AdBispreneur ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Iwan Nuryan

ABSTRACTGood Corporate Governance (GCG) is a important measure in the corporation an business practice. Some fact that showed lowed rank in the implementation of GCG in Indonesia, had been one of important factors that caused economic crisis and slow face of economic growth in Indonesia, This is had been a trigger to all stakeholders to continue encourage implementation of GCG in Indonesia. There are four important principal in GCG that now continue to encourage, fairness, transparency, accountability, and responsibility.At the level of practice, the application of GCG in Indonesia, especially in BUMN and BUMD is still very low. Some of the obstacles that hinder the implementation of GCG in Indonesia, especially in BUMN and BUMD are the internal constraints, external constraints, and constraints of ownership. To overcome the obstacles it needs to be stressed to continue to raise awareness of all stakeholders about the important of GCG implementation, strengthening the legal basis of GCG implementation, strengthening  government system reform until clean government that free from corruption had been establish, and do some reform throughout the business corporation that runs in Indonesia. Keywords : strategy, GCG, BUMN, BUMD   STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN DAN PENERAPAN GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE (GCG) BAGI BUMN DAN BUMD DI INDONESIA ABSTRAKGood Corporate Governance (GCG) merupakan sebuah instrumen penting dalam praktek bisnis dan perusahaan. Fakta menunjukkan bahwa rendahnya penerapan GCG di Indonesia telah menjadi salah satu faktor penting terjadinya krisis ekonomi di Indonesia serta lambatnya pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia. Hal ini telah menjadi pendorong berbagai pihak untuk terus mendorong penerapan GCG di Indonesia. Empat prinsip penting dalam GCG yang saat ini terus didorong untuk diterapkan adalah kewajaran, transparansi, akuntabilitas, dan responsibilitas. Pada tataran praktek, penerapan GCG di Indonesia, khususnya pada BUMN dan BUMD masih sangat rendah. Beberapa kendala yang menghambat penerapan GCG di Indonesia, khususnya pada BUMN dan BUMD adalah kendala internal, kendala eksternal, dan kendala kepemilikan. Untuk mengatasi berbagai kendala tersebut maka perlu ditekankan untuk terus meningkatkan kesadaran berbagai pihak akan pentingnya penerapan GCG,   memperkuat   dasar  hukum  penerapan  GCG,   mereformasi  sistem  pemerintahan  hingga terciptanya praktek clean government yang bebas KKN serta reformasi di seluruh korporasi bisnis yang berjalan di Indonesia. Kata kunci : strategy, GCG, BUMN, BUMD

2010 ◽  
Vol 51 (4) ◽  
pp. 12-17 ◽  
Ulrike Reisach

Management und Macht sind sehr eng mit einander verwoben. Dieser Beitrag beschreibt und Kriterien für den verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit persönlicher und unternehmerischen Macht basierend auf einer Balance Scorecard unternehmensethischer Kriterien. Diese Kriterien setzen eindeutige Standards für den Gebrauch von Macht innerhalb der Unternehmen und in Bezug auf ihre Kunden und Wettbewerber, wie auch auf alle Interessensgruppen des Betriebs. Darüberhinaus bieten diese Kriterien ein wesentliches Instrument für die Unternehmensführung. Wer Macht langfristig erfolgreich ausüben will, braucht die öffentliche Zustimmung zu Produkt, Geschäftsmodell und Unternehmenspolitik. Erfolg muss immer auch als Mehrwert für die Gesellschaft definiert sein. Nur so können Unternehmen die besten Mitarbeiter gewinnen und zum unternehmerischen Mit- und Weiterdenken, zum Einbringen ihrer vielfältigen Kreativitätspotenziale motivieren. Nur so können sie Kunden von ihrer Einzigartigkeit überzeugen und Vertrauen schaffen. Management and power are closely interlinked. The article explains objectives and criteria for the responsible use of personal and corporate power, based on a balanced scorecard model for corporate ethics. Those criteria set clear standards for the use of power inside the company and towards its multiple stakeholders. Going beyond the usual appeals those criteria are an essential tool to enhance and monitor good corporate governance. Convincing internal and external stakeholders that those standards are taken serious and put into practice by corporate decision makers helps regaining confidence and reputation that has been fading during the economic crisis. Keywords: management, macht und moral

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Meilin Veronica

<p class="pre" align="justify"><em>This research uses normality test, classic assumption test and multiple regression analysis method which aims to see the effect of the implementation of Good Corporate Governance (with indicators of the board of commissioners, audit committee and institutional ownership) on open public banking with indicators of Non Performance Loan (NPL), Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) and Capital Risk (CAR) during the global economic crisis in Indonesia. Research samples from publicly listed banking companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) and must have the research criteria. It is known that there are 45 banking companies that are active until the end of 2019 on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), but according to the research criteria there are only 25 banking companies with 2-year observation, year2018-2019, so the number of observation samples used is 50 samples. Based on the results of the research, it is realized that the implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) has no effect on banking performance with financial performance measures, namely Non Performance Loans (NPL) and Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) in go public banks during the global economic crisis in Indonesia, but the results Hypothesis testing shows that the implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) has a positive effect on the Capital Risk (CAR) variable in publicly traded commercial banks so that it is accepted because the implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) will increase the supervision of the implementation of capital adequacy regulations set by the gover</em><em>nment.</em><em></em></p>

