2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 100-105
Julia Grynchuk ◽  
Irуna Romaniuk

The objective of the article is to substantiate the forms, mechanisms, and directions of development of rural green tourism in the regions of Ukraine as an important means of improving the sectoral structure and territorial organization of tourism activity on the basis of the use of natural tourism resources and the employment of large numbers of unemployed rural population. Methodology. The methodological basis of the study is the dialectical method of cognition and the systematic approach to the study of phenomena and processes of the formation and development of rural green tourism in the regions of Ukraine on the basis of the use of a favourable natural potential and an excess of labour resources. Results. The article reveals the tendencies and possibilities of improving the structure and territorial organization of tourism activity on the basis of development of rural green tourism. First of all, the natural conditions and resources of the picturesque countryside, as well as the unoccupied rural population, are determined as its resources. The forms, sources, and mechanisms of the organization, proposals for granting and extending the nomenclature of services are substantiated. The prospects of using the EU experience and the advantages of European integration processes for Ukraine are revealed. Recommendations on the formation of clusters and other associations of tourist activities in the village have been developed. The field of application of results: carrying out of scientific researches in the field of development of the activity of agriculture, provision of services of rural green tourism, is one of directions of diversification and increase of incomes of rural population and improvement of its standard of living. Solving the problems of employment, organizational and economic problems related to the reproduction of labour potential in the agrarian sector and the formation of new trends in the production and marketing of agricultural products. Conclusions. The development of rural green tourism has a positive effect on solving socio-economic problems of the village, primarily in the direction of expanding the rural population’s employment. Rural green tourism provides a rural population with additional income, expanding employment opportunities for rural owners, not only in the production sector but also in the service sector. With an increase in the number of vacationers, there is a need to meet their diverse needs and this, in turn, stimulates the development of services: excursions, communications, trade, life services, recreation and entertainment, and others.

Максим Скочко

The article analyzes the tourist resources of the region by organizational forms of tourism. The role of rural green tourism as an important branch of the national and world economy is considered. The main trends in the development of this type of tourism are studied, its role in the economy of different countries is determined. The role of rural green tourism in solving socio-economic problems of the village is highlighted. The role and place of rural green tourism in the development of rural regions of Ukraine, the relevance and issues of rural tourism in a pavid-19 pandemic are considered. It is highlighted that the development of the Ukrainian countryside is the main goal of the decentralization reform, which is aimed at developing a high standard of living of the rural population and capable economic competition in a crisis and an exacerbation of the pandemic. Social and economic development of tourism, including "green", increasing its popularity is relevant because it will increase the state budget and employment, maintain a high standard of living, improve education, introduce new means of dissemination of information, create conditions for improving the balance of payments countries, development of territories and other sectors of the economy of Ukraine. Rural tourism can become an independent system capable of solving the main socio-economic problems of the village. In general, the developed segment of rural tourism will have a positive impact on the competitiveness of rural areas and will contribute to employment of the rural population. Subject to the successful implementation of green tourism development projects, the following results can be expected: creation of new jobs; intensification of entrepreneurial activity of all economic forms and motivation of growth of budget revenues; development of related services infrastructure, etc.

Yuliya M. Beglyakova ◽  
Aleksander S. Shchirskii ◽  

The article analyses the accessibility of medical facilities in rural areas of modern Russia and the specifics of their organization and development. The authors reveal causes why rural residents have much less opportunities to seek quality medical care than urban ones, what leads to a disparity between the inhabitants of the city and the village. The thesis is substantiated that state programmes that should make health services accessible to the rural population to a greater extent do not cope with the task at hand. An attempt is made to highlight the public’s response to the existing disparity in the health services of the villagers compared to urban dwellers. Such a reaction can be considered an outflow of people from rural areas, and an increase in self-medication among rural people as a result of the difficulty in obtaining health services. The decrease in the number of treatment facilities in rural areas leads to a deterioration in the medicine situation in rural areas. That, according to the authors of the article, justifies the need to study the issues associated with the provision of medical care to the rural population.

