Василий Васильевич Ушницкий

В статье ставится проблема культа орла в мифологических представлениях саха и бурят. Целью статьи является установление связи тотема культа с социальной организацией общества, наличие единого тотема свидетельствует о племенной организации общества. Задачами статьи можно считать изучение сведений о почитании орла в якутской и бурятской мифоритуальной культуре. Актуальность статьи проявляется в том, что сведения о архаичном тотемном культе сопоставляются с современными обрядами и фольклорными текстами. Изучение тотемных верований относится к исследованию дорелигиозного состояния общества. Новизной статьи можно считать использование методов исследований зарубежных антропологов в изучении тотемных верований. Метод исследования сравнительно-сопоставительный. Материалы и результаты. Представления народа саха об орле (солнце-творец-возродитель природы, приноситель огня, орел и космическое яйцо, орел и шаманство, орел и мировое дерево относятся к общечеловеческим. Анализ верований, связанных с Орлом, уводит в Скандинавию и в религиозные культы Древнего Египта, показывая общность мифологических представлений. В религиозных верованиях саха Орел занимает ключевое положение. Культ орла связан с хангаласским родом, однако по материалам Г. Ф. Миллера его считали своим покровителем хоринцы и батулинцы. Более того, в фольклорных текстах, сопоставляются термины хоро и Хотой — орел. В бурятском фольклоре, Орел является хозяином Ольхона и тотемной птицей племени эхиритов Верхней Лены, в старину он был почитаемым птицей у хоринцев. Тотемные верования относятся к древнейшим культам, они характерны для обществ, не приступивших к созданию собственной государственности, первобытно-родовой общины. Первобытные рода верили в свое происхождение от почитаемой птицы, олицетворяли себя с ним. Выводы. Общность культа орла у бурят и саха показывает общность предков, происходящих от единого хори-батулинского племени. Орел как тотемное животное занимал ключевое положение в якутском и бурятском шаманизме, что свидетельствует о архаичности их религиозных верований. The article studies the eagle totem in Yakut and Buryat mythology. The aim of the article is to establish the connection of the totem cult with the social organization of society, the presence of a single totem indicates the tribal organization of society. The objectives of the article can be considered the study of information about the veneration of the eagle in the Yakut and Buryat mythological culture. The relevance of the article is shown in the fact that the information about the archaic totemic cult is compared with modern rites and folklore texts. The study of totemic beliefs refers to the study of the pre-religious state of society. The novelty of the article is the use of research methods of foreign anthropologists in the study of the totemic beliefs of the Sakha. The research method is comparative. The materials and results. The ideas of the Sakha people about the eagle (the sun — the creator — the regenerator of nature, the bringer of fire, the eagle and the cosmic egg, the eagle and shamanism, the eagle and the world tree) are universal. Mythological ideas associated with the Eagle and the Sun is universal and goes back to the deepest antiquity. Interesting parallels with the Yakut and Buryat ideas are found in the mythology of the Scandinavia peoples and in the religious cults of ancient Egypt. It is showing the commonality of mythological ideas. In the Sakha religious beliefs, the Eagle occupies a key position. The cult of the eagle is associated with the Khangalas family, but according to the materials of G. F. Miller, it was considered its patron by the Khorins and Batulians. Moreover, in folklore texts, the terms horo and Hotoi — eagle are compared. In Buryat folklore the Eagle is the owner of the Olkhon and the totem bird of the Ekhirit tribe of the Upper Lena, in the old days it was a revered bird among the Khorin people. Totem beliefs belong to the oldest cults. They are characteristic of societies that have not begun to create their own state-hood, a primitive tribal community. Primitive families believed in their origin from the revered bird and personified themselves with it.

1974 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 139-149 ◽  
J. Gonda

In a long series of important and stimulating publications Georges Dumézil has for almost half a century not only re-established a complex of theories with regard to the comparative study of ancient Indo-European mythology, but also applied a modernized comparative method. In investigating the foundations of the Indo-European socio-religious conceptions he bases his arguments and conclusions, it is true, to a certain extent on linguistic data, but these are always amplified and corroborated by a thorough consideration of the social structure, religious beliefs and ritual institutions of the ancient Indians, Romans, Germans, Celts and Greeks. Especially these last thirty-five years his work is of great originality in that he has founded and developed the theory of the trois fonctions, of the “three fundamental activities which the groups of priests, warriors and producers must fulfil and assure in order to maintain their community”. In this theory it is not the tripartite social organization of the prehistoric Indo-Europeans that is emphasized, but the principle of classification, the ideology to which, in Dumézil's opinion, this organization has given rise. Being reflected in the groupings of, and mutual relations between, the divine powers and in the very structure of Indo-European mythology and view of the world it is here again the ideological rather than the strictly sociological aspects that invite the reader's attention.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 78
Ian Morris,

