scholarly journals Imam Yusuf Zadeh and his methodology in his book Najah Al-Qari Sharh Sahih Al-Bukhari: الإمام يوسف زاده ومنهجه في كتابه نجاح القاري لصحيح البخاري

Abudula Abulimliti abdulkerim Abudula Abulimliti abdulkerim

Imam Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Yusuf bin Abdul Manan Al-Hilmi Al-Amassi is one of the most prominent scholars of the twelfth century in the Ottoman Empire, especially in the islamic science of readings and hadith As for his book (Najah Al-Qari, Sahih Al-Bukhari), it is a great, useful and comprehensive book, the author has emptied his can and exerted his effort until he showed it to the people, a comprehensive collector to views of predecessors, Riwayeten and dirayeten, including to successor sayings with all honesty and care. And that caption all sides jurisprudence of hadith. Might he was hope with that to be his that book a comprehensive reference for everyone who wants to delve into the hadith and its sciences. And this research aims to definition the author’s political, social life and scientific state in addition to studying the hadith in his time. As such that research encompass definition the book “Najah Al-Qari” to Sahih Al-Bukhari, and encompass rank of Al-Bukhari to the Ottoman sultans, and the definition the author’s curriculum in that.  It adopted the inductive approach to extrapolate the texts and collect them within the limits of the research topic. It also adopted the descriptive approach in analyzing and interpreting texts and drawing conclusions, adhering to the limits of the research in focusing on the approach of Imam Yusuf Effendi Zadeh in his book Najah Al Qari. Among the most prominent results that I reached is that Imam Yusuf Effendizadeh's approach in his book Analytical Method, as it is considered in his method of explanation as an explanation mixed with the text.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 217-241
Qais Salem Al-Maaitah

This study aims to prove the importance of monotheism belief in the Holy Qurʾān as a foundation for the construction of man in general and human personality in all its mental, physical, psychological and spiritual aspects, in specific. It portrays how Islam alone can build “human civilisation” because it is divine guidance from the Creator Himself. In terms of research methodology, the researcher will mainly depend on a descriptive approach and will also rely on an inductive approach to track the texts that prove this belief. Next, these texts will be analysed using the analytical method to obtain the results. This study will find the Qur’anic verses, relevant instructions and sermons to achieve this goal. One of the most important results reached by the researcher is that the Islamic doctrine can build a balanced, integrated structure of the human personality, and this personality will lead to happiness and a balanced perspective – away from racism and intolerance. People having personalities accept and love others regardless of their colour, gender, or race. There is no doubt the positive effects of monotheism and many religious approaches in building human personality. Perhaps the most important effects are tranquillity and contentment with God’s decree. Tranquillity is a dire quality needed by humankind today – tranquillity means a person feels at peace in their heart, soul, and mind, and there is no way despair can seep into his heart.

2007 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
pp. 180-190
Anne J. Duggan

Medieval canon law has generally had a bad press. Its professionalization in the period c. 1140 to 1234 can easily be caricatured as the emergence of a rigid, centralized, and authoritarian system which paid small heed to the needs of the people it was supposed to serve. This conclusion is readily sustained by perusal of theLiber Extra, the GregorianDecretalesof 1234, which enshrined the legal developments of the period, from about 1140, which followed the establishment of Gratian’sDecretumas the principal authority for the teaching and practice of canon law. The genesis of theLiber Extrais well known. Pope Gregory IX commissioned Raymond of Peñafort to compile an authoritative collection of papal decretals and conciliar legislation to supplement Gratian’sDecretum, and it drew, principally but not exclusively, on the so-calledQuinqe compilationes antiquewhich had been compiled for teaching purposes in Bologna between c. 1189–91 and 1226.’ And when the work was completed, it was authorized by the bullRex pacificus, which ordered that ‘everyone should useonlythis compilation in judgements and in the schools (ut hactantumcompilatione universi utantur in iudiciis et in scholis); and a copy was duly dispatched to the canon law school in Bologna. The image of centralized, authoritarian lawmaking could not be clearer; and that perception is reinforced by an examination of its structure, where the individual extracts are organized systematically under Titles, which define the subject matter. Such a compilation, like theQuinque compilationesthemselves, was the result of an analytical method, which totally obscured the processes of consultation which had preceded many of the decisions, as well as depriving them, in many cases, of their historical context in terms of the identity of the pope, the recipient, the litigants, and the local circumstances. What emerged was a disembodied code, shorn of the nuances and hesitations which had characterized the decisions which it enshrined.