AdBispreneur ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
Obing Zaid Sobir

THE IMPLEMENTATION OF GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE (GCG) AND LEARNING ORGANIZATION IN STATE COMPANIES AND GOVERNMENT Obing Zaid SobirInstitute of Business and Informatics Kosgoro 1957 JakartaEmail : [email protected] ABSTRACT                Economic growth is still in the area of Centre Capital Jakarta also cause social problems.  The regional community to speculate Jakarta, in the hope of getting a better life, but without adequate education and expertise, will be a burden for the Provincial Government of Jakarta, will increase Capital of the poor, not to mention the many acts of criminality. The government should have to think about equalization Development Center in 34 province in Indonesia, so that people feel at home in their own region has a steady job and have a place to stay, so reluctant to move to the Capital City.Currently the Indonesian nation faced Asean Economic padaMasyrakat (MEA), the International Trade free entry to the countries of Asia, Human Resources free entry into the Asian countries, many foreign employees working for companies that exist here at home. Therefore government should have a membership program for people not to be a spectator in his own country. Keywords : economic growth, equity, human resources, skills program  IMPLEMENTASI GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE (GCG) DAN LEARNING ORGANIZATION PADA PERUSAHAAN BUMN DAN PEMERINTAHAN Abstrak Pertumbuhan Ekonomi yang masih di area Pusat Ibu Kota Jakarta juga menyebabkan masalah social. Masyarakat daerah mengadu nasib ke Jakarta dengan harapan mendapatkan kehidupan yang lebih baik, padahal tanpa memiliki pendidikan yang cukup dan keahlian, akan menjadi beban untuk pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Hal ini  dikarenakan akan bertambah masyarakat miskin Ibu Kota, belum lagi banyak tindakan kriminalitas. Seharusnya Pemerintah Pusat perlu memikirkan pemerataan Pembangunan di 34 Provinsi yang ada di Indonesia, agar masyarakat betah tinggal di daerahnya sendiri memiliki pekerjaan tetap dan memiliki tempat tinggal, sehingga enggan untuk pindah ke Ibu Kota Negara.Saat ini Bangsa Indonesia dihadapkan pada Masyrakat Ekonomi Asean (MEA), Perdagangan Internasional bebas masuk ke negara-negara Asia, Sumber Daya Manusia yang bebas masuk ke Negara-negara Asia, sudah banyak karyawan asing bekerja pada perusahaan-perusahaan yang ada di Indonsia. Maka dari itu Pemerintah harus memiliki program untuk keahlian masyarakat agar tidak menjadi penonton di negerinya sendiri. Kata kunci : pertumbuhan ekonomi, pemerataan, sumberdaya manusia, program keahlian     

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Eka Novita

The existence of a BUMN is expected to be a development agency, precisely as a state instrument to meet certain development objectives, such as providing essential products for the state and society, stabilizing the prices of goods, absorbing labor, as contributors to state income through dividends, taxes, and others. Therefore, it is necessary to know the implementation of GCG principles referring to the Regulation of the Minister of SOE Number PER-01 / MBU / 2011 on the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in SOEs. SOEs have corporate social responsibility in the form of reducing the number of unemployed, reducing the number of poor and increasing economic growth. SOEs in producing high quality goods and / or services at affordable prices through the management and supervision of SOEs require the application of GCG principles.Keywords: Good Corporate Governance / GCG, SOE, social responsibility, economic growth

2014 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Riana Christel Tumewu

Since the economic crisis of 1997, the implementation of good corporate governance, or better known as the Good Corporate Governance (GCG) to issue raised in Indonesia. Due to poor corporate governance in Indonesia at that time, causing the economy to fall. So that everyone agrees to cover the difficulties Indonesia began with corporate governance. GCG or good corporate governance is a control mechanism to measure and manage the company, with the intention to improve corporate accountability. A good corporate governance (GCG) can be defined as a process and structure used by the organs of the company to enhance shareholder value. The purpose of this study was to (1) Testing and proving the influence of good corporate governance to leverage, (2) To test and prove the effect of the application of good corporate governance on profitability, (3) To test and prove the effect of leverage on profitability. The object of this research is the banking companies listed on the Stock Exchange. The data used in this study is data banking companies listed on the Stock Exchange as many as 16 samples according to criteria of the study, with the vulnerable period of the data used is year 2009-2013. The analytical method used is the analysis of the path. Results of data analysis using path analysis showed that the implementation of GCG Effect (X) to leverage (Y1) for the ratio of DER (Y1-DER) and DAR (Y1-DAR) is not significant. Different results are obtained when the GCG (X) showed a significant effect on profitability (Y2) for ROE (Y2-ROE) and NPM (NPM-Y2). As for the effect of leverage (Y1) to profitability (Y2) of the banking companies listed on the Stock Exchange tend to be varied. This means that the better the GCG implementation does not affect the banking company debt, but if the better implementation of GCG to profitability, it can enhance the company's ability to generate profits. Suggestions should the company become more motivated to implement GCG consistently in order to help improve the productivity and efficiency of a company that obviously affected the company's earnings that have an impact on investor confidence.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Hesty Aisyah