Ian Morris a társadalmi fejlődés (social development) fogalmával az emberi közösségek képességét fejezi ki „dolgok elintézésére” a világban. Az így értelmezett társadalmi fejlettség mérhető és összehasonlító állapotokat jelent, térben és időben. Morris 4 tényező (az energiafelhasználás, a társadalmi szerveződés, az információtechnológia és a hadviselő kapacitás) kvantifikálásával megszerkesztett indexét kifejtő könyvéből az információtechnológiára vonatkozó, a többihez hasonlóan a Kelet és a Nyugat összehasonlítására épülő fejezetet fordítottuk le. Úttörő okfejtései és becslései remek kiindulópontok, hogy újraértékeljük és alaposan végiggondoljuk az információtechnológia helyét és „küldetését” a beavatkozásképesség, a cselekvési hatékonyság szempontjából. A tanulmányt Z. Karvalics László bevezetésével közöljük. --- The civilization path of information technology: measurement and classification Ian Morris defines social development as “social groups’ abilities to master their physical and intellectual environments and get things done in the world”. From this approach, “social development is - in principle - something we can measure and compare through time and space”. The Social Development Index of Morris is based on the quantifiable attributes of four pillars: energy capture, social organization, information technology, war-making capacity, comparing the numbers of the West and the East. We have translated and published the information technology chapter of his book with Laszlo Z. Karvalics’ introduction to support the re-evaluation of the role and mission of information technology throughout the ages from a special point of view: to facilitate the ability to act effectively.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (09) ◽  
pp. 474-477
Ian Mc Coog, Ed.D.

In the philosophical tradition, phenomenology is a means by which random, raw phenomena are categorized into what can be called human experience. Phenomenology is a school of thought within ontology which focuses on the nature of existence. Edmund Husserls view of phenomenology proposed that to understand the world, one should examine the lens through which he/she experiences the world as opposed to attempting to examine the world itself. The application of this idea first expanded to the discipline of psychology by researchers such as Amedeo Giorgi and Clark Moustakas and more recently has been more widely applied to the social sciences as a whole.Possessing an understanding of the philosophy and psychology traditions behind phenomenology greatly increases a researchers ability to implement it as a qualitative research method.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Dwi Indarti Hutami Dewi ◽  
Setiya Aji Sukma

The world of education is increasingly confronted with various challenges that complicate and demand that education increasingly innovate in developing educational products. Research Objectives: What is the meaning of Environmental Care according to the Bible and experts? Does caring about the environment support the effectiveness of learning? What is the perspective of Ephesians 5: 1-21 regarding Environmental Care as an Implementation of Religious Character Values? The research method used is exposition and literature research. The results of the study are: (1) the meaning of caring for the environment is loving the dimensions of the space into which the learning activities take place, caring for the environment is everyone's obligation. This needs to be instilled in students to grow into a generation that can take part in preserving the natural environment and the social environment. (2) environmental care attitude (in family, school, and community) is realized through obedience in realizing environmental preservation efforts. Obedience must be based on love, because by loving, humans will automatically have a sense of caring. The environment as a container for the formation of a person's character. (3) Christ is the only example in terms of love, Christians must understand Christ for themselves, then apply the love of Christ to the environment, so as to create a healthy and loving environment in the world of Indonesian education..AbstrakDunia pendidikan semakin hari semakin dihadapkan dengan berbagai tantangan yang mempersulit dan menuntut supaya pendidikan semakin berinovasi dalam mengembangkan produk pendidikan. Tujuan penelitian: Apakah makna Cinta Lingkungan menurut Alkitab dan para ahli?  Apakah sikap Cinta lingkungan menunjang efektifitas pembelajaran? Bagaimanakah perspektif Efesus 5:1-21 mengenai Cinta Lingkungan sebagai Implementasi Nilai Karakter Religius? Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksposisi dan penelitian literature. Hasil penelitian adalah: (1) makna cinta lingkungan adalah mengasihi dimensi ruang yang menjadi tempat melakukan kegiatan pembelajaran, cinta lingkungan adalah kewajiban semua orang. Hal ini perlu ditanamkan kepada peserta didik agar bertumbuh menjadi generasi yang dapat ambil bagian dalam rangka melestarikan lingkungan alam maupun lingkungan pergaulan. (2) sikap cinta lingkungan (dalam keluarga, sekolah, dan masyarakat) diwujudkan melalui ketaatan dalam mewujudkan upaya pelestarian lingkungan. Ketaatan tersebut haruslah berdasarkan pada kasih, karena dengan mengasihi, manusia akan dengan otomatis memiliki rasa peduli. Lingkungan tersebut sebagai wadah pembentukan karakter seseorang. (3) Kristus adalah satu-satunya teladan dalam hal mengasihi, orang Kristen harus memahami Kristus atas diri masing-masing, lalu menerapkan kasih Kristus kepada lingkungan, agar tercipta lingkungan yang sehat dan penuh kasih di dunia pendidikan Indonesia.

