Dynamics of the Cultural Benefits Provision to the Russian Population (2000—2019)

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 4-21
Tatiana V. Abankina ◽  
Galina M. Ksynkina ◽  
Elena A. Nikolayenko

The article studies the dynamics of the cultural benefits provision to the Russian population from the point of view of the main functional types in the period of 2000—2019, and develops proposals to overcome the existing imbalances. The study is aimed at determining the composition of indicators that characterize the population’s provision with conditions and services in the field of culture; forming a database of five functional types for the period of 2000—2019; selecting the methods of analysis, as well as analyzing the dynamics of the cultural benefits provision to the Russian population; assessing the positive effects and negative consequences of the cultural institutions network optimization.To this end, the article analyzes the statistical data of the Main Information and Computing Center of the Ministry of Culture of Russia, examines the legislative acts regulating the state guarantees of providing the population with cultural benefits. For each functional type (theaters, concert organizations and independent groups, museums, libraries, cultural and leisure institutions), the authors select the indicators that characterize conditions and services in the field of culture and compare them with the indicators of attendance and demand for the services by the population. The article applies an indicative model using the methods of horizontal (temporal), vertical (structural) comparative analysis. There is revealed that, firstly, the dynamics of the cultural benefits provision to the Russian population during the specified period was uneven in terms of functional types; secondly, the measures to improve the efficiency of cultural budget expenditures led to some positive changes in the conditions of provision. At the same time, there were certain imbalances in the form of a decrease in the provision of cultural benefits to the population and reduced opportunities for participation in cultural life due to some unreasonable optimization of the network of libraries and cultural and leisure institutions. The study concludes that the identified negative trends can be neutralized by creation of new cultural development centers, active introduction of mobile forms of cultural services and inclusive forms of working with people with special needs, modern digital technologies, development of cultural and educational tourism, volunteerism.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 139
Khaled Alsaweel ◽  
Saleem Alquisi

The main objectives of this study is to identify the nature of the sequences resulted from replacing the imprisonment punishment on the social, economic and security structure of the families from the point of view of the imprisoned individuals in the Qaseem region of Saudi Arabia. The study sample is composed of 239 jailed individuals representing the Qaseem prisons. In order to answer the main questions, the study used standards of descriptive statistical, and T-Tests of independent samples. The study has concluded that the degree of the reflection of imprisonment alternatives, as punishments, on the social structure of the family is of a high degree and with positive results from the point of view of the questioned individuals, as the main general average was 4.32. it has been shown that the application of imprisonment alternatives has had high positive results on the stability of the family, prevent social disintegration, protect the family of the jailed people, prevent social stigma, provide suitable atmosphere enables social integration of the families of the jailed individuals. Also, it has been elucidated that the application of alternative punishment has high-positive effects, with 4.18 overall average. Alternative punishments secure the families with fixed income, contributes to their economic welfare, and provide appropriate housing. The analyses indicated that alternative punishments have high positive effects in securing and protecting families from crimes, with overall average of 4.09. The study recommends that a public-awareness and opinion should be established and widespread in order to publicize recourse to alternative punishments to imprisonment. Furthermore, the effectiveness of alternative punishment should be emphasized in prevent the families from the social, economic and security negative consequences resulted from the imprisonment of the paterfamilias. 

N. Maidanovych ◽  

The purpose of this work is to review and analyze the main results of modern research on the impact of climate change on the agro-sphere of Ukraine. Results. Analysis of research has shown that the effects of climate change on the agro-sphere are already being felt today and will continue in the future. The observed climate changes in recent decades have already significantly affected the shift in the northern direction of all agro-climatic zones of Europe, including Ukraine. From the point of view of productivity of the agro-sphere of Ukraine, climate change will have both positive and negative consequences. The positives include: improving the conditions of formation and reducing the harvesting time of crop yields; the possibility of effective introduction of late varieties (hybrids), which require more thermal resources; improving the conditions for overwintering crops; increase the efficiency of fertilizer application. Model estimates of the impact of climate change on wheat yields in Ukraine mainly indicate the positive effects of global warming on yields in the medium term, but with an increase in the average annual temperature by 2 ° C above normal, grain yields are expected to decrease. The negative consequences of the impact of climate change on the agrosphere include: increased drought during the growing season; acceleration of humus decomposition in soils; deterioration of soil moisture in the southern regions; deterioration of grain quality and failure to ensure full vernalization of grain; increase in the number of pests, the spread of pathogens of plants and weeds due to favorable conditions for their overwintering; increase in wind and water erosion of the soil caused by an increase in droughts and extreme rainfall; increasing risks of freezing of winter crops due to lack of stable snow cover. Conclusions. Resource-saving agricultural technologies are of particular importance in the context of climate change. They include technologies such as no-till, strip-till, ridge-till, which make it possible to partially store and accumulate mulch on the soil surface, reduce the speed of the surface layer of air and contribute to better preservation of moisture accumulated during the autumn-winter period. And in determining the most effective ways and mechanisms to reduce weather risks for Ukrainian farmers, it is necessary to take into account the world practice of climate-smart technologies.