2021 ◽  
pp. 8-21
Kh. B. Dusaev ◽  
A. Kh. Dusaeva

The article analyzes the number, employment and dynamics of monetary income of the population of the Orenburg region for a long-term period. The production of social and engineering arrangement of rural territories of the region for a number of years is analyzed in detail. Negative destructive changes and trends in employment and social development of rural areas are revealed. The directions of improvement and dynamic development of agricultural production, rural areas, and employment of the rural population are proposed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 185
Sri Endah Indriwati ◽  
Eko Sri Sulasmi ◽  
Sri Rahayu Lestari ◽  
Bagus Priambodo ◽  
Hisyam Baidlowi ◽  

Kesejahteraan masyarakat merupakan hal penting yang perlu terus ditingkatkan, salah satunya dapat dilakukan dengan mengelola sumber daya alam atau potensi lokal. Kecamatan Poncokusumo merupakan bagian dari wilayah Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru (TNBTS) yang menyimpan berbagai potensi lokal, salah satunya yaitu tanaman berpotensi obat. Keberadaan tanaman berpotensi obat dapat dijadikan sebagai tonggak dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat di Kecamatan Poncokusumo, terutama di desa Argosuko. Berkaitan dengan permasalahan tersebut, dilakukan beberapa upaya pendampingan: 1) pembuatan simplisia, 2) penyusunan komposisi simplisia sebagai bahan obat, hingga 3) pengemasan dan pengurusan ijin PIRT/BPOM. Partisipan dalam penelitian dan pengabdian adalah ibu-ibu PKK desa Argosuko sebanyak 30 orang, berasal dari 3 dusun (Keden, Wangkal Kidul, dan Wangkal Lor). Hasil penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat menunjukkan bahwa seluruh ibu-ibu PKK bisa mengikuti kegiatan pendampingan yang diadakan. Melalui program pendampingan, ibu-ibu PKK memperoleh pembekalan bagaimana memperkaya pengetahuan tentang pembuatan bermacam-macam simplisia yang memiliki nilai ekonomi tinggi, bagaimana menyusun komposisi simplisia sebagai bahan jamu herbal, bagaimana cara melakukan pengemasan yang menarik konsumen, dan bagaimana mendapatkan legalitas dari dinas terkait. Sehingga harapannya, di masa depan ibu-ibu PKK dapat mengatasi masalah perekonomian akibat ketidaktahuan dalam mengelola potensi lokal sebagai sumber ekonomi untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan keluarga dan masyarakat.Kata kunci—pendampingan, branding, simplisia, kesejahteraan masyarakatAbstractCommunity welfare is an important thing that needs to be improved, one of which can be done by managing natural resources or local potential. Poncokusumo Subdistrict is part of the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS) which stores a variety of local potential, one of which is a potentially medicinal plant. The existence of potential medicinal plants can be used as a milestone in improving the welfare of the community in the District of Poncokusumo, especially in the village of Argosuko. In acquintance with this problem, several assistance efforts have been made: 1) manufacturing of simplicia, 2) preparation of the composition of simplicia as a medicinal ingredient, up to 3) packaging and processing of PIRT/BPOM permits. Participants in the research and service were 30 PKK Argosuko village women, coming from three hamlets (Keden, Wangkal Kidul, and Wangkal Lor). The results of research and community service show that all PKK can participate in the mentoring activities that are held. Through the mentoring program, PKK got a briefing on how to enrich their knowledge about making various kinds of simplicia that have high economic value, how to arrange the composition of simplicia as herbal medicinal ingredients, how to do packaging that attracts consumers, and how to obtain legality from related agencies. Therefore, it is expected in the future, PKK can overcome economic problems due to ignorance in managing local potential as an economic source to improve the welfare of families and communities.Keywords—assistance, branding, simplicia, community welfare

