2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 261-271
Imam Arif Hidayat ◽  
Muhammad Kiki Wardana

This study is conducted to examine colloquial expression in the movie script Ada Apa dengan Cinta I. Colloquial Language is the linguistic style used for casual communication. The method applied in this study is qualitative approach. The data shows that there are 28 occurances of colloquial expression in the movie script. The expressions involve five types. They are slang, jargon, provanity, contraction and idiom. The most dominat expression used in the movie is slang with 42.9% occurances. The second position is provanity with 25% occurances. Then, the next level is jargon with 17.9%, contraction with 10.7%, and the last is idiom with only 3.5% occurances. The result shows that the movie script presents a casual conversation. Most situation of the conversation is informal. Moreover, this movie script is identical with teenagers as the most characters are teenagers. The teenagers tend to use such casual conversations. Besides, the result proves that this movie script also presents a local dialect of Bahasa Indonesia. It is Jakarta dialect since the setting is in that region. Therefore, it is concluded that this movie is characterized with Jakarta dialect and teenager’s casual conversation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 325-345
Yani'ah Wardhani

Da’wa that done by Da’i in Indonesia can not be detached from the efectivity of rethorical use. By shape the form of narration, choosing the nuances of the exact word meaning, also choosing the linguistic and interested word, will help da’i to get the interesting programmatic, so that can made and influence audiences to listen. The research method of this writing is descriptive qualitative analyziz. The data that used is a form of rethoric in the programmatic of oral da’wa of all da’i in Jakarta, West Java, and central Java. The research sources are the programmatic of oral da’wa that located in the published book and also recording. The collective data method are; reading, and repeatedly listening into the da’wa subject of da’i. Analyziz data technic are; understanding and interpretation. The result of this research is that in generally, the da’i used the literature linguistic style in delivering the subject of da’wa in shaping the proverb (amsal) and hikmah, whether came from Arabic or Indonesia. The linguistic that used by da’i, came from Al-Qur’an, Al-Hadist, wise word and from qaol Ulama dan Hukama.  The style of rethorical that used by KH.Zaenuddin MZ is to change belief, and in this term the da’i can change the attitude of audience. In a rethorical that used by Aa Gym is to inform, because many educational information that been accepted by aim to explain the things that has not known before. Meanwhile, the rethorical of UJE (Jefry alBukhory) has the unique style from other, because supported by his good voice while chanting the verse of Al-qur’an. Also, the rethorical style that used by Ahmad al Habsyi and Wijayanto that has similarity from the subject point, that used the beautiful style of locution by amtsal and hikmah---Dakwah yang dilakukan oleh para da’i di Indonesia tidak dapat terlepas dari efektifitas pemanfaatan retorika. Dengan menata bentuk-bentuk tuturan, memilih nuansa makna kata yang tepat serta memilih gaya bahasa dan kata mutiara  yang menarik akan lebih sempurna  bagi penutur untuk mendapatkan wacana yang menarik sehingga mampu mempengaruhi pendengar.  Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif analisis. Data yang digunakan berupa bentuk retorika dalam wacana dakwah lisan para da’i di  DKI, Jawa Barat, dan Jawa tengah. Sumber data penelitian  berupa wacana dakwah lisan yang terdapat dalam buku-buku yang telah diterbitkan dan rekaman. Teknik pengumpulan data, meliputi: membaca dan mendengarkan secara berulang-ulang materi  dakwah para da’i. Teknik analisis data, meliputi: pemahaman,dan  interpretasi. Hasil temuan, bahwa secara umum para dai menggunakan gaya bahasa sastra  dalam menyampaikan materi dakwahnya dalam bentuk peribahasa (amsal) dan kata mutiara (hikmah) baik berasal dari bahasa Arab maupun bahasa Indonesia. Gaya bahasa yang digunakan oleh para dai mayoritas bersumber dari Al Qur’an, Al-Hadist, kata-kata bijak dari qaol Ulama dan Hukama.  Bentuk retorika yang sering digunakan oleh KH. Zaenuddin MZ adalah to change belief, dan dalam hal ini penceramah mampu mengubah sikap.  Sedangkan bentuk retorika yang digunakan oleh Aa Gym adalah to inform (pendidikan) karena banyak informasi pendidikan  yang diterima dengan bertujuan untuk menjelaskan hal- hal yang belum diketahui sebelumnya.  Retorika UJE memiliki gaya khas dari yang lainnya, karena didukung  suaranya yang merdu menjadi pengikat hati ketika melantunkan cinta Allah dan Rasulnya. Demikian juga bentuk retorika yang digunakan oleh Ahmad  al Habsyi dan ustadz Wijayanto ada kesamaan dari sisi materi, yaitu menggunakan style gaya bahasanya yang indah dengan amtsal dan Hikmah

