2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 261
Muhammad Munif

Nahdlatul 'Ulama (the Renaissance of Ulama) is one of the big Islamic organisations in Indonesia, which has shown its ability to guide Muslim community to get out from difficult situation in national  life.  However, it needs strong framework of thought which comes from living tradition in the members of NU. As an religious organisation, NU determined  political goals that are based on the doctrine of Ahlus Sunnah  wa/ Jama'ah, decreed in basis for the NU organization platform in In its efforts in spreading da'wah, NU has many activities that  are  related to Islamic da'wah, which include educational institution, pesantren, mosque and politics. This is a for of an organized da'wah.

2021 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-29
Kamilia Hamidah ◽  
Arif Chasannudin

Pesantren (madrassah) is Indonesia's oldest educational institution; it is through pesantren (madrassah) that the country's national educational system was formed, and despite the rapid changes in society, pesantren has managed to keep its characteristics. The kyai, santri, mosque, and classical reference books are at least three key parts of pesantren culture (Kitab Kuning). Pesantren play a critical role in distributing Islamic moderation in the society to maintain community resilience, since the tendency of social religiosity in today's Indonesian culture has reached into religious conservatism to some extent. The objective of this research is to describe pesantren elements (Kyai, Santri, Masjid, and Kitab Kuning) are engaged in producing religious moderation character-building approaches and patterns. This research examines five renowned Nahdhatul Ulama pesantren in Central and East Java using a qualitative methodology. According to results this study that based on in-depth observations, documentation, and observation of the pesantren environment under independent investigation, as well as interviews with pesantren leaders (kyai) and other informants who are fully acquainted with the pesantren under research. The Pesantren-Islamic boarding school-style integrated education system and the classical halaqah system, according to the findings of this study, became an integrated and complementary educational system, preparing social cadre with an understanding of religious moderation, which was actualized in the form of national commitment, religious tolerance, anti-violence da'wah, and accommodative behavior to local culture. The results of this study can be implemented that the four elements of pesantren can be used as a strategy in strengthening the values of islamic moderation not limited to the pesantren but extended to the scope of national life.***Pesantren adalah lembaga pendidikan tertua di Indonesia; Dari pesantren (madrasah) perkembangan sistem pendidikan nasional di Indonesia terbangun, meski terjadi perubahan masyarakat yang dinamis, pesantren tetap mampu mempertahankan ciri khasnya. Setidaknya ada tiga unsur penting dalam budaya pesantren, yaitu kyai, santri, masjid, dan kitab klasik (kitab kuning). Tren religiusitas sosial dalam masyarakat Indonesia saat ini - sampai batas tertentu - telah menunjukkan gejala ke arah konservatisme agama, oleh karena itu pesantren memainkan peran krusialnya dalam mensosialisasikan diskursus moderasi Islam di masyarakat untuk membentengi sekaligus membangun resiliensi sosial dari arus konservatisme agama yang ekstrem. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggambarkan elemen pesantren (Kyai, Santri, Masjid, dan Kitab Kuning) yang digunakan dalam mengembangkan strategi dan pola pembentukan karakter moderasi beragama. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif fenomenologis dengan melihat lima pesantren ikonic Nahdhatul Ulama di Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur. Berdasarkan hasil observasi mendalam dengan mendokumentasikan dan mengamati lingkungan pesantren melalui inkuiri independen, serta wawancara mendalam dengan beberapa informan yang benar-benar mengenal pesantren yang menjadi objek kajian. Selanjutnya temuan penelitian ini, sistem pendidikan terpadu ala pesantren dan sistem halaqah klasik-sistem pendidikan terpadu dan komplementer pesantren- telah mampu mempersiapkan kader masyarakat yang memahami moderasi beragama, yang diaktualisasikan dalam bentuk komitmen kebangsaan, toleransi beragama, dakwah tanpa kekerasan, dan perilaku akomodatif terhadap budaya lokal. Hasil kajian ini dapat diimplementasikan bahwa empat elemen pesantren dapat dijadikan strategi dalam memperkuat nilai-nilai moderasi beragama tidak terbatas pada lingkungan pesantren tapi diperluas pada lingkup kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 212
Muhamad Ali Anwar

The success of learning in an educational institution depends on creativity in learning from the teacher's business. Because he is a teacher, he must bring the learner towards the goals he has set. This study describes how the planning, implementation, evaluation of active learning strategies in learning jurisprudence (Islamic law) in students majoring in Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MIPA) in Madrasah Aliyah Nahdlatul 'Ulama (MA-NU) Mojosari, Loceret, Nganjuk, East Java, Indonesia. This study uses an interpretive paradigm through a qualitative approach, a type of case study research. The results of the study found several related to the planning, implementation, and evaluation of active learning in fiqh learning carried out at the study site, all by the concept of the theory although there are still improvements in terms of implementation that will automatically affect the results, so the teacher must work extra hard to perfection through continuous evaluation.