Ilgizar R. Kaydarov

Introduction. In domestic historiography for many decades personal subsidiary plots were viewed as some rudiment of a non-socialist form of farming in the country’s agricultural sector. In accordance with the political principles of party ideologists, most researchers in every possible way emphasized the futility of the personal subsidiary plots and the inevitability of their soon withering away. And at the beginning of the XXI century they re-main a kind of “islands” of small business in the countryside and the main form of earnings for the total mass of rural workers. The main objective of this study is a comprehensive analysis of the current state of personal subsidiary plots of the rural population of Tatarstan in the context of determining the main socio-economic indicators in relation to the study area; identification of the most important development parameters of this form of small business. Materials and Methods. The scientific study is based on source materials from various government departments (including the Tatarstan Statistical Office), newspaper and journal periodicals, as well as data from historical, economic and sociological literature. When writing the article, the author was guided by the principles of historicism, complexity and objectivity. The research is based on the methods of historical science: problem-chronological, comparative-historical, systemic, etc. Results. During the study, the current state and indicators of the development of personal subsidiary plots of the rural population of the Republic of Tatarstan were systematically reviewed, in particular, their participation in the structure of regional gross income. It has been established that the main branches of economic activity of peasant farmsteads are vegetable growing and productive animal husbandry. It is proved that the strengthening of the positions of large investors in the village led to the curtailment of certain branches of production of personal subsidiary plots and their transition to a consumer rate of management. Discussion and Conclusion. The intensive development of various forms of small business in the post-perestroika period, including personal subsidiary plots of the population, intensified the market diversification of the economy of the agricultural sector in general and of high-quality peasant farmsteads in particular. During the forced dismantling of the collective farm and state farm management systems and the formation of new forms of entrepreneurship, peas-ant farmsteads became not only the economic basis for the existence of the rural population, but also a form of self-preservation of many settlements.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 73-88
Hardiyanto Rahman

This paper generally uses the study method of literature, legislation, secondary data analysisand field’s observations. This paper is aimed to help the Badung regency administration inproviding an understanding of the village administration, and pushing for the improvementof the welfare of the rural population through the steps of providing material on theadministration of the village including village authority, distinction official village andtraditional villages, and especially on the management of village finances.Some problems occured in the administration of the village in Badung are lack of knowledgeof society about the traditional village who have difficulty in finding funds for activities,conflict between the village’s chief and the secretary, the integration between the traditionalvillage and the official village to work collaboratively, lack of capability from villageofficials in the management of village finances, new standard for official’s age in village, theunderstanding that the regency governor or the village chief is a political actor. In term ofcommunity assistance the lecturers has provided an explanation of the above problems, andexpecting the local government regency of Badung can provide socialization on village’sgovernance enforcement sustainably.Key Word: Governance in village, village’s economy, welfare

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 248-259 ◽  
G. B. Kleiner ◽  
N. L. Pirogov

Purpose:the purpose of this article is to justify the choice of the strategic direction of effective development of the national economy of Russia. The authors see the solution of this problem on the way of improving the organizational and economic mechanism of the functioning of Russian enterprises. This problem is considered to be one of the main authors in the consolidation of society and its mobilization for the implementation of the tasks set in the may Decree of the President of the Russian Federation (№ 204 from 2018).Methods:the study was conducted using the methods of systematic, logical, comparative analysis, involving Russian and foreign experience in solving social and economic problems. Particular attention was paid to the validity of the conclusions.Results:national economic problems are touched upon through the prism of the economy of enterprises. An attempt has been made to prove the dependence of the acceleration of the rates of economic development on the improvement of the enterprise's internal economic mechanism. In the postindustrial society, the role of enterprises as the main link in the production of material goods and the provision of services is not diminished, despite the accelerated introduction of scientific and technological progress and the increase in the value of personal property. The improvement of the internal structure of enterprises proposed in the article can significantly reduce the negative consequences of the privatization of state property. According to the authors, this will improve the efficiency of the use of human capital in terms of all its components: ordinary workers, managers, specialists, owners.Conclusions and Relevance:currently, there is a situation in which the owners of enterprises (mainly large ones) have practically unlimited rights and very limited liability for the results of the work of their enterprises. This situation hinders the development of the productive forces of society. The proposed concept of an "effective enterprise" means solidary management of enterprises (ultimately solidary management of the economy). It provides for a system of measures to remedy the situation. The first steps in this direction are the following: 1) the creation of a balanced system of enterprise management; 2) democratization of management and development of the institution of collective (people's) enterprises; 3) the movement in the direction of restraint unrestrained competition and finding ways of cooperation not only within enterprises but also in the relations between all participants of the process of production and realization of products, as well as authorities at all levels; 4) streamlining the processes for the establishment and liquidation of enterprises; 5) the active implementation of multilevel and multidimensional strategic planning. It is not possible to implement these measures in a short time. But the movement along this path creates systemic conditions for accelerating economic growth.