Nowadays economic independence is one indicator in measuring the welfare of a country. Economic independence is made from the current country's economic system. An economic system is a systematic way in which a country distributes its resources. The better the system is implemented, the better the economic growth rate of the country will be. One things that mostly affect the rate of economic growth is the increasing number of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Therefore, the government has designed the program for SMEs which is not supported by Good Corporate Governance (GCG), which results in lack of integrations between the government program and the SME management system. The purpose of this study is to investigate aspects of the management arrangements of 150 SMEs in Padang, and also to identified all aspects which is need to be modified so that the Good Corporate Governance (GCG) system can be implemented on these SMEs. The survey results in this study found that the implementation of Good Corporate Governance in Padang City SMEs is still very limited, so this research still needs to be explored further to find the right Good Corporate Governance (GCG) patterns implemented for Padang’s SMEs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (8) ◽  
pp. 2100
Ihsan Nasihin ◽  
Siska Komala Dewi

Companies have the main objective, namely to seek profit, but many factors influence the company to generate profits. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that affect basic earning power. The research method in research is quantitative research, where the data used are secondary data. The population used in this research is in the form of the sub-Property and Real Estate manufacturing industries that have been listed on the IDX for the 2017-2019 period with a population of 74 companies. In the population, the method of illustration taking is the Non-Probability Sampling method. The results of this study indicate that the Working Capital Turnover, Long Term Debt to Equity Ratio, and Good corporate governance (GCG) have no effect on Basic Earning Power in the property and real estate sub-sector industries listed on the Indonesian stock exchange, so that economic growth cannot moderate financial ratios. Keywords: Financial Ratios; Good Corporate Governance; Basic Earning Power; Economic Growth.

2017 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-39
Achmad Tjahjono ◽  
Siti Chaeriyah

The Company was founded with the goal of increasing the value of the company as well as to provide prosperity for the owners or shareholders. Good Corporate Governance and profitability is an effort to enhance company value. This study aims to determine the influence of good corporate governance to company value with profitability as intervening variable. The population of this research is manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2010 - 2014. The sample is taken by using purposive sampling method. Under this method, as many as 123 companies were obtained. The analysis tool to test the hypothesis is path analysis with AMOS software version 21. Data analysis method is descriptive analysis, path analysis, and sobeltest. The results of this study indicate that managerial ownership, the audit committee and the profitability have positive impact toward the of the company value, institutional ownership has positive impact but not significant, non-executive director with negative effect tendency on the company value. The results of this study also showed that profitability cannot mediate the effect of good corporate governance mechanisms on company value. It can be suggested to replace the intervening variable with other variables such as quality of earnings instead of profitability since it is declined as an intervening variable. non-executive director and institutional ownership does not contribute any positive and significant effect on company value and profitability. The following research can use another proxy in the measurement process and consider other theories that could explain comprehensively.

Liquidity ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-105
Dede Dahlan

There are many understanding of society, that cash waqf it should not be legal. So is the trust factor of people's money management institutions waqf (Nazhir) is still a constraint. Research conducted in Tabung Wakaf Indonesia (TWI) and Wakaf Al Azhar this analysis method, namely the principles of Good Corporate Governance (GCG). Here researchers using purposive sampling, followed by giving a score using the Likert Scale. To determine whether the data obtained in the field is valid or not, the researchers used a method tri angular source. The results of the assessment of GCG in TWI and Wakaf Al-Azhar obtain a total score of at Tabung Wakaf Indonesia amounting to 3.15. Then the bias is said that the implementation of GCG at TWI and Wakaf Al-Azhar declared "GOOD ENOUGH". While the results of the evaluation tri angular mention, that the data obtained from the results of research in the field both TWI and in Wakaf Al-Azhar, when compared with the corporate governance principles can be declared invalid according to the KNKG.

MBIA ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Rolia Wahasusmiah

This study aims to determine the effect of financial performance and good corporate governance (GCG) on the value of companies in manufacturing companies listed on the stock exchange Indonesia. The type of data used is secondary data in the form of annual report 2016. Population used in this study are all companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI). This research uses purposive sampling method with total population of 144 companies and sample of 31 companies. The results show that simultaneously ROA, OPM, NPM, KM, and KI have a positive influence on firm value. While partially ROA  have a positive influence on firm value. While OPM, NPM, KM, and KI have no positive influence on firm value).

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