship with student learning motivation. This method is when the learning process without a good role playing method, learning will not be effective and will not foster student motivation to the fullest. To test the hypothesis, testing was carried out by calculating t from the tcount of 5,334 which was then consulted with ttable 2.030, then tcount 5.334 ≥ ttable 2.030, which means that the relationship that occurs between variable X (role playing method) and variable Y (student learning motivation) is a relationship significant. Thus it can be concluded that there is a positive and significant relationship between the role playing method with student learning motivation at MI Annidhomiyah Japura Kidul. Abstrak Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian korelasi. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif. Rendahnya motivasi belajar siswa disebabkan tidak menariknya cara penggunaan  metode pembelajaran menyebabkan para siswa diliputi oleh rasa bosen dan jenuh, sehingga apa yang guru sampaikan tidak diperhatikan. Metode role playing  mempunyai hubungan terhadap motivasi belajar siswa. Metode ini saat proses pembelajaran tanpa metode role playing  yang baik, pembelajaran tidak akan bisa efektif dan tidak menumbuhkan motivasi belajar siswa dengan maksimal. Untuk uji hipotesis maka  dilakukan pengujian dengan penghitungan thitungdari hasil penghitungan thitung 5,334 yang kemudian dikonsultasikan dengan ttabel 2,030 maka thitung 5,334 ≥ ttabel 2,030, yang artinya bahwa hubungan yang terjadi antara variabel X ( Metode role playing)  dengan variabel Y ( motivasi belajar siswa ) adalah hubungan yang signifikan. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif dan signifikan dari Metode role plyaing deangan motivasi belajar siswa di MI Annidhomiyah Japura Kidul

Ilmawan Mustaqim

AbstrakAugmented Reality (AR) dapat didefinisikan sebagai sebuah teknologi yang mampu menggabungkan benda maya dua dimensi atau tiga dimensi ke dalam sebuah lingkungan yang nyata kemudian memunculkannya atau memproyeksikannya secara real time. AR dapat digunakan untuk membantu memvisualisasikan konsep abstrak untuk pemahaman dan struktur suatu model objek. Beberapa aplikasi AR dirancang untuk memberikan informasi yang lebih detail pada pengguna dari objek nyata. Media merupakan sebuah alat atau objek yang berfungsi sebagai penghubung antara penerima dan pengirim pesan.Media pembelajaran merupakan suatu alat perantara antara pendidik dengan peserta didik dalam pembelajaran yang mampu menghubungkan, memberi informasi dan menyalurkan pesan sehingga tercipta proses pembelajaran efektif dan efisien. Media pembelajaran mengakibatkan terjadinya sebuah komunikasi antara pendidik dan peserta didik dalam proses pembelajaran. Apabila dalam proses pembelajaran tidak menggunakan media maka tidak akan terjadi proses pembelajaran.Pemanfaatan media pendidikan menggunakan Augmented Reality dapat merangsang pola pikir peserta didik dalam berpikiran kritis terhadap sesuatu masalah dan kejadian yang ada pada keseharian, karena sifat dari media pendidikan adalah membantu peserta didik dalam proses pembelajaran dengan ada atau tidak adanya pendidik dalam proses pendidikan, sehingga pemanfaatan media pendidikan dengan augmented reality dapat secara langsung memberikan pembelajaran dimanapun dan kapanpun peserta didik ingin melaksanakan proses pembelajaran. Media Pembelajaran AR dapat memvisualisasikan konsep abstrak untuk pemahaman dan struktur suatu model objek memungkinkan AR sebagai media yang lebih efektif sesuai dengan tujuan dari media pembelajaran. Kata kunci:  augmented reality, media pembelajaran AbstractAugmented Reality (AR) can be defined as a technology that can combine virtual objects two-dimensional or three-dimensional into a real environment and then bring it or project it in real time. AR can be used to help visualize abstract concepts for the understanding and the structure of an object model. Some AR application designed to provide more detailed information on the user of the real object. Media is a tool or object that serves as a liaison between the recipient and the sender of the message.Learning Media is an intermediary tool between educators with learners in the learning that is able to connect, inform and distribute the messages so as to create an effective and efficient learning process. Instructional media resulting in a communication between educators and learners in the learning process. If the learning process does not use the media then there will be a learning process.Implementation media education using Augmented Reality can be stimulate the mindset of students in critical thinking about something issues and events that exist in everyday life, because of the nature of the medium of education is to help learners in the learning process with the presence or absence of teachers in the educational process, so that the use of the media augmented education with reality can directly provide learning wherever and whenever the learner wants to implement the learning process. Learning Media AR can visualize abstract concepts for the understandingand the structure of an object model enables the AR as a more effective media in accordance with the purpose of learning media. Keywords : augmented raeality, utilzation of instructional media

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 194
Mahermawati Mahermawati

This research is a classroom action research conducted at SD Negeri 011 Baru Village, which is the background of this research is thelow level of learning interest of 5th-grade students so that researchers improve the learning process by using reward techniques. Theresults of this study show that student learning interest has increased. This can be seen from the increase in learning motivation seenfrom the results of the classical student motivation scale on pre-action to get a percentage of 54.31%, the first cycle gets a percentageof 71.65% and the second cycle gets a percentage of 90.10% so that it has reached the criteria of success. Increased student learningmotivation seen from the average percentage of the results of individual student motivation learning scale, the number of students whomeet the criteria of success in pre-action a number of 4 students or 8.35% students, the first cycle a total of 15 students or 31.25%students, cycle II a total of 45 students or 93.75% of students.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 269
Syibran Mulasi

This study aims to see the problems faced by teachers in Islamic Education learning (PAI) and the factors that cause these problems to occur. Data collection was focused on islamic junior hight school in five districts in the South West of Aceh, namely Aceh Jaya, Aceh Barat, Nagan Raya, Aceh Barat Daya and Aceh Selatan. This study uses a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques were carried out by interviewing and observing Islamic education teachers and the principle. the result showed that the problem of islamic eucation learning occurs because of the lack of facilities and infrastructure of learning, such as reading books and other supporting learning facilities in which it affects the lack of interest in reading and student learning at school. While the factors that led to these problems were limited variations in methods and models of teaching in learning esed by the teachers. furthermore, Student learning motivation is not so increased and learning is more dominant in cognitive nature, so that students understand about religion only but have not been able to maximize it in daily life. In addition, the solution given by Islamic education teachers motivate and advice the students to get better learning. then, teachers develops learning media for education by utilizing all available facilities so that the enthusiasm of students' learning in the teaching and learning process are able to increase.

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