Mailinda Purwanti ◽  
Netty Etalia Brahmana ◽  
Wisnu Hidayat

Hyperemesis gravidarum is nausea, vomiting that occurs until 20 weeks' gestation, vomiting is so severe that everything that is eaten and drunk is vomited so that it affects general circumstances and daily work, weight loss, dehydration and acetone in the urine not due to diseases such as appendicitis, pielitis, and so on. This study aims to determine the risk factors for age, gravida, nutritional status and multiple pregnancy against the incidence of hyperemesis gravidarum (case control study in Aceh Tamiang District Hospital 2018). This research was conducted in January 2018-December 2018. The type of research used was analytic observational research with a case-control approach. The population in this study were all pregnant women with a diagnosis of hyperemesis gravidarum treated in the obstetric room of Aceh Tamiang Regional Hospital since January-December 2018 obtained from the hospital's medical record data of 94 people. The sample in this study was divided into two, namely 94 case samples and 94 control samples. Based on statistical tests, the results show that there is a relationship between age and hyperemesis gravidarum with ρ value = 0,000. Value of p = 0,000 which is smaller than a = 0.05, there is a relationship between gravida factor and the occurrence of hyperemesis gravidarum with ρ value = 0,000. Value p = 0,000 which is smaller than a = 0.05, there is a relationship between nutritional status factors and the incidence of hyperemesis gravidarum with ρ value = 0.001. P value = 0.001 which is smaller than a = 0.05 and there is no relationship between multiple pregnancy factors and hyperemesis gravidarum with a value of value = 0.274. Value of p = 0.274 which is greater than a = 0.05 in Aceh Tamiang District Hospital. The researcher suggests that this research can be information in providing maximum services in health facilities and sources of broadening insight for education.  AbstrakHiperemesis gravidarum adalah mual muntah yang terjadi sampai umur kehamilan 20 minggu, muntah begitu hebat dimana segala apa yang dimakan dan diminum dimuntahkan sehingga mempengaruhi keadaaan umum dan pekerjaan sehari-hari, berat badan menurun, dehidrasi dan terdapat aseton dalam urin bukan karena penyakit seperti appendisitis, pielitis, dan sebagainya.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor risiko umur, gravida, status gizi dah kehamilan ganda terhadap kejadian hiperemesis gravidarum (studi kasus control di RSUD Aceh Tamiang Tahun 2018). Penelitian ini di laksanakan bulan Januari 2018-Desember 2018. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian observasi analitik dengan pendekatan case-control. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh ibu hamil dengan diagnosa hiperemesis gravidarum yang di rawat di ruang kebidanan RSUD Aceh Tamiang sejak januari-desember 2018 yang diperoleh dari data rekam medik rumah sakit tersebut sebanyak 94 orang. Sampel dalam penelitian ini terbagi 2 yaitu sampel kasus sebanyak 94 orang dan sampel kontrol sebanyak 94 orang. Berdasarkan uji statistik diperoleh hasil ada hubungan faktor umur dengan kejadian hiperemesis gravidarum dengan nilai ρ value = 0,000. Nilai p= 0,000 yang lebih kecil dari a= 0,05, Ada hubungan faktor gravida dengan kejadian hiperemesis gravidarum dengan nilai ρ value = 0,000. Nilai p= 0,000 yang lebih kecil dari a= 0,05, Ada hubungan faktor status gizi dengan kejadian hiperemesis gravidarum dengan nilai ρ value = 0,001. Nilai p= 0,001 yang lebih kecil dari a= 0,05 dan Tidak ada hubungan faktor kehamilan ganda dengan hiperemesis gravidarum dengan nilaiρ value = 0,274. Nilai p= 0,274 yang lebih besar dari a= 0,05 Di RSUD Aceh Tamiang. Peneliti menyarankan agar penelitian ini dapat menjadi informasi dalam pemberian pelayanan yang maksimal dalam fasilitas kesehatan dan sumber memperluas wawasan bagi pendidikan.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Nuri Luthfiatil Fitri

