scholarly journals Penyusunan Artikel Ilmiah dan Pengenalan Open Journal System (OJS) bagi Guru-Guru Matematika SMA di Kabupaten Cianjur

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Ari Septian ◽  
Nia Jusniani ◽  
Muhammad Husni ◽  
Widyawati Widyawati

Abstract. The purpose of community service activities is to provide insight and knowledge about the importance of scientific publications for teachers, introducing an open journal system (OJS) for scientific publications, teachers can create scientific articles published online and find out teachers' responses to the activities of article preparation scientific and introduction to the open journal system (OJS). The method used is the socialization, practice training in the use of the open journal system (OJS), mentoring by the team and evaluation. The participants of this activity are 50 mathematics teachers at the Cianjur. The evaluation instrument used teachers' response sheets to the activities of preparing scientific articles and the introduction of the open journal system (OJS). As a result of this activity, teachers gain insight and knowledge about the importance of scientific publications, 84 % of mathematics teachers can apply the open journal system (OJS) for scientific publications, 78% of mathematics teachers can make scientific articles published online and teachers' responses to the activities of preparing scientific articles and the introduction of the open journal system (OJS) by 88% or good category.Keywords: Scientific Publications, Mathematics, Open Journal System.Abstrak. Tujuan pada kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan wawasan dan pengetahuan tentang pentingnya publikasi ilmiah bagi guru, memperkenalkan open journal system (OJS) untuk publikasi ilmiah, guru dapat membuat artikel ilmiah yang dipublikasikan secara online dan mengetahui respon guru-guru terhadap kegiatan penyusunan artikel ilmiah dan pengenalan open journal system  (OJS). Metode yang digunakan yaitu dengan sosialisasi, latihan praktik penggunaan open journal system (OJS) , pendampingan oleh tim dan evaluasi. Peserta kegiatan ini yaitu guru-guru matematika pada jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas se-Kabupaten Cianjur sebanyak 50 orang. Instrumen evaluasi menggunakan lembar respon guru-guru terhadap kegiatan penyusunan artikel ilmiah dan pengenalan open journal system  (OJS). Hasil kegiatan ini, guru mendapatkan wawasan dan pengetahuan tentang pentingnya publikasi ilmiah, 84 % dari guru-guru matematika dapat mengaplikasikan open journal system (OJS) untuk publikasi ilmiah, 78 % dari guru-guru matematika dapat membuat artikel ilmiah yang dipublikasikan secara online dan respon guru-guru terhadap kegiatan penyusunan artikel ilmiah dan pengenalan open journal system  (OJS) sebesar 88 % atau kategori baik.Kata Kunci: Publikasi Ilmiah, Matematika, Open Journal System.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 67-74
Roni Al Maududi ◽  
Rini Widia Putri ◽  
Purni Munah Hartuti

The purpose of this community service activities is to introduce and provide a GeoGebra training to Mathematics teachers at SMP Negeri 11 Depok. GeoGebra is a software that is used as a learning media in Geometry and Algebra as an innovation in learning Mathematics. So far, teachers are using simple tools only to explain about some topics in Mathematics to the students. The community service team will introduce and give a GeoGebra training. The methods that are used are training methods, accommodation, and discussion. The training is carried out by providing theories and practices to the teachers to operate the GeoGebra for Geometry and Algebra. The output target in this community service is the teachers can use GeoGebra as a learning media in Mathematics especially in Geometry and Algebra, GeoGebra module, and scientific articles.

Sefna Rismen ◽  
Hafizah Delyana ◽  
Audra Paramitha ◽  
Melisa Melisa ◽  
Mulia Suryani

Classroom Action Research is one effort that can be done by professional teachers in improving the quality of learning. The purpose of community service is to improve teachers' understanding in understanding PTK and can carry out PTK. This activity is intended for math teachers who are members of MGMP in High School. The form of service activities carried out in this activity is in the form of material delivery, practice of making proposals and consulting tasks. The workshop activity was attended by 30 high school mathematics teachers in Solok City. The results of this activity manifested 30 class Action research proposals.Keywords: PTK, MGMP, Mathematics Teachers.�AbstrakPenelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) merupakan salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan guru profesional dalam peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran. Tujuan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah untuk menigkatkan pemahaman guru dalam memahami PTK serta dapat melaksanakan PTK. Kegiatan ini diperuntukan bagi guru-guru matematika yang tergabung dalam MGMP SMA Kota Solok. Bentuk kegiatan pengabdian yang dilaksanakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah� berupa penyampaian materi, praktik pembuatan proposal dan konsultasi tugas. Kegiatan workshop diikuti sebanyak 30 orang guru matematika