2020 ◽  
pp. 164-167
Айнура Байтокова

Аннотация. Макала учурдагы актуалдуу проблемалардын бири болгон жаш муундарда жалпы адамзаттык баалуулуктарды тарбиялоо. Макалада Ч. Айтматовдун чыгармаларындагы баалуулуктардын мааниси жана алардын жаш муундарды тарбиялоодогу орду жөнүндө маселени козгойт. Өзгөчө жаңы социалдык экономикалык өзгөрүүлөр менен жаш муундардын адеп-ахлактык, руханий дүйнөсү өзгөрүүдө. Бул жагдайдан алып караганда коомдун социалдык-маданий жактан андан ары өнүгүүсү үчүн башкы бириктирүүчү факторлордон болуп жаш муундардагы жалпы адамзаттык баалуулуктарды калыптандыруу маселеси биринчи орунга чыгат. Болочок мугалимдердин кесиптик билим алуусунда жалпы адамзаттык баалуулуктарды терең түшүнүүсү, алардын келечектеги кесиптик даярдыгына жардам берет. Демек, аларга жалпы адамзаттык баалуулуктарды сиңирүү абдан маанилүү учур талабы экендигин көрөбүз. Түйүндүү сөздөр: жалпы адамзаттык баалуулуктар, адамгерчилик, адеп-ахлак, руханий баалуулуктар, учурдагы көйгөйлүү маселелер, жаш муундар, базар экономикасы ж.б... Аннотация. В статье затронута одна из актуальных проблем современности – достойное воспитание молодого поколения. Статья рассматривает проблематику воспитания молодежи и формирования общечеловеческих ценностей. В статье речь идет о роли произведений Чингиза Айтматова в воспитании молодежи. В условиях перехода в новый социально-экономический период меняется нравственно-духовный мир молодежи, в том числе у студентов. С этой точки зрения на первый план выходит задача формирования общечеловеческих ценностей, которые должны стать главным объединяющим фактором дальнейшего социокультурного развития общества. Обогащение опыта глубокого понимания общечеловеческих ценностей у будущих педагогов в профессиональном обучении способствует формированию подготовленности будущих педагогов профессионального обучения в будущем, также важно привить в них систему общечеловеческих ценностей. Ключевые слова: общечеловеческие ценности, гуманность, нравственно-этические принципы, духовные ценности, рыночная экономика. Annotation. the article touches on one of the pressing problems of our time - the decent education of the younger generation. The article considers the issues of youth education and the formation of universal values. The article deals with the role of the works of Chingiz Aitmatov in the education of youth. With the transition to a new socio- economic period, the moral and spiritual world of young people is changing, including among students. From this point of view, the task of creating universal human values comes to the forefront, which should become the main unifying factor in the further socio-cultural development of society. The enrichment of the experience of a deep understanding of human values in future teachers contributes to the formation of preparedness of future teachers of vocational training in the future, it is also important to instill in them a system of universal values. Keywords: universal values, humanity, thinker, wise, moral and ethical principles, spiritual values, market economy.