Abortion as one of the causes of maternal death is a matter of great concern. According to the WHO estimated at 15% -50% of maternal deaths associated with abortion. In Southeast Asia the annual incidence of abortion reaches 4.2 million and in Indonesia it reaches 1.5 million. The purpose of this study is to know the correlations between age and gestational distance with the incidence of abortion in hospitals Jend. Ahmad Yani Metro in 2015. The type of analytic survey research using case control approach. The population in this study were all pregnant women who were treated in RSUD Jend. Ahmad Yani Metro in 2014, amounting to 518 people with samples taken as many as 260 people consisting of 130 people in the case group and 130 people for the control group. The analysis in this study used chi square test.  The results of statistical tests showed that there was an association of age with abortus occurrence (p-value 0,000 OR 4.021; CI; 95%: 2,161-7,483), there was a correlation between pregnancy distance and abortus occurrence (p-value: 0,000, OR 3.955; CI; 95 %: 2,354-8,556). Research shows there is a correlations between age and gestational distance with the incidence of abortion.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-28
Fitriani ◽  

At present, the incidence of injuries in Indonesia is quite high, as seen from data on traffic accidents in the general public. There are several factors that affect wound healing, one of which is nutritional status. Based on the preliminary data retrieval conducted by researchers in the seruni surgery room in the last 1 month namely in March, it was found that the number of wounded patients was 109 patients, where the number of men was 78 (71.56%) while the number of women was 31 ( 28.44%) The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between nutritional status and the wound healing process in RSUD. H. Andi. Sulthan Daeng Radja Kab. Bulukumba. This research uses the type of design of this research is quantitative research. This type of research uses analytic observational research with cross sectional approach. The sample of this study were 41 respondents taken by purposive sampling method. Data analysis in this study used the chi-square test (chi square test). The results of the analysis used the chi-square statistical test with a confidence level (α = 0.05). Based on the results of this test, the p value is 0.001, thus p <α (0.001 <0.05), then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. The conclusion of this study is that there is a relationship between nutritional status and the process of wound healing in RSUD. H. Andi. Sulthan Daeng Radja Kab. Bulukumba. Researchers suggest that this study be used as a material consideration in the fulfillment of nutrition in wound care patients in RSUD.H.A. Sulthan Daeng Radja Kab. Bulukumba and this research can be continued by conducting research related to the wound healing process and linking it with other variables.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Nella Mega Fadhilah Haritya Akbar ◽  
Muhammad Atoillah Isfandiari

