scholarly journals Pengaruh Media Sosial Instagram dan WhatsApp Terhadap Pembentukan Budaya “Alone Together”

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 103
Gunawan - Saleh ◽  
Ribka Pitriani

Social media is now highly favored by many and considered quite effective by the people of Indonesia. One example taken in this study is the social media Instagram and WhatsApp, as social media is considered to affect the forms of activity and its behavior. This study aims to investigate the influence of social media Instagram and WhatsApp against the cultural establishment "Alone Together" at the University of Riau by using the theory of SOR (Stimulus-Organism-Response) as its foundation. This study uses a quantitative research in which data was collected through questionnaires distributed to 100 respondents who are students at the University of Riau by category determined by accidental sampling, and analyzed by simple linear regression program helped IBM SPSS version 20.0. This study examined whether or not the influence of indicators of variable X (Social Media Instagram and WhatsApp) to variable Y (culture Alone Together). Technology to fill the void and satisfaction with technology. Based on the results obtained through the SPSS 20.0 correlation coefficient of 0.403, 0.403 value lies between the value of 0,40-0.599 that was meaningful relationships, meaning that there is the influence of social media Instagram and WhatsApp against the cultural establishment in Riau University Alone Together with the effect of 16.3%, while the remaining 83.7% is influenced by other variables.  Media sosial saat ini sangat digemari oleh berbagai kalangan dan dianggap cukup efektif oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Salah satu contoh yang diambil dalam penelitian ini adalah media sosial Instagram dan WhatsApp. Adapun media sosial ini dinilai dapat mempengaruhi bentuk aktifitas, dan perilaku penggunanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh media sosial Instagram dan WhatsApp terhadap pembentukan budaya “Alone Together” di Universitas Riau dengan menggunakan teori S-O-R (Stimulus-Organisme-Response) sebagai landasannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode riset kuantitatif dimana data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner yang disebarkan kepada 100 responden yang merupakan mahasiswa di Universitas Riau dengan kategori yang ditentukan berdasarkan accidental sampling, dan dianalisis melalui regresi linier sederhana dibantu program IBM SPSS versi 20.0. Penelitian ini menguji ada atau tidaknya pengaruh indikator dari variabel X (Media Sosial Instagram dan WhatsApp) terhadap variabel Y (budaya Alone Together). Teknologi untuk mengisi kekosongan dan kepuasan atas Teknologi. Berdasarkan hasil pencarian melalui SPSS 20.0 maka didapat nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,403, nilai 0,403 terletak diantara nilai 0,40-0,599 yaitu bermakna memiliki hubungan yang sedang, artinya terdapat pengaruh antara media sosial Instagram dan WhatsApp terhadap pembentukan budaya Alone Together di Universitas Riau dengan pengaruh sebesar 16,3%, sedangkan sisanya sebesar 83,7% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain.

Tities Hijratur Rahmah

The focus of this analysis is to know the effect of the teacher’s competence toward teacher’s indicator value.The population of this Research is the teacher in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Terpadu Ar-Roihan Lawang. In conducting this research, the researcher used correlational quantitative research. With the total of the sample are 37 teachers and using simple linear regression technique. The result of the analysis shows that the correlation coefficient value R = 0,596 and included medium category. In the “ANOVA”computation, the value of Regression Sig obtained 0.000 and <0.05 then concluded “There is a significant influence between the competence of teachers shadow (X) on assessment indicators (Y)”.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (01) ◽  
pp. 187-199
Dian Prajarini ◽  
Dwisanto Sayogo