Margison A. W. B. Blegur

<p><em>There is character degradation caused by rapid global progress and development and indirectly demands that humans be able to adapt to existing needs, while the purpose of writing this scientific paper is how the Indonesian people are more aware of and appreciate the importance of living up to existing values. the values contained in Pancasila. In writing this scientific paper the writer uses historical research methods. In this historical research method, the researcher uses several reference sources in the form of relevant journals and books that support this writing. The result is that there are several obstacles that often occur on the surface of everyday life, namely: first, a lack of mutual respect among others; second, the things of the World take top priority in terms of living together (the attitude of Individualism); third, decreased practice of the values that exist in Pancasila. An attitude of mutual respect and prioritizing togetherness is very important to be instilled back in the community so that these values are still upheld because they are part of the values of Pancasila and the NKRI slogan, namely Bhineka Tunggal Ika.<strong></strong></em></p>

Edgar Rivera Colón

The author begins with a lyrical and evocative description of a cilantro-green fire escape from which he observed the neighborhood of his childhood, explaining that the work of the ethnographer is rooted in experiences of observation and experience. Drawing upon these tools of social interaction, training in qualitative research methods can help students to discover and reframe their already practiced skills in the social observation and interpretation with which they, and all of us, traverse the world. The embodied and reflexive nature of this practice is emphasized, with attention to the observer’s own social positionality and identity. Citing William Stringfellow’s proposal that “listening…is a primitive act of love,” the author proposes that qualitative research and narrative medicine both offer frameworks for such listening, with implications of political and social liberation.

Lauri L. Hyers

This introductory chapter discusses the history of the diary in popular culture and as a research method in the social sciences Over the last several centuries, diary keeping has evolved into a popular medium through which diarists can bear witness to their experiences and events of the world. The diary is a treasure trove, containing the riches of first-hand testimony on a wealth of subjects: from the adventures of travel to the despairs of prison, from the mundane ruminations of adolescence to the horrors of the battlefield. The embedded and contextualized nature of diary data appeals to those in the humanities and social sciences who are seeking the “thick description” that is the hallmark of qualitative research (Geertz, 2003).

2021 ◽  
pp. 50-65
Marcin Muszyński

Research methodology has recently been reduced to using research methods and techniques that are perceived only as ready-to-use tools. Paradigmatic issues become of secondary importance and left unsaid in research work or replaced by a multi-paradigm approach characterised by pluralist ontology and epistemology. The paradigm consists of assumptions and fundamental beliefs and represents a worldview that defines the nature of the world. It helps to justify the use of selected methods and techniques. The article aims to present the social constructionism paradigm and its application in old age and aging research.

Gavin Williams

This chapter tracks timbre through the mediated public sphere of Milan, as it came to congeal in Italian Futurism. Long mythologized as the origin of noisy art, sound scholars have yet to consider what the movement’s timbres meant in their time. They emerged beneath the rubric of “musical sensibility”—a coinage that harked back to timbre’s eighteenth-century emergence under the sign of aesthetic attention within Western modernities. The Futurists’ activities can thus be broadly historicized; vice versa, in their own context, timbre becomes estranged as a centuries-old concern. The Futurists’ interest in timbre dates them; it also proves their undoing: they set out to colonize the world of timbre, but social and technological factors intervene. Thus, while Futurism may not yield origins for modernism, it underscores the relational nature of listening—especially listening for timbre, which, as the social organization of concentrated listening, unexpectedly manifests when aesthetic attention breaks down.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-129
Wahyu Wahyu ◽  
Rahmadi Indra Tektona

Islam strongly emphasizes that all economic activities carried out by humans in the world are an accountability that must be in accordance with Islamic law. In the Sharia economy there are khiyar rights which are expected to provide good benefits in the sale and purchase agreement and make buying and selling activities in accordance with the principles of Islamic law, it is consensual and also providing benefits to the parties in accordance with the provisions in Islamic law and the existence of willingness or sincerity in buying and selling activities in accordance with the Koran and hadith. Currently, many buying and selling transactions are carried out online, one of which is using the social media, Instagram, which has millions of users who can exceed time and space. Many business actors ranging from housewives, students, state employees, private employees who post goods to be traded on Instagram, behind this convenience, of course there are problems, it is the existing image and the merchant’s reputation is something that is highly valued in online trading. The problem that arises in the online buying and selling contract is the mismatch of goods with pictures and descriptions on social media resulting in a one-sided cancellation of the purchase of ordered goods by the buyer and this results in losses to the seller, even though before the transaction the two parties have mutually agreed. The research objective of this paper was to analyze legal certainty in the implementation of khiyar in purchasing ordered goods in online buying and selling transactions via Instagram, the research method used is normative juridical, the results of research on the form of legal certainty in the implementation of khiyar. Keywords: Legal certainty, Khiyar Syarat, Bai’ Salam Online

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