2017 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 101-108
A.F. Jităreanu ◽  
Elena Leonte ◽  
A. Chiran ◽  
Benedicta Drobotă

Abstract Advertising helps to establish a set of assumptions that the consumer will bring to all other aspects of their engagement with a given brand. Advertising provides tangible evidence of the financial credibility and competitive presence of an organization. Persuasion is becoming more important in advertising. In marketing, persuasive advertising acts to establish wants/motivations and beliefs/attitudes by helping to formulate a conception of the brand as being one which people like those in the target audience would or should prefer. Considering the changes in lifestyle and eating habits of a significant part of the population in urban areas in Romania, the paper aims to analyse how brands manage to differentiate themselves from competitors, to reposition themselves on the market and influence consumers, meeting their increasingly varied needs. Food brands on the Romanian market are trying, lately, to identify new methods of differentiation and new benefits for their buyers. Given that more and more consumers are becoming increasingly concerned about what they eat and the products’ health effects, brands struggle to highlight the fact that their products offer real benefits for the body. The advertisements have become more diversified and underline the positive effects, from the health and well - being point of view, that those foods offer (no additives and preservatives, use of natural ingredients, various vitamins and minerals or the fact that they are dietary). Advertising messages’ diversification is obvious on the Romanian market, in the context of an increasing concern of the population for the growing level of information of some major consumer segments.


The article deals with a special type of euphemisms-amulets, that is, linguocultural units endowed with the function of protection. There are two types of euphemisms-amulets from the point of view of relevance: obsolete and current units. Obsolete euphemisms- amulets have targets that are not recognized as dangerous by the modern linguistic and cultural community. Current euphemisms-amulets, although not always consciously, are used by representatives of the modern Russian linguistic and cultural community to protect against something bad. The paper establishes that the use of the euphemism-amulet is based on the transla- tion of the target's representation into another cultural code. The work reveals that the euphemisms-amulets are directed not to mitigate an unwanted nomination but how to replace it. An undesirable nomination is endowed with negative magical properties, which is why the linguocultural community imposes a ban on its use. A protective cultural function is superim- posed on the euphemism. The main pragmatic explanation for the use of the euphemism- amulet is the speaker's desire not to predict an encounter with an unwanted object, which is based on belief in the magical power of the word. The factors that determine the linguocultural specificity of euphemisms-amulets are revealed. The first factor is target selection. For the Russian linguocultural community, such targets include a totemic animal, evil forces representing another world, death. The second factor is the selection of nominations for the euphemistic function, which is determined by culturally marked background knowledge, ideas, and typical practices. The communicative- pragmatic platform for the use of euphemisms-amulets is the belief in the magical power of the word, in the fact that the use of the forbidden word can lead to negative consequences (in particular, to cause the appearance of something dangerous, undesirable). The work proves that the identified cultural factors are universal, based on universal archetypes: one's own / another's, permission / prohibition, life / death. At the same time, the fact of the appearance of the euphemism-amulet, the choice of its internal form is determined by national and cultural factors.

Максим Владимирович Кремлев

Автор, основываясь на ранее проведенных исследованиях, определяет место и роль пенитенциарной информации в процессе раскрытия и расследования преступлений. Указывается, что пенитенциарная информация превращается в процессуальную и, соответственно, в доказательственную посредством поэтапного прохождения через комплекс действий, облеченных в формы пенитенциарного, оперативно-розыскного и процессуального законодательства. Устанавливаются наиболее уязвимые места с точки зрения содержательного наполнения и процессуального оформления получаемых в рамках режимной деятельности сведений. Таковыми выступают места «сочленения» видов деятельности. Основой для подобного рода высказывания выступает разница в нормативном регулировании, в сменяемости и целеполагании исполнителей, а также их представлении о критериях успешности выполненной работы. В качестве подтверждения выдвинутого тезиса приводится пример из правоохранительной практики использования пенитенциарной информации в процессе доказывания, имеющий негативные последствия. Предлагаются направления совершенствования получения пенитенциарной информации с целью усиления ее доказательственного потенциала. In this article, the author, based on previous research determines the place and role of penitentiary information in the process of disclosure and investigation of crimes. It is specified that penitentiary information turns into procedural and, accordingly, into proofs by means of step-by-step passing through a complex of actions exposed in forms of the penitentiary, operational-search and procedural legislation. The most vulnerable places from the point of view of substantial filling and procedural registration of the data received within regime activity are established. These are the places of “articulation” of activities. It is concluded that the basis for this kind of statement is the difference in regulatory regulation, in the turnover and goal-setting of performers, as well as their representation of the criteria for the success of the work performed. As a confirmation of the proposed thesis, an example from the law enforcement practice of using penitentiary information in the process of proving having negative consequences is given. Directions of improvement of receiving penitentiary information for the purpose of strengthening of its evidentiary potential are offered.