Anwar Rasjid

<p>BAHASA INDONESIA:</p><p>Tulisan ini bermaksud megulas eksitensi madrasah di era kontemporer. Sebagai lembaga pendidikan yang sudah lama berkembang di Indonesia, madrasah selain telah berhasil membina dan mengembangkan kehidupan moral dan beragama di Indonesia, juga ikut serta berperan dalam menanamkan rasa kebangsaan ke dalam jiwa rakyat Indonesia, di samping itu Madrasah juga berperan  dalam mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa. Meski demikian performa madrasah saat ini masih dirasakan berkualitas kurang dan sangat perlu untuk ditumbuh-kembangkan pada masa yang akan datang. Masyarakat di era sekarang (kontemporer) semakin menjadikan madrasah sebagai lembaga pendidikan yang unik. Di saat ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi berkembang pesat, di saat filsafat hidup manusia modern mengalami krisis moral dan keagamaan, dan di saat perdagangan bebas dunia makin mendekati pintu gerbangnya, keberadaan madrasah tampak makin dibutuhkan orang. Hal ini menunjukkan urgensi dan signifikansi eksistensi madrasah di era kontemporer.</p><p> </p><p>ENGLISH:</p><p>This article aims to explain the existence of Islamic school in contemporary era. As educational institution that has been developing for long in Indonesia. Islamic school not only success in building and developing the moral and religion in Indonesia but also participates in engaging the nationality to the soul of Indonesia society. Furthermore, Islamic School has role in educating the national life. In the other hand, the nowadays Islamic school performance is less satisfied and need to improve in the future. Today society (contemporary) made the Islamic school more unique. When the science and technology develop rapidly, the philosophy of modern life is seemingly lack of moral and religious crisis, and  world free trade comes closer, the existence of Islamic school is urgently needed. It shows that the urgency and significant of the Islamic school existence.</p>

Dialog ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-64
Suryani Suryani

This paper illustrates how the political dynamics of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) as a part of civil society in Indonesia in the national political constellation. NU is a concrete example of the people power in the form of civil society whose existence should be noted. As the largest Muslim community in Indonesia, NU was recorded as the entity who contacted and reinforced the concept of civil society in Indonesia earlier than other Muslim modernist communities. NU activists and intellectuals play an earlier role in developing the discourse of civil society since the independence to now compared to Muhammadiyah, HMI alumni, or other Muslim leaders alumni from Masyumi.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Nurul Ain Burhanuddin

Living Hadith is a cultural phenomenon of society based on the hadith of the Prophet saw. It is a pattern of behavior that is part of the interaction of Muslims with hadith. This study is to examine the extent to which the practice of sunnah is still practiced among the Muslim community in Malaysia. In addition to explaining the practice of sunnah in the perspective of Living Hadith. The research methodology is based on the interviews of five respondents consisting of muftis, academics, religious figures who are active with the community. The findings show that living tradition phrase less is known in the Muslim community in Malaysia, there is a Sunnah practice in perspective Living in Malaysia Hadith and Sunnah is a customary practice that is often practiced by the Malays in Malaysia. It is a pure practice that needs to be applied in society in order to be in line with the religious and moral demands of Rasulullah saw. However, the community also needs to be guided to accept this practice of sunnah as an encouragement and encouragement of goodness that must be implemented. It is not a mandatory practice such as the law of performing prayers and fasting in the month of Ramadan. Therefore, the Malaysian society still sees the living hadith in the context of the practice of sunnah which is still related to the hadith and sunnah of the Prophet saw