2018 ◽  
International Journal of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh Studies

Anybody who studies on the conditions of waqf (endowment) in the Islamic world will discover various views in dealing with it. In order to fulfil the ultimate purposes behind waqf and to meet the needs of people, some restrict its function solely on real estate; neglecting many other aspects of waqf, which eventually leads to deprivation of its benefits. On the other hand, some expand its function through several means; yet those means are merely based on experiment and not immune from risks. Another view shows hesitation to maintain any of these views. The aim of this study is to highlight the pillars of waqf and ways of dealing with it as to enable real growth, development and investment of waqf in accordance with the Shari'ah. Thus, the civilizational advancement of the ummah would be achieved by fulfilling the needs of the people and helping them through waqf. The two researchers will rely on the analytical descriptive approach in their work. They will use the descriptive approach in determining the meaning of waqf and its legitimacy, and the analytical method in defining its structure and methods of dealing. It is understood that there are four pillars of waqf; namely, the one who endows, the endowment, the one who is entitled for endowment, and statements related to endowment. It is incumbent to note that conditions for each pillar should be fulfilled to achieve the purposes of endowment. Besides, it is possible to deduce the types of waqf based on the pillars through multiple considerations. With regards to the precise understanding of waqf, it could be inferred as familial endowment (al-waqf al-ahlī), and public endowment. While with regards to the property of endowment (al-mal al-mawqūf), it is understood as real estate, transferable endowment, and currency endowment. At the same time, the most effective way in dealing with waqf could be managed in three aspects; al-tasyīr, al-istismār, and al-istibdāl.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 103
Sulistiani Sulistiani

AbstractMigrating is defined as a person's journey to another area to achieve the desired goal and stay, In the realm of education, many youths decide to go to other areas to get a good education and under expectations for the next life. The sophistication of today's technology makes migrating not a complicated thing to be doing in the community, especially the youth in taking education in place of choice. Based on the phenomena that occur to the lives of teenagers to study, the formulation of the research problem is planned, how students are social relations with the people of Jogja while in overseas land within the scope of the organization, this aims to find the strategy of student organizations of social life in Jogja. The research method is qualitative with a descriptive approach, data sources are Gayo students who are active in ethnic-based student organization activities in Jogja, data collection techniques are interview, observation, and documentation methods. The research results show that ethnic-based student organizations, IMAGAYO and IPEMAHLUTYO, carry out various activities such as the Saman and Guel dance as a form of interaction with the people of Jogja and adapt themselves by following the habits, behaviour patterns and Javanese culture as the majority culture in Jogja.-------AbstrakMerantau diartikan sebagai perjalanan seseorang ke daerah lain guna mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan dan menetap sementara, dalam ranah pendidikan banyak pemuda yang memutuskan untuk pergi ke daerah lain guna mendapatkan pendidikan yang baik dan sesuai dengan harapan untuk kehidupan selanjutnya. Kecanggihan teknologi saat ini menjadikan merantau bukan hal yang rumit untuk dilakukan oleh masyarakat khususnya kaum pemuda dalam menempuh pendidikan di tempat-tempat pilihan. Berdasarkan fenomena yang terjadi dalam kehidupan para remaja untuk menempuh studi, maka disusun rumusan masalah penelitian yaitu bagaimana hubungan sosial mahasiswa dengan masyarakat Jogja selama berada di tanah rantau dalam lingkup organisasi, hal ini bertujuan untuk menemukan strategi organisasi mahasiswa dalam kehidupan sosial di Jogja. Metode penelitian yaitu kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif, sumber data adalah para mahasiswa Gayo yang aktif dalam kegiatan organisasi kemahasiswaan berbasis etnik di Jogja,  teknik pengumpulan data yaitu metode wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Secara keseluruhan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa organisasi mahasiswa berbasis etnik yaitu IMAGAYO dan IPEMAHLUTYO melakukan berbagai kegiatan seperti tari Saman dan Guel sebagai salah satu bentuk interaksi terhadap masyarakat Jogja dan menyesuaikan diri dengan cara mengikuti kebiasaan, pola tingkah laku dan  budaya Jawa sebagai budaya mayoritas di Jogja.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Ahmad Fauzi ◽  
Chusnul Muali

Pesantren and social value system is the result of constructing kiai's thoughts and social actions as an inseparable entity. This study aims to interpret the role and social action of kiai Moh Hasan, both as a fighter (al-haiah al-jihaadi li'izzi al-Islaami wal muslimin) in the community as well as guidance and guidance for the community (al-haiah al ta 'awuny wa al takafuly wal al ittijaahi) and teaching in educational institutions (al-haiah al ta'lim wa al-tarbiyah), significantly contributes greatly to the social realities of society in Indonesia. Portrait of central figure kiai Moh Hasan can not be separated from the depth of his field of Islamic science, simplicity, kezuhudan, struggle, sincerity and generosity. This view, not only recognized among the people around the boarding school, students and colleagues, but also spread in some areas in Indonesia. The fame of kiai Moh Hasan among scholars, habaib and society has many karamah and some other privileges, not even a few from the social recognition of kiai Moh Hasan Genggong, because the kiai are believed to have closeness with God, thus perceived as auliya'Allah. Thus the role and social actions of the kiai above, gave birth to the value system, so as to influence and move the social action of other individuals. The internalization of the aforementioned values becomes social capital in building a spiritual-based transformative leadership, as a strong leadership model and conducts various changes in the social field, by transforming the value of the ethical values.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 236-242
Barnokhon Kushakova ◽  

This article discusses the conditions, reasons and factors of characterization of religious style as a functional style in the field of linguistics. In addition, religious style and its main peculiarities, its importance in the social life, and the functional features of religious style are highlighted in the article. As a result of our investigation, the following results were obtained: a) the increase in the need for the creation and significance of religious language, particularly religious texts has been scientifically proved; b) the possibility of religious texts to represent the thoughts of the people, culture and world outlook has been verified; c) the specificity of religious language, religious texts has been revealed; d) the development of religious style as a functional style has been grounded.