Abstrak Media sosial yang bisa digunakan untuk pemasaran produk adalah Instagram. Dua jenis konten Instagram yaitu foto dan video menarik orang untuk melakukan tindakan like, comment dan share. Perkembangan UMKM Kopi dengan banyaknya usaha yang sama, memerlukan promosi yang baik untuk menarik minat konsumen. Melalui Instagram, UMKM Kopi bisa memasarkan produk mereka. Desain post Instagram memberi pengaruh tersendiri terhadap pelanggan maupun follower mereka salah satunya minat pembelian. Penggunaan foto, ilustrasi, gambar, teks iklan, bahkan video dalam konten Instagram digunakan untuk menarik konsumen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh desain post Instagram terhadap minat pembelian produk UMKM Kopi di Kabupaten Sleman. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan analisis data menggunakan regresi linier sederhana. Hasil dari penelitian menyatakan bahwa terdapat pengaruh desain feed instagram terhadap minat pembelian produk UMKM Kopi di Kabupaten Sleman. Gambar, warna, copy writing dan call to action merupakan komponen desain post Instagram yang memberikan kontribusi terhadap minat pembelian adalah sebesar 29,4% dan sisanya 70,6% minat pembelian dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini.   Kata Kunci: desain, post, Instagram, UMKM, kopi, Sleman  AbstractInstagram is the Social media that can be used for product marketing. Two types of Instagram content that attracted people to like, comment, and share were photos and videos. The development of coffee MSMEs with the same number of businesses requires good promotion to attract consumer interest. Through Instagram, coffee MSMEs can market their products. Instagram feed design has a distinct influence on their customers and followers, one of them is purchase interest. This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of Instagram feed design on the purchase interest of MSMEs Coffee products in the Sleman. The research method used is quantitative methods with data analysis using simple linear regression. The results indicate that there is an effect of Instagram feed design on the interest in purchasing coffee MSME products in Sleman. Image, color, copywriting, and call to action are feed-design components that contribute 29.4% of purchase interest, and the remaining 70.6% of purchase interest influenced by other factors not examined in this study. Keywords: design, post, Instagram, MSMEs, coffee, Sleman

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 14-20
Dwi Ima Herminingsih ◽  
Erna Ifftanti

Abstract This paper reports the service activities due to the use of business owned by the BUM Desa Berkah Kamardinan, the Sunday Morning Market as a laboratory or a medium for improving English of  the university Students. The place of business of BUM Desa is used as a tool for English learning activities. The basis theory underlying the choice of the media is that the attractive media and learning methods will attract students to be motivated to learn. The synergy is done on the consideration of Dikti ‘ s policy encouraging the  lecturers in collaboration with BUM Desa or Industries (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka ). The goal of the partnership is preparing the graduation get ready to pursuit the job and helping the business of Industries grow fast.  The Method of doing the program starts with a preparation, then the implementation and the evaluation. In the stage of execution, the technique uses the group discussion and participation continued to designing the audio/ visual product.  The output, the students create the videos/vlog which then are uploaded in the social media such as YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. The dissemination of BUM desa by students are very positive. The existence and activities of the Sunday Morning Market become well-known and attract the tourists to visit. The increase of the visitors can make the people welfare more prosperous. Keywords : Sunday Morning Market, Bumdes , Laboratory, Raise  Speaking Ability, Students of University, Develop Business   Abstrak   Tulisan ini merupakan Laporan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat terkait dengan penggunaan usaha BUM Desa  Berkah Kamardinan  yakni Pasar Minggu Pagi sebagi laboratorium atau media peningkatan  Berbahasa Inggris. Tempat usaha BUM Desa dipergunakan sebagai alat  kegiatan pembelajaran atas atas dasar  theory bahwa media dan metode  belajaryang mempesona akan membangkitkan  daya tarik siswa untuk termotivasi belajar . Sinergi yang dilakukan oleh insan Dikti ,dosen bekerja sama dengan BUM desa Berkah Kamardikan  dapat memberikan kontribusi pada pengembangan usaha BUM Desa. Sebelum kegiatan dilaksanakan ada tahap persiapan dan setelah pelaksanakan diadakan evaluasi .Medode yang dipergunakan dalam pelaksanankan kegiatan yaitu diskusi kelompok  dan partisipasi dari pihak yang trekait. Hasil dari kegiatan ini mahasiswa menghasilkan video/vlog yang diunggah di media social seperti youtube,facebook,twitter. Unggahan  usaha  BUM desa oleh mahasiswa sangat positif karena keberadaan serta aktifitas Pasar Minggu Pagi Winong memungkinkan  dilihat oleh masyarakat secara luas dan  menarik  mereka untuk mengunjungi tempat tersebut berbelanja dan berrekreasi. Transaksi antara pengunjung diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pendapatan pedagang atau keluarga.   Kata Kunci : Pemanfaatan, Pasar Minggu Pagi, Laboratorium, Usaha BUM Desa , Winong    