ABSTRAK Terapi intravena merupakan salah satu prosedur invasif yang bertujuan untuk mensuplai cairan, obat, vitamin, komponen darah, dan monitoring status hemodinamik. Pasien yang mendapatkan terapi intravena dalam jangka panjang berisiko tinggi terinfeksi, plebitis dan ekstravasasi vena. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh karakteristik pasien terpasang kateter intravena terhadap kejadian plebitis. Desain penelitan ini adalah case control dengan besar sampel 45 pasien pada kelompok kasus dan kontrol. Sampel kasus pada penelitian ini adalah pasien yang terdiagnosa plebitis sedangkan sampel kontrol adalah pasien yang tidak terdiagnosa plebitis di RSU Haji Surabaya pada bulan Januari sampai dengan April 2017. Variabel independen adalah umur, jenis kelamin, status gizi, hipertensi dan DM, sedangkan variabel dependen adalah kejadian plebitis. Pengelolahan data menggunakan analisis regresi logistik berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dari 5 faktor terkait dengan karakteristik pasien hanya 3 faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kejadian plebitis adalah  jenis kelamin dengan p value = 0,043 dan odds ratio = 3,45, umur dengan p value = 0,016 dan odds ratio 4,10 dan  DM dengan p value = 0,000 dan odds ratio = 9,78. Sedangkan 2 faktor yang tidak berpengaruh terhadap kejadian plebitis adalah status gizi dengan p value = 0,74 dan odds ratio = 0,79 dan hipertensi dengan p value = 0,178 dan odds ratio = 2,35. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, dapat disimpulkan bahwa faktor dominan dan berpengaruh terhadap kejadian plebitis adalah status DM. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi acuan bagi RSU Haji Surabaya, terutama dalam prosedur pemasangan dan perawatan terapi intravena yang perlu mempertimbangkan kondisi pasienKata Kunci : Karakteristik, intravaskular, pengaruh, plebitis, terapi intravena.ABSTRACTIntravenous therapy is one of the most common invasive procedures used for injecting  fluids, drugs, blood products, nutritional and monitoring of hemodynamic status. The insertion and daily use of these devices isassociated with risk plebitis and complications that can have impact on the clinical status and outcome of the patient.. The aims of this research was  to analyze the effect of patient characteristics on intravenous catheter to the occurrence of plebitis. This study used case control with sample size 45  for each group. Case sample was patients who diagnosed with plebitis while control samples was diagnosed patients with no plebitis at RSU Haji Surabaya in January until April 2017. Independent variables were age, sex, nutritional status, hypertension and DM, whereas the depenendent variable was plebitis occurrence. Those variables was analyze with  logistic regression. The results of this study showed that the 5 factors related to the characteristics of patients only 3 factors that affect the incidence of plebitis include the gender with p value = 0.043 and odds ratio = 3.45, age with p value = 0.016 and odds ratio 4.10 and DM with p value = 0.000 and odds ratio = 9.78. While the 2 factors that have no effect on the occurrence of plebitis is the nutritional status with p value = 0.74 and odds ratio = 0.79 and hypertension with p value = 0.178 and odds ratio = 2.35. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that the most dominant factor and the effect on the occurrence of plebitis is DM status. The results of this study are expected to be a reference for RSU Haji Surabaya, especially in the installation procedure and treatment of intravenous therapy that needs to consider the condition of the patientKeywords: Characteristics, influences, intravascular, intravenous therapy, plebitis.

Sangeeta Parihar ◽  
Swatantar Singh

Background: Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) is associated with maternal weight loss, nutritional deficiencies, fluid and electrolyte abnormalities, which may lead to adverse fetal and maternal outcomes. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship of hyperemesis gravidarum to maternal and foetal outcomes.Methods: A hospital-based prospective observational study was carried out. All patients with singleton pregnancy diagnosed as / history of hyperemesis gravidarum the current pregnancy was included in the study. The pregnant women with multiple pregnancy, molar pregnancy, presence of pre-gestational diabetes, pre-gestational hypertension, and other causes of nausea such as appendicitis and pyelonephritis were excluded from the study.Results: 36 pregnant women with prevalence rate of 3.28% have been found to be suffering from HG. Almost half (17, 47.22%) of the pregnant women with HG had age less than 25 years. The significant association (p-value: 0.0099) has been found between parity and smoking with HG. HG was significantly associated with low birth weight (p-value: 0.0133); small for gestational age (SGA) (p-value: 0.0316); APGAR score < 7 after 1 minute (p-value: 0.0060); and APGAR score <7 after 5 minutes (p-value: 0.0006). There is no association found between mode of delivery, gestational diabetes, and pregnancy-induced hypertension with HG.Conclusions: HG can adversely affect fetal as well as maternal, though not significant, pregnancy outcomes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 68
Saskia Nandatari ◽  
Yudhistya N Insan ◽  
Widardo Widardo