2018 ◽  
Vol 20 (9) ◽  
pp. 3479-3497 ◽  
Mihye Seo ◽  
Ki Deuk Hyun

Social media increases opportunities to glimpse celebrities’ glamorous lifestyles and to interact with celebrities. This study examines how the use of social networking sites (SNSs) for celebrity-related information and interactions influences users’ life satisfaction. Data analysis demonstrates that celebrity-related SNS activities decrease users’ life satisfaction by increasing relative deprivation through comparison with celebrities. However, the comparison also leads to system justification, serving a palliative function to cope with the potentially negative consequences of such comparisons, which in turn increases life satisfaction. Interestingly, materialism moderates the relationship such that the effects of comparison with celebrities on system justification are observed only among SNS users who hold high materialism values. Also, the direct positive effects of celebrity-related SNS use on life satisfaction are stronger for those with high materialistic values than for those with low materialistic values. The multifaceted functions of celebrity-related SNS activities for life satisfaction are discussed.

2004 ◽  
Vol 60 (04) ◽  
pp. 519-558
Patricia H. Marks

After Spain’s defeat in the Seven Years’ War (1757-1763), when the British had occupied Havana and Manila, a series of territorial, commercial, and tax reforms brought significant change to the viceroyalty of Peru. Their economic effects have been matters for debate ever since. Some historians have emphasized their positive effects. Following promulgation of the Reglamento de comercio libre of 1778, the volume and value of European manufactures exported to the Pacific coast of Spanish South America increased. Lima and its port city, Callao, remained important as commercial centers of Spanish South America. But others suggest that the viceregal capital—home to a powerful mercantile elite, the magnates of the consulado (merchant guild) of Lima—suffered a decline in its economic fortunes, as did the entire viceroyalty. Support for this point of view was widespread in late colonial Peru. In spite of the evidence for growth, a rising chorus of complaint bemoaned the increasing poverty of the viceroyalty in general and Lima in particular. How can we account for this discrepancy?

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (5) ◽  
U. De la Garza

Abstract: The Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has had important consequences in the Mexican economy, along the positive effects at the same time can be indicated the contributions in manufacturing, productivity, wages, employment and foreign trade; also some negative consequences have appeared, between the displacement of the internal savings and the deterioration in trade balance are one among the most important. Nevertheless, the general conclusion reflects the positive effects are enough to promote the hosting to new investments inthe national territory.Key words: Foreign Direct Investment, national development, Foreign Direct investment consequencesResumen: La inversión extranjera directa ha tenido importantes consecuencias en la economía mexicana, entre los efectos positivos de la misma se pueden señalar las contribuciones en la producción, productividad, salarios, empleo y el comercio exterior, pero también se han presentado algunas consecuencias negativas, entre las cuales el desplazamiento del ahorro interno y el deterioro en la balanza comercial son las más importantes. Sin embargo, el balancegeneral muestra que los efectos positivos son lo suficientemente satisfactorios para promover la llegada de nuevas inversiones al territorio nacional.Palabras clave: Inversión Extranjera Directa, desarrollo nacional, consecuencias de la Inversión Extranjera Directa

Agrafena Innokentyevna Makarova

Based on archival documents and previously pub-lished materials, an attempt is made to show the role of the pre-revolutionary education system in the socio-cultural development of the Yakut region. Si-beria was a place of exile for a long time and the state was in no hurry to develop education here. But the liberal reforms of 1860–1870 created the prereq-uisites for the development of the education system. The paper shows the formation and development of educational institutions in the region, provides in-formation on the number of schools and the number of students. The role of political exiles in raising the general cultural level of the local population is also revealed. The author comes to the conclusion that in the Yakut region, thanks to the state educational policy on education of foreign suburbs and public initiative, primary and then secondary educational institutions begin to open, which have had a signifi-cant impact on the socio-cultural life of the region.

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