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 17
Dedy Mulyadi ◽  
Didik Purwanto

The question of compensation in addition to sensitive to be driving someone to worl due to an effect on morale and discipline employees. Therefore , any  agency or any organization should be able to provide compensation equal to the workload  to create a workforce that efficient and effective manner can be realized. Amaore than that, the company’s goal to improve performance. Performance assessment is a subjective process that involves human judgments. Thus, performance assessment is very likely wrong and very easily influonced by sources that are not actual, so it must be taken into account and considered reasinable. Frformance appraisals are considered  to meet the target if it has a good impact on new employees who rated their performance. Simple linear regression analysis using SPSS version 12:00 data processing obtained tegression equation Y = 0,487 X 74 + with an explanation of X = award, 74 = constant, 0.487 = coefficient awards, and Y = performance based on simple linear regression equation in case of increase of one unit of the  performance award will be increased 0.487 units. If company policy negates the performance award will remain at a constant rate (74) units . (A) Test results obtained thitung significant constants of (12.574) > t table for (1.960 then reject Ho constanta significant meaning. (B) significant Test award coefficient t count the results obtained by (2.164)> t table foe (1.96) then reject Ho the mean coeffent of appreciation affect the performance . (C) correlation coefficient analysis is done by calculating the product moment corration (pearson)  to test  whether or not a strong  relationship between the variables X  dan Y , based on the results of cakculations with SPSS  table valuse obtained by calculating the  correlation coefficient r (0.3100> r on the table for a = 0,05 (0.291) then reject Ho, which means there is a relationship of respect for performance. When we enter these valuse in the table shows the interpretation of the correlation coefficient between the interval from 0.20 to 0.399 which has a low relationship

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 226
Maksimus Bisa

ABSTRACTThis study is descriptive analitik, aims to describe the relationship of perceptions about the physiotherapy profession with the motivation to learn students of the Academy of Physiotherapy UKI. Data collection through questionnaires to students of Physiotherapy Academy UKI level 1, 2, and 3 with a sample of 53 students, then give a score of each statement of questionnaire.The result of correlation analysis shows that p = 0,584> α (0,05) ho is accepted, so there is no significant relationship between the two variables. To measure the closeness and intensity of the relationship between the two variables, test of correlation coefficient and simple linear regression. The result of correlation coefficient test (r) obtained by -0,077, lies below the value of -0.30 (very weak) thus can be said there is no relation between perception about physiotherapy profession with motivation learn student Akfis UKI. Result of linear regression analysis obtained equation: Y = 73,52 + (-0,088) X. This means that every 1 point decrease of perception value will influence motivation value equal to 0,088 times.Keywords: Perception, motivation, physiotherapy profession, and learning achievement. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analitik, bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan hubungan persepsi tentang profesi fisioterapi dengan motivasi belajar siswa Akademi Fisioterapi UKI. Pengumpulan data melalui kuesioner kepada siswa Fisioterapi Academy UKI tingkat 1, 2, dan 3 dengan sampel sebanyak 53 siswa, kemudian memberikan skor masing-masing kuesioner pernyataan. Hasil analisis korelasi menunjukkan bahwa p = 0,584> α (0,05) ho diterima, sehingga tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara kedua variabel tersebut. Untuk mengukur kedekatan dan intensitas hubungan antara kedua variabel tersebut, uji koefisien korelasi dan regresi linier sederhana. Hasil uji koefisien korelasi (r) diperoleh sebesar -0,077, berada di bawah nilai -0,30 (sangat lemah) sehingga dapat dikatakan tidak ada hubungan antara persepsi tentang profesi fisioterapi dengan motivasi belajar siswa Akfis UKI. Hasil analisis regresi linier diperoleh persamaan: Y = 73,52 + (-0,088) X. Artinya setiap 1 titik penurunan nilai persepsi akan mempengaruhi nilai motivasi sebesar 0,088 kali.Kata kunci: Persepsi, motivasi, profesi fisioterapi, dan prestasi belajar.