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-19
Rosman H Rosman H ◽  
Nining Sudiar ◽  
Hadira Latiar

Scientific articles are scientific papers from research results communicated in scientific publications, such as journals, magazines, or other publications. Librarians as functional personnel are required to make a positive contribution to the nation's change, one of which is to produce scientific papers published in scientific publications. The community service activities aim to provide understanding, improve and provide the ability to compile research results and the ability to write scientific articles to librarians in Pekanbaru. The method used in this activity is in the form of workshops delivered with lecture techniques, question and answer, and practice. To find out the extent of participants' acceptance and understanding, as well as the ability of participants, at the beginning and end of the training an evaluation or evaluation is carried out by filling in the pretest and post-test sheets. Based on the results of the tests that have been conducted, it is known that the participants experienced an increase after training in writing scientific articles. On the understanding of the concept of scientific articles increased by 30.75%, while the ability of strategies and scientific article writing techniques increased by 29.64%. in the training participants were very enthusiastic and active in participating in training activities writing scientific articles from beginning to end.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 73
Agni Danaryanti ◽  
Elli Kusumawati ◽  
Siti Mawaddah ◽  
Taradhita Adi Rahardi

Reformasi sekolah dengan komunitas belajar adalah reformasi yang merealisasikan “sekolah model abad 21”. Misi dan tanggung jawab publik sekolah terletak pada menjamin hak belajar setiap anak tanpa terkecuali, dan meningkatkan kualitas pembelajarannya. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk membimbing guru-guru matematika yang tergabung dalam MGMP Matematika SMK Kabupaten Banjar tentang bagaimana mengembangkan komunitas belajar (learning community) melalui lesson study. Metode atau pendekatan yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini meliputi bimbingan tentang bagaimana mengembangkan komunitas belajar (learning community) melalui lesson study. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berupa pendampingan lesson study untuk guru-guru matematika SMK se Kabupaten Banjar tahun 2019 sudah dilaksanakan dengan lancar. Peserta kegiatan pengabdian terdiri dari guru mata pelajaran matematika SMK Kabupaten Banjar sebanyak 23 orang dan kegiatan ini mendukung peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran dan profesionalisme guru. School reforms with the learning community are reforms that realize the "21st-century model school". The mission and public responsibility of the school lie in ensuring the right to learn for every child without exception and improving the quality of learning. The purpose of community service activities is to guide mathematics teachers who are members of the Mathematics MGMP at the Banjar Regency Vocational School on how to develop learning communities through lesson study. The method or approach used in community service activities includes guidance on how to develop learning communities through lesson study. Community service activities in the form of mentoring lesson studies for vocational mathematics teachers in the Banjar Regency in 2019 have been carried out smoothly. Participants of the service activities consisted of 23 subject mathematics teachers in the Banjar District Vocational School, and this activity supported the improvement of the quality of learning and professionalism of teachers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 195
Imelda Diana Marsilia ◽  
Dina Martha Fitri

Children are the next generation of the nation in the future, of course, they need to get good attention and education so that their potential can be channeled and developed properly, so that they will grow and develop into humans who have various abilities and skills that are beneficial to life. Sex education in children is defined as education about the anatomy of organs that can be continued in sexual reproduction. Based on the various solutions for the activities mentioned above, the output targets to be achieved in this program are formulated, including scientific publications and increasing knowledge of teachers and students. This type of counseling with participatory methods in the Prevention of Sexual Violence in Children with Learning Media for teachers and students at PKP JIS Kindergarten, East Jakarta. The activity was carried out in January at the PKP JIS Kindergarten East Jakarta. The results of a series of community service activities for teachers and students at PKP JIS, Kindergarten, East Jakarta, turned out to be quite satisfying, both mastery of the material that had been given. The participants' understanding was seen during the discussion, KSPA asked and answered. From the results of the questions carried out in the discussion with the participants after being given counseling material, it can be concluded that the KSPA counseling went well, teachers and students looked enthusiastic about the large number of participants who attended and hoped that this activity would continue