<p><strong>Pendahuluan</strong>: Persalinan prematur adalah persalinan yang terjadi pada usia kehamilan sebelum 37 minggu. Persalinan prematur disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor, salah satunya yaitu anemia. Anemia dalam kehamilan merupakan masalah yang cukup sering terjadi terutama di negara berkembang. Anemia dalam kehamilan merupakan keadaan dimana nilai Hemoglobin ibu hamil dibawah 11 g/dl. Keadaan ini mengakibatkan penurunan jumlah oksigen yang dibawa ke janin sehingga mengakibatkan terjadinya hipoksia pada janin. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara anemia pada ibu hamil dengan kejadian persalinan prematur di RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta.</p><p><strong>Metode Penelitian</strong>: Penelitian observasional analitik dengan pendekatan <em>case control,</em> dilakukan pada bulan Agustus-September 2019 di RSUD Dr. Moewardi. Subjek penelitian adalah pasien yang mengalami persalinan prematur dan persalinan tidak prematur dalam kurun waktu Juni 2017 sampai dengan Juni 2019 di RSUD Dr. Moewardi. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengolah data rekam medis. Pada penelitian dipilih sebanyak 70 sampel penelitian, yang terdiri masing-masing 35 sampel untuk kelompok kasus dan kontrol. Sampel diambil menggunakan <em>purposive sampling. </em>Data kemudian dianalisis menggunakan uji Korelasi Koefisien Kontingensi<em> </em>Uji Kappa dan uji T-<em>test</em> Tidak Berpasangan.</p><p><strong>Hasil</strong>: Didapatkan korelasi antara anemia dengan kejadian persalinan prematur bermakna secara statistik. Nilai korelasi sebesar 0,031 menunjukkan korelasi positif dengan kekuatan korelasi yang signifikan dan bermakna secara klinis. Selain itu, didapatkan perbedaan yang bermakna dan signifikan antara rata-rata nilai Hemoglobin ibu hamil dengan persalinan prematur dan tidak prematur, dengan nilai p sebesar 0,003.</p><p><strong>S</strong><strong>impulan</strong>: Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan dan bermakna secara klinis antara anemia pada ibu hamil dengan kejadian persalinan prematur di RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta pada Juni 2017 – Juni 2019.</p><p> </p><p>Background: Premature labor is labor that occurs at gestational age before 37 weeks. Premature labor is caused by various factors, one of which is anemia. Anemia in pregnancy, hemoglobin condition of pregnant women under 11 g / dl which is quite common, especially in developing countries. This situation results in a decrease in the amount of oxygen carried to the fetus, resulting in hypoxia in the fetus and stimulates stress hormones associated with labor induction. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between anemia in pregnant women with the incidence of preterm labor in Dr. Moewardi Surakarta.</p><p>Methods: This study was analytic observational research with case-control approach, conducted in August-September 2019 at Dr. Moewardi. Research subjects were patients who experienced preterm labor and non-preterm labor in the period June 2017 to June 2019 at the RSUD Dr. Moewardi. The study was conducted by processing medical record data. In this study 70 research samples were chosen, consisting of 35 samples for the case and control groups. Samples were taken using purposive sampling. Data were then analyzed using the Kappa Test Contingency Coefficient Correlation test and the unpaired T-test.</p><p>Result: The correlation between anemia and preterm labor was statistically significant. Correlation value (p=0.031) shows a positive correlation with the strength of the correlation that is significant and clinically meaningful. In addition, a significant and significant difference was found between the average hemoglobin value of pregnant women with preterm and non-preterm labor, with a value (p = 0.003).</p><p>Conclusion: There is a significant and significant relationship between anemia in pregnant women and the incidence of preterm labor in Dr. Moewardi Surakarta in June 2017 - June 2019, where anemia in pregnant women increases the risk of preterm labor.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 53
Abdullah Abdullah ◽  
Norfai Norfai

Nutritional status is one of the factors that can affect learning achievement. School-age children who are malnourished will cause children to become weak, tired and sick, so children are often absent and have difficulty following and understanding the lesson. Nutritional conditions will also affect children's ability to understand lessons in school and influence learning achievement. This research is an analytical survey with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study was all students from grade 1 to grade 4 in Banjarmasin SDN Mawar 8 in 2018 totaling 83 students. The sample size was 69 respondents with cluster sampling technique. Nutritional status data were obtained using the Body Mass Index (BMI) by age (BMI/U), ie children aged 5-18 years by performing high measurements and using microtoice and weight measurements using digital scales and recording data types and age data in full years and months. . Learning achievement data is obtained based on the value of the last report card. Data were analyzed using univariate and bivariate Che Square tests using computer programs with a confidence level of 95%. Statistically there is a significant relationship between nutritional status and learning prestige in Banjarmasin SDN Mawar 8 with p-value (0.014) < α (0.05). Based on the results of the study, it was suggested the need for cooperation from the school with parents of students in terms of providing a healthy and nutritious breakfast and lunch, while also conducting further research studies on the most basic causes using a case control approach and multivariate testing for knowing the dominant causal factors for student achievement.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 172-183
Nurhayati Nurhayati ◽  
Zaenal Arifin ◽  
Hardono Hardono