Алексей Анатольевич Артемьев ◽  
Павел Антонович Кохно ◽  
Илья Александрович Лепехин

Цель статьи - аргументировать тенденции и возможные направления развития придорожного сервиса как элемента проводимой в России политики пространственного развития, а также факторы, влияющие на его размещение. Проанализированы основные аспекты современного состояния придорожного сервиса как части сферы услуг, а также особенности территориальной организации придорожного сервиса. Аргументировано, что он находится на стыке таких важных и взаимосвязанных видов деятельности как транспорт, торговля, туризм, бытовое и техническое обслуживание, общественное питание. Новизной проведенного исследования можно считать обобщение опыта развития придорожного сектора в России и зарубежных странах, позволившее выявить основные факторы, оказывающие влияние на уровень его развития, а также принципы, которыми необходимо руководствоваться при его размещении. В статье представлены обоснованные показатели, позволяющие оценить существующий и возможный потенциал развития придорожного сервиса на конкретной территории. The purpose of the article is to analyze the trends and possible directions for the development of roadside service as an element of Russia's spatial development policy, as well as factors affecting its placement. The authors investigate the main aspects of the modern state of the roadside service as part of the service sector, as well as the features of the territorial organization of the roadside service. It is argued that it is at the junction of such important and interconnected activities as transport, trade, tourism, household and technical services, public food. The novelty of the study can be considered a generalization of the experience of the development of the roadside sector in Russia and foreign countries, which made it possible to identify the main factors that affect its level of development, as well as the principles that should be guided when placing it. The article presents reasonable indicators that allow you to assess the existing and possible potential for the development of roadside service in a specific territory.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 432-447
Oleksandr Pavlov ◽  
Tatiana Pavlova ◽  
Iryna Pavlova

AbstractThe process of decentralization of power and governance, which takes place in Ukraine through the voluntary unification of territorial communities, has laid the foundations for reforming the administrative territorial structure and territorial organization of power. Taking into account the state making nature of these transformations in the context of Ukraine’s European integration efforts, the article substantiates theoretical and applied fundamentals of branding of cultural tourism objects of the united territorial communities (UTC), reveals his role in constructing local identity of these social and spatial formations. The methodology of the study covers three main thematic blocks: legal and political foundations of the creation of a UTC; features of UTC branding; conceptualization and classification of brand projects of cultural tourism objects of the UTC. The factors that inhibit the branding process of cultural tourism objects of these communities were identified, conclusions were drawn, and perspective directions for further scientific exploration were outlined.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 237-248
Vitaliy Sych ◽  
Victoria Yavorska ◽  
Kateryna Kolomiyets

Changes taking place in recent decades in the global economy have led to the formation and development of new highly differentiated inter-branch complexes, rather than separated industries. In the global economy, such reorganization is marked by the formation of new sectors of the economy, one of which is a sector of socio-natural types of economic activity. At the level of regions, new integration formations are developed - regional inter-sectoral recreational complexes (IcRC). The purpose of our study is to substantiate the formation of regional inter-sectoral complexes of recreational and tourist activities (RTA) in the conditions of radical restructuring of the economy of post-industrial civilization. Inter-sectoral complex RTA is a set of different types of activities of the population - economic and non-economic, as well as leisure forms that provide the needs of the population of the region (countries) in recreation services, health improvement, healing and tourism, accompanying social services and recreational and tourist infrastructure. The study presents an author's vision of the composition and structuring of the regional inter-sectoral complex of recreation and tourism activity. The developed model of the inter-sectoral complex RTA covers all varieties of recreational activities with all its forms - tourism, organized recreation, unorganized (amateur) mass recreation, household recreation. The geographical bases for the formation of regional inter-sectoral recreational complexes are serving recreational and tourist resources - destinations that determine the specialization of the region by types of RTA. Depending on the level of development of RTA in the region, the RTA management systems may form. At the local and regional levels, the RTA nodes will be destinations - local and regional concentration of recreational and tourist resources with appropriate infrastructure. On the global (international) level, RTA retains a network form of a territorial organization, whose nodes are world centres and areas of tourism, as well as the main areas of formation of tourist flows.

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