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-88
Nurul Hanani

Abstract This study intends to explain the portrait of educational institutions fostered by Muslimat Education Foundation (YPM) NU in Kediri Regency, and try to describe the effectiveness of Muslimat NU in Kediri Regency in improving quality. This study seeks to describe in depth the problems in accordance with the data obtained in the field and on the interpretation of researchers. Muslimat NU is one of the organizations of many organizations in the community. Muslimat NU is a community organization and is an autonomous body of Nahdlatul Ulama whose task is helping to implement policies on women members. Among YPM's work programs in order to improve the quality of education in the district of Kediri are improving the quality of Al-Qur'an Kindergarten and play group, including on managerial aspects, facilities and infrastructure, administration, curriculum and Human Resources (teachers, managers and employees). Keywords: Educational Institution, YPM, NU, Quality Improvement Management ملخص الهدف من هذه الدراسة هو شرح صورة المؤسسات التعليمية التي تعقدها منظمة مسلمات نهضة العلماء (YPM) كاديري، ومحاولة وصف فعالية مساهمة تطوير منظمة مسلمات نهضة العلماء (YPM) كاديري في تحسين الجودة. تسعى هذه الدراسة إلى وصف هذه المشاكل بشكل متعمق وفقاً للبيانات التي تم الحصول عليها في الميدان وتفسير الباحثة. إن منظمة مسلمات نهضة العلماء هى احدى المنظمات في المجتمع و هي منظمة و هيئة مستقلة من جمعية نهضة العلماء ولها مسؤولة عن تنفيذ السياسات الخاصة بالأعضاء النساء، ومن بين برامج عمل المؤسسات التعليمية التي تعقدها منظمة مسلمات نهضة العلماء YPM لتحسين جودة التعليم في كديرى هى تحسين جودة روضة الأطفال ومؤسسة تعليم القرآن، بما في ذلك الجوانب الإدارية والمرافق والبنية التحتية والإدارة والمناهج والموارد البشرية (المدرسون والمديرون والموظفون). مفتاح الكلمات: المؤسسات التعليمية، المؤسسات التعليمية التي تعقدها مظمة مسلمات نهضة العلماء YPM، إدارة تحسين الجودة Abstrak Penelitian ini bermaksud menjelaskan potret lembaga pendidikan binaan Yayasan Pendidikan Muslimat (YPM) NU Kabupaten Kediri, dan berusaha mendiskripsikan efektivitas pembinaan PC Muslimat NU Kebupaten Kediri dalam peningkatan mutu. Penelitian ini berusaha untuk mendeskripsikan secara mendalam tentang permasalahan-permasalahan tersebut sesuai dengan data yang diperoleh di lapangan dan atas penafsiran peneliti. Muslimat NU merupakan salah satu organisasi dari sekian banyak organisasi yang ada di masyarakat. Muslimat NU adalah organisasi masyarakat dan merupakan badan otonom Nahdlatul Ulama yang bertugas membantu melaksankan kebijakan pada anggota perempuan. Diantara program kerja YPM dalam rangka meningkatkan mutu pendidikan yang ada di kabupaten Kediri adalah; Peningkatan kualitas Taman Kanak-Kanak dan Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur'an, di antaranya pada aspek manajerial, sarana dan prasarana, administrasi, kurikulum dan Sumber Daya Manusia (guru, pengelola dan karyawan). Kata Kunci: Lembaga Pendidikan, YPM, NU, Manajemen Peningkatan Mutu

2019 ◽  
pp. 130-135
Halyna Senkivska

In the article the author analyzes some aspects of the cultural and educational activity of Kremenets Gymnasium named after Ivan Steshenko referring to the materials of Kremenets regional society «Prosvita». The conducted analysis shows that the institution became the center of national life of Ukrainians in the region that contributed to the activation of the historical and ethnographic movement in Volyn. It was investigated that local lore studies were carried out on the one hand by Polish research and ethnographic societies, which used the support of the academic institutions of Poland, and on the other hand - Ukrainian local lore centers based on the cultural and educational centers of Western Ukraine, in particular on the Scientific Society of them. Shevchenko, «Prosvita», museum institutions, etc. And certain achievements of the local lore movement in Volhynia became possible to a large extent due to the active work of Prosvita in Kremenets, whose figures influenced the formation of the national consciousness of Ukrainians. On the basis of the analysis of the source base of the research, the investigator presents the facts of the opening of the Ukrainian gymnasium named after Ivan Steshenko, which began functioning on October 1, 1918, and became the focal point of the national life of Ukrainians in the region. At the request of Kremenets' Prosvita, the Ministry assigned her the name of Ivan Steshenko, an active figure of the UPR, the Minister of Education. The opening of the gymnasium was a major event in the life of the region, as it began its activity as a state and was the only Ukrainian secondary school in the whole county. Study of the Ukrainian language and history of Ukraine in the gymnasium was mandatory. The first director of this educational institution was Sergey Milyashkevich, and later in different years of activity – I. Rey, Kobrin, L. Kontsevich. Kremenets Gymnasium was famous for its pets: Ulas Samchuk, Oksana Lyaturinskaya, Cyril Kutsyuk-Kochinsky, Maria Kavun-Kreminyarivska, who became famous writers. Many students of the high school distinguished themselves in the field of Ukrainian writing, education and culture. The author has pointed out the fact that many gymnasium students have been taken an active part in the events of the 40–50's of the twentieth century. The attention has been emphasized on Mykola Medvetsky (pseudo Hrin) as the leader of the rebel formation, who belonged to the secret youth organization «Yunak», which had appeared in an educational establishment. The indisputable role of the gymnasium in forming the intellectuals of the region, which left a significant trace not only in the history of Kremenets but also throughout Ukraine, is noted. The author concludes that the Ukrainian gymnasium named after Ivan Steshenko at that time became the center of the historical and ethnographic movement in the region. In spite of the interference of the then system in scientific life, obstacles on the part of the authorities, the Ukrainian gymnasium did a lot for the national revival of the region, contributed to the establishment of national education. Materials concentrated in the rayon society "Prosvita", contribute to the understanding of its historical heritage, the formation of national consciousness.

