2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 63
Sri Purwiyanti ◽  
Yetti Yuniati ◽  
Diah Permata

AbstractImplementation of good governance’s principles at Rajabasa, Bandar Lampung has not done well. It caused by the lack of communication between government (public officials) and citizens. Therefore, the purpose of this public service activity is to resolve the problem by using information technology. The activity chooses a smaller government scope, which is a neighborhood area. The activity involves two steps, which is website creation and training step. The website contains are statistic data of citizens, procedures to apply the resident documents completing with the required forms, activities announcement, interactive forum for conveying critics and suggestions between citizens and government, and promotion forum for industry players. As a result, the website successfully displays a variety of information needed by citizens, and provides a means of communication for citizens and public officials. Training step about procedure for using the website also has been done. Certainly, evaluation about the liveliness of citizens in accessing the website is still required. However, good communication, efficiency, and effectiveness can begin to form well, which leads to better implementation of good governance.Keywords: good governance, information technology, public service

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Surya Jaya Abadi ◽  
Muhammad Eko Atmojo ◽  
Helen Dian Fridayani

Bureaucratic reform is an effort to reform and change fundamentally in a system of governance that involves institutional aspects (organization), management (business process) and human resources apparatus to realize good governance. In Law No. 5 of 2014 concerning the State Civil Apparatus where has a function as the executor of public policy and public servants. The lack of civil servants within the Bantul Regency Government, such as teachers, health workers and technical personnel, are caused by the presence of retired employees and the enactment of the civil servants candidate (CPNS) moratorium policy which causes the workload (ABK) figures of an organization and employees to be heavier than before which can affect public service quality. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative. The results showed that the performance of civil servants in the Education, Youth and Sports department was very good, besides that the arrangement of work plans was also in accordance with the standards of the organization. However, there are some obstacles, especially in the timeliness of completing assignments, and the ideas or initiatives of civil servants in delivering ideas are still lacking. Meanwhile, the factors that influence civil servants performance in carrying out their tasks are lack of human resources, the presence of seniority and the lack of awareness of ASN about the importance of implementing education and training.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Ernia Duwi Saputri, S.Pd., M.H.

Public Service Analysis of Village Tlanak Support of Lamongan District. The purpose of this research is to know the quality of Public Service of Village Government of Tlanak Kedungpring District of Lamongan Regency, to know the supporting and inhibiting factors and solution of Public Service of Village Government of  Tlanak Kedungpring District of  Lamongan Regency and to know the implementation of Good Governance in Public Service of Village Government of Tlanak Kedungpring District of Lamongan Regency. The type of this research is non-doctrinal (sosiologis) legal research. Non-doctrinal method is a type of scientific study with the intention just to learn just and not to teach something doctrine. The research method used is research method with qualitative analysis. The results of this study concluded that the quality of Public Service Village Tlanak Kedungpring District Lamongan through Programs, policies, and attitudes is Services Open, easy and accessible by all parties who need and provided adequate and easy to understand, can be accounted for in accordance with the provisions of legislation - invitation, inhibiting the public service of Tlanak village administration of Kedungpring Sub-district of Lamongan Regency is seen in the condition of society which still have a lot of parochial political culture. The solution of inhibiting factor of public service in Tlanak Village, Kedungpring Sub-district, Lamongan Regency by strengthening service system, improving professionalism of each employee, conducting public awareness program to help dissemination and comprehension of information to society about matters related to service activity and giving sanction that is firm. The village government of Tlanak Kedungpring District of Lamongan Regency has not fully implemented the Good Governance principles in the implementation of the village government's tasks, functions, authorities, rights, and obligations in terms of planning, service, implementation of village development, especially those related to village governance.Keywords: Quality Analysis of Public Service, Good Governance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 696
Nina Setiyawati

ABSTRAKIndustri Kecil Menengah atau Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) di Kota Salatiga sebanyak 1.969 unit usaha dan menyerap 14.647 orang tenaga kerja. Akan tetapi terdapat beberapa hal yang masih perlu ditingkatkan pada UMKM di Kota Salatiga adalah metode promosi, efisiensi serta efektifitas proses bisnis penjualan serta distribusi. Oleh karena itu pada kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Mayarakat (PKM) dilakukan pembangunan marketplace dengan mitra Dinas Koperasi, Usaha Kecil, dan Menengah (DinkopUKM) Kota Salatiga untuk memberdayakan para pelaku UMKM di Kota Salatiga. Selain itu pada PKM ini juga dilakukan pelatihan kepada para pelaku UMKM se-kota Salatiga terkait penggunaan marketplace yang dibangun. Dari evaluasi kegiatan yang dilakukan dengan metode observasi didapatkan bahwa kemauan para peserta untuk mempelajari dan beradaptasi menggunakan marketplace cukup besar meskipun kebanyakan dari para pelaku UMKM tersebut kurang dalam penguasaan teknologi informasi. Kata kunci: marketplace; UMKM; promosi. ABSTRACTSmall and Medium Industries or Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Salatiga City totaling 1,969 business units and absorbing 14,647 workers. However, there are several things that still need to be improved at MSMEs in Salatiga, namely promotion methods, efficiency and effectiveness of the sales and distribution business processes. Therefore, in the Community Service activity, a marketplace was built with partners from Dinas Koperasi, Usaha Kecil dan Menengah Kota Salatiga (DinkopUKM) to empower MSME subjects in the City of Salatiga. Besides that, this community service also conducted training for MSME subjects throughout the city of Salatiga regarding the use of the marketplace that was built. From the evaluation of activities carried out by the observational method, it was found that the participants' willingness to learn and adapt to using the marketplace was quite large, even though most of the MSME actors were less mastery of information technology. Keywords: marketplace; MSMEs; promotion.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 22
Erma Sulistyaningsih ◽  
Parawita Dewanti ◽  
Pulong Wijang Pralampita