ABSTRACT: THE INCIDENCE OF BREAST CANCER IN LAMPUNG INDONESIA: A RETROSPECTIVE COHORT ANALYSISBackground: Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world, the highest type of cancer in women in the world is breast cancer with an incidence of 38 per 100,000 women. In Indonesia by 2012 the incidence of breast cancer in Indonesia is 40 per 100,000 women. The incidence of breast cancer in the city of Bandar Lampung is 80 per 100,000 population.Purpose : Knowing risk factors incidence of breast cancer in the Foundation of Cancer Indonesia in Bandar Lampung 2017.Methods: The quantitative and observational research with case control design. The population of this study were all patients who had done counseling and examination by Cancer counseling institute of Indonesia during the period of research as much as 691 respondent, with the required number of samples 126 rspondent. Bivariate analysis was done with chi square (X2), while multivariate analysis using multiple linear logistic regression .Results: The risk factors such as menarche (p-value = 0.002), parity (p-value = 0,018), breastfeeding (p-value = 0,000) and duration of contraceptive use (p-value = 0, 02), while factors unrelated to breast cancer were family history (p-value = 0.112) and age (value = 0.357).Conclusion: The most influential variable on the incidence of breast cancer is the variable duration of contraceptive use. For health workers need to do counseling about breast cancer risk factors. Women of childbearing age should use non-hormonal family planning, when using a type of hormonal contraception need to be consult with local health workers and avoid births that are too frequent.Keywords: Factor Analysis, Breast Cancer, Breast Cancer History, Age of Menarche, Age, Parity, Breastfeeding Status, Hormonal Contraception.Pendahuluan : Kanker adalah penyebab kematian nomor dua di dunia, jenis kanker tertinggi pada wanita di dunia adalah kanker payudara dengan insidensi 38 per 100.000 wanita. Di Indonesia pada tahun 2012, insiden kanker payudara di Indonesia adalah 40 per 100.000 wanita. Angka kejadian kanker payudara di kota Bandar Lampung adalah 80 per 100.000 penduduk.Tujuan: Diketahui faktor-faktor risiko kejadian kanker payudara di Yayasan Kanker Indonesia di Bandar Lampung 2017.Metode: Jenis penelitian yang akan digunakan peneliti adalah kuantitatif. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian observasional dengan desain case control. Populasi penelitian ini adalah semua pasien yang telah melakukan konseling dan pemeriksaan oleh lembaga konseling kanker Indonesia selama periode penelitian sebanyak 691 orang, dengan jumlah sampel yang dibutuhkan 126 orang. Analisis bivariat dilakukan dengan chi square (X2), sedangkan analisis multivariat menggunakan regresi logistik linier berganda.Hasil: faktor risiko kanker payudara seperti menarche (p-value = 0,002), paritas (p-value = 0,018), menyusui (p-value = 0,000) dan durasi penggunaan kontrasepsi (p-value = 0, 02), sedangkan faktor-faktor yang tidak berhubungan dengan kanker payudara adalah riwayat keluarga (p-value = 0,112) dan usia (nilai = 0,357).Simpulan: Variabel yang paling berpengaruh pada kejadian kanker payudara adalah variabel lamanya penggunaan kontrasepsi. Untuk tenaga kesehatan perlu melakukan penyuluhan tentang faktor risiko kanker payudara. Untuk WUS, sebaiknya menggunakan KB non hormonal, jika terpaksa menggunakan jenis kontrasepsi hormonal sebaiknya dikonsultasikan terlebih dahulu dengan petugas kesehatan setempat dan hindari kelahiran yang terlalu rapat.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Larasajeng Permata Sari ◽  
Sarwinanti Sarwinanti ◽  
Sittti Nur Djannah