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 32
Nuhyal Ulia ◽  
Rida Fironika KD ◽  
Yulina Ismiyanti ◽  
Sari Yustiana ◽  
Jupriyanto Jupriyanto ◽  

AbstrakKenaikan pangkat dan golongan bagi Guru PNS menjadi hal yang penting, namun yang harus dilakukan diantaranya adanya publikasi kegiatan ilmiah sebagaimana Permen PAN dan Reformasi Birokrasi Nomor 16 Tahun 2009. Bentuk publikasi ilmiah dapat berasal dari penelitian action research dan eksperimen. Pengetahuan Guru SD tentang metodologi penelitian action research dan penelitian eksperimen serta penulisan artikel ilmiah pada jurnal yang masih minim menjadi masalah tersendiri bagi guru tersebut. Pengabdian Masyarakat tersebut bekerja sama dengan kelompok guru di kecamatan Genuk kota Semarang Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Pelaksanaan pengabdian masayarakat, dalam bentuk kegiatan pelatihan, workshop, pendampingan penelitian dan menyusun artikel jurnal. Artikel jurnal dari peserta pengabdian yang sudah memenuhi syarat maka akan berkesempatan untuk di-publish pada jurnal pendidikan dasar PGSD UNISSULA. Pelaksanaan pengabdian dilakukan dengan mitra kelompok guru di kecamatan Genuk, namun pada pelaksanaannya tim pengabdian disarankan langsung terjun ke SD di lingkungan UPTD Genuk, sehingga tim pengabdian memilih 2 SD di lingkungan UPTD Genuk yaitu SDN Gebangsari 03 dan SDN Genuksari 02. Peserta terdiri dari guru-guru di SD tersebut sejumlah 50 peserta. Tingkat antusiasme dalam mengikuti kegiatan pengabdian sangatlah tinggi. Adapun materi yang diberikan saat pelatihan meliputi Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK), penelitian eksperimen, teknik submit artikel jurnal melalui OJS. Kegiatan pengabdian berlangsung selama 2 bulan di tiap SD yakni pelaksanaan di SDN Gebangsari 03 pada bulan Juli sampai Agustus 2018 sedangkan di SDN Genuksari 02 dilaksanakan dalam Bulan September sampai Oktober 2018 dimulai dari observasi ke lokasi pengabdian, identifikasi masalah sampai dengan pelatihan dan pendampingan pembuatan penelitian dan artikel jurnal. Dari kegiatan pengabdian yang sudah dilaksanakan ada harapan dari pihak mitra untuk menindaklanjuti kegiatan ini dengan kegiatan pelatihan PTS atau penelitian tindakan sekolah bagi kalangan kepala sekolah.Kata kunci: Action research; artikel jurnal; kelompok guru SD; pendampingan metodologi penelitian.AbstractThe promotion and class for PNS teachers is important, but what must be done is the publication of scientific activities such as the Permen PAN and Bureaucratic Reform Number 16 of 2009. Forms of scientific publications can come from action research and experiments. The knowledge of elementary teachers about the methodology of action research and experimental research and the writing of scientific articles in journals that are still minimal is a problem for the teacher. Community Service is working with teacher groups in the sub-district of Genuk, Semarang, Central Java Province. Implementation of community service, in the form of training activities, workshops, research assistance and compiling journal articles. Journal articles from service participants who have fulfilled the requirements will have the opportunity to be published in the PGSD UNISSULA basic education journal. The implementation of service is done with teacher group partners in Genuk sub-district, but in the implementation the service team is advised to directly go to elementary school in Genuk UPTD, so the team the service chose 2 elementary schools in the Genuk UPTD namely SD Gebangsari 03 and SD Genuksari 02. Participants consisted of 50 elementary school teachers. The level of enthusiasm in participating in service activities is very high. The material provided during the training included classroom action research (CAR), experimental research, techniques for submitting journal articles through OJS. The service activities lasted for 2 months in each elementary school, namely the implementation of SD Gebangsari 03 in July to August 2018 while at SD Genuksari 02 held in September to October 2018 starting from observation to the service location, identifying problems up to training and mentoring making research and journal article. From the service activities that have been carried out there is hope from the partners to follow up this activity with PTS training activities or school action research for school principals.Keywords: Action research; journal articles; SD teacher groups; mentoring research methodology

Wiwik Gusnita ◽  
Rahmi Holinesti ◽  
Dikki Zulfikar ◽  
Kasmita Kasmita ◽  
Ranggi Rahimul Insan