2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Harry Sumbayu ◽  
Amrin Saragih ◽  
Syahron Lubis

This study addresses the translation of passive voice in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azakaban into Bahasa Indonesia. The study was based on descriptive qualitative approach. The data were collected by applying documentary techniques. There were three chapters taken as the source of the data. They were chapters 1, 8 and 15. The findings indicated that there were two types of passive voices as a product of passive voices’ translation in Bahasa Indonesia. The passive voice retained as passive one in TL was more dominantly translated into passive voice type one than type two in TL. It caused the use of prefix di+verb base, prefix di+verb base suffix i, and prefix di +verb base+ suffix+ kan are able to represent the meaning of the SL literally and culturally. The changing of English passive voice into Bahasa Indonesia active voice when they were translated indicated that the translator has attempted to find the closest natural equivalent of the source language in aspect of grammar, style, and cultural value. In essence naturalization rate of an expression is a matter of looking for matches in level lexical categories, grammatical categories, semantic, and cultural context.   Key words: translation, passive voice, English, Bahasa Indonesia.

Metahumaniora ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 368
Gilang Januarsyah

ABSTRAKUntuk menghasilkan sebuah karangan berbahasa Perancis yang dapat dipahamioleh khalayak umum, mahasiswa harus menguasai kemampuan berbahasa Perancis ragamtulis yang baik dan benar sesuai dengan kaidah yang berlaku. Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk menjelaskan kesalahan sintaksis yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa Program StudiSastra Perancis Universitas Padjadjaran. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diambildari sepuluh karangan mahasiwa yang duduk di semester lima dan tujuh dan dianalisisdengan menggunakan metode simak dan metode analisis padan referensial translasionaldengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kesalahantertinggi yang dilakukan mahasiswa adalah kesalahan dalam penggunaan passé composédan imparfait sebesar 50%, kemudian diikuti oleh kesalahan dalam penggunaan pronomrelatif simple et composé ‘pronomina penghubung bebas dan turunan’ sebesar 30%, danterakhir kesalahan dalam penggunaan pronom COD et COI ‘pronomina COD dan COI’ sebesar20%. Faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya kesalahan tersebut adalah faktor linguistikyang disebabkan oleh perbedaan kaidah tatabahasa bahasa Indonesia dan Perancis.Selain itu terdapat pula faktor sosiolinguistik yang disebabkan oleh jarangnya mahasiswamembiasakan diri mereka untuk mengaplikasikan bahasa Perancis di luar kelas.Kata kunci: kesalahan, sintaksis, bahasa Perancis, tulis, pengajaranABST RACTTo produce a French-language essay that can be understood by the general public,the students should master the ability of French language in good and true writing skill inaccordance with the applicable rules. The aim of this research is to explain the syntactic errorsmade by students of French literature’s program at University Padjadjaran. The sources ofdata are taken from the ten student essays who sit in the fifth and seventh semesters, and themethods used in this research are Observation Method ‘Metode Simak’ and the analyticalreference translational analysis method with a qualitative approach. The results of thisresearch indicate that the highest errors that students make are the use of passé composéand imparfait as much as fifty percent, followed by errors in the use of pronom relatifsimple et composé ‘the free and derivative pronouns’ thirty percent, and the last error is inthe use of pronom CO D et CO I ‘‘The COD and COI pronouns’ twenty percent. The factors thatcause those errors are a linguistic caused by the difference rules of Indonesian and Frenchgrammar. In addition there are also sociolinguistic factors caused by the rarity of studentsfamiliarize themselves to apply the French language outside the classroom.Keywords: Error, syntax, French language, writing, teaching