Maternal deaths in Yogyakarta Special Region are caused by heart disease, bleeding, eclampsia, sepsis/infection. Bleeding is still the number one causes of maternal death. Pregnancy with anaemia is 5 times more at risk of bleeding than who are not. The aims of the research are to determine the relationship of nutritional status with anaemia in pregnant women in Kotagede II Yogyakarta Public Health Center.  This was an observational analytic design and a cross-sectional approach. The sampling method uses accidental sampling technique. The number of respondents was 77 pregnant women in the second and third trimester. The research instrument used questionnaire sheets and medical records. Data were processed by Chi-Square statistical tests. Study found   (p-value) of nutritional status = 0.001.  The conclusion of this study is that there was a significant relationship between nutritional status with the incidence of anaemia at Kotagede II Yogyakarta Health Center 

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Fatimah Sari ◽  
Evy Ernawati

Background: The paradigm of the first 1000 days of life is the period of conception and giving opportunities in saving the lives and future of children. Breast milk is recommended as one of the exclusive source of nutrition in the first 6 months. Nutrition deficiency is suspected due to a lack of understanding of parents on proper nutritious food or due to the influence of advertising. They want to break the cycle of malnutrition that causes stunting. Objective: This research aims to know the relationship of the level of knowledge of the feeding of infants and children (PMBA) with the nutritional status of infants under two years (BADUTA). Method: This research is using descriptive analytic method with cross-sectional approach. Research subjects were mothers who had Baduta in the village of Pandes Wedi Klaten Regency in Central Java. The way of determining the sample by the total sampling techniques. Instrument research using questionnaires conducted test validity and reabilitas. Analysis of data for the purpose of hypothesis testing using statistical tests Spearman Rho. Result: Mothers with good level of knowledge in feeding on baduta were as much as 100%. Whilst Baduta with good nutritional status were as much as 66.67%. Nutritional status of less baduta that is as much as 10 (33.33%). The results obtained bivariat relationship level of knowledge of mothers with nutritional Status Baduta the value of p = 0,272, since the p value > 0.05 (0,272 > 0.05) it can be stated there was no relationship between the level of knowledge of parents against the nutritional status of infants under two years of age. Conclusion: There is no relationship of the level of knowledge with nutritional status baduta with a value of p = 0.272.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 58-62
Mardiaturrahmah Mardiaturrahmah ◽  
Anjarwati Anjarwati

The maternal mortality rate is 19,500 to 20,000 people every year or occurs every 26-27 minutes. The caus of maternal death is bleeding 30.5%, infection 22,5%, gestosis 17,5 and anesthesia 2%.  The infant mortality rate is around 10,000 to 280,000 per 18-20 minutes. The cause of infant mortality is due to Low Birth Weight (LBW) of 15/1000%.  The infant mortality rate in Indonesia is still the highest problem in other ASEAN countries. The infant mortality rate in Indonesia from 2008 was around 248 per 100,000 live births. Basic Health Research (RISKESDA) 2013 shows there are still 10,2% of babies with LBW, which is less than 2,500 grams. Neonatal death because LBW is basically affected by the nutritional status of pregnant women. This study aims to determine the relationship between the nutritional status of pregnant women and the  incidence  of  LBW. This  quantitative  research  uses  a  case  control  approach  using  a  retrospective approach. The population in this study were mothers who had given birth to babies during the last two years (2016-2017). The sampling technique uses total sampling for control cases by using a ratio of 1: 1 for the case group of 40: 40 samples. Analysis using Chi Square with p value 0,000 (OR=3,500, CI 95%=2,313-5,296). There is a relationship between nutritional status of pregnant women and the incidence of LBW. Health Technology Assessment (HTA) which can seek 1000 first day of life can be a breakthrough in assessing and providing interventions of nutrition in families, especially in pregnant women.

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