Pelatihan pengolahan aneka kudapan berbahan baku pangan lokal (Alpukat) merupakan suatu keagiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat bertujuan untuk memberikan solusi dari permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat khususnya ibu-ibu rumah tangga dalam menghasilkan aneka kudapan yang beranekaragam berbasis bahan pangan lokal. Seorang istri sebagai pengelola rumah tangga, haruslah mampu menggali potensi dan sumber daya yang ada. Jika sumber daya tersebut dapat dikelola dengan baik, maka akan sangat bermanfaat dalam mendongkarak taraf kehidupan dan ekonomi keluarga. Terkait dengan hal tersebut, maka dirasa perlu untuk memberikan keterampilan boga kepada ibu rumah tangga, sehingga diharapkan dapat menambah keterampilan yang dapat digunakan untuk berwirausaha. Berdasarkan analisis masalah di atas, maka usulan model kegiatan adalah: Pelatihan peningkatan kreatifitas membuat aneka kudapan berbasis bahan pangan lokal, serta pendampingan teknis bagi ibu –ibu rumah tangga yang tergabung dalam PKK Padang Laweh Malalo Kabupaten Tanah Datar, mulai dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, sampai pengelolaan usaha. Metode yang dilakukan dalam kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat yaitu:  Memberikan beberapa alat, bahan pelatihan, serta modul materi pelatihan yang akan dilaksanakan; Penyajian materi sesuai dengan isi buku resep ditambah mengenai materi gizi makanan, hygine dan sanitasi, manajemen dapur, dan kewirausahaan terkait jenis produk yang diajarkan serta usaha yang akan dijalankan; serta Pelatihan pembuatan beberapa jenis aneka kudapan berbasis bahan pangan lokal (alpukat). Target luaran kegiatan adalah : Peserta dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam menghasilkan aneka kudapan; Peserta mampu menata dan mengelola usaha mereka dengan baik dan berkelanjutan; terdapatnya aneka kudapan khas berbasis pangan lokal (Alpukat) yang dapat dijadikan sebagai oleh-oleh bagi konsumen; serta dihasilkannya publikasinya ilmiah hasil kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini melalui jurnal nasional maupun media masa. Kata kunci: Ibu Rumah Tangga, Remaja Putri, Pelatihan, Olahan, Alpukat ABSTRACT Training on the processing of various snacks made from local food (Avocado) is a community service activity aimed at providing solutions to problems faced by the community, especially housewives, in producing various snacks based on local food ingredients. A wife as a household manager must be able to explore the potential and existing resources. If these resources can be managed properly, it will be very useful in boosting the standard of living and the family economy. Related to this, it is necessary to provide cooking skills to housewives, so that it is hoped that they can add skills that can be used for entrepreneurship. Based on the problem analysis above, the proposed activity model is: Training to increase creativity in making various snacks based on local food, as well as technical assistance for housewives who are members of PKK Padang Laweh Malalo, Tanah Datar Regency, starting from planning, implementing, business management. The methods used in the Community Service activities are: Providing several tools, training materials, and training material modules to be implemented; Presentation of material following the contents of the recipe book plus the material on food nutrition, hygiene and sanitation, kitchen management, and entrepreneurship related to the type of product taught and the business to be run; as well as training in making several types of snacks based on local food ingredients (avocado). The target outputs of the activity are: Participants can improve their knowledge and skills in producing various snacks; Participants can organize and manage their business properly and sustainably; the availability of various typical local food-based snacks (avocado) which can be used as souvenirs for consumers; as well as producing scientific publications of the results of these Community Service activities through national journals and mass media. Keywords: Housewives, Young Women, Training, Processed, Avocado

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 125
Endi Sarwoko ◽  
Iva Nurdiana Nurfarida ◽  
Ninik Indawati ◽  
Moh. Ahsan