Angka stunting di Kabupaten Jember cukup tinggi di Propinsi Jawa Timur. Desa Sukogidri merupakan salah satu desa penyumbang stunting di Kabupaten Jember. Secara umum, kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk membantu menyukseskan program pemerintah dalam menurunkan angka stunting di Kabupaten Jember, dengan tujuan khusus antara lain untuk meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat akan stunting dan bahayanya, meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang pencegahannya serta meningkatkan kemandirian untuk pengentasan stunting dengan melatih tentang penanaman sistem hidroponik. Solusi yang diberikan oleh tim pelaksana pengabdian berupa kegiatan pendidikan dan penyuluhan serta pelatihan penyiapan menu sehat. Selain itu juga transfer pengetahuan tentang penanaman sistem hidroponik dan pemberian sistem hidroponik yang dapat digunakan untuk menyediakan bahan pangan yang sehat. Di akhir kegiatan pengabdian dilakukan pembentukan model keluarga sadar gizi (KADARZI) yang dapat secara mandiri mengenali dan mengelola masalah-masalah gizi anggota keluarganya melalui upaya menimbang berat badan secara teratur, memberikan air susu ibu (ASI) eksklusif, mengkonsumsi makanan beraneka ragam, menggunakan garam beryodium serta mengkonsumsi suplemen gizi yang sesuai dengan anjuran. Kata Kunci: stunting, gizi, kadar gizi, Sukogidri The prevalence of stunting in Jember Regency is quite high. Sukogidri village is one of the stunting contributing villages in Jember. In general, this public service activity aimed to support the government program to reduce stunting rates in Jember Regency and the specific objectives including increasing public awareness about stunting and its danger to health condition, increasing knowledge about prevention of stunting and increasing independence to alleviate stunting by training on planting hydroponic system and healthy menu preparation. The solution is provided by the service team including education and counseling activities, and training of healthy menu preparation. In addition, there was also transfer of knowledge about the planting of hydroponic system and the provision of hydroponic system that can be used to provide healthy food. At the end of the service activity, the team has developed the nutritionally aware family (KADARZI) model that can independently recognize and manage nutritional problems of family members by weighing regularly, provide exclusive breast feeding (ASI), consume diverse foods, use iodized-salt and consume supplements as recommended. Keywords: stunting, nutritionally aware family model, Sukogidri

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
P. Harry Munzhedzi

Orientation: Performance management plays a pivotal role in the realisation of many facets of public administration, including service delivery, good governance and organisational productivity through setting of performance targets and regular assessments of performance. In search of improved quality and productivity in the public service, the South African government introduced several legislative and policy interventions, including but not limited to the Public Service Act, 1994 (Proclamation 103 of 1994), Public Service Regulations of 2001 and the White Paper on Transforming Public Service Delivery of 1997.Research purpose: The main thrust of this conceptual paper was to explore the relationship between performance management and training in the South African public service.Motivation for the study: The lack of sufficient literature on the relationship between performance management and training. To also prove that the two are inseparably linked, meaning that one cannot exist without the other.Research design, approach and method: This article, which is conceptual in nature, reviewed existing literature on performance management and training in the public service extensively so as to arrive at a definitive conclusion.Main findings: The article contends that as much as training underpins the process of performance management, training is also fortified by performance management. Precisely, there cannot be performance management without training and vice versa.Practical/managerial implications: As much as training is imperative in the management of performance in the public service, such training must be need-based and it must be underpinned by performance management through identification of skills gap in the assessment of performance.Contribution: It is proposed that to enhance the knowledge, capacity, effectiveness and efficiency of the public service performance, needs-based training that seeks to close the skills gap, is developed and adequately implemented.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-133
Rosalia Prismarini Nurdiarti ◽  
Astri Wulandari ◽  
Mutaqin Akbar