2020 ◽  

Language is a tool used to convey ideas, ideas, feelings, and thoughts to others. Language, which is an arbiter sound symbol system that is used by members of one community to work together, interact, and identify themselves. In other words, language can be a means to convey intent or purpose so that the desired thing is achieved. As a communication tool, language develops over time. Therefore, language will never die if its speakers still care and love for the language comparative linguistics as a study or study of language which includes the comparison of cognate languages or the historical development of a language. This research aims to elucidate the use of Indonesian language at students of Iqra Buru University with Comparative Analysis. The method used in this research is descriptive with a qualitative approach. Data collected by observation, interview, and documentation techniques. Sources of data in this study were 5 speakers 5 speakers language Analyzing the data by means of data selection, data classification, and data presentation. The results of the study stated that there were phonological differences, namely the Jamee vowel system contained / ɛ / and / ɔ /, while the vocal system was / a / and the consonant system was Jamee / ɣ / or / R /, while the language / r /, then the difference pronunciations include single vowels, for example makɛn, bɔRa in Jamee and eating, bara in Language used by iqra Rush university students. Keywords

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-17
Betty Arli Sonti Pakpahan

This study aims to determine university student’s commitment in completing studies in the department Christian education management at IAKN Tarutung. Participants involved were studying at the third semester. Data were collected through a qualitative approach including from interview, documents, and open questionnaires. The results showed; First, students have commitment completing their studies although they were disappointed when they learned that their graduation was not in accordance with their first choice, but due to parents' advice and motivation, the socialization process and learning from lecturers, the motivation of classmates, student involvement in various campus activities, students increasingly love their study programs. Second, there is no significant difference between students who purely choose Christian education management study programs and students who graduate based on second choice and transition from other study programs. The results of this study indicate that intellectual desires and abilities are not the main keys in completing studies but because of hard work, and strong commitment (strong determination).BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRACT: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komitmen mahasiswa Prodi Manajemen Pendidikan Kristen dalam menyelesaikan studi di IAKN Tarutung. Subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa semester tiga Prodi Manajemen Pendidikan Kristen. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui pendekatan kualitatif  dengan metode wawancara, dokumen dan angket terbuka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan; pertama, mahasiswa berkomitmen untuk menyelesaikan studinya di IAKN Tarutung walaupun pada awalnya merasa  kecewa ketika mengetahui kelulusannya tidak sesuai dengan pilihan pertamanya,  namun  karena faktor nasehat  dan motivasi orangtua,  proses sosilaisasi dan pembelajaran dari dosen, motivasi teman kuliah, keterlibatan mahasiswa dalam berbagai kegiatan kampus, mahasiswa semakin mencintai prodinya, Kedua, tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara mahasiswa yang murni memilih prodi manajemen pendidikan kristen dengan mahasiswa yang lulus berdasarkan pilihan kedua dan peralihan dari prodi lain. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa keinginan dan kemampuan intelektual tidak menjadi kunci utama dalam menyelesaikan studi tetapi oleh karena kerja keras, dan komitmen  yang kuat (tekat yang kuat).Keywords: Commitment, Students, Completing Studies

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-87
Sultan Sultan ◽  
Dwi Yulianingsih