Abstrak — Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat dilaksanakan di Desa Petungsewu Kecamatan Wagir Kabupaten Malang sebagai Desa Mitra, dengan fokus pada pemberdayaan usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (UMKM) dupa. Masalah yang dihadapi pengrajin dupa di desa Mitra adalah masih menghasilkan dupa mentah, kesulitan pemasaran sehingga pendapatan usaha masih rendah. Tujuan program adalah untuk meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat pengrajin dupa melalui diversifikasi produk yaitu menghasilkan produk dupa wangi kemasan, dan penerapan strategi pemasaran produk dengan pola kemitraan. Metode yang diterapkan adalah pelatihan dan pendampingan produksi dupa wangi kemasan, penciptaan merek dagang, dan merintis kemitraan dengan pelaku usaha dupa yang sudah berhasil. Pelatihan dan pendampingan dilaksanakan sebagai bagian dari pengembangan hasil produksi atau diversifikasi produk, sehingga tidak hanya memproduksi dupa setengah jadi, tetapi mampu menghasilkan produk jadi dikemas dan siap dijual. Pola kemitraan yang dilakukan dengan cara perdagangan umum dalam bentuk kerjasama pemasaran, produk dari pengrajin dupa dari desa mitra disetorkan kepada pelaku usaha mitra untuk dijual. Hasil kegiatan pengrajin dupa sudah mampu menghasilkan dupa wangi kemasan dengan merk Gunung Katu sebagai produk unggulan, produk dupa wangi Gunung Katu mulai dikenal pasar, dan memperoleh nilai tambah usaha berupa peningkatan pendapatan.Abstract — Community service activities are carried out in Petungsewu Village, Wagir District, Malang Regency as Mitra Village, with a focus on empowering incense micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). The problem faced by incense craftsmen in Mitra village is that it still produces raw incense, marketing difficulties so that business income is still low. The aim of the program is to increase the income of the community of incense craftsmen through product diversification, namely producing fragrant incense packaging products, and implementing a product marketing strategy with a partnership pattern. The method applied is training and mentoring the production of fragrant incense packaging, creating trademarks, and initiating partnerships with successful incense businesses. Training and assistance are carried out as part of the development of production or product diversification, so that not only producing semi-finished incense, but able to produce finished products that are packaged and ready for sale. The partnership pattern is carried out by means of general trading in the form of marketing cooperation, products from incense craftsmen from partner villages are deposited to partner business actors for sale. The results of the incense craftsman activity has been able to produce incense fragrance packaging with the Gunung Katu brand as a superior product, Gunung

Daniel Ngabalin ◽  
Eygner Gerald Talakua

Smoked fish processing business in Wab Village still used traditional methods (fumigation open) and are household enterprises (micro-scale enterprises) can be seen from the aspect of production and management aspects. Two aspects of this raise the priority issues faced by partners namely: how the fish correct fumigation techniques? What forms fumigation appropriate tool? How to manage capital and production business properly? How do I do the recording business activities in the notebook business correctly? And how to sell or market products correctly? Through methods of participatory rural appraisal, fisheries extension method, and the method pretest-posttest control group design, the implementation of community service activities carried out as a priority the settlement solution problem by doing: 1) Initial extension of community service activities; 2) Extension of heat curing, heat curing tool making appropriate, and the use of heat curing; 3) Counseling on capital management and production; 4) Extension of book production business records; and 5) Counseling about pricing, promotion, and strategy for dealing with the business of competition. So the outcome reached was contained fish products and marine worms (increasingly) the smoke as much as 25 / week; there are two tools used fumigation partners; there were five notebooks submitted to partners and capable of recording the three notebooks (book purchases, sales, and profit/loss); and 50 fish and marine worms (increasingly) smoke marketed in Wab Village.

2020 ◽  
Mulono Apriyanto

The specific objectives and targets of these community service activities are to provide counseling on the rejuvenation of oil palm and the legality of farmers' land so that there is a change in the knowledge, understanding and skills of farmers who are members of farmer groups in an effort to want to rejuvenate oil palm plants and to provide an understanding of the importance of legality Farmer's land as an inseparable part of the structure of the requirements in order to get financial assistance to rejuvenate oil palm plants. The methods used are counseling, outreach, demonstration and assistance when the extension activities take place. Counseling methods provide counseling and conduct training after counseling. The demonstration method is carried out at the time of delivery of material. Farmers immediately practiced how to rejuvenate oil palm plants, after that they were given counseling about the ways and functions of farmers' land legality and farmer group institutions in order to get funds in groups. The assistance method aims to monitor developments after counseling to farmers by involving agents of change, namely community leaders, traditional leaders, the village government and banking institutions. In general, the implementation of community service in Kerta Jaya and Tassel Jaya villages, Kempas Subdistrict, Indragiri Hilir Regency can run well and well..

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