2019 ◽  
Danilo T Perez-Rivera ◽  
Christopher Torres Lugo ◽  
Alexis R Santos-Lozada

Between July 13-24, 2019 the people of Puerto Rico took the streets after a series of corruption scandals shocked the political establishment. The social uprising resulted in the ousting of the Governor of Puerto Rico (Dr. Ricardo Rosselló, Ricky), the resignation of the majority of his staff something unprecedented in the history of Puerto Rico; this period has been called El Verano del 19 (Summer of 19). Social media played a crucial role in both the organization and dissemination of the protests, marches, and other activities that occurred within this period. Puerto Ricans in the island and around the world engaged in this social movement through the digital revolution mainly under the hashtag #RickyRenuncia (Ricky Resign), with a small counter movement under the hashtag #RickySeQueda (Ricky will stay). The purpose of this study is to illustrate the magnitude and grass roots nature of the political movement’s social media presence, as well as their characteristics of the population of both movements and their structures. We found that #RickyRenuncia was used approximately one million times in the period of analysis while #RickySeQueda barely reached 6,000 tweets. Particularly, the pervasiveness of cliques in the #RickySeQueda show concentrations of authority dedicated to its propagation, whilst the #RickyRenuncia propagation was much more distributed and decentralized with little to no interaction between significant nodes of authority. Noteworthy was the role of the Puerto Rican diaspora in the United States of America and around the world, contributing close to 40% of all geo-located tweets. Finally, we found that the Twitter followers of the former governor had indicators of being composed of two distinct populations: 1) those active in social media and 2) those who follow the account but who are not active participants of the social network. We discuss the implications of these findings on the interpretation of emergence, structure and dissemination of social activism and countermovement to these activities in the context of Puerto Rico.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-24
Dessy Trimulyani ◽  
Hendro Lisa ◽  
Ferdinan Ferdinan

Starting from the phenomenon occurred especially among Muslim women who were very concerned with fashion issues. Many of them did not know the function of the clothes they wear, and how Islam arranges the clothes. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of religiosity on the decision of purchasing Muslim clothes in Tembilahan District. This was quantitative research by simple linear regression method analysis. The results showed that the T count was bigger than the T table. The T table was 12,763>2,024 and sig. 0.000 <0.05 means Ha was accepted, and Ho was rejected. The contribution of religiosity to the decision toward purchasing Muslim clothing by looking at the results of the R Square was 81.1%, while the remaining 18.9% influenced by other factors outside of the researcher's discussion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 233-238
Annisa Nur Fitriyana ◽  
Kurjono Kurjono ◽  
Budi Santoso

The purpose of this study was determine the effect of self efficacy on work readiness of vocational students. This research is quantitative research. The population in this study were all students of the 11th grade of the all department at SMK Al Ghazaly as many as 90 students. The population is limited less than 100, all subjects in this study were used as research samples This research use descriptive and verificative methods. The sample of the Analytical techniques used are simple linear regression. Normality test uses the Kolmogorov-smirnov test and simple linear regression. All data calculation using IBM SPSS v. 25 for Windows. The result showed that self efficacy effect toward work readiness The magnitude of the influence of self efficacy against the results of work readiness by 0,275 (27,5%) while the remaining 0,725 (72,5%) is affected by other factors.