2018 ◽  
Vol 20 (8) ◽  
pp. 88-111
E. V. Vorobyeva ◽  
T. N. Le-van

 Introduction. Both the level and the specific character of the organisational culture of preschool pedagogical staff influence the degree of psychological comfort of the environment in which younger children are brought up. The relevance of the research is related to the need to improve the quality of preschool education through the creation of emotionally favourable conditions for forming pupils’ individuality and preserving their health. In addition, it is important to acquaint the staff of nursery schools with the content of the new methodological requirements (the formation of interaction between a tutor, a child and parents) recorded in the Federal State Educational Standard.The aim of this research paper was to identify the specific features of teachers’ ethical choices when dealing with difficult professional situations according to the type of organisational (corporate) culture established in a pre-school educational institution.Methodology and research methods. In the course of the research, teachers were selected to participate in an anonymous online poll and a follow-up questionnaire. The authors developed a face-to-face feedback approach using the cases of difficult professional situations and parameters to build the corporate culture profile of the organisation. The obtained data were processed by qualitative and quantitative means through the approaches of content analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and intercrossing of confidence intervals calculated by a standard procedure in the R programming language. Results and scientific novelty. A model of differentiated types in the organisational culture of the system of education was designed. “Democratic”, “leaderfollowing”, “laissez-faire” and “bureaucratic” (these terms do not carry an evaluation characteristic) kinds of the corporate cultures of preschool educational institutions were identified and characterised. The concepts of “ethical dilemma” and “difficult situation requiring a direct professional action” were clarified. The first abovementioned concept refers to a contradiction between two equivalent values, while the second denotes a confrontation between new, progressive approaches to implementing professional duties with the stereotypes and traditions entrenched in the teaching process. The diagnostic tools allowed the authors to establish that different solutions to resolving problem situations or ethical dilemmas are often derived from the different values prevailing among preschool teachers as representatives of the various types of organisational cultures. Practical significance. The authors concluded that to ensure permanent improvement of preschool education (increase in the efficiency of participants’ interaction of the learning process) it is important to count not on members’ formal characteristics, but on basic characteristics which often can be seen as implicit representations. The diagnostic tools proposed by the authors and the joint interpretation of findings by all members of the teaching staff with participation of the invited experts and parents will help to identify formal and basic characteristics. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Istikomah Istikomah

Pesantren as an Islamic educational institution which was first established in Indonesia has strong tradition root in society. At the beginning, it was established by the muslim community independently, it was nonformal and taught only religious material. However, it is now continuing to renew the pattern of formal education in the form of schools or madrasa with the standard government curriculum. The existence of pesantren is no longer considered as second class of educational institution, and not qualified, but as a prestigious educational institution because it has established schools or madrasah that are managed professionally, so its ouput and outcome have superior quality compared to general school or madrasah. Thus the existence of pesantren is now a part of the national education system that graduation has a dual advantages of the mastery of science and religion in a balanced way


The article notes that nowadays the effectiveness of mastering English, which has long been the language of international communication and interaction for servicemen, is becoming essential. It is noted that there exist unresolved didactic problems reducing the quality of organizational and pedagogic tasks which emerge in the course of training. It is stated that in modern military aviation practice military pilots� professional activity is to a great extent characterized by their communicative competence which includes the following components: language competence (ability to communicate in all language aspects); competence of interaction (ability to use language to express communicative intention in an official situation of communication); socio-cultural competence (ability to build intercultural communication with foreign colleagues from other countries); compensatory competence (ability to successfully solve a difficult situation which might occur during flights). The article suggests the most appropriate methods of teaching and training future UAS crew members considering the specificity of goals and content of �English for Special Purposes� as a curriculum subject. Alongside with traditional methods, active teaching/learning methods such as problem-based learning tasks, analysis and solving of specific situations, role-playing games, variety of interactive exercises simulating near-real situations of professional scope are viewed as those of particular importance and efficiency. The main features of problem-based learning are determined: strengthening the focus on the personality of a cadet; expanding opportunities for interaction between a teacher and a cadet in the learning environment; development of cadets� intellectual mobility; increasing opportunities for creativity through independent work with a large number of databases offered by the teacher and present on the Internet; personalization of training through the creation of research projects featuring problematic nature; widespread access to new generation mobile devices, equipment and aircraft. The successive steps of designing a training course in �English for Special Purposes� for future UAS operators in a higher military educational institution are determined by the teacher. Key words: professional training, future UAS operators, English for Special Purposes, methods of problem-based learning.

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