“Bakpia Ivan", Small and Medium Business Unit is managed by family and hereditary manner, so that several times there are employee turnover and sometimes causes the production process to be slightly inhibited. Another thing that is a problem is the lack of awareness of the product packaging process (creative packaging) that is able to attract consumer interest and from the side of packaging security. This problem is linear unoptimal brand awareness and brand patent rights, so that when the product arrives at the reseller, the packaging is often replaced with other brands even though the contents are Bakpia Ivan. The purpose of this public service activity, first is to increase awareness of product packaging, positioning. Secondly, providing socialization and training about creative packaging, starting from the most basic capabilities. The method used in this activity is socialization and training. First, socializing and demonstrating how to begin packaging. Secondly, renew the logo design. Third, conduct social experiments related to logo renewal. The result of this activity is the acceptance of product packaging updates by the market so it can be expand sales and market segmentation. Second, the renewal of the logo / packaging design will be increasingly recognized and realized loyal consumers.   Keywords: creative packaging, bakpia ivan, segmentation, positioning

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Wismayanti Wismayanti ◽  
Purnamaningsih Purnamaningsih

Advances in communication and information technology bring many changes to the general habits of society. Communication and information technology is now inseparable from people's lives in this era. With digitalization, people can disseminate and obtain information widely without requiring a long time. The benefits of this easy, cheap, and fast technology have in common with the concept of excellent public service which is the hope of the community. In public services, people want services that are easily accessible, do not incur a lot of costs, and also do not require a long time to receive public services. To provide excellent service in this era of rapid technological progress and the government can optimize the use of information and communication technology in governance, which is known as E-government. Through the development of public service innovations based on E-government, it is expected to be able to provide services that are in accordance with the principles of good governance, so as to improve service quality and community satisfaction. Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (DPMPTSP) of Badung Regency builds public service innovations called Layanan Perizinan Online (LAPERON). This study uses qualitative research methods through secondary data collection. The development of public services in the LAPERON application can be seen from the availability of LAPERON on the website and also the Mobile Application with various features that make it easier for the public to apply for licensing services.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Premi Wahyu Widyaningrum ◽  
Wira Bharata

The amount of convenience and functionality of the use of digital media encourages people or businessmen in the world to use digital media in all of activities. Another function of the use of digital media is branding, sharing, promoting, and marketing. The development of internet and information technology is also a great influence on the development in promoting the products. To achieve those objectives, the activity is carried out by workshop method in the form such as delivery of material, discussion, and simulation and practice the use of digital marketing. This activity is concerned for young entrepreneurs in Ponorogo. There are several criteria classified by author intended to young entrepreneurs. First, young entrepreneurs being objectives are those aged between 15-35 years. Second, they are neither a  member of community nor incorporated with associations of entrepreneur in Ponorogo. Furthermore,  they were still running the business, particularly in marketing the products by using conventional or traditional way. Through this activity, those young entrepreneur groups will have better understanding about the importance of using internet media in enhancing business competitiveness. The majority participants gave positive feedback on the implementation of this public service activity.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 84
Achmad Solechan ◽  
Teguh Prasandy

Budgeting most colleges are not based on good governance and conceptual, but based on short-term needs in each college. Other problems are related to the use of information technology in both hardware, software and brain ware (user) in the management of information technology is still not well-thought in its development. This research aims to design a wake-up governance by using the Information Technology IT Balanced Scorecard framework is a system of management, measurement and control quickly, accurately and comprehensively can provide insight to the Leadership of the portrait and the development of information technology in institution. Information system development using SDLC (system development life cycle). College performance measurement method using IT balanced scorecard framework. The results showed that the use of information systems governance college performance using IT Balanced Scorecard help the efficiency and effectiveness in making an evaluation report IT governance, helping the presentation of information and error reduction calculations, the transaction data maintained intact his security, was able to complete the reporting process with fast, speed up the calculation process and the conclusion of the assessment of the performance of the college. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-84
Yusnaini Yusnaini ◽  
Burhanudin Burhanudin ◽  
Nur Khamisah

This Community Service Activity aims to train the Management (Ta'mir) and youth of mosques at the mosque in Kerinjing Village to (a) understand the importance of financial statements as a form of responsibility for the mandate they carry out, and (b) understand the importance of Standard financial statements in order to provide more macro benefits, and (c) practice compiling mosque financial statements in accordance with generally accepted regulations by utilizing information technology. The method applied is training through workshops within a certain time. The workshop will provide 3 main materials, namely: (1) understanding the importance of financial reporting in accountability, transparency and good governance; (2) training in manual preparation of mosque financial statements; and (3) training on the preparation of mosque financial statements using information technology, namely by using Microsoft Excel. After attending the workshop, it is expected that there will be a better understanding of the Management (Ta'mir) and youth of mosque on the importance of preparing mosque financial statements and at the same time having adequate competence to compile periodic financial statements, namely monthly, quarterly, semester and annually.

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