2016 ◽  
Vol 46 (1) ◽  
pp. 87
Ika Hariyani

Campaigns nowadays are oftenly carried through social medias, including campaigns concerning the environment. Based on previous studies, effectivity of campaigns through social medias were affected by many factors, such as the activity of the online administrator, additional socialization that were carried off- line, and also the involvement of the active followers in social medias. However, this paper views environmental campaign in social medias could be effective if viewed from another side,that is social network. This study sees how social network can improve the effectivity of environmental campaigns in social medias,therefore it’s safe to say that this study brings an addition to previous studies related tofactors that influenced the effectivity of environmental campaigns that utilized social medias as a channel of communication. The method used for this paper is qualitative method, with case study on Melawan Asap (Fight the Haze) campaign initiated by BEM UI (Executive Board of Students of University of Indonesia) in 2015 to form an alliance consisting several organizations from inside and outside of the university. Collection of data for this study was done with in-depth interviews with certain informants, based on a criteria established previously by the author, beside an observation upon social media accounts that were used for Fight the Haze campaign. The result shows that the involvement of networks in social media affects the effectivity of Fight the Haze campaign. Also, the social relation between organizations that are united under the alliance of Fight the Haze campaign are based on sentimental network.Kampanye kian marak dilakukan dengan menggunakan media sosial, tidak terkecuali kampanye lingkungan. Berdasarkan kajian-kajian sebelumnya, keefektifan kampanye dengan menggunakan media sosial dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor seperti adanya administrator online yang aktif, adanya sosialisasi tambahan yang dilakukan secara offline, dan juga terlibatnya pengikut/followers di media sosial secara aktif. Namun, tulisanini melihat kampanye lingkungan di media sosial dapat efektif dari sisi lain yaitu dari jaringan sosial. Kajian ini melihat bagaimana jaringan sosial berperan dalam membuat efektif kampanye lingkungan di media sosial, sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa kajian ini menambahkan penemuan dari kajian-kajian sebelumnya yang berbicara mengenai faktor yang membuat efektif kampanye lingkungan dengan menggunakan media sosial sebagai media komunikasinya. Metode yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan studi kasus pada kampanye melawan asap yang diinisiatori oleh BEM UI 2015 untuk membentuk sebuah aliansi dengan menggandeng beberapa organisasi di UI dan juga dari luar UI. Pengambilan data dalam studi ini dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam dengan informan- informan tertentu berdasarkan kriteria yang penulis tetapkan dan melakukan observasi terhadap akun media sosial yang digunakan untuk menyebarluaskan kampanye melawan asap. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa keterlibatan peran jaringan di media sosial mempengaruhi efektifitas kampanye melawan asap, serta hubungan sosial antar organisasi yang tergabung dalam aliansi gerakan melawan asap terbentuk berdasarkan jaringan perasaan/sentiment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-58
Shehrbano Ali ◽  
Muhammad Murad Murtaza

Misinformation or "fake news" has existed in society for quite a while, with healthcare related misinformation being especially problematic, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the false news circulating on the social media, many misconceptions exist about the disease and the pandemic, leading to people reacting in extreme and unrecommended ways that cause more harm than benefit. In order to combat this, the CMH Arts and Design Society took an initiative and formed a facebook page named "Pakistan Corona Virus Research Outlook" that aimed to present well researched facts regarding COVID-19 in the form of video or poster presentations, so that they could be understood easily by the general public. We also drafted an online handbook that addressed the basic concerns regarding the signs and symptoms of the disease, and the basic principles of management, so as to equip the people without medical knowledge with sufficient information for them to be able to manage mild symptoms themselves, without burdening the healthcare system. We also formed a facebook group by the name "Corona Virus (COVID-19) Free Counselling" that aimed to provide a platform to the public to ask their queries regarding COVID-19 which were then addressed by medical professionals. A post-COVID syndrome series was also initiated on these platforms that addressed the post-COVID symptoms individually and provided a follow up plan for each, based on expert guidelines.

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