Panggung ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  

ABSTRACT This article aims to explain the existence of Tari Piring dance as a culture identity of Minang- kabau people, both the people who live in the origin area and outside the area. Tari Piring dance is a traditional cultural heritage of Minangkabau people which is used and preserved by Minangkabau people in their life so that it becomes culture identity of Minangkabau people. As the identity of Minangkabau people, Piring dance is able to express attitudes and behaviors as well as the charac- teristics of Minangkabau people. The dance can serve as a reflection of social and cultural life style of Minangkabau society. Through Tari Piring performance, the outsider can understand Minangkabau people and their culture. Tari Piring, therefore, is getting more adhere to the social life of Minang- kabau people in West Sumatra and in the regions overseas. In the spirit of togetherness, Minang- kabau society preserves the existence of Piring dance as the identity and cultural heritage up to the present time. Keywords: Piring Dance, Minangkabau culture  ABSTRAK Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan keberadaan Tari Piring sebagai identitas bu- daya masyarakat Minangkabau, baik yang berada di daerah asal maupun di daerah peran- tauan. Tari Piring merupakan warisan budaya tradisional masyarakat Minangkabau yang digunakan dan dilestarikan oleh masyarakat Minangkabau dalam kehidupannya sehingga menjadi identitas budaya Minangkabau. Sebagai jati diri masyarakat Minangkabau, Tari Piring mampu mengungkapkan sikap dan prilaku serta karakteristik orang Minangkabau. Tari Piring dapat berperan sebagai cerminan dari corak kehidupan sosial budaya masyara- kat Minangkabau. Melalui pertunjukan Tari Piring, masyarakat luar dapat memahami orang Minangkabau dan budayanya. Oleh karena itu, sampai saat ini Tari Piring semakin melekat dengan kehidupan sosial masyarakat Minangkabau di Sumatera Barat maupun di daerah perantauan. Dengan semangat kebersamaan, masyarakat Minangkabau mampu mempertahankan keberadaan Tari Piring sebagai identitas dan warisan budayanya hingga masa kini. Kata kunci : Tari Piring, budaya Minangkabau

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 37-50
Muhammad Suleman Nasir

Society means a group of people who are living together. People need society from birth to death. Without a collective life, man's deeds, intentions, and habits have no value. Islamic society is the name of a balanced and moderate life in which human intellect, customs, and social etiquette are determined in the light of divine revelation. This system is so comprehensive and all-encompassing that it covers all aspects and activities of life. Islam is a comprehensive, universal, complete code of conduct, and an ideal way of life It not only recognizes the collectiveness of human interaction. Rather, it helps in the development of the community and gives it natural principles that strengthen the community and provides good foundations for it and eliminates the factors that spoil it or make it limited and useless. The Principles of a successful social life in Islamic society seem to reflect the Islamic code of conduct and human nature. Islam is the only religion that advocates goodness and guarantees well-being. Islam gives us self-sacrifice, generosity, trust and honesty, service to the people, justice and fairness, forgiveness and kindness, good society and economy, good deeds, mutual unity, harmony, and brotherhood. Only by practicing the pure thoughts, beliefs, and unparalleled ideas of the religion of Islam, can a person live a prosperous life and he can feel real peace and lasting contentment in the moments of his life. A descriptive and analytical research methodology will be used in this study. It is concluded that for a prosperous social life it is necessary to abide by the injunction of Islamic principles, which provides a sound foundation for a successful social life here in the world and hereafter.

1924 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 307-373 ◽  
George Foot Moore

The centuries which we designate politically by the names of the dominant powers of the age successively as the Persian, Greek, and Roman periods of Jewish history constitute as a whole an epoch in the religious history of Judaism. In these centuries, past the middle of which the Christian era falls, Judaism brought to complete development its characteristic institutions, the school and the synagogue, in which it possessed, not only a unique instrument for the education and edification of all classes of the people in religion and morality, but the centre of its religious life, and to no small extent also of its intellectual and social life. Through the study of the Scriptures and the discussions of generations of scholars it defined its religious conceptions, its moral principles, its forms of worship, and its distinctive type of piety, as well as the rules of law and observance which became authoritative for all succeeding time. In the light of subsequent history the great achievement of these centuries was the creation of a normative type of Judaism and its establishment in undisputed supremacy throughout the wide Jewish world.

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