This study aims to (1) classify errors in the use of Indonesianlanguage which include the use of spelling and punctuation, word selection,sentence composition, paragraph preparation in the scientific work of FTKUIN Mataram students; (2) describe the obstacles and solutions for the useof Indonesian in writing scientific papers among students of UIN Mataram.This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach that is supported by verbaldata writing. Data collection in research uses documentation and interviews.The documentation was taken from the fifth semester students’ scientificwork of the Arabic Language Education Department. The results showedthat the errors in the use of Indonesian language of FTK UIN Mataramstudents included 35% letter writing errors, 45% writing punctuation errors,25% word selection errors, and 20% sentence writing mistakes. The obstaclesin the use of Indonesian in the scientific work of students of the Faculty ofEngineering UIN Mataram are language barriers and non-language barriers.Language barriers in the form of not mastering Indonesian languagerules correctly, and non-linguistic barriers include lack of practice andhabituation, control of the results of writing scientific papers for studentsof the Faculty of Engineering UIN Mataram. The solution that can bedone is to get used to the use of Indonesian language based on languagerules, coaching by lecturers through mentoring writing scientific papers.   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengklasifikasikan kesalahanpenggunaan bahasa Indonesia yang meliputi pengguanaan ejaan dan tandabaca, pemilihan kata, penyusunan kalimat, penyusunan paragraf dalamkarya ilmiah mahasiswa FTK UIN Mataram; (2) mendeskripsikan hambatandan solusi penggunaan bahasa Indonesia dalam penulisan karya ilmiah dikalangan Mahasiswa FTK UIN Mataram. Penelitian ini menggunakanpendekatan kualitatif deskriptif yang didukung dengan data verbal tulisan.Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian menggunakan dokumentasi danwawancara. Dokumentasi diambil dari karya ilmiah mahasiswa semesterV Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwakesalahan penggunaan bahasa Indonesia mahasiswa FTK UIN Mataram meliputi kesalahan penulisan huruf 35%, kesalahan penulisan tanda baca45%, kesalahan dalam pemilihan kata 25%, dan kesalahan dalam penyusunankalimat 20%. Adapun hambatan dalam penggunaan bahasa Indonesia dalamkarya ilmiah mahasiswa FTK UIN Mataram adalah hambatan kebahasaandan hambatan non-kebahasaan. Hambatan kebahasaan berupa kurangmenguasai kaidah bahasa Indonesia dengan benar, dan hambatan nonkebahasaanmeliputi kurangnya latihan dan pembiasaan, pengontrolanterhadap hasil menulis karya ilmiah bagi mahasiswa FTK UIN Mataram.Adapun solusi yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan pembiasaan penggunaanbahasa Indonesia berdasarkan kaidah kebahasaan, pembinaan oleh dosenmelalui pendampingan penulisan karya tulis ilmiah.

Nur Fadilah

One of factors in the decline of student ability is due to the lack of teacher creativity in the teaching and learning process, especially in Bahasa Indonesia subjects that contain text material so it tends to be boring if it only delivered through lectures. The method (field research) with a descriptive qualitative approach was used in this study, because the researcher went directly to the research location. Researchers use interviews, observations, etc. in data collection. This research shows that when the teacher uses the language game technique to complete the story of the students, the teacher is finally able to improve the ability of the second grade students of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Nurul Islam Uranggantung, even by using the language game technique to complete the story, students are able to win the poetry reading contest at the district level.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 22-38
Selfiana Selfiana

Abstrak: Kompetensi Minimal Profesi Sekretaris Direksi di Sepuluh Perusahaan Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan pemetaan terhadap kompetensi minimal yang harus dimiliki oleh seorang sekretaris direksi agar memiiki kemampuan yang tinggi guna penyelesaian tugas dan tanggungjawabnya dengan baik. Diharapkan juga agar penelitian ini dapat menjadi rujukan bagi calon sekretaris direksi dalam mempersiapkan dengan tepat dalam membangun kompetensi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan profesi tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi utama yang harus dimiliki sekretaris direksi adalah pribadi yang dapat dipercaya, memiliki perhatian pada pekerjaannya, memiliki pengetahuan berbahasa asing, memiliki keahlian menggunakan bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa asing, memiliki ketrampilan berkomunikasi serta memiliki pengalaman kerja di bidang perkantoran dan tata usaha kantor. Kata kunci: Kompetensi, Sekretaris. Abstract: Minimum Competence Secretary of Director in Ten Indonesian Companies. The purpose of this study is to map the minimum competencies that must be owned by a director's secretary so that they have a high ability to properly complete their duties and responsibilities. It is also hoped that this research can be a reference for prospective secretaries of directors in preparing properly in developing competencies that are in accordance with the needs of the profession. This research use desciptive qualitative approach. The results showed that the main competencies that the directors' secretaries must possess are individuals who can be trusted, have attention to their work, have foreign language knowledge, have expertise in using Indonesian and foreign languages, have communication skills and have work experience in office and office administration. Keyword: Competence, Secretary.

Achmad Sultoni

<p><strong>Bahasa Indonesia:</strong></p><p>Akhir-akhir ini muncul beragam persoalan moral dan karakter pada remaja dan pelajar di Indonesia. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan meminta sekolah-sekolah menerapkan Kurikulum 2013. Salah satu ciri kurikulum ini adalah adanya kompetensi sikap religius yang harus dicapai melalui seluruh bidang studi. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengevaluasi penerapan Kurikulum 2013 bidang studi Biologi dalam mengembangkan kompetensi sikap religius siswa MAN 3 Malang. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif model penelitian lapangan yang bersifat deskriptif diperoleh sejumlah temuan: pertama, pengembangan sikap religius dilakukan melalui penulisan rumusan tujuan pembelajaran dan penyampaian salam serta berdo’a di awal pembelajaran; kedua, pelaksanaan pengembangan sikap religius dilakukan dengan cara menyampaikan salam dan do’a di awal pembelajaran, menghubungkan materi pembelajaran dengan ajaran Islam, menyampaikan salam dan berdo’a <em>kafaratul majlis </em>di akhir pembelajaran, dan menegur siswa yang dianggap melanggar aturan Islam; ketiga<em>, </em>hambatan pengembangan sikap religius berupa tidak tersedianya contoh atau panduan penilaian kompetensi sikap religius.</p><p> </p><p><strong>English:</strong></p><p>Recently many kinds of youth and students’ moral-character issues becomes a concern in Indonesia. To cope with these problems, Ministry of Education and Culture called for the implementation of <em>Kurikulum 2013 </em>(the national education curriculum). One of the curriculum characteristics is the religious competency to achieve in every school subjects including Biology. This research is aimed to evaluate implementation of <em>Kurikulum 2013</em> in developing students’ religious attitude through Biology class in MAN 3 Malang. The field research with qualitative approach and descriptive design found that: first, the development of students’ religious competency is managed by teacher by formulating religious competency objective and accustoming <em>salam</em> and praying before the class begins; second, in the process of instruction, the teacher develop religious competency in four ways: <em>salam</em> and praying at introduction, finding relationship between Biology to Islamic teaching, <em>salam</em> and praying <em>kafaratul majlis</em> in closing the class, and admonishing students breaking the rules; last, this attitude development is constrained by the absence of evaluation guide.    </p>

Pujangga ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 171
Maguna Eliastuti ◽  
Sangaji Niken Hapsari

<p>ABSTRACT <br />This study aims to determine concrete data about the etymology of suffixes foreigners in Indonesian on a<br />rubric Zoom Out in the newspaper tempo, to determine concrete data about the meaning resulting from the<br />process etymology suffixes foreign Indonesian language and to determine concrete data regarding the change<br />of speech resulting from the process etymology foreign suffixes in Indonesian.Methods used to determine the<br />etymology of suffixes foreigners in Indonesian on the rubric Zoom Out in Koran Tempo is by using<br />descriptive method with pedekatan qualitative emphasize on content analysis, qualitative approach which is<br />based on the level of morphology relating to the issue said that experienced the process affix particleform<br />Indonesian foreign suffix.After the authors analyzed the etymology of suffixes foreigners in Indonesian on the<br />rubric Zoom Out in Koran Tempo, the author can draw the conclusion that the use of words using the suffix<br />foreigners in Indonesian as many as 166 words, suffixes foreigners in Indonesian form a noun or adjective,<br />either which comes from the verb, noun or adjective. And the meaning resulting from the Indonesian foreign<br />suffixes can be either lexical or grammatical meaning. <br />Key words: etymology foreign suffixes, rubric Zoom Out, koran